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Hispanics Flee Pa. Town Before Crackdown
Post Date: 2006-10-31 20:25:42 by Horse
HAZLETON, Pa. Elvis Soto's variety store used to make money. But few customers have been walking through his door lately, and his merchandise _ calling cards, cell phones, car stereos, clothing _ is collecting dust on the shelves. With bills mounting, Soto might have to take another job to stay afloat financially, and may even close the store. On Wednesday, a tough, first-of-its-kind law targeting illegal immigrants goes into effect in this small hillside city in northeastern Pennsylvania. But the evidence suggests many Hispanics _ illegal or otherwise _ have already left. That, in turn, has hobbled the city's Hispanic business district, where some shops have closed and others are ...

Bush's border fence scam
Post Date: 2006-10-30 10:41:55 by Destro
Bush's border fence scam By Dimitri Vassilaros Pittsburgh TRIBUNE-REVIEW Sunday, October 29, 2006 A proposed 700-mile fence along America's porous border with Mexico could be the quintessential example of the Republican Party being its own worst enemy. It's almost inconceivable that an issue with such overwhelming public support could have been mishandled so badly by a party that is so badly in need of a winning issue. The GOP brain trust could have answered five simple questions about the fence in 30 seconds. Instead it took the better part of Wednesday to learn the ugly truth. Thursday morning, President George W. Bush signed into law the Secure Fence Act of 2006. "We have a ...

France sends more riot police after bus attack
Post Date: 2006-10-29 17:16:13 by Diana
PARIS (Reuters) - France sent riot police reinforcements on Sunday to the southern city of Marseille where young vandals torched a bus during the night, leaving a woman severely burned and fighting for her life. The attack on Saturday sparked fears of more violence in French cities, coming as France marks the anniversary of riots that scarred the nation's poor, largely immigrant suburbs. President Jacques Chirac condemned the new unrest. "The president told the victim's family about his horror concerning this shameful act and assured them everything would be done to find the criminals and punish them with the utmost severity," Chirac's office said in a statement. Interior ...

DHS worker says he was punished for reporting illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2006-10-29 12:40:02 by DeaconBenjamin
OKLAHOMA CITY -- A state Department of Human Services worker says he was punished for trying to report illegal immigrants who were applying for state benefits. Steve Thomas told the House Revenue and Taxation Committee he tried to follow a rule requiring memos be written to DHS superiors when they come across an applicant who's an illegal immigrant. Thomas says he was taken before DHS' civil rights office and accused of threatening illegal immigrants. His testimony came at the request of Representative Randy Terrill who wants the committee to study illegal immigration in Oklahoma. But Oklahoma Catholic Charities attorney Shirley Cox says Thomas sounds like a disgruntled employee. Cox says ...

Citizenship Changes Draw Objections
Post Date: 2006-10-28 08:50:30 by DeaconBenjamin
The Bush administration is considering proposals that would make it tougher for legal immigrants to gain U.S. citizenship. The proposals being drafted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), a division of the Department of Homeland Security, could nearly double application fees, toughen the required English and history exams, and ask probing questions about an applicant's past, such as "Who is your current wife's ex-husband?" In an interview yesterday, a USCIS spokesman said the contemplated changes are necessary to pay increased administrative costs and to standardize an application that is subjective and varies across the country. But immigration rights ...

A county of bad ol' boys - Bootlegging, brothels, cockfights and chop shops.
Post Date: 2006-10-27 02:05:32 by Morgana le Fay
Guilty sheriffs and federal investigations. This slice of Tennessee has earned its image. Newport, Tenn. How bad is Cocke County's lawless reputation? So bad that its tourism and economic development chief, Donald Hurst, likes to kick off out-of-town business meetings with a self-deprecating joke. All of the visiting Cocke County officials, he tells his audience, are right here in the building — so "rest assured, your home is safe." To many Tennesseans, Cocke County is the place their parents warned them about, the butt of hillbilly jokes, the last redoubt of an old, untamed Appalachia. For decades this poor and dramatically beautiful area, north of the Great Smoky ...

Lefties Gone Wild
Post Date: 2006-10-26 23:11:56 by gargantuton
Lefties Gone Wild By Roberta Leguizamon FrontPageMagazine.com | October 26, 2006 When the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) planned to bring “Catch an Illegal Immigrant” to the University of Michigan on Oct. 13, they expected resistance. The event, which has been held with varying degrees of success on other campuses across the country over the last few months, is purposefully offensive. Like the “Affirmative Action Bake Sale” which has also been held at numerous universities over the last few years, “Catch an Illegal Immigrant” is an event designed to create passion and dialogue about issues which sit at the heart of America’s cultural landscape. This ...

Average IQ by State: Honest Numbers at Last
Post Date: 2006-10-25 13:50:55 by Tauzero
Average IQ by State: Honest Numbers at Last By Steve Sailer One of the most popular Web postings of November 2004 was a table purporting to show that John Kerry had swept the 16 states with the highest average IQs (such as Connecticut with its 113 mean). George W. Bush, in contrast, had carried the 26 dumbest states (such as Utah at only 87). The first person to post these data after the election exulted: "Wow, what can I say, in the first 24 hours over 540,000+ people viewed this page!" I would guesstimate that total viewership of the IQ table ultimately approached ten million fellow Democrats -- all consoling themselves with the thought that what they lacked in quantity of ...

Mexican Gangs Putting Enemies' Heads On Display
Post Date: 2006-10-21 20:25:51 by Horse
(AP) VILLA MADERO, Mexico The drug lords at war in central Mexico are no longer content with simply killing their enemies. They are putting their severed heads on public display. In Michoacan, the home state of President-elect Felipe Calderon, 17 heads have turned up this year, many with bloodstained notes like the one found in the highlands town of Tepalcatepec in August: "See. Hear. Shut Up. If you want to stay alive." Many in Michoacan's mountains and colonial cities are doing just that: They are tightlipped, their newspapers are censoring themselves and in one town, 18 out of 32 police officers quit saying they had received death threats from drug smugglers. In the most ...

Flow of Immigrants’ Money to Latin America Surges
Post Date: 2006-10-20 16:59:54 by robin
October 19, 2006 Flow of Immigrants’ Money to Latin America Surges By EDUARDO PORTER There is a common cycle to immigration from Latin America. Immigrants arrive in the United States and quickly find work. Several months later — in the case of illegal migrants, as soon as they have finished paying off the smuggler who brought them across the border — they start sending money home. According to a new report about immigrants’ money transfers to Latin America, the remittances flow from almost every state. Even in states that had virtually no Latin American immigrants only a few years ago, like Mississippi and Pennsylvania, a growing trickle of money is making its ...

Pat Buchanan: America 2050 A Nation of Turtles
Post Date: 2006-10-20 07:53:19 by Liberate Jim Traficant
LBJ signs 1965 Immigration Act at Liberty Island, NYAmerica 2050: A Nation of TurtlesBy Patrick J. Buchanan October 20th, 2006 Does it matter who was the 300-millionth "American"? Indeed, it does. If it was a baby born to an American, that is wonderful news. If it was a baby born to an illegal alien, it means we have lost control of our borders. And as Ronald Reagan said, a country that can't control its borders isn't really a country anymore. And if it was a Mexican who slipped over the Rio Grande in the early morning darkness of Oct. 17, it may be a harbinger of the end of America as we knew her. If the people are not celebrating the 300 million along with the editorial ...

Mister Graf Goes To Washington
Post Date: 2006-10-19 22:11:42 by robin
Mister Graf Goes To Washington By Frosty Wooldridge and Jan Herron 10-19-6 For years, Senators John McCain and John Kyl, Congressmen Kolbe and Flake failed Arizona voters. With illegal aliens flooding across Arizona's borders by the hundreds of thousands, these men stood in the halls of Congress-pretending to serve their constituents-but did nothing. They're still doing nothing. Today, because of their inaction, Arizona citizens suffer 57,000 stolen cars in the Phoenix area annually. Illegals live 20 to a house with five cars parked in front yards. Drug routes mainline through Phoenix. Hospitals suffer tens of thousands of anchor babies underwritten by taxpayers. People-smuggling 'safe ...

Fencing Us In, Not Keeping 'Them' Out
Post Date: 2006-10-14 17:53:40 by PnbC
Fencing Us In, Not Keeping 'Them' Outby William Norman Grigg To say that Congress's vote to erect 700 miles of “secure” fencing along the southern U.S. border is an “empty” gesture is a felonious act of understatement. It is barren of any meaning save cynical political opportunism: The fence offers politicians on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border (which is slated for abolition in 2010 anyway) to strike faux-populist poses while screwing down the police state lid on their respective helot populations – who are soon to be co-mingled in one polity, anyway (about which more anon). Mexico is threatening to protest the border fence at the UN. Please forgive me for ...

The Next 100 Million And The Face Of America
Post Date: 2006-10-13 20:36:42 by Mind_Virus
The Next 100 Million And The Face Of America By Brad Knickerbocker | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor The one sure thing about US population as it moves past 300 million - expected to happen in the next few days - is that there will be more Americans. A lot more. Everything else is informed speculation. Still, much will turn on how big the United States becomes and how fast it grows - from its use of natural resources to its settlement patterns to shifts in political clout. There will be 400 million Americans in 2043, climbing to 420 million by midcentury, the US Census Bureau estimates. The added numbers will change the nature of the populace, reflecting trends already ...

Over 50 Illegals Found In Home
Post Date: 2006-10-12 17:01:57 by noone222
More than fifty immigrants were taken into custody Wednesday after a raid at a west side home. Police were called to the home on Senisa Street after they received a tip about stolen cars. When they arrived, they saw four people running from the house. They looked inside the "stash house" and found 51 illegal immigrants - 38 men, 12 women and a teenage girl – all crammed into three bedrooms. “This is a case where we obviously just can't walk away,” Sgt. Gabe Trevino with San Antonio Police said. “We called the federal government to come out here and do their job.” Trevino said two men escaped while police confirmed that two cars in the back of the house ...

Legalization For Aliens A 'Must,' Bush Announces
Post Date: 2006-10-11 13:14:33 by Brian S
Posted: October 11, 2006 President Bush says that part of the solution to illegal immigration "must" include a way for those already in the United States but without legal authorization to be given that status. "We will conduct this debate on immigration in a way that is respectful to our heritage," he said at a recent White House event honoring Hispanic Heritage Month. "We are a nation of law, and we will enforce our law. "But at the same time, we must remember that in order to secure our borders, in order to make sure we fulfill our heritage, immigration reform must be comprehensive in nature. We must understand that you can't kick 12 million people out of ...

Turning Red: Immigrants Tip the Balance in Belgian Local Elections
Post Date: 2006-10-10 18:00:07 by Tauzero
Turning Red: Immigrants Tip the Balance in Belgian Local Elections In last March’s local elections in the Netherlands the immigrant vote tipped the balance in favour of the Socialists. The same phenomenon marked yesterday’s local elections in Belgium’s major cities. In Antwerp the Socialists became the largest party. They jumped from 19.5% to 35.3% of the votes, winning 22 of the 55 seats in the municipal council – a gain of ten seats. Seven of the Socialist councillors, almost one third of the total, are Muslim immigrants: Fatma Akbas, Karim Bachar, Ouardia El Taghdouini, Youssef Slassi, Fauzaya Talhaoui, Güler Turan, and Sener Ugurlu. Six of the seven are new in ...

Mexico May Take Fence Dispute to U.N.
Post Date: 2006-10-09 19:33:44 by Brian S
(10-09) 13:59 PDT PARIS, France (AP) -- Mexico's foreign secretary said Monday the country may take a dispute over U.S. plans to build a fence on the Mexican border to the United Nations. Luis Ernesto Derbez told reporters in Paris, his first stop on a European tour, that a legal investigation was under way to determine whether Mexico has a case. The Mexican government last week sent a diplomatic note to Washington criticizing the plan for 700 miles of new fencing along the border. President-elect Felipe Calderon also denounced the plan, but said it was a bilateral issue that should not be put before the international community. Derbez said Monday after meeting with French Foreign ...

‘Desert angels’ offer food, water for migrants crossing U.S. border
Post Date: 2006-10-08 01:11:40 by gargantuton
‘Desert angels’ offer food, water for migrants crossing U.S. border By Agostino Bono 10/5/2006 Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) – Rafael Hernandez knows the hardships of trekking across desert and mountains to sneak into the United States from Mexico as a migrant. Hernandez did it with his wife and daughter 21 years ago. Now, as a legal U.S. resident, Hernandez and his band of volunteers patrol both sides of the Mexican-California border near San Diego looking for lost migrants and leaving water, clothing and food at strategic desert locations to help people on their journey. "I know how people suffer. I've lived it in the flesh," Hernandez said in a ...

Minutemen, students brawl on Columbia University stage
Post Date: 2006-10-06 23:07:39 by Zipporah
Protesters stormed a Columbia University stage last night, as Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, addressed students on the subject of immigration. 350 attendees were forced to leave the building after a subsequent fight broke out around the podium. Footage of the incident may be viewed below: #

Bush Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month, Pushs For Guest Worker Program
Post Date: 2006-10-06 19:43:40 by Brian S
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush on Friday shoehorned a plug for his guest worker program between making a joke about an award winner and listening to love songs Friday at a White House celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Bush said that as lawmakers debate immigration policy, they need to remember that while enforcing U.S. borders is important, it is only one step in the struggle to stop illegal immigration. He pressed Congress to pass his guest worker program to legally bring in new foreign workers and give some of the country's illegal immigrants a shot at U.S. citizenship. "We must understand that you can't kick 12 million people out of your country - that we must figure out a ...

In Border Fence's Path, Congressional Roadblocks; Separate Legislation Ensures It Will Never Be Built...
Post Date: 2006-10-06 00:08:46 by Brian S
Friday, October 6, 2006; A01 No sooner did Congress authorize construction of a 700-mile fence on the U.S.-Mexico border last week than lawmakers rushed to approve separate legislation that ensures it will never be built, at least not as advertised, according to Republican lawmakers and immigration experts. GOP leaders have singled out the fence as one of the primary accomplishments of the recently completed session. Many lawmakers plan to highlight their $1.2 billion down payment on its construction as they campaign in the weeks before the midterm elections. But shortly before recessing late Friday, the House and Senate gave the Bush administration leeway to distribute the money to a ...

Some Latinos say they've been betrayed by Obama
Post Date: 2006-10-04 22:33:22 by Tauzero
Some Latinos say they've been betrayed by Obama October 4, 2006 - Senator Barack Obama has enjoyed a broad cross section of support among those supporting the senator many Latino-Americans. But now some say they have been betrayed by the senator with -- it seems -- higher political aspirations. The immigration march that brought about 100,000 people through downtown Chicago last spring also got the attention of local politicians. March organizers say afterwards they met with Senator Barack Obama privately, where they say he promised to support to immigration rights and even participated in the next immigration rally. But now some say the senator has turned his back on the Mexican-American ...

Cook County Board Committee Passes Sanctuary Ordinance
Post Date: 2006-10-04 21:56:09 by Tauzero
Cook County Board Committee Passes Sanctuary Ordinance CHICAGO (WBBM) -- A Cook County Board committee has narrowly passed a proposal to make the county a sanctuary for illegal immigrants. WBBM's Steve Miller reports. The vote was 3 to 2 in committee - on a move to make Cook County a safe space for undocumented immigrants. Even the sponsor, Commissioner Roberto Maldonado, called it symbolic, because nothing would stop federal agents from making immigration raids. "And it is symbolic to tell the people of Cook County who happen to be undocumented that, look, we recognize that we are a county of immigrants." Commissioner Tony Peraica voted against the resolution. He says the ...

Immigrant rights group calls for boycott Dunkin Donuts, Applebee's accused of discrimination
Post Date: 2006-10-03 22:33:49 by Zipporah
September 30, 2006 - A local group fighting for immigrant rights is calling for a boycott of two nationally known companies. Dunkin Donuts and Applebee's are accused of discriminating against immigrant workers whose names don't match their social security numbers. On the 10th anniversary of what immigration reform advocates call stringent changes to immigration laws, supports of the legalization of the undocumented are once again speaking out -- only this time, they are hoping not only to mobilize their vote, but also use their buying power to force the kind of change they want. "The social security administration says it plans to send out 8 million no match letters," said ...

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