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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Full Steam Ahead For "The Invasion" & The American Union
Post Date: 2007-01-09 06:28:02 by Kamala
Full Steam Ahead For "The Invasion" & The American Union Government funded drug running cartels, secret illegal social security programs and Pesos for Pizzas. What happened to the United States of America? Steve Watson & Alex Jones http://Infowars.net Monday, January 8, 2007 Recent disturbing incidents on the US/Mexico border, coupled with mainstream news reports concerning government aiding of illegal immigration serves to once again remind US citizens that the sovereign borders are systematically being broken down and the country is being quietly amalgamated into a Pan American Union. Last week it was reported that a U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site ...

Pizza Patron franchize to accept the PESO
Post Date: 2007-01-08 18:25:49 by Jethro Tull
Pizza Patron a pizza franchise company that started in the Pleasant Grove Section of Dallas Texas today (1-7-2007) announced that they would start accepting PESO's for payment in their Texas stores. If you would like to pass on your thoughts to this company: Call Us Tel 972-613-8000 Fax us Fax 972-613-8014 Write Us Pizza Patrón Inc. 10999 Petal Street Suite 200 Dallas, TX 75238 You can also email them directrly from their webpage http://www.pizzapatron.com Poster Comment:To my fellow nationalists (anarchist and open border freaks need not respond) feel free to call or write Pizza Patron and remind them they do business in America.

Illegal Immigrants Re-arrested Up To 6 Times
Post Date: 2007-01-08 12:48:11 by Horse
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Illegal immigrants who were caught but released in the United States may have been re-arrested as many as six times, Justice Department data released Monday indicates. The findings by Justice Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine are based on a sampling of 100 illegal immigrants arrested by local and state authorities in 2004, the latest complete data available. They show that 73 of the 100 immigrants were arrested, collectively, 429 times - ranging from traffic tickets to weapons and drug charges. Fine's office said its audit could not conclude precisely how many of the 262,105 illegal immigrants charged with criminal histories that year had been re-arrested. ...

Post Date: 2007-01-08 10:54:08 by christine
Knowledge is POWER. This Website is dedicated to educating 'We the People' about the treasonous attempts to end the expressed freedoms of our Constitution and Bill of Rights in order to create the NAU. The illegal alien crises is a mechanism for achieving the globalists' NAU goal by creating a de facto erasure of the border. Both subjects are discussed in depth here in many well researched and documented articles. Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:The MSM claims there are currently 12 million illegals in the country. It's a lie. The actual number is 30 million plus. This is an outrageously treasonous plan by this government. This is a good website to email to help to ...

Democratic and Republican Leaders Predict Immigration Law This Session
Post Date: 2007-01-07 18:29:05 by Brian S
WASHINGTON - Democratic and Republican leaders predicted on Sunday the U.S. Congress would pass an immigration law this session after scuttling President George W. Bush's plan last year. Democratic leaders also said they were looking at ways to provide middle class tax relief, with one hinting of possibly ending some tax breaks for the wealthy. House of Representatives Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland said on "Fox News Sunday" that immigration was one of the topics discussed when congressional leaders were invited to the White House last week to meet with Bush. "He (Bush) smiled and he said, 'You know, I think I'm going to have a lot easier time ...

Frosty Wooldridge Radio Interview By Mark Dankof!
Post Date: 2007-01-05 10:56:29 by Liberate Jim Traficant
Another cautionary interview on the danger of unchecked immigration from Frosty Wooldridge, this interview is sure to make your hair stand up on your heads! Frosty Wooldridge On The Radio With Mark Dankof!(right click - “open in new window” if this link is slow to open)Frosty Wooldridge -- The 21st Century Paul Revere Ride Summer 2006

Guardsmen overrun at the Border
Post Date: 2007-01-04 22:35:39 by DeaconBenjamin
National Guard unit stormed while patroling the border A U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was overrun Wednesday night along Arizona's border with Mexico. According to the Border Patrol, an unknown number of gunmen attacked the site in the state's West Desert Region around 11 p.m. The site is manned by National Guardsmen. Those guardsmen were forced to retreat. The Border Patrol will not say whether shots were fired. However, no Guardsmen were injured in the incident. The Border Patrol says the incident occurred somewhere along the 120 mile section of the border between Nogales and Lukeville. The area is known as a drug corridor. Last year, 124-thousand pounds of ...

Gov. Schwarzenegger to seek insurance for all children - Illegal immigrants would be covered in his plan to overhaul the state healthcare system
Post Date: 2007-01-04 13:27:36 by Jethro Tull
Gov. to seek insurance for all children Illegal immigrants would be covered in his plan to overhaul the state healthcare system. By Jordan Rau, Times Staff Writer 9:35 AM PST, January 4, 2007 SACRAMENTO 52; Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will propose that all Californian children, including those in the state illegally, be guaranteed medical insurance as part of the healthcare overhaul he intends to unveil next week, according to officials familiar with the plan. If enacted by the Legislature, his proposal would affect about 763,000 children who now lack insurance. Although the administration has not revealed details of how it would pay for such a program, officials estimate ...

BNP ballerina defies rising clamour to sack her
Post Date: 2007-01-03 19:01:15 by Tauzero
BNP ballerina defies rising clamour to sack her · I know I'm right, dancer named by Guardian says · English National Ballet faces calls for dismissal Hugh Muir Monday January 1, 2007 The Guardian Officials from the English National Ballet faced calls to sack one of their leading dancers yesterday after Simone Clarke defied criticism and gave a detailed interview defending her support for the British National party. Two weeks after she was named by the Guardian as a card-carrying member of the far right group, the ballerina hit out at her critics, voicing her belief that the BNP seemed to be the only party "willing to take a stand" against immigration. She ...

Sat Nav for Mexicans illegally entering US
Post Date: 2007-01-03 18:33:39 by Tauzero
Sat Nav for Mexicans illegally entering US By Justin Stares in Monterrey, Sunday Telegraph Last Updated: 11:45pm GMT 30/12/2006 Illegal immigrants planning to cross the desert and enter the US on foot are to be given hand-held satellite devices by the Mexican authorities to ensure they arrive safely. Those who get lost or fall sick during the dangerous four-day crossing will be able to activate the device, to alert frontier police on both sides of the border. The satellite tracking service will require would-be illegals to register their intentions before setting off — a paradoxical move, given that secrecy is necessary for success — but Mexican authorities are predicting that ...

Flight from gang violence proved to be futile
Post Date: 2007-01-02 17:55:19 by Tauzero
Flight from gang violence proved to be futile Residents of a mostly black Harbor Gateway area say they live in fear of a Latino gang. A girl was slain Dec. 15 in an apparent hate crime. By Sam Quinones, Times Staff Writer December 30, 2006 When Charlene Lovett moved her family to Harbor Gateway six years ago, she thought it would be a respite from the gang violence she had known in South Los Angeles. Her new neighborhood bordered Torrance, a city she associated with a more tranquil life. So she was startled when neighbors came by her apartment and cautioned her about the 204th Street gang, a Latino gang known for preying on residents of the mostly black neighborhood. They specifically ...

Increasing Inequality: NY Times’ Krugman Misses The Immigration Dimension
Post Date: 2007-01-02 06:49:06 by Kamala
VDARE.COM - http://vdare.com/rubenstein/061222_nd.htm December 22, 2006 National Data, By Edwin S. Rubenstein Increasing Inequality: NY Times’ Krugman Misses The Immigration Dimension The New York Times economist Paul Krugman [send him mail] is the latest guru to weigh in on why we’re feeling bad in a "good" economy: "The reason most Americans think the economy is fair to poor is simple: For most Americans, it really is fair to poor. Wages have failed to keep up with rising prices. Even in 2005, a year in which the economy grew quite fast, the income of most non-elderly families lagged behind inflation. The number of Americans in poverty has risen even in the ...

The Latino South - Hispanic Teenagers Join Southern Mainstream
Post Date: 2006-12-31 12:23:47 by Jethro Tull
- Snip But the increased presence of Hispanic students has not come without tension. Several Hispanic teenagers have been suspended for involvement in gang activity, school officials say. Some students still offend their Hispanic classmates with clumsy or hostile remarks. (Frankie said one student asked him, “Do Mexicans eat cats and dogs?” Another asked, “Do your parents sell drugs?” In response to such comments, some Hispanic teenagers retreat into the comfort of ethnic solidarity. Other students do the same. In the cafeteria, Hispanics, blacks and whites still sit mostly in separate groups as they huddle over trays of steak nuggets and canned peaches. And ...

The Catholic Church's War on Borders
Post Date: 2006-12-30 13:40:43 by gargantuton
The Catholic Church's War on Borders The Social Contract (Spring 1995) by David Simcox Email this article to a friend View original format The Catholic Church has developed an elaborate theology of immigration since World War II, and along with this an abundance of moral-political prescriptions it promotes to secular governments for dealing with immigration. These norms have been enunciated by the Vatican, and even more energetically by The Catholic Bishops' Conference (NCCB) here in the United States. The Church has virtually sacralized immigration, proclaiming it as a ''sacrament of unity,'' a process through which the Holy Spirit moves the world toward ...

Bishops decry 'heartless' fed feast- day raid targeting illegal immigrant
Post Date: 2006-12-30 13:18:35 by gargantuton
Bishops decry 'heartless' fed feast- day raid targeting illegal immigrants 12/28/2006 Catholic Online ST. PAUL, Minn. (Catholic Online) – U.S. federal immigration raids in a southern Minnesota city and other sites in six states served to heartlessly divide families, disrupt a community and undermine efforts made to bridge racial and cultural divisions, according to the state’s Catholic bishops, who called for an end of such actions. In a strongly worded Dec. 21 statement concerning the Dec. 12 raids on Swift & Co. meat plants in six states involving about 1,000 federal agents, the seven bishops of Minnesota said that they were “distressed and ...

Cardinal Sin: Mahony’s has a tendency to diss the law.
Post Date: 2006-12-30 13:05:14 by gargantuton
April 12, 2006, 7:19 a.m. Cardinal Sin Mahony’s has a tendency to diss the law. By George Neumayr After Bill Clinton pardoned drug trafficker Carlos Vignali and controversy broke out, James Carville, appearing on Meet the Press in March 2001, sought cover by saying, "I don't know all the facts, but I do know the cardinal of Los Angeles supported this." Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony had written a note to Clinton asking him to consider clemency for the cocaine dealer. But it turned out in the scandalous aftermath that Mahony hadn't even met the felon. An embarrassed Mahony admitted, "I have never met Mr. Carlos Vignali." Scrambling for an explanation, ...

(FrontePageMag) People of the Year: Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean
Post Date: 2006-12-29 23:45:38 by gargantuton
People of the Year: Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean By FrontPage Magazine FrontPageMagazine.com | December 29, 2006 The annual FrontPage Magazine Man of the Year award seeks to honor individuals who have devoted their lives to promoting the spread of liberty and the defense of their country and its people. Moreover, FPM seeks to fete those who have suffered as a result of their actions. In recent years, this has included Col. Allen B. West, John O’Neill, and Orianna Fallaci, whose good deeds have brought them derision, harassment, or physical or verbal abuse. This year, so many people met both qualifications (see the first two “Honorable Mentions” below) that the intensity ...

What Brokaw didn't report about illegals
Post Date: 2006-12-29 13:55:08 by Fibr Dog
Aspen, CO Colorado This week, NBC's Tom Brokaw presented a one-hour television special on illegal immigration, "In the Shadow of the American Dream." During the program, this great American soft-pedaled illegals' impact on Vail, Aspen, Carbondale, Glenwood Springs, Colorado and the Roaring Fork Valley. Why the kid-gloves treatment? Why support anarchy? Brokaw used platitudes to describe a growing attitude of lawlessness - as if it were OK to break our laws. He presented an entire family of illegal aliens on national television. Only one of 16 was an American: a 2-year-old anchor baby. Instead of being arrested and deported, they reported for work as you read this column ...

Walls Are for Losers
Post Date: 2006-12-28 15:14:20 by gargantuton
Walls Are for Losers By Nathan Smith : 08 Nov 2006 The Ming dynasty emperors in China (1368-1644) were the biggest builders of the famous Great Wall. A native Chinese dynasty coming to power in the wake of a Mongol occupation, they wanted to strengthen their defenses against the nomadic peoples to the north. But a Manchu army crossed over it and conquered them anyway. In the years after World War I, France, recognizing its weakness vis-à-vis Germany, built a supposedly invincible fortification along its frontier with Germany called the Maginot Line. Built very high, of concrete and steel, with forts at 10-mile intervals, the wall nonetheless failed to prevent Germany from ...

Immigrants' Jobs Vanish With Housing Slowdown
Post Date: 2006-12-27 11:36:51 by DeaconBenjamin
The gold rush came in drywall, laminate flooring and granite countertops, and Amilcar Guzman came with it. Guzman left El Salvador at age 18 in 1999 and landed in Manassas. Soon he had $15-an-hour jobs cutting lumber, driving nails and running a Bobcat loader. He got a car, got married. The Washington region was hungry for houses, houses, houses, and word of the boom reached Mexico and Central America, drawing thousands more eager, jobless men like him. Then sometime last year, Guzman said, the rush began to go bust, little by little, month by month. The contractors stopped hiring. The phone stopped ringing. Washington, it seemed, had all the houses it could hold . So Guzman got a plane ...

Immigration negotiators may ease hurdles to legal status, choke fence funding: NYT
Post Date: 2006-12-26 20:23:01 by Brian S
[JURIST] The bicameral committee of US lawmakers responsible for hammering out a comprehensive immigration reform package [JURIST news archive] may recommend to the new Congress beginning in January that illegal immigrants not be required to leave the country before petitioning for legal status, according to the New York Times Tuesday. The committee, led by Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and Representatives Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ), expects to have a reconciled bill ready for the Senate to consider in March or April, followed by a House vote in the months following. The committee must reach compromise between a Senate bill [S 2611 summary] passed in ...

Aztlan and Chicano Nationalism - the Destruction of the USA (Google Video)
Post Date: 2006-12-26 01:12:40 by christine
"We have an aging white population...they are not having babies...it's only a matter of time..the explosion is with us" Poster Comment:Spread this video far and wide. Americans need to know the threat that is facing them !

Bipartisan Effort to Draft Immigration Bill
Post Date: 2006-12-25 23:26:30 by Horse
WASHINGTON, Dec. 25 — Counting on the support of the new Democratic majority in Congress, Democratic lawmakers and their Republican allies are working on measures that could place millions of illegal immigrants on a more direct path to citizenship than would a bill that the Senate passed in the spring. The lawmakers are considering abandoning a requirement in the Senate bill that would compel several million illegal immigrants to leave the United States before becoming eligible to apply for citizenship. The lawmakers are also considering denying financing for 700 miles of fencing along the border with Mexico, a law championed by Republicans that passed with significant Democratic ...

Plea deals sought by caught illegals
Post Date: 2006-12-25 19:03:10 by Zipporah
Plea deals sought by caught illegals BY PAUL A. LONG | POST STAFF REPORTER Many of the people charged with being in the United States illegally during a roundup late last month in Covington are negotiating plea agreements, according to court records.U.S. District Magistrate Judge J. Gregory Wehrman has signed orders in more that a dozen cases giving attorneys for the immigrants until Jan. 2 to file motions for re-arraignment, which would allow the defendants to plead guilty either then or soon afterward."The court was advised that there are ongoing plea negotiations between the defendants and the United States," Wehrman wrote in one typical order. Agents from the Immigration ...

German Media Too White, Says Government
Post Date: 2006-12-25 18:05:30 by Zipporah
German Media Too White, Says GovernmentGermany lags far behind Britain and the United States in integrating its large immigrant population into the broadcast media. A government minister has called on the networks to start recruiting more journalists and TV presenters from ethnic minorities. The country has only just realised that this is a key step towards integration. DDP ZDF TV presenter Cherno Jobatay (right) is one of the few immigrant faces of German public television. Germany's immigrants are conspicuous by their absence in the broadcast media even though they make up almost a fifth of the population. News anchormen and women on the main channels are invariably white, ...

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