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Latest Articles: Immigration

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'The U.S. vs. John Lennon'
Post Date: 2006-09-16 19:36:21 by Eoghan
[The documentary "The U.S. vs. John Lennon," which opened Sept. 15, recounts President Richard Nixon's campaign to deport the Beatle because of his antiwar activism. In this report, Jon Wiener, a Lennon historian who consulted on the film, writes that President Bush has gone much further than Nixon in using immigration law to get rid of noncitizens whom the White House doesn't like. -- Truthdig] The new documentary "The U.S. vs. John Lennon" tells the story of Lennon's transformation from loveable moptop to antiwar activist, and recounts the facts about Richard Nixon's campaign to deport him in 1972 in an effort to silence him as a voice of the peace movement. The ...

Should he have spoken? [the unheeded immigration warning of 1968]
Post Date: 2006-09-15 21:50:53 by DuQuoigne
In 1968 the products of the postwar baby boom decided to seize the European future and to jettison the European past. In that same year Enoch Powell delivered to the Birmingham Conservatives the speech known forever after as "Rivers of Blood": a speech that cost him his political career, and which, on one plausible interpretation, made the issue of immigration undiscussable in British politics for close to forty years. It is a speech that raises in its acutest form the question of truth: What place is there for truth in public life, and what should a politician do when comfortable falsehoods have settled down in government, and their uncomfortable negations seek forlornly for a ...

Immigration Raid Cripples Ga. Town; Trailer parks lie abandoned. The poultry plant is scrambling to replace its workforce
Post Date: 2006-09-15 14:23:40 by Brian S
(09-15) 11:13 PDT Stillmore, Ga. (AP) -- Trailer parks lie abandoned. The poultry plant is scrambling to replace more than half its workforce. Business has dried up at stores where Mexican laborers once lined up to buy food, beer and cigarettes just weeks ago. This Georgia community of about 1,000 people has become little more than a ghost town since Sept. 1, when federal agents began rounding up illegal immigrants. The sweep has had the unintended effect of underscoring just how vital the illegal immigrants were to the local economy. More than 120 illegal immigrants have been loaded onto buses bound for immigration courts in Atlanta, 189 miles away. Hundreds more fled Emanuel ...

House Approves 700 Mile U.S.-Mexican Border Fence
Post Date: 2006-09-14 17:02:15 by Brian S
(09-14) 13:48 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) -- The House voted for the second time in a year to erect a fence along a third of the U.S.-Mexican border, part of a Republican effort to keep illegal immigration an issue before voters. A new 700 miles of double-layered fencing won approval on a 283-138 vote, a bigger margin than last December when the House passed it as part of a broader bill that also would have made being an illegal immigrant a felony. The nearly 2,000-mile border now has about 75 miles of fencing. Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said the separate fence bill was needed to show Americans "we can take meaningful action to secure the border." The House's bill last December and ...

The Racial Transformation of Britain
Post Date: 2006-09-11 19:38:38 by Tauzero
The Racial Transformation of Britain How Enoch Powell's warnings went unheeded. by Richard Lynn During the closing decades of the twentieth century the large-scale immigration of Hispanics, Asians and blacks made the United States an increasingly multiracial society. However, this transformation has not taken place only in America. This strange process of self-effacement has also taken place in Canada, Australia and throughout Western Europe – particularly in Britain. There have been small numbers of non-whites in Britain for hundreds of years. Blacks first appeared towards the end of the sixteenth century following the beginning of the slave trade in 1563. English slavers picked ...

Mexican President-elect Will Seek U.S. Immigration Reform Before Bush Leaves Office
Post Date: 2006-09-07 16:07:43 by Brian S
September 7, 2006 MEXICO CITY – Mexico's president-elect says he will try to do what his predecessor couldn't in six years: Win an immigration accord that will let millions more Mexicans work in the United States legally. Felipe Calderon said Thursday he is committed to winning sweeping immigration reform in the U.S. Congress before President Bush leaves office in January 2009. Calderon, who spoke with Bush by phone on Wednesday, said he believes the White House is ready for action. “We will work intensely over the next two years to arrive at a concrete agreement,” he said. Pro-immigrant marches began anew this week in the United States as Congress reconvened, though ...

Dobbs: Voters Won't Tolerate 'Axis Of Amnesty'
Post Date: 2006-09-06 11:16:23 by Brian S
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Hang on, the political thrill ride is about to begin. Are you ready? I know I am. And it's gonna be a hoot. Our midterm elections are now two months away, and congressional, senatorial and gubernatorial campaigns are about to shift into high gear. After five weeks at home with their constituents, or at least some of them, our elected representatives are now back in session in Washington and fully armed with an understanding of the will of the people, ready to do the people's business. Their first order of business? Why, to announce there will be no business done in this session of Congress on the critically important issues of border security and immigration reform. Can ...

Over 100 Organizations to Boycott Miller Brewing Company for their support of illegal immigration
Post Date: 2006-09-05 23:35:11 by Horse
A coalition of over 100 groups that support the enforcement of America's existing immigration laws, including charges against employers that hire, aid, and abet illegal aliens, has launched a national boycott of Miller Brewing Company and their parent company SABMiller plc. The boycott message is simple. Miller Brewing Company supports illegal immigration by giving money to groups that support amnesty, marches, and benefits for illegal aliens. Citizens are encouraged to "Dump the beer! Dump the stock!" A website containing boycott instructions, a petition, and documentation has been launched at http://www.MillerBoycott.com Citizens supporting the boycott are encourage to avoid ...

Immigration Drops Off The Political Calendar
Post Date: 2006-09-05 11:27:57 by Brian S
WASHINGTON — As Congress returns to work this week after a month-long break, little progress is imminent on an issue that leaders of both parties have identified as urgent: illegal immigration. RELATED: Labor Day immigration rallies draw smaller crowds No meeting has been scheduled for House and Senate negotiators to resolve differences between the two chambers' competing plans for tackling the problem. Both measures include beefed-up border security and penalties for employers who hire illegal immigrants. The Senate bill would offer most of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants now working in the USA a chance to become citizens; the House bill would not. A major reason for the ...

Chance for Legal Solution Narrows in Mexican Election
Post Date: 2006-09-03 07:32:44 by Zoroaster
Published on Saturday, September 2, 2006 by the International Relations Center Americas Program Chance for Legal Solution Narrows in Mexican Election by Laura Carlsen By throwing out most of the opposition's challenges to the July 2 elections on the grounds of filing errors, the Mexican Electoral Tribunal has closed another door to a legal solution and set the nation on a likely collision course. The tribunal's decision to discard the challenges inflamed the opposition led by center-left candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The center-left candidate has called for a full recount of the votes. With few institutional options left, his coalition is now preparing to establish ...

Border Patrol Two, 9/11 Commission—Whose Side Is Bush On?
Post Date: 2006-09-02 00:18:54 by Peetie Wheatstraw
The question that repeats and repeats in my mind: Why were Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean prosecuted with such ferocity for doing their jobs that they now face up to 20 years in prison? As Ramos and Compean await their fate, drug smuggler Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila received immunity. As a free man living in Mexico, Aldrete-Davila plans to sue the Border Patrol for $5 million for alleged violations of his civil rights suffered while transporting 743 pounds of marijuana across the border. Briefly, Ramos and Compean were charged for firing at Aldrete-Davila as he fled back across the border and not reporting the incident. Those who want to learn more should go to ...

More on "SPLC Says Hispanics Are Disloyal"
Post Date: 2006-08-31 19:36:55 by Peetie Wheatstraw
An Anglo Lawyer in Texas writes, in response to my previous item: I would like to recommend that you read "The Texas Rangers" by Walter Prescott Webb which he wrote in 1938 while some of the Rangers who were active in the fight against Mexican raiders were still alive. I have been reading this book lately and I now realize this border stuff is nothing new. The inaction of the Feds is nothing new. In the 1800’s and 1900’s, the Mexicans were coming across to raid, murder and pillage. They were supported by the Mexican military. They were also supported by some of the Mexicans on this side of the Rio Grande. Reconquista was alive then and it’s alive now. What ...

Mexico City style applied economics 101
Post Date: 2006-08-31 19:32:55 by Peetie Wheatstraw
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - "I'm really sorry. This is my job," the man said, wiping his fingerprints from my debit card. He slipped it back to me under a table in a crowded downtown restaurant where a Mexican friend and I had been held hostage for a half an hour that felt like two days. An accomplice, who had guarded us while his partner emptied nearly $1,000 from a nearby cash dispenser using the PIN number I had given him, eyed the door. Then they calmly walked out, warning us to order two more beers and wait 10 minutes before leaving, saying many more of their gang would follow us to make sure we did as we were told. Two days after arriving from New York to take up my post as ...

Anti-Mass Immigration Video (Ya gotta see)
Post Date: 2006-08-31 16:47:52 by add925
IMO, this video is worth the 16 minute play and hoped it would be longer. The perspective is from an Environmental view, but the results of unchecked Immigration are acknowledged to erode our social fabric. View it and pass it along. I thought it was well worth it. http://www.techniguy.com/Newsletters/archives/ImmigrationasanEnvironmentalIssue.htm

Post Date: 2006-08-31 08:51:22 by add925
HUGE METH SEIZURE SHATTERS GEORGIA RECORD SET JUST TWO WEEKS AGO ATF, Forest Service, Union County Sheriff Conducted Joint Investigation 2 Defendants Arrested; 2 More Are Fugitives ATLANTA, Ga. – Federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities in North Georgia today announced the record seizure of approximately 341 pounds of suspected crystal methamphetamine (“ice”) in Gainesville, Georgia, on August 21 and 22, 2006. A federal criminal complaint has been filed against three brothers, ALEJANDRO MARTINEZ-MENERA, 23, SOCORRO MARTINEZ-MENERA, 25, and SACARIAS MARTINEZ-MENERA, 21, charging them with possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine. The three and a ...

Mexican flag raised in CA - wake up whitey
Post Date: 2006-08-30 12:35:04 by Jethro Tull
Poster Comment:Wake up you dopey, white slugs.

Salmonella cases traced to Wal-Mart
Post Date: 2006-08-30 10:43:50 by add925
Indiana state health officials have pinpointed the deli and bakery departments of a Greenwood Wal-Mart as the source of a salmonella outbreak that sickened at least 84 people this summer. Although a few more cases of the bacterial infection might emerge as people develop symptoms, the affected areas of the Wal-Mart, 1133 N. Emerson Ave., have been sanitized, and shoppers should not be worried about additional contamination, health officials said. "We believe food handlers who didn't have any symptoms may have contaminated the deli and bakery products," Lynae Granzow, enteric epidemiologist with the Indiana State Department of Health, said in a written statement. Overnight from ...

Post Date: 2006-08-29 15:56:35 by Horse
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22, 2006, 10:30 a.m. - A black activist is organizing a wave of class-action workplace lawsuits for people who have lost their jobs because they did not speak Spanish. "We are going to have a major class-action suit in this country in the workplace," Claud Anderson told a radio host. "You cannot in an English speaking country demand that people speak Spanish." Anderson said many Latinos who resolve to continue speaking their native language "signifies power" and is meant to make blacks in particular "deal with them on their turf." "Any black person that cannot speak Spanish [are] losing jobs in California, Texas and ...

Bush Administration: What War on Terror? Bring In More Immigrants!
Post Date: 2006-08-29 00:29:05 by Peetie Wheatstraw
You read it first (and as far as I can see exclusively) on VDARE.COM: Somalis are using United Nations refugee camps in Zambia as ‘stepping stones’ to "other destinations", i.e. the U.S. according to the Secretary of the Zambian ministry of the Interior, Peter Mumba. Speaking to the UN news service, the Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN), Mr. Mumba explained that the Somalis first settle in Meheba, Zambia’s largest refugee camp and then, either bribing their way out or with assistance from Somalis outside the camp, slip into neighboring Zimbabwe and Namibia. From there they filter into South Africa, boarding ships bound… for Mexico. According to ...

Alex Jones interviews Buchanan - America is OVER
Post Date: 2006-08-28 14:46:41 by Jethro Tull
Pat comes on in the 3rd hour. Listen now, or to the replay

Feds Bust 25 Illegal Alien Sexual Predators in Los Angeles
Post Date: 2006-08-27 03:41:46 by robin
A Mexican national who attempted to kidnap a seven-year-old girl from a local Laundromat is one of 25 persons arrested by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Los Angeles during the past three days as part of a joint enforcement effort with the United States Attorney's Office targeting foreign nationals with prior convictions for sex offenses, many of them involving children. Four of the foreign nationals taken into custody during this week's operation have been deported from the United States previously. The group includes two Salvadorans, a Honduran, and a Mexican national. The defendants are being prosecuted by the US Attorney's newly created Domestic Security and Immigration ...

Mexico Piquertero: "Nobody is Paying Us. We Came to Defend Demoracy."
Post Date: 2006-08-26 06:33:53 by Zoroaster
August 25, 2006 "Nobody is Paying Us. We Came to Defend Democracy" Mexico Piquetero By CLAUDIO ALBERTANI Mexico City. The revolt against the July 2nd electoral fraud in favor of Felipe Calderon, the right wing candidate, is expanding. After three weeks, the occupation of Mexico City's historic center shows no sign of fatigue, to the contrary, the movement is growing like an unstoppable avalanche. In the past few days, actions of peaceful civil resistance have multiplied in the Northern part of Mexico, traditionally a stronghold of the right. On the 11th of August, in Ciudad Juarez, farmers on horses took over the bridge that connects Mexico with the US, blocking for several ...

America's Immigration Policy-Hitler's Revenge?
Post Date: 2006-08-25 22:26:32 by Zoroaster
The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD 8/24/2006 “The United States has lost control of its borders—in every sense” Posted under: General— @ 6:51 am America’s Immigration Policy—Hitler’s Revenge? By Peter Brimelow August 22rd, 2006 There is a sense in which current immigration policy is Adolf Hitler’s posthumous revenge on America. The U.S. political elite emerged from the war passionately concerned to cleanse itself from all taints of racism or xenophobia. Eventually, it enacted the epochal Immigration Act (technically, the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments) of 1965. And this, quite accidentally, triggered a renewed ...

Whitewater [WI] raid tears families apart as moms face deportation
Post Date: 2006-08-24 21:42:41 by DeaconBenjamin
WHITEWATER - The 1-year-old boy wouldn't stop crying. He wanted his mother, and he wasn't alone. The toddler is one of many in Whitewater's Hispanic community whose mothers left for work the morning of Aug. 8 and didn't return. The women were among 25 immigrants arrested by local and federal authorities at Star Packaging on charges that they are in the United States illegally. The workers will be deported to Mexico, said Gail Montenegro, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman. For the women's families, local pastors and congregations have stepped forward to offer love and find homes for the children. "All of the people arrested were hardworking and productive," ...

Business Owners Sue Rivals That Hire llegals
Post Date: 2006-08-23 23:45:52 by Brian S
Published August 23, 2006 LOS ANGELES -- Business owners frustrated by lax enforcement of immigration laws are taking their fight to court, accusing competitors of hiring illegal workers to achieve an unfair advantage. The legal action is an attempt by business and anti-illegal-immigration groups to create an economic deterrent against hiring illegal employees. In the first of a series of lawsuits, a temporary employment agency that supplies farm workers sued a grower and two competing companies on Monday. Similar cases claiming violations of federal anti-racketeering laws have yielded mixed results. The California lawsuit is thought to be the first based on a state's ...

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