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This video Bugs me.
Post Date: 2006-07-24 00:40:41 by Critter
I ran into this at ALI-Pac. The crew there was actually enjoying the fact that the cops found it necessary to beat on a chick with night sticks. WTF is happening to this country? A girl walks up with a camera to take a picture of someone else being roughed up and she gets slammed with a bike, shoved by two or three cops, and then one chicken shit mutha fugger of a pussy assed cop smashes her across the back with a stick and then beats on her while she is on the ground with a friend laying on her, seemingly trying to protect her. These people were protesting the SOS Minuteman march in LA. Since they were on the other team, the anti illegal crowd is loving this shit. WTF? If I was marching ...

Not So 'Free Republic'’—The Shot Heard Around the Net
Post Date: 2006-07-23 17:58:53 by Morgana le Fay
The shot heard around the Internet has been fired on http://FreeRepublic.com. The owner Jim Robinson and his moderators have launched a sniper style purge against members that disagree with the President's 'guest worker' amnesty or support more control of illegal immigration. Free Republic is an amazing tool for those looking for a good debate and news from around the country. The problem for the administration of the site is that their creation is allowing the participants to learn that the Bush immigration record and plans are shockingly out of line with the views of most conservatives. The management's answer to this conflict between the majority of conservatives and the influence of ...

Illegal Workers Arrested on Air Force Base
Post Date: 2006-07-23 14:05:29 by Zipporah
July 22, 2006, 9:47 PM EDT BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, La. -- Twenty-five illegal immigrants employed as contract workers at this Air Force base were arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. The arrests of the construction and landscape workers were made Friday. The workers were "foreign nationals," according to a news release from the 2nd Bomb Wing that did not specify countries of origin. Most had obtained fraudulent Social Security and alien registration numbers to complete forms, the release said. The workers did not have access to secure information, 2nd Bomb Wing spokesman Lt. Frank Hartnett said. He would not say how the workers got on the base.

Illegal Immigrant Seeks Order Against Husband. The Judge Tells Her To Get Out Or Be Deported
Post Date: 2006-07-20 14:17:08 by Mind_Virus
It Wasn't The Court Order She Sought Illegal Immigrant Seeks Order Against Husband. The Judge Tells Her To Get Out Or Be Deported. By Sam Quinones, Times Staff Writer July 20, 2006 A substitute judge hearing the case of an illegal immigrant seeking a restraining order against her husband threatened to turn her over to immigration officials if she didn't leave his courtroom. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Pro Tem Bruce R. Fink told Aurora Gonzalez during last week's hearing that he was going to count to 20 and that if she was still in his courtroom when he finished, he would have her arrested and deported to Mexico. In an interview Wednesday, Fink said that the woman had admitted in ...

Minutemen not watching over funds (Hey, Chris Simcox, "Where's the money?")
Post Date: 2006-07-20 14:00:11 by BTP Holdings
Minutemen not watching over funds By Jerry Seper THE WASHINGTON TIMES July 20, 2006 A growing number of Minuteman Civil Defense Corps leaders and volunteers are questioning the whereabouts of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of dollars in donations collected in the past 15 months, challenging the organization's leadership over financial accountability. Chris Simcox Alan Keyes Many of the group's most active members say they have no idea how much money has been collected as part of its effort to stop illegal entry -- primarily along the U.S.-Mexico border, what it has been spent on or why it has been funneled through a Virginia-based charity headed by conservative Alan Keyes. ...

Close Our Borders!
Post Date: 2006-07-15 09:48:39 by DeaconBenjamin
We are told that the vast majority of Americans want our borders closed. When they say "our borders," they do not mean the one with Canada – the longest undefended border in the world. They mean the one with Mexico. Yet that border, while not quite open, is more like a sieve than a wall. The politicians dither. But politicians do not dither when their re-election is on the line. They see their opportunities, and they take them. So, what explains the dithering? I suggest that there is confusion – enormous confusion – over three words: close, our, and borders. CLOSE Close means prevent entry and exit. Americans do not want this. That would mean no travel ...

Senate Bill Seeks More Pay For Aliens [even as American workers at the same work site could earn less]
Post Date: 2006-07-13 16:15:29 by Brian S
The Senate immigration bill would require that foreign construction laborers here under the guest-worker program be paid well above the minimum wage, even as American workers at the same work site could earn less. The bill "would guarantee wages to some foreign workers that could be higher than those paid to American workers at the same work site," says a policy paper released this week by the Senate's Republican Policy Committee. "This is unfair to U.S. workers, inappropriate, and unnecessary." The 11-page, harshly critical analysis of the Senate immigration bill on this one point reveals how torn Senate Republicans are over the larger issue of immigration. Though ...

Border for Sale
Post Date: 2006-07-12 20:39:28 by robin
Border for SalePrivatizing Immigration Controlby Joseph Richey, Special to CorpWatchJuly 5th, 2006 Cartoon by Khalil BendibFive major military contractors are competing to design a system to tackle up to two million undocumented immigrants a year in the United States. Boeing, Ericsson, Lockheed, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon are working on proposals that focus on high technology rather than high fences, but ignoring some of the fundamental problems of immigration.At each checkpoint along the path to citizenship or deportation -- from desert wilderness to urban labyrinth -- private contractors are expected to be hired to detect, apprehend, vet, detain, process, and potentially incarcerate ...

Mexico Splits in Half: the Election Hits the Streets
Post Date: 2006-07-12 11:12:48 by Zoroaster
July 12, 2006 History is What Comes Next Mexico Splits in Half: the Election Hits the Streets By JOHN ROSS A full week after the most viciously contested presidential election in its modern history, a Florida-sized fraud looms over the Mexican landscape and the nation has been divided almost exactly in half along political, economic, geographical and racial lines. Mexico has always been two lands ­ "Illusionary Mexico" and "Profound Mexico" is how sociologist Guillermo Bonfils described the great divide between rich and poor. But now, should it be allowed to stand, right-winger Felipe Calderon's severely questioned 243.000 vote victory over left-wing populist ...

Toxic Peach Martini Sends Two to Hospital
Post Date: 2006-07-11 19:25:03 by DeaconBenjamin
COLUMBIA, S.C. — A woman and her sister had to go to the hospital after a bartender mistakenly dipped their martini glasses in a caustic substance used to clean the restaurant's fryer. The bartender ran out of sugar Saturday night at Doc's Gumbo Grille downtown and asked a dishwasher that speaks mainly Spanish for more sugar. The employee gave the bartender a box containing a white substance that looked like sugar, but it was the cleaner instead, restaurant owner Doug Goolsby said. "I hate that anybody gets hospitalized at your place of business. Mistakes happen, and it's regrettable," said Goolsby, who added the business has moved the cleaner to the basement. Rita ...

Democracy Betrayed, Electorial Fraud and Rebellion in Mexico
Post Date: 2006-07-11 02:26:32 by Zoroaster
July10, 2006 Democracy Betrayed Electoral Fraud and Rebellion in Mexico By ROGER BURBACH Over half a million people took to the streets of Mexico City on Saturday to protest the fraudulent election of Felipe Calderon. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the real winner of the presidential election, told the huge crowd, "the elections were fraudulent from the start," adding the incumbent president, Vincente Fox "has betrayed democracy." The reason Fox and his National Action Party (PAN) pulled out all the stops to steal the election is quite simple-they are desperately afraid of the growing class rebellion by Mexico's poor and oppressed. The campaign slogan of Lopez ...

Saturday’s Letters: A South Carolina Nurse Reports From The Front On The Illegal Alien Invasion
Post Date: 2006-07-10 18:35:05 by Kamala
VDARE.COM - http://www.vdare.com/letters/tl_070806.htm July 08, 2006 Saturday’s Letters: A South Carolina Nurse Reports From The Front On The Illegal Alien Invasion; etc. From: Name Withheld I am a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist writing to give a first hand account of the invasion the United States is under. At present, in my South Carolina hospital one-third of our births are to illegal aliens. When social security numbers were required, few of our expectant mothers had them Now social security numbers have been removed from patient’s identification labels probably because of illegals heavy involvement in identity theft. Every year at least 350,000 illegal alien ...

Don't be fooled by peddlers of ‘Immigration Reform’ Scams : ’Food Costs will increase without cheap illegal labor’
Post Date: 2006-07-10 15:44:34 by Grumble Jones
Part 8: ’Food Costs will increase without cheap illegal labor’ Don't be fooled by peddlers of ‘Immigration Reform’ Scams By S. J. Miller {CLICK HERE for Series Overview} A simple multiple-choice question will reveal whether you're already aware of this scam. With the production cost savings in "cheap labor," do you believe that manufacturers of goods and services: a. pass the savings along to their customers OR b. direct the increased profits to increased stock dividends, officer salaries and benefits. If you answered "a," read on - you're so naive that you're a target for the "immigration reform" scam peddlers. MORE EMOTIONAL ...

Latino Funds Help Family Businesses With Posterity in Mind
Post Date: 2006-07-10 10:41:14 by Tauzero
Latino Funds Help Family Businesses With Posterity in Mind By JAMES FLANIGAN Published: July 8, 2006 PASADENA, Calif. — When Daniel D. Villanueva, a former place kicker for the Los Angeles Rams and the Dallas Cowboys, hung up his football cleats for a career in broadcasting in 1968, he tapped into something big. The fledgling Los Angeles television station he joined helped form the Spanish International Network, which ultimately grew into Univision Communications. *snip* Now what intrigues Mr. Villanueva, 67, most is nurturing small companies and inspiring entrepreneurs to become the backbone of the next generation of Latino businesses. "The new generation is university- ...

Mexico's Election Lacks Creditibility
Post Date: 2006-07-09 07:51:12 by Zoroaster
July 8 / 9, 2006 The King is Dead, Long Live the King Mexico's Election Lacks Credibility By LAURA CARLSEN Mexico's official vote count unfolded more like a suspense novel than an electoral process yesterday. Commentators and common citizens sat poised at television or computer screens as Andrés Manuel López Obrador's two-and-a-half point lead gradually dwindled until-at four in the morning-the conservative candidate, Felipe Calderón, pulled ahead. The final tally showed an unbelievably thin margin of just over half a percentage point. The operative word here is "unbelievable." López Obrador´s Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) and large ...

Spanish McDonald's ad prompts talk of a boycott Bergen town's mayor calls billboard 'divisive'
Post Date: 2006-07-09 07:17:16 by Zipporah
Saturday, July 08, 2006 Star-Ledger Staff The mayor of a small Bergen County town is calling for a McDonald's boycott if the fast-food chain does not take down a Spanish-language billboard advertising iced coffee. Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan said the advertisement is "offensive" and "divisive" because it sends a message that Hispanic im migrants do not need to learn English. "The true things that bind us together as neighbors and community is our belief in the American flag and our common language," Lonegan said. "And when McDonald's sends a different message, that we're going to be different now, that causes resentment." Representatives for ...

ADL Jews Defame Politician After Use Of The Word ‘Holocaust’
Post Date: 2006-07-09 00:24:25 by Mind_Virus
7/8/2006 ADL Jews Defame Politician After Use Of The Word ‘Holocaust’ WASHINGTON — A Republican congressman from Iowa alleges that the Anti-Defamation League defamed him over claims that he compared illegal immigrants to Nazis. The ADL has been highly critical of a May 27 speech delivered by Rep. Steve King, an Iowa Republican, in which he argued that illegal immigrants have killed many more Americans since September 11, 2001, than were killed in the Al Qaeda attacks that day. King, who was speaking to a gathering of anti-immigration activists in Las Vegas, warned that “we have a slow motion holocaust on our hands.” In response, the ADL’s director, Abraham ...

Immigration and Social Disintegration
Post Date: 2006-07-08 13:11:23 by Tauzero
Immigration and Social Disintegration By Thomas E. Brewton To say that we're a nation of immigrants is not an argument for allowing Hispanics to impose their language and culture upon the United States. The message of this article is not that immigration is bad, but that immigration without assimilation – linguistically and culturally – is disastrous. Multi-cultural and PC education, along with the welfare state, could hardly have been designed more effectively (borrowing Walter Lippmann's phrase) to dissolve American society in the acids of modernity and immigration. If these remain in power and if immigration continues at the pace of recent years, the United States will ...

Powerful Latino DJs to mount immigrant voter drive
Post Date: 2006-07-08 08:08:34 by Zipporah
Fri Jul 7, 10:04 PM ET Two Latino radio hosts credited for mobilizing hundreds of thousands this year in pro-immigrant protests said on Friday they would join the drive to increase the Hispanic and immigrant vote in the 2008 U.S. presidential election. Los Angeles disc jockeys Piolin (Tweetybird) and El Cucuy (the Bogeyman) said they will work with the National Council of La Raza and other organizations to push Latino immigrants living in the United States to become U.S. citizens and register to vote in time to cast ballots in 2008. Immigration promises to be one of the big issues in the 2006 mid-term congressional elections and the 2008 presidential election as the future of some 12 ...

City's sanctuary status mocked
Post Date: 2006-07-07 01:30:40 by Tauzero
City's sanctuary status mocked Signs send illegals to Cambridge By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff | July 5, 2006 When Cambridge recently renewed its status as a sanctuary city for all immigrants, including undocumented ones, the news barely caused a stir around here. But the move has made the city a target for an immigration control group based in Washington , which is starting a national campaign urging undocumented immigrants to flood into the Massachusetts city. ProjectUSA is raising money to pay for a billboard in northern New Jersey that it hopes will be the first of many across the country. The proposed billboard would read: ``Attention: Illegal Aliens. Cambridge, Mass. is a ...

Unity, yes, but still no anthem
Post Date: 2006-07-06 20:54:37 by Dakmar
It has all the makings of a reality TV show: The search for an artist with a homegrown song that can best serve as the anthem of the immigrant rights movement in Los Angeles. At least one number is being professionally produced with an ensemble of popular Mexican artists in the mold of "We Are the World," the all-star charity tune from the 1980s. But many more songs are sprouting spontaneously from amateur singers and songwriters within Southern California's Mexican community, inspired by recent protests against a proposed crackdown on immigrants without papers. Unsolicited cassettes, CDs and even DVDs have arrived by the dozens at the offices of Los Tigres del Norte, the famed ...

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico
Post Date: 2006-07-06 20:35:46 by Indrid Cold
WASHINGTON - George W. Bush isn't the first Republican president to face a full-blown immigration crisis on the US-Mexican border. Fifty-three years ago, when newly elected Dwight Eisenhower moved into the White House, America's southern frontier was as porous as a spaghetti sieve. As many as 3 million illegal migrants had walked and waded northward over a period of several years for jobs in California, Arizona, Texas, and points beyond. President Eisenhower cut off this illegal traffic. He did it quickly and decisively with only 1,075 United States Border Patrol agents – less than one-tenth of today's force. The operation is still highly praised among veterans of the Border Patrol. ...

Arizona Sheriff Requires Jailed Immigrants To Listen To ‘Patriotic Songs,’ Wear Pink Underwear
Post Date: 2006-07-06 18:16:04 by Mind_Virus
Arizona Sheriff Requires Jailed Immigrants To Listen To ‘Patriotic Songs,’ Wear Pink Underwear Yesterday on Fox’s The Big Story, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio described how he jails hundreds of immigrants and subjects them to degrading treatment. Arpaio says he dresses jailed immigrants in pink underwear, pink handcuffs and a stripped jumpsuit. He also forces them to listen to “patriotic songs” multiple times a day. Watch it: Arpaio’s prison has also been the site of multiple controversial inmate deaths. Transcript: SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO, MARICOPA COUNTY, AZ: Yesterday, by the way, I have 1,000 illegals in a jail out of 10,000, including 2,000 we have in tents, ...

Post Date: 2006-07-06 12:29:02 by rowdee
WASHINGTON — From Vermont to California and a host of unlikely places in between, many Republicans say they are convinced that tough immigration positions are what voters want to hear ahead of the November election, and, in fact, immigration could be the biggest issue of the year. "I honestly don't know a district where this is not an important issue, maybe the top issue or at least in the top three," said Richard Engle, spokesman for the National Federation of Republican Assemblies. "I happen to live in a nearby (congressional) district where there is an open seat, and every candidate is jumping over themselves to get in on this issue." Senate Republicans are ...

Post Date: 2006-07-06 11:59:37 by rowdee
http://(CNSNews.com) - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is "a blooming idiot" for giving testimony on Wednesday that supports illegal aliens while attacking the rights of American gun owners, a pro-gun group has charged. During testimony before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee at a hearing held in Philadelphia, Bloomberg said: "Although they broke the law by illegally crossing our borders ... our city's economy would be a shell of itself had they not, and it would collapse if they were deported. The same holds true for the nation." That comment drew the ire of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), which accused the mayor of being ...

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