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Anatomy Of An Outbreak (Illegal Alien Spreads TB To 56 People)
Post Date: 2007-06-02 01:52:19 by Liberate Jim Traficant
April 25, 2004Anatomy Of An OutbreakNews-Press Senior Writer An ailing Santa Maria farmworker who triggered one of the worst outbreaks of tuberculosis in recent county history is cooling his heels in County Jail under a rarely used provision of the public health code, after evading treatment for nearly a year. Feliciano Morelos, a 19-year-old Mixtec Indian from Oaxaca nicknamed "El Diablo," is charged with a misdemeanor, suspicion of disobeying an isolation order from a Santa Barbara County public health officer and endangering public safety, according to court records. After allegedly escaping twice from quarantine last year, he was arrested by the Delano Police Department on ...

The looming illegal invasion disaster: Frosty Wooldridge with Roy Beck and William Gheen
Post Date: 2007-06-01 20:00:35 by Jethro Tull
Frosty interviewed two anti-immigration activists extraordinaire; Roy Beck of NumbersUSA, and William Gheen of ALIPAC. The discussion centers on the mass immigration crisis and particulary on the pending Senate Bill 1348 legislation allowing the automatic amnesty of over 20,000,000. Click on the "Play Song" button at top right to hear this broadcast, also click on the the "Songs" link top left to hear other powerful interviews just like this one Poster Comment:This is a great interview, one you might want to bookmark and listen to during the course of a slow weekend.

Immigration and the Alien Gang Epidemic:
Post Date: 2007-06-01 12:16:01 by Jethro Tull
Immigration and the Alien Gang Epidemic: Problems and Solutions Testimony of Heather Mac Donald, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and ClaimsMy name is Heather Mac Donald. I am a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, a think tank in New York City. I have analyzed illegal immigration for City Journal and the Los Angeles Times, among other publications.  I have also written a book on policing called Are Cops Racist? I appreciate the opportunity to testify today on this important topic.Sanctuary laws are a serious impediment to stemming gang violence and other crime. ...

New FBI Statistics on Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2007-05-31 21:47:58 by Jethro Tull
New FBI Statistics on Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens - CA Political News by Stephen Frank Please do EVERYONE a favor, CLICK HERE and email this page to a friend! class="page_article"> Search Home page > Illegal Immigration > New FBI Statistics on Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens New FBI Statistics on Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens Sunday 12 November 2006, by admin After reading these statistics, I could cry. We have an invasion and no one seems to care. Worse, the "McKennedy" Bill (McCain and Kennedy) would give legal status to these law breakers. If we want to control murder, ...

American Tax Payers to Fund Racist LA RAZA & (Jim Gilchrist audio)
Post Date: 2007-05-31 18:43:35 by Liberate Jim Traficant
American Tax Payers to Fund Racist LA RAZABy Jim Gilchrist Jim Comments On La Raza Lobby$5,000,000 for fiscal year 2008 and $10,000,000 for each fiscal year thereafter. Let your Congressman know where you stand on this issue. For contact info visit Congress.Org 110th CONGRESS - 1st Session H. R. 1999 To authorize appropriations for assistance for the National Council of La Raza and the Raza Development Fund. HR 1999 is working its way through Congress. The bill was introduced by Hinojosa and Renzi, currently sponsored by: Barney Frank, D, MARuben Hinojosa, D, TXEd Pastor, D, AZRick Renzi, R, AZSilvestre Reyes, D, TX Bill title: “‘To authorize appropriations for assistance for the ...

The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants in the United States [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-05-31 10:08:14 by christine
Introduction: After conducting a 12 month in-depth study of illegal immigrants who committed sex crimes and murders for the time period of January 1999 through April 2006 , it is clear that the U.S. public faces a dangerous threat from sex predators who cross the U.S. borders illegally. There were 1500 cases analyzed in depth. They included: serial rapes, serial murders, sexual homicides, and child molestation committed by illegal immigrants. Police reports, public records, interviews with police, and media accounts were all included. Offenders were located in 36 states, but it is clear, that the most of the offenders were located in states with the highest numbers of illegal immigrants. ...

Immigration 'Compromise' Sells Out Our Sovereignty
Post Date: 2007-05-31 06:46:04 by Ada
The much-vaunted Senate “compromise” on immigration is a compromise alright: a compromise of our laws, a compromise of our sovereignty, and a compromise of the Second Amendment. That anyone in Washington believes this is a credible approach to solving our immigration crisis suggests just how out of touch our political elites really are. The reality is that this bill will grant amnesty to virtually all of the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in the country today. Supporters use very creative language to try and convince us that amnesty is not really amnesty, but when individuals who have entered the United States illegally are granted citizenship – regardless of the fees they ...

GOP Plots Blue-Slip Attack On Immigration Bill
Post Date: 2007-05-30 14:05:19 by Brian S
May 30, 2007 House conservatives are ready to stop the Senate immigration bill in its tracks with a potent procedural weapon should the contentious measure win passage in the upper chamber. The trump card conservatives may hold is a constitutional rule that revenue-related bills must originate in the House. The Senate immigration measure requires that illegal immigrants pay back taxes before becoming citizens, opening the door to a House protest, dubbed a “blue slip” for the color of its paper. House Republicans used the same back-taxes mandate for a blue-slip threat that derailed last year’s immigration conference. The new Senate bill still must survive two more weeks of ...

Bush Takes On Opponents of Immigration Deal
Post Date: 2007-05-30 13:55:28 by Phant2000
GLYNCO, Ga., May 29 — President Bush today accused opponents of his proposed immigration measure of fear-mongering to defeat it in Congress, and took on his own conservative political base as he did so. “If you want to scare the American people, what you say is the bill’s an amnesty bill,” Mr. Bush said this afternoon at a training center for border enforcement agents located in this town in Georgia’s southeastern corner. “That’s empty political rhetoric, trying to frighten our citizens.” The president used some of his toughest language yet as he began an effort to build support for the bill in the Senate. The measure hews closely to his long-sought ...

Immigration Law Foes Scare Americans: Bush
Post Date: 2007-05-29 19:22:07 by Brian S
US President George W. Bush said Tuesday that opponents of a landmark law to normalize the status of 12 million illegal immigrants were trying to stir up fear among Americans. In an energetic defense of the proposed law soon to be debated in the Senate, Bush rejected critics who are calling the legislation an amnesty for illegal immigrants, and said kicking them out of the country is "simply unrealistic." "If you want to scare the American people, what you say is, 'The bill's an amnesty bill.' "It's not an amnesty bill. That's empty political rhetoric trying to frighten our fellow citizens," Bush said in southern Georgia at a training center ...

Bush lashes out at critics of immigration bill
Post Date: 2007-05-29 19:03:36 by Zipporah
A week ago, I had an item suggesting the president doesn’t really care about the immigration deal he struck with congressional leaders. If he did care, he’d do what he did when touting his war policy and his plan to privatize Social Security: give enthusiastic speeches, use his Bully Pulpit, lash out at critics, etc. To be fair, I should note, by way of follow-up, that the president appears to be taking the immigration proposal far more seriously this week. Indeed, Bush is doing what comes naturally — questioning the motives and patriotism of those who dare to disagree with him. President Bush attacked opponents of an immigration deal Tuesday, suggesting they “don’t ...

Treachery Against American Civilization
Post Date: 2007-05-29 10:24:14 by robin
Treachery Against American Civilization By Frosty Wooldridge 5-28-7 Senate Bill 1348, giving mass amnesty to 20 million illegal aliens, proves a treacherous and outrageous act against our civilization by Congress and President Bush. "Every aspect of the current immigration bill, and of the arguments made for it, has fraud written all over it," said Dr. Thomas Sowell, African-American professor at Stanford University and writer for the San Gabriel Valley Tribune. "What can we do with 12 million people already here illegally?" Sowell asked. "We can stop them from becoming 50 million, the way three million became 12 million from the previous amnesty in 1986." ...

Review Of The 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act'
Post Date: 2007-05-29 10:22:59 by robin
Review Of The 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act' From Ted Twietmeyer 5-28-7 After a simple review, one can easily see that this Bill is more like an illegal alien's bill of rights than 'immigration reform.' If you are a US citizen, do you have all the rights and benefits in this bill, too?First, I was determined to see if the rumor was true that DHS will be approving everyone to have or keep a job, both citizen and non- citizen alike in the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006. [1] To my surprise this approval only applies to aliens and foreign workers desiring to work in the United States or to stay here.However - there are more surprises buried deep within ...

Video - Boos for Miss USA After Fall During Miss Universe Competition in Mexico City
Post Date: 2007-05-29 07:31:40 by Jethro Tull
Miss USA Booed in Mexico City Poster Comment: I know nothing of these pagents, but I do know racial and national hatred directed at Americans. And remember this audience was no doubt of the higest class Mexico City has to offer. Once they become the majority, look out.

Post Date: 2007-05-27 15:47:10 by Zipporah
May 25, 2007 -- TO UNDERSTAND why the Senate immigration bill won't survive in its current form, look no further than what the presidential candidates in both parties have said about it. Almost every one of them is opposed to it. Democrats Barack Obama and John Edwards, reflective of the left, say it's too harsh. Mitt Romney and most Republicans, aware of outrage on the right, say it's too lenient and amounts to "amnesty." Some of the most encouraging reviews come from Hillary Rodham Clinton and Rudy Giuliani. Keenly aware of how politically explosive immigration is for the base of both of their parties, they are running from the issue. Clinton went as far as ...

Attention Immigrants: Thanks for Your Hard Work. Now Leave.
Post Date: 2007-05-27 08:27:04 by Zipporah
Attention Immigrants: Thanks for Your Hard Work. Now Leave. What could be better for business than a workforce that toils for next to nothing, drives down wages for everyone else, can't protest or unionize, then goes away when you're done with them? Your guide to the guest worker program. James Ridgeway May 25 , 2007 Key to the Bush administration's approach to immigration reform is the controversial guest worker program, which preserves the flow of cheap, low-skilled labor to American businesses while limiting the potential costs to employers and taxpayers. Under the program, there will be no children to educate (since guest workers won't be ...

Tamar Jacoby: The little-known (neocon) driving force pushing for illegal alien amnesty
Post Date: 2007-05-26 21:06:00 by BTP Holdings
Tamar Jacoby: The little-known driving force pushing for illegal alien amnesty By Michael Collins Piper May 28, 2007 | American Free Press Americans need to know precisely who is playing a critical part in shaping their nation’s policies and that’s why Americans need to know Tamar Jacoby. You may have never heard of her, but she’s influential in manipulating current attitudes and policies on the question of immigration. Historically and traditionally, most Americans (especially self-styled “conservatives” who have long and rightly been critics of the immigration invasion) would be surprised to learn that an influential so-called “conservative ...

Immigration judges lack apt backgrounds (growing number of the jurists have little or no experience in that area of law)
Post Date: 2007-05-26 14:39:24 by Zipporah
Immigration judges lack apt backgrounds A growing number of the jurists have little or no experience in that area of law. Some have strong Republican resumes. By Richard B. Schmitt Times Staff Writer May 26, 2007 WASHINGTON — Over the last two years, U.S. Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales has appointed more than two dozen individuals as federal immigration judges. The new jurists include a former treasurer of the Louisiana Republican Party, who was a legal advisor to the Bush Florida recount team after the 2000 presidential election. There is also a former GOP congressional aide who had tracked voter fraud issues for the Justice Department, and a Texan ...

Steel-plated motel offers refuge in Mexico drug war
Post Date: 2007-05-26 12:03:43 by Horse
MONTERREY, Mexico (Reuters) - A motel in northern Mexico is putting steel doors on its rooms to protect guests from kidnappings and shootings in an escalating war between rival drug cartels. Owners of the Rancho El Trueno, or Thunder Ranch, began fortifying the highway motel near Monterrey a year ago but have decided to shield all 35 rooms as drug killings have worsened in the area in recent months. Complete with hot tubs, red imitation-leather beds, mirrored walls and striptease poles, the rooms are shuttered behind steel gates about 1.5 inches thick and some already have steel doors. "We want people to have fun and be able to feel safe. Lovers come, big groups come, we are full on ...

The Next Added 100 Million - Part 34
Post Date: 2007-05-25 21:10:14 by robin
The Next Added 100 Million Americans - Part 34 Solutions To Our Dilemma By Frosty Wooldridge 5-24-7 Where do we start? What on earth can anyone do to change the grave results of adding 100 million people to the United States by 2040? If the current S.B. 1348 passes on mass amnesty for illegal alien migrants, Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation states that America will add as many as 103 million by 2027. What about the fact that the rest of humanity expects another three billion added by 2050? Why won't our leaders speak up about an issue so dire that it affects every American today and in the future? Why wouldn't anyone question adding 100 million people to the US ...

Minuteman's time may be up, monitor says
Post Date: 2007-05-25 13:16:35 by Jethro Tull
Minuteman's time may be up, monitor says Friday, May 25th 2007, 4:00 AM The anti-immigrant Minuteman Civil Defense Corps is "imploding" over allegations that money raised to build an elaborate border fence has done a vanishing act, a hate-group monitor said yesterday. The ruckus began when several MCDC leaders were fired after trying to confront President Chris Simcox about the whereabouts of as much as $1.8 million raised to build the fence and provide radios and night-vision scopes for border vigilantes. "By now you have probably heard rumors ... about a massive purge of your National and State Leaders. These rumors are true," ousted Deputy ...

Immigration Bill Provisions Gain Wide Support in Poll
Post Date: 2007-05-25 09:41:53 by Jethro Tull
As opponents from the right and left challenge an immigration bill before Congress, there is broad support among Americans — Democrats, Republicans and independents alike — for the major provisions in the legislation, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.-Snip Poster Comment:This is a great example of advocacy journalism, and one of the main reasons Reid, et al, delayed the vote on the bill in the Senate. They initially met some resistance, but over the course of the next month expect lots and lots of pro-illegal articles like this. The dopey sheeple....it's soooooooo over.

Jewish Extremists Target Professor Kevin MacDonald
Post Date: 2007-05-25 09:18:38 by Jethro Tull
Jewish Extremists Target Professor Kevin MacDonald The SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) has launched a full scale attack on Professor Kevin MacDonald. Here is an excellent letter from a Jewish professor about the attacks on Prof. MacDonald: As a Jewish professor who has read Prof. Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy (a work of immense and impeccable scholarship), I must say that he is right. In fact, he quotes many prominent Jewish leaders that say exactly what he says. Somehow, if a Gentile professor simply quotes Jewish leaders he becomes an “anti-Semite,” if that is true then what are the leaders themselves? I read with interest his work on the Jewish leadership in the long ...

Mexican Amnesty Activists' Have A Direct Line to OUR Senators!
Post Date: 2007-05-24 13:38:17 by mirage
For those of you having difficulty getting thru to your senator, here is the 800 # paid for by the Mexican Amnesty Activists: 800-882-2005 This will get you directly to your senator unlike the #'s available to the US Citizen. Press 1 when you hear a Spanish message, then Press 1 again to be transferred to your senior senator's office OR Press 2 when you hear a Spanish message, and you'll be transferred to your junior senator's office. You get through immediately and the call is paid for by the enemy!

Senate reaches accord on guest worker program
Post Date: 2007-05-23 23:41:46 by robin
Senate reaches accord on guest worker program Key change halves program to allow foreign workers into the country. By Nicole Gaouette Times Staff Writer 6:20 PM PDT, May 23, 2007 The Senate, changing a key part of the immigration bill, voted today to cut in half a proposed program to allow foreign workers into the country. The vote was the first of several as Republicans try to stiffen the bill's provisions for legal and illegal immigrants and Democrats target a key Republican element of the bill that limits family-based immigration. The bill, engineered by a small bipartisan group, hinges on a bargain that gives Democrats a provision that would legalize illegal immigrants who ...

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