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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Immigration bill to include path to legalization
Post Date: 2007-03-22 12:36:17 by Red Jones
Immigration bill to include path to legalization By Dena Bunis The Orange County Register (MCT) WASHINGTON - A bipartisan immigration bill set to be introduced in the House later this week includes a path to legalization for undocumented immigrants but would also require these residents to leave the United States and return legally before being eligible to change their status. A draft summary of the bill, obtained late Tuesday by the Orange County Register, includes most of the basic elements in the comprehensive immigration bill that passed the Senate. But what will make or break this legislation will be the details. The measure is to be introduced Thursday by Reps. Luis Guitierrez, ...

EU-style union coming to a continent near you, 'Working groups led by DHS should now [be] driven by a single agenda: the SPP'
Post Date: 2007-03-21 11:35:19 by christine
A memo signed by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff implements a controversial program condemned by critics as a precursor to a European Union-style partnership with Mexico and Canada. The document shows the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or SPP, is being directed at the highest level of the Bush administration, says the public interest group Judicial Watch, which obtained it and other documents through a Freedom of Information Act request. The Sept. 22, 2005, memo describes the agencies within the Department of Homeland Security responsible for executing the security agenda of the SPP. Titled "Implementation Memorandum for the (SPP)," the ...

G.O.P. Candidates Confront Immigration Politics
Post Date: 2007-03-20 11:25:02 by Horse
DES MOINES, March 17 — Immigration, an issue that has divided Republicans in Washington, is reverberating across the party’s presidential campaign field, causing particular complications for Senator John McCain of Arizona. The topic came up repeatedly in recent campaign swings through Iowa by Mr. McCain and Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, another Republican who, like Mr. McCain, supports giving some illegal immigrants a path to citizenship, a position that puts them at odds with many other conservatives. Both candidates faced intensive questioning from voters on the issue, which has become more prominent in the state as immigrants are playing a larger and increasingly visible ...

Utrecht: Ethnic Riots after Dutchman is Killed by Police
Post Date: 2007-03-20 01:15:37 by Tauzero
Utrecht: Ethnic Riots after Dutchman is Killed by Police From the desk of Paul Belien on Wed, 2007-03-14 12:31 Ondiep, a working class neighbourhood in the Dutch town of Utrecht, is in turmoil. After the death last Sunday of Rinie Mulder, a 54-year old indigenous Dutchman who was shot by a police officer, non-immigrant citizens went on a rampage, burning cars, looting shops and arsoning a community centre in “inverted Paris style riots.” According to our sources the police officer who killed Mulder is a woman of Moroccan origin. The Ondiep residents have been complaining for months about harassment and intimidation by immigrant youths of Moroccan origin. The Dutch mainstream ...

PRESIDENTE BUSH - "And as the president of your grand country(Mexico), I know you're deeply concerned about how your citizens are treated within our country."
Post Date: 2007-03-19 03:34:30 by Uncle Bill
Presidente Bush Worldnetdaily By Joseph Farah March 19, 2007 Does Bush think he is president of Mexico? Is Bush the president of Mexico? Apparently he believes he is. Last week he made his case to the Mexican people for what he euphemistically calls "comprehensive immigration reform" in the U.S. He pledged to do more for the Mexican people. Huh? Is that what Americans elected Bush to do? More for the Mexican people? What about his own country? What about his own people? And does Bush believe emptying out more than 10 percent of the Mexican population into the U.S. is somehow a service to the country and people of Mexico? Because that's what his open-border policies ...

ADL To Start Focusing On Fighting Anti-Immigrant Bias
Post Date: 2007-03-18 16:40:10 by Brian S
BOSTON - The Anti-Defamation League of New England, which is primarily known for combating anti-Semitism, plans to put significant focus on the fight against what is says is rising hostility against immigrants. Leaders of the ADL said they are alarmed at the animus toward immigrants that is surfacing as the country debates how to secure its borders. ”We fight against bigotry in all forms,” Andrew Tarsy, regional director of the ADL of New England, told The Boston Globe. ”It has become clear both in the extremist world and even in the mainstream that the conversation about immigrants is laced with bigotry.” The ADL effort will include directly reaching out to ...

Gang mayhem grips LA
Post Date: 2007-03-18 14:40:36 by mirage
A bloody conflict between Hispanic and black gangs is spreading across Los Angeles. Hundreds are dying as whole districts face the threat of ethnic cleansing. Paul Harris reports from the epicentre of America's new urban warfare Sunday March 18, 2007 The Observer Father Greg Boyle keeps a grim count of the young gang members he has buried. Number 151 was Jonathan Hurtado, 18 - fresh out of jail. Now the kindly, bearded Jesuit mourns him. 'The day he got out I found him a job. He never missed a day. He was doing really well,' Boyle says. But Hurtado made a mistake: he went back to his old neighbourhood in east Los Angeles. While sitting in a park, Hurtado was approached by a ...

The Anti-Immigrantion Agenda Veers Hard Right, Tancredo's Putsch
Post Date: 2007-03-17 05:22:01 by Zoroaster
March 16, 2007 The Anti-Immigrant Agenda Veers Hard Right Tancredo's Putsch By TOM BARRY Republicans, like most Democrats, would prefer to keep immigration issues out of presidential politics. But restrictionist Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) has other plans. Having announced in January the creation of a presidential campaign exploratory committee, Tancredo hopes to make immigration policy a major campaign issue of the presidential race. Tancredo, who founded the House Immigration Reform Caucus, says that immigration "is the issue that propels me." It's a multifaceted issue, he notes: "It touches our educational system, our medical system, our national security, our ...

Bush: Indentured servants welcome
Post Date: 2007-03-16 10:49:04 by christine
So George W. Bush has come back from his trip to Latin America with a newfound determination to open up the U.S.-Mexican border. Oops, I mean, he wants "comprehensive immigration reform." One big hint about his intentions came clear Tuesday afternoon in M–rida, Mexico, when the American president began his joint remarks alongside Mexican President Felipe Calder–n by telling his counterpart, "Perhaps the biggest single issue concerning your country is the issue of migration." Note that last word. The more precise term to describe Mexicans leaving Mexico is "emigration," but instead Bush chose the politically correct "migration." The ...

Outed CIA officer to tell her story to Congress [C-Span Babe Watch Alert] [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-03-16 07:54:24 by a vast rightwing conspirator
WASHINGTON -- Valerie Plame's life changed the day her name appeared in a newspaper column, her job as a CIA officer exposed in black and white. THE COUPLE IN QUESTION: Former CIA officer Valerie Plame and her husband, Joseph Wilson, say her CIA job was revealed to retaliate for Wilson's public criticism of the administration. - HARAZ N. GHANBARI / Associated Press She goes before a House committee today as both a shadowy figure and a celebrity, with lucrative book and movie deals in the works, a magazine cover in her past and her unceremonious unmasking four years ago the subject of persistent intrigue.Now she is lifting the veil by her own hand, and to maximum ...

GRE Cheating and Immigration
Post Date: 2007-03-15 00:43:17 by robin
GRE Cheating and Immigration [Randall Burns] @ 3:58 pm [Email author] [Email This Article] [Print This Article] In the March 10 Tapei Times Max Hirsch writes: Rampant cheating by tech-savvy students in East Asia, including those from Taiwan, has forced the Educational Testing Service (ETS), the US-based testing organization with an annual budget of nearly US$1 billion, to promulgate a new, “cheat-resistant” version of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) worldwide, testing officials said yesterday. The GRE is a standardized test that most US graduate schools require prospective students to take. Now the big potential reward for foreigners taking the American-based GRE is ...

Bush to Congress: Immigration reform is key to better relations with Latin America
Post Date: 2007-03-14 19:12:34 by Brian S
MERIDA, Mexico – President Bush, seeking to rebuild ties with Mexico, pledged Wednesday to intensify efforts to overhaul U.S. immigration laws and crack down on illegal drug trafficking. Bush said that he senses there has been a change of attitudes in Congress about updating immigration laws, from skepticism last year to recognition now that changes are in U.S. interests. “I will work with Congress, members of both political parties, to pass immigration law that will enable us to respect the rule of law – and at the same time, respect humanity,” Bush said in a news conference with Mexican President Felipe Calderón. Bush, facing a huge fight within his own ...

Greenspan: Let more skilled immigrants in
Post Date: 2007-03-14 17:37:48 by Tauzero
Greenspan: Let more skilled immigrants in By Bloomberg News | March 14, 2007 WASHINGTON -- Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said allowing more skilled immigrants to work in the United States would help keep the income gap from widening. Inequality of incomes is the "critical area where capitalist systems are most vulnerable," Greenspan said yesterday in Washington at a conference on maintaining the competitiveness of US capital markets convened by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. "You cannot have a system that we have unless the people who participate in it believe it is just." Allowing more skilled workers into the country would bring down the ...

What Can We Learn from the Mexicans?
Post Date: 2007-03-14 01:19:52 by Tauzero
What Can We Learn from the Mexicans? In his essay "America Vs Mexico: Clashing Civilizations", Frosty Woodbridge [sic], a columnist with a generally good head on his shoulders, puts forward ten points which he claims demonstrates that "everything about Mexico degrades everything about America." While I am sympathetic with Frosty's view that Mexicans do not make good Americans, and certainly not in the numbers which are now washing across the border like wastewater from a gigantic broken sewer line, I think he is seriously mistaken in the flaws he assigns to our Little Brown Neighbors. The following is list of Frosty's ten points, numbered here for convenient ...

Illegal Alien 'Colonias' Shantytowns Spreading Diseases, Death
Post Date: 2007-03-13 22:47:23 by robin
Hello Jeff -- Frosty Wooldridge was the first to write about the horrors of 'colonias' years ago. I did locate one other article published in May of 2005 that described these despicable shanty towns set up by illegals living in disease and squalor. Why aren't local governments doing something? ANYTHING? I am sure these shanty 'colonias' are totally illegal in terms of zoning laws and should be torn down as a matter of public health immediately. Maybe public health laws only pertain to US citizens who can be cited, fined and even whisked away without explanation at a moment's notice by the Public Health authority? Excerpt from the article: "A 'hot-zone' ...

Cubans sneak ashore during U.S. security drill
Post Date: 2007-03-12 23:34:39 by rack42
MIAMI (Reuters) - While hundreds of U.S. law enforcement agents intercepted imaginary Cuban migrants during a massive training exercise in south Florida, two boatloads of actual Cubans sneaked ashore on Miami Beach on Thursday. Boaters dropped off 21 Cuban migrants at a popular nudist beach and left 19 others on another beach a few hours later, the Border Patrol said. Both vessels escaped. "It's our belief that they were the result of organized smuggling," Border Patrol spokesman Steve McDonald said. The Cubans arrived on day two of a training exercise to test "Operation Vigilant Sentry," the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's plan to halt a possible mass ...

Gang crackdown raises touchy issue
Post Date: 2007-03-10 17:41:08 by Horse
Questioning suspects' immigration status has been taboo for L.A. police. But the results of jail screenings revive calls to relax that policy. A spot check by federal agents has identified 59 street gang members in Southern California jails who are illegal immigrants subject to deportation, sparking a debate about the role of border enforcement in the region's battle against violent gangs. The initial identification of deportable gang members came during a first-of-its-kind screening of a portion of jail inmates last month. The review will continue, and officials expect during the first year to identify 700 to 800 gang members who are illegal immigrants, according to Jim Hayes, ...

Video : Savage urban beast attacks 101 year old woman
Post Date: 2007-03-10 09:21:24 by Jethro Tull
New York, New York, what a wonderful town. Not. Poster Comment:I placed this vid under immigration because NYC has become a cesspool of diversity thanks to the leftist politicos that welcome 3rd world scum and then tell us to celebrate the mess they made.

Kevin McDonald Video on Jewish Influence Behind Immigration
Post Date: 2007-03-08 21:35:01 by Liberate Jim Traficant
Professor MacDonald Discusses the Illegal Immigration Crisis Renowned group evolutionary psychologist and immigration researcher, Dr. Kevin MacDonald, discusses the history of U.S. immigration policy and the effect that Jewish organizations have had on influencing our immigration laws over the past hundred years. Kevin also examines the negative impact that massive immigration is having on Euro-American group interests. This sobering presentation was compiled from video clips originally featured on Byron Jost’s powerful 1 hr 41 min documentary, The Line In The Sand, and has been abbreviated down to a 30 minute segment for easier viewing and to highlight Kevin's contribution. ...

Latinos land 2 in 3 U.S. construction jobs
Post Date: 2007-03-08 12:48:20 by Horse
Latinos land 2 in 3 U.S. construction jobs WASHINGTON, March 7 (UPI) -- Latinos make up 13.6 percent of the U.S. employment population, but accounted for 36.7 percent of the 2006 U.S. employment growth, a study showed Wednesday. Most of the jobs Hispanic workers landed were in the construction industry, the Pew Hispanic Center said. In fact, two out of every three new U.S. constriction jobs went to Hispanic workers, the center said. Hispanic employment increased by almost 1 million from 2005 to 2006, with foreign-born Latinos who arrived since 2000 responsible for about 24 percent of the total U.S. employment increase. Undocumented immigrants accounted for about two-thirds of the ...

Post Date: 2007-03-07 21:52:47 by tzf90
“HARSH” YOU SAY ?? William Fisher wrote: HARSH YOU SAY?? There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections, all government business will be conducted in our language. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here. Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT options will be ...

Calderon reveals Mexico's new immigration reforms
Post Date: 2007-03-03 14:32:37 by innieway
HUMAN TRAFFIC: The US has urged Mexico to do more to stop the Central and South Americans who hop freight trains north and sneak across its border AP, TULTITLAN, MEXICO Friday, Mar 02, 2007 Mexican President Felipe Calderon hopes to show visiting US President George W. Bush that he can accomplish the sweeping immigration reform Washington has failed to adopt -- not just cracking down on the southern border but also creating a guest-worker program and improving conditions for illegal Central American migrants. Proving that controlled, regulated migration is possible is the immediate political goal of Calderon, who is unveiling the ambitious reforms shortly before Bush's March 13 to ...

America Vs Mexico: Clashing Civilizations
Post Date: 2007-03-02 00:50:15 by robin
Anyone understand why Mexicans fail miserably at creating a successful civilization? Ever wonder why millions of them invade the United States in search of a better life? Have you noticed that once they arrive, they create the same kind of 'society' in the United States? Unconsciously, they create the same conditions they left behind. You can take the boy out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the boy. For example, in Denver in December, illegal alien Navi dragged his girlfriend to death behind his car. Illegal alien Cruz shot his girlfriend dead in the back because she wouldn't reconcile with him. Illegal alien Ruizz ran over and killed Justin Goodman, but ...

Convicts replace immigrants on Colorado farms
Post Date: 2007-03-01 16:03:32 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Convicts replace immigrants on Colorado farms Dan Glaister in Los AngelesThursday March 1, 2007Guardian Unlimited Immigrant farm workers harvest broccoli on a farm near the border of Colorado and Arizona. Photograph: David McNew/Getty ImagesA decline in the number of immigrant labourers willing to work in Colorado following the introduction of stringent new laws has led authorities to explore an untapped labour pool: prison inmates.Under a pilot programme to be launched in the early summer in Colorado's Pueblo county, farmers hope to pay inmates 60c a day to gather the watermelons, pumpkins and onions grown on the region's farmland.But the plan has stirred up controversy on ...

Illegal Immigrants and the Housing Bubble
Post Date: 2007-03-01 11:36:34 by bluedogtxn
by Mark Thornton DIGG THIS If you watch Lou Dobbs’s show you would think that illegal immigration is the biggest problem facing America today – worse than government inflation and the Fed, standing armies, the military-industrial complex and Operation Iraqi Freedom, and government spying and suppression of our rights all combined. Immigration, illegal or otherwise, is not the problem per se. We are, after all, a nation of immigrants, and mostly of the poverty-stricken sort. Dobbs is the son of a failed Texas propane salesman, and was himself a former welfare worker and ambulance-chasing news reporter so it is a little surprising that he would not have more sympathy for these ...

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