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(South Korean Enterprise) Donation Will Allow Minutemen To Erect High-Tech Border Fence
Post Date: 2006-08-23 00:41:27 by Brian S
TUCSON - A Washington-based company is donating up to $7 million worth of fiber-optic security fencing material for the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps to use in any new barriers the group erects to try to keep illegal immigrants out of Arizona. The mesh has embedded sensors that can differentiate between human and animal contact and conditions such as high winds or heavy rain. Tied into cameras and alarms, the system can alert monitors to the precise location of any intrusion. "We're certainly not against immigration," said Nina (pronounced NINE-uh) May, the head of FOMGuard USA, which is donating the material to the anti-illegal immigration group. "We're against illegal ...

Republican Sen. Conrad Burns Jokes About House Painter; 'Nice Little Guatemalan Man' might be in country illegally...
Post Date: 2006-08-22 19:18:29 by Brian S
Montana Republican Calls His House Painter 'Nice Little Guatemalan Man' The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Republican Sen. Conrad Burns, whose re-election campaign is pressing for tighter immigration controls, referred to his house painter as "a nice little Guatemalan man" and suggested that worker as well as employees of a roofing company he hired might be in the country illegally. "The other day, the little fella who does our maintenance work around the house, he's from Guatemala, and I said, 'Could I see your green card?'" Burns said at a June meeting recorded by Democrats. "And Hugo says, 'No.' I said, 'Oh gosh.'" Burns spokesman Jason Klindt said the ...

Germany may block new EU members
Post Date: 2006-08-22 14:18:21 by robin
Germany may block new EU members David Gow in Brussels Tuesday August 22, 2006 Guardian Unlimited Germany is threatening to derail the planned entry of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU on January 1, forcing its postponement for a year as fears grow over Europe's capacity to absorb new members. Yesterday Horst Köhler, the German president, urged the two countries to overcome clear deficits in their judicial systems and in the fight against corruption ahead of a final "monitoring" report by the European commission next month on their progress towards meeting the political criteria for entry. Germany, along with Belgium, Denmark, France and Ireland, has so far failed to ...

North American Union Threatens U.S. Sovereignty
Post Date: 2006-08-22 10:04:18 by Arete
The problem with the Bush administration is that not enough of its officials have read the U.S. Constitution. Take, for example, Section 2 of Article 2. When dealing with foreign nations, it says that the President “shall have the power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur….” So, why is President Bush and his administration seeking to establish a North American Union that would, in effect, abolish the borders between Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America? Moreover, it would involve our government in so many common regulatory mandates with these two nations as to render the ...

A Corporate Takeover of American Borders
Post Date: 2006-08-22 06:43:49 by Zoroaster
Published on Monday, August 21, 2006 by the Baltimore Sun A Corporate Takeover of American Borders by Robert Koulish Borders are a key element of national identity. When borders are violated, the result is often crisis and war. Look no further than this summer's conflict in the Middle East, set off by a cross-border kidnapping of Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah militants. Protection and defense of borders is, for most nations, a high priority. Thus, it is troubling to see our government intent upon passing control over its borders to private companies. Immigration control is a fundamental exercise of sovereignty, and sovereign powers are considered almost inviolable. As a legacy of its ...

Gov. Romney tells California GOP that U.S. needs more skilled immigrants
Post Date: 2006-08-20 15:18:40 by Brian S
Sunday, August 20, 2006 - Updated: 08:31 AM EST LOS ANGELES - Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney told the California GOP convention Saturday the United States should encourage foreigners with skills to immigrate, while discouraging those who come here illegally and without skills. “It is wrong for us to build an absolute concrete wall against those with skills and enterprise,” he said, referring to foreign students who come here for advanced study, “and have a wide open door for people with no education and no skills.” His remarks were greeted with enthusiastic applause from this conservative crowd, for whom illegal immigration is a hot issue. Romney, a Republican ...

Immigration Officers Won't Enter Church For Arrest; Elvira Arellano Sought Sanctuary In Church Tuesday
Post Date: 2006-08-18 14:21:09 by Brian S
(AP) CHICAGO Immigration enforcement officers do not plan to enter a storefront church on the city's West Side where an activist has sought sanctuary since she was scheduled to be deported this week, a government official said Friday. Elvira Arellano and her 7-year-old son have been living in the Adalberto United Methodist Church since Tuesday when the 31-year-old single mother was supposed to surrender to authorities for deportation to Mexico. Officials with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had said they would apprehend Arellano at a time and place "of their choosing" and that nothing prevented them from going into the church. But on Friday, a government official close ...

US Estimates 10.5 Million Illegal Immigrants Lived In US In 2005
Post Date: 2006-08-18 13:22:33 by Brian S
WASHINGTON (AP)--An estimated 10.5 million illegal immigrants were living in the U.S. in 2005, the federal government said in a report Friday. That's up from an estimated 8.5 million living in the country in 2000, according to calculations by the Office of Immigration Statistics in the Department of Homeland Security. The office said that with a national average rate of growth of 408,000, the illegal immigrant population is probably about 11 million this year. In March, the Pew Hispanic Center used Census Bureau data to estimate that the U.S. had 11.1 million illegal immigrants in March 2005. The center used monthly population estimates to project a current total of 11.5 million to 12 ...

Immigrant Takes Refuge in Chicago Church
Post Date: 2006-08-17 01:46:32 by Horse
Immigration activists around the country are taking up the cause of a single mother who invoked the ancient principle of sanctuary and took refuge in a Chicago church rather than submit to deportation to Mexico. Elvira Arellano, 31, was holed up for a second day Wednesday at Aldalberto United Methodist Church with the support of the congregation's pastor. With her was her 7-year-old son, Saul, an American citizen. Federal officials said there is no right to sanctuary in a church under U.S. law and nothing to prevent them from arresting her. But they would not say exactly what they planned to do, or when. The protest raised the spectacle of agents barging into a church and dragging her ...

Minorities Increasing Share Of Population In Nearly Every State
Post Date: 2006-08-15 11:29:20 by Brian S
Associated PressAug. 15, 2006 07:20 AM WASHINGTON - America's growing diversity has reached nearly every state, including Arizona.From South Carolina's budding immigrant population to the fast-rising number of Hispanics in Arkansas, minority groups make up an increasing share of the population in every state but one, according to figures released Tuesday by the Census Bureau."This is just an extraordinary explosion of diversity all across the United States," said William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank. "It's diversity and immigration going hand in hand." West Virginia is the exception, with its struggling economy and little ...

Breaking the silence: Convicted border agent tells his story
Post Date: 2006-08-14 11:11:48 by innieway
EL PASO, Texas - Border Patrol Agent Ignacio Ramos could hear his heart racing. He could feel the dry, hot dust burning against his skin as he chased a drug trafficker trying to flee back into Mexico. Ramos' fellow agent, Jose Alonso Compean, was lying on the ground behind him, banged up and bloody from a scuffle with the much-bigger smuggler moments earlier. Suddenly the smuggler turned toward the pursuing Ramos, gun in hand. Ramos, his own weapon already drawn, shot at him, though the man was able to flee into the brush and escape the agents. Now, nearly 18 months after that violent encounter, Ramos and Compean are facing 20 years in federal prison for their actions. Why? According ...

Fire kills 4 in crowded Indiana house
Post Date: 2006-08-14 08:12:17 by Arete
MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. — A fire killed four people early Sunday in a two-story house where about a dozen people lived in makeshift rooms, some of them bedding down in closets, the state fire marshal said. Witnesses reported seeing people fleeing the property before officials arrived, Fire Marshal Roger Johnson said. The residents didn't return, he said. "We don't know why they left, why they did not want to stay and why they did not want to address any questions we may have," Johnson said. Immigration officials had been to the scene, Deputy Fire Chief Chuck Greis said. Neighbors told The Associated Press they believed most residents in house were Asian immigrants who worked ...

Welcome to Boston - or - why our side doesn't rally
Post Date: 2006-08-11 22:31:00 by Jethro Tull

Gonzales Issues New Regulations For Immigration Judges; Expanding Free Services For Poor Immigrants
Post Date: 2006-08-09 22:08:46 by Brian S
WASHINGTON – Immigration court judges will undergo periodic evaluations and additional immigration appeals judges will be hired, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced Wednesday. Gonzales opened a review of the immigration courts, which operate as part of the Justice Department, in January after chastising some of them for “intemperate or even abusive” conduct toward asylum seekers. “This review has left me reassured of the talent and professionalism that exists in the immigration courts and at the Board of Immigration Appeals,” Gonzales said in a statement. But he found room for improvement. The more than 200 immigration judges handle hundreds of thousands of ...

AFL-CIO Moves to Embrace Day Laborers
Post Date: 2006-08-09 21:37:42 by DeaconBenjamin
The AFL-CIO agreed today to work with a national network of day laborer organizers, a move that could bring representatives for some of the most publicly scorned illegal immigrants to the policymaking table of the nation's largest union group and provide day workers with a potent ally in local efforts to establish hiring halls and national campaigns for legalization. Six years after organized labor's pivotal policy shift toward support of illegal workers, the resolution, approved by the AFL-CIO executive council in Chicago, further cemented the struggling labor movement's embrace of illegal immigrants as key parts of the American workforce and potential union members. The partnership does ...

Bush asks Congress to allow more immigrants into U.S.
Post Date: 2006-08-05 12:52:44 by Brian S
Saturday, August 5, 2006 - Updated: 10:22 AM EST CRAWFORD, Texas - With 6,000 National Guard troops deployed to Southwestern states, President Bush said Saturday he has fulfilled his pledge to help beef up border security and challenged Congress to give him legislation that will welcome more foreigners into the country. Speaking in his weekly radio address, Bush said immigration reform can only be successful if the get-tough border security to keep people from sneaking in is combined with opportunities for more immigrants to enter the country legally. “By passing comprehensive immigration reform, we will uphold our laws, meet the needs of our economy and keep America what she has ...

Mexico Rising: Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Post Date: 2006-08-04 06:11:09 by Zoroaster
August 3, 2006 Follow the Yellow Brick Road Mexico Rising By MITCHEL COHEN Mexico City. The sea of yellow swept through the veins of Mexico City en route to the Zocalo on Sunday, the platelets returning to the heart. Yellow for clean elections; amarillo for democracy, as manifest in the candidacy of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador who believes that his populist electoral victory in the presidential election three weeks ago was stolen from him and the working class and poor of Mexico who voted for him. Unlike John Kerry, Obrador -- the mayor of Mexico City -- did not disappoint the perhaps 2 million people who completely filled the Zocalo and avenues in every direction for block after ...

Why Are 90% Of The Jews Marxist Socialist/Communist Liberals?
Post Date: 2006-08-01 20:31:44 by Uncle Bill
Explaining Jews: Why Are Jews Liberal? Townhall.com By Dennis Prager April 25, 2006 The most frequently asked question I receive from non-Jews about Jews is, why are Jews so liberal? The question is entirely legitimate since Jews (outside of Israel) are indeed overwhelmingly liberal and disproportionately left of liberal as well. For example, other than blacks, no American group votes so lopsidedly for the Democratic Party. And the question is further sharpened given that traditional Jewish values are not leftist. That is why the more religiously involved the Jew, the less likely he is to be on the Left. The old saw, "There are two types of Jews -- those who believe Judaism is ...

N Carolina Passes Four Historic Immigration Laws
Post Date: 2006-07-28 18:59:14 by Horse
We are pleased to announce that North Carolina can now be added to the list of over 30 states that have passed state laws restricting illegal immigration. To be perfectly honest, we did not originally expect our Battle for NC efforts to manifest in any legislation this session. The most we had hoped to accomplish was to show the public who was responsible for our illegal immigration crisis on the state level. We have achieved that and much more than we had originally hoped! We are pleasantly surprised that we have emerged with four very important pieces of legislation in the 2006 short Session. One, NC Licenses will now require a valid social security number thus blocking illegal aliens ...

The Most Racist City In America: Hazleton, PA
Post Date: 2006-07-28 15:54:32 by Mind_Virus
The Most Racist City In America: Hazleton, PA La Prensa San Diego, Editorial, Daniel Muñoz, Jul 28, 2006 On July 12th, the Hazleton, Pennsylvania City Council voted to approve an Illegal Immigration Relief Act, creating one of the strictest anti-immigrant laws in the United States. This Relief Act will impose severe penalties on landlords who rent space to illegal immigrants, suspend the licenses of businesses that employ them and declared English the city’s official language. The law will require anyone seeking to rent in the city to apply for a residency license and submit to an investigation of citizenship status. Landlords found renting to people without licenses will be ...

An Immigrant's Letter
Post Date: 2006-07-26 09:38:01 by Phaedrus
“The passing scene and what it's about viewed from the traditionalist politically incorrect Right.”A reader sends this account of how he “perceived, as a new immigrant, dirt-poor and a neighbor of Mexicans in Los Angeles in 1971, that the country was headed for disaster, immigration-wise.” I am not a Mexican hater or immigrant basher per se.I am an America basher. One cannot blame impoverished, semi-literate people for wanting to improve their lot in life by moving to the U.S. But one must condemn the selfish, greedy American elite (Dems greedy for votes, GOP greedy for profits) that has made it possible; ridicule the naive dogoodnicks who are their amen choir; and ...

Post Date: 2006-07-26 08:15:17 by Jethro Tull
POLITICS: U.S. JEWS MOVING AWAY FROM LIBERAL IMMIGRATION VIEWS Inter Press Service English News Wire; 7/21/2005; Tom Barry* Inter Press Service English News Wire 07-21-2005 SILVER CITY, New Mexico, Jul. 20, 2005 (IPS/GIN) -- The American Jewish community is showing signs of renouncing its traditionally liberal views about immigration. Before the Sep. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, U.S. Jews were dependable allies against the restrictionist immigration policies of such organisations as the Centre for Immigration Studies (CIS) and the Federation for American Immigration Reform. Today, however, neocon institutes and synagogues are increasingly the forums for the type of ...

Injured soldiers (ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS) take citizenship oath as Bush bolsters support for immigration reform
Post Date: 2006-07-25 09:19:34 by Jethro Tull
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush presided over a citizenship ceremony on Monday for three soldiers injured in Iraq, calling them "men who knew the cost of freedom and were willing to pay that cost so others could live free." Bush also used his visit to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center to promote his stalled proposal for overhauling the nation's immigration laws. He urged Congress to break the current stalemate and pass legislation that "must be comprehensive." The three injured soldiers who took the oath and became citizens were Spc. Noe Santos-Dilone of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Spc. Sergio Lopez of Bowlingbrook, Ill.; and Pfc. Eduardo Leal-Cardenas of Los Angeles. ...

Immigration and Usurpation
Post Date: 2006-07-25 02:49:18 by Tauzero
Immigration and Usurpation Elites, Power, and the People’s Will July 2006 Americans are aware that their political class may not always act in their best interest. This belief is enshrined in the American character, its laws, and the very philosophy underpinning the U.S. Constitution. The Founding Fathers crafted things so that the "knaves" will be forced to abide by the will of the people, but they warned that their "natural progress" is to find ways to remain in power and increase that power at the people’s expense. They therefore also urged eternal vigilance, spiritedness, and the occasional revolt of the people. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and others ...

How Unskilled Immigrants Hurt Our Economy
Post Date: 2006-07-24 14:25:30 by Jethro Tull
How Unskilled Immigrants Hurt Our Economy Steven Malanga A handful of industries get low-cost labor, and the taxpayers foot the bill. The day after Librado Velasquez arrived on Staten Island after a long, surreptitious journey from his Chiapas, Mexico, home, he headed out to a street corner to wait with other illegal immigrants looking for work. Velasquez, who had supported his wife, seven kids, and his in-laws as a campesino, or peasant farmer, until a 1998 hurricane devastated his farm, eventually got work, off the books, loading trucks at a small New Jersey factory, which hired illegals for jobs that required few special skills. The arrangement suited both, until a work injury sent ...

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