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Will Illegal Immigrants Become Good Citizens?
Post Date: 2006-06-09 01:53:01 by Tauzero
Jared Taylor, AR News Exclusive, June 8, 2006 [Note from the editor: Last week, we submitted the following OpEd to more than 1,000 newspapers. To the best of our knowledge, it appeared in only one—The Circleville Herald of Circleville, Ohio. If House and Senate negotiators craft a compromise retaining the provisions of the Senate’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act that enable illegals to embark on a “path toward citizenship” and greatly increase legal immigration, the nation will be flooded with millions of immigrants—and their extended families—over the next two decades. The overwhelming majority of these “new Americans” will be Hispanic, ...

Alex Jones Detained On Orders Of Bilderberg Group [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-06-08 17:20:51 by Kamala
Alex Jones Detained On Orders Of Bilderberg Group 15 hours of hell at the hands of immigration who knew they were coming Paul Joseph Watson/Prison http://Planet.com | June 8 2006 Alex Jones and his team were detained by Canadian immigration on orders of the Bilderberg Group for a 15 hour nightmare of interrogation, accusations and threats of arrests in anticipation of the conference in Ottawa which starts today. The group were detained at 11:45pm last night and only released after 2pm today. Customs openly told Alex as soon as they brought him into custody that the Bilderberg Group was aware of his arrival and that this was the reason for his detainment. All three members of the team ...

AUDIO: PHX Has McCain at Hispanic Event Saying 75% of US Supports Amnesty "This Is A Call To Arms"
Post Date: 2006-06-07 21:58:05 by Zipporah
AUDIO: PHX Has McCain at Hispanic Event Saying 75% of US Supports Amnesty & This Is A Call To Arms!Posted by PHX - Lobo on Sunday June 4, 2006 at 2:56 pm MST [ Send Story to Friend ] PHXnews Writer Lobo on 5/31 John McCain appeared at an event in Irvine, CA, at the Hyatt Regency. The event was organized by the Hispanic 100, and some 325-350 participated, mostly entrepreneurs, elected officials, business and civic leaders of the Hispanic community. Of course, the main issue was the Senate bill. McCain spoke at length about the "strength and vitality" the US has gained from its "immigrant heritage", their contribution to the economy, and the tragic loss of lives ...

George Bush's Illegal Sister In Law : The Mexican Behind The Immigration Policy
Post Date: 2006-06-06 23:15:11 by Mind_Virus
George Bush's Illegal Sister In Law The Mexican Behind The Immigration Policy 6/6/2006 5:11:45 PM LSN Staff Washington, DC -- According to a recent article by Steve Sailer in the most recent edition of the American Conservative, President George W Bush's sister-in-law Columba, wife of his brother Jeb Bush, is an illegal immigrant who grew up hiding from the INS in California prior to the 1986 amnesty. The article goes on to detail ties between the Bush family and Mexico's corrupt elite, including George H W Bush's oil drilling partnership with Mexican Jorge Diaz Serrano, who was imprisoned in 1981 for embezzling $58 million dollars from Pemex, the major Mexican oil company. The ...

Tax Dollars Fund Advocacy of Illegal Immigration
Post Date: 2006-06-06 20:34:10 by DeaconBenjamin
Citizens Against Government Waste often criticizes nonprofit organizations that use tax dollars for political advocacy. The practice forces taxpayers to support political movements that they may disagree with. Recently, CAGW took a look at some of the groups involved in one of today’s most controversial issues, illegal immigration. There is no question that illegal immigrants are a burden on the taxpayer. Illegal immigrants and their children use government services like Medicaid, food stamps, and public schools. Estimates of the net fiscal cost of illegal immigration range from $22 billion to $70 billion annually. Some organizations that receive government funding advocate for ...

Internet users to patrol US-Mexico border
Post Date: 2006-06-06 19:30:10 by Tauzero
Internet users to patrol US-Mexico border (Filed: 02/06/2006) The governor of Texas has unveiled plans to place hundreds of CCTV cameras along the US-Mexico border so internet users can "patrol" the frontier from their homes. Rick Perry said that the surveillance cameras along the Rio Grande would allow armchair border guards to view streamed video online and call a toll-free number and report any illegal immigrants they spot trying to enter the country. Texas authorities could then take whatever action they deemed appropriate. "A stronger border is what Americans want and it's what our security demands and that is what Texas is going to deliver," Mr Perry told a ...

Immigration and The Holocaust: Debunking The Myth
Post Date: 2006-06-06 13:35:45 by Tauzero
Immigration and The Holocaust: Debunking The Myth By Robert Locke [Also by Robert Locke: Is Population Transfer The Solution To The Palestinian Problem – And Some Others?] It’s the standard canard against immigration reform: the last time this country had immigration under control (1924-65), it caused the exclusion of Jewish refugees—who ended up exterminated by the Nazis. Therefore (though this would not follow even if this premise were true) restrictions on immigration are immoral. Because of the understandably strong emotional associations, this myth is highly effective. It must be debunked forthwith. The first thing to get clear is this: no matter what else may be ...

Knives rule the playgrounds as inter-racial violence soars
Post Date: 2006-06-05 23:27:22 by Tauzero
Knives rule the playgrounds as inter-racial violence soars Pupils across the country are scared - scared of children from other ethnic backgrounds and of the blades that are now being used with terrifying regularity. Anushka Asthana and Mark Townsend report on the tensions that threaten to turn playgrounds into battlegrounds Sunday June 4, 2006 The Observer Fridays were the most scary. 'Twenty kids would wait for me at the school gates and beat me up. Once they put me on the floor and stamped on my head. It started when I was 12.' A group of Somali boys were sitting outside a cafe on Stratford Road in Birmingham talking about their experience of school. Modqtar, now 17, was beaten up ...

Border crossers appear guilty of blinding dog with pepper
Post Date: 2006-06-04 14:02:30 by robin
Published: 06.04.2006The safety of these two German shepherds, Simone, left, and Amanda, has become the concern of their owners, Rick and Barb Burton, neighbors of Sandy Schlesinger, owner of Gobbler, the dog that was blinded.Kelly presnell / Arizona Daily Star More Photos (1): Border crossers appear guilty of blinding dog with pepper By Kimberly Matas ARIZONA DAILY STAR "I wouldn't go so far as to shoot them, but I'd scare the living hell out of them." Rick Burton Sandy Schlesinger's neighborSaving Gobbler Anyone interested in adopting Gobbler should call Tucson-based Saving Animals From Euthanasia at 250-5080.ARIVACA — Sandy Schlesinger thought he had an unspoken ...

Border Patrol Draws Scrutiny as Its Role Grows
Post Date: 2006-06-04 12:32:47 by Zipporah
Border Patrol Draws Scrutiny as Its Role Grows By RANDAL C. ARCHIBOLD PHOENIX, June 2 — With a proposed major expansion, the Border Patrol may soon overtake the F.B.I. as the largest federal law enforcement agency. But the stepped-up mission comes as the Border Patrol wrestles with recruitment and training difficulties, and several agents face accusations of misconduct. In response to concerns, the inspector general's office of the Homeland Security Department, which oversees the Border Patrol, said it would audit the agency's recruitment, hiring and training practices to determine if it can handle the rapid expansion. A spokeswoman, Tamara Faulkner, said the review could begin ...

First troops in Bush's border plan arrive
Post Date: 2006-06-04 07:47:27 by Zipporah
A U.S. Border Patrol agent apprehends two undocumented aliens along the international border in Nogales, Ariz., Wednesday, May 31, 2006. Illegal entry into the United States continues, even as border states and Congress increase their efforts to secure entry points. (AP Photo/Matt York) Sun Jun 4, 4:45 AM ET Fifty-five National Guard members from Utah arrived in Yuma on Saturday afternoon — the first troops to be sent to the Arizona-Mexico border in a new crackdown on illegal immigration. The Utah troops had been scheduled to work on fences and other projects as part of the Guard's long-standing efforts at the Arizona border, officials had said as late as Wednesday. But their ...

English Only? Here's the latest word from Geno's
Post Date: 2006-06-03 19:51:09 by Zipporah
The customer is always right? Not at Geno's Steaks in South Philadelphia. Belly up to its counter and order a cheesesteak in a language other than English, and you'll walk away hungry. Fromage-avec? Fugheddaboudit. It seems that Joseph Vento, Geno's owner, feels strongly that everyone in this country ought to speak English - even if they're tourists from faraway climes looking for that fabled Philly cheesesteak fix. Vento insists his customers order in English. No pointing at the menu items. Speak English, a sign at Vento's popular, curbside counter reads. This comes from a man whose Italian-born grandparents spoke limited English. Talk about irony thicker than Cheez Whiz. In the heated ...

Busby on defense, says she misspoke
Post Date: 2006-06-03 18:57:03 by Horse
If an election can turn on a sentence, this could be the one: “You don't need papers for voting.” On Thursday night, Francine Busby, the Democratic candidate for the 50th Congressional District, was speaking before a largely Latino crowd in Escondido when she uttered those words. She said yesterday she simply misspoke. But someone taped it and a recording began circulating yesterday. After she made that statement at the meeting, Busby immediately said: “You don't need to be a registered voter to help (the campaign).” She said that subsequent statement was to clarify what she meant. The recording, which was played yesterday on Roger Hedgecock's radio talk show, jolted ...

'86 Amnesty Frames Immigration Debate
Post Date: 2006-06-03 18:46:08 by robin
'86 Amnesty Frames Immigration DebateThe law, which legalized millions but didn't halt the flow, offers lessons in the battle over reforms. By Teresa Watanabe and Anna Gorman Times Staff Writers June 3, 2006 With the U.S. Senate's approval of a landmark immigration bill last week, setting up a showdown with the House, some policymakers say moving forward depends on looking back. Twenty years back, to be precise. In 1986, President Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill featuring, among other things, widespread legalization of illegal immigrants, tougher border enforcement and measures aimed at eliminating the hiring of unauthorized workers. The current Senate proposal includes ...

District, Police Investigate Report Of Attack Near School
Post Date: 2006-06-02 19:56:25 by Tauzero
District, Police Investigate Report Of Attack Near School POSTED: 5:54 pm PDT June 1, 2006 UPDATED: 6:02 pm PDT June 1, 2006 LOS ANGELES -- A local radio reporter was assaulted Thursday while leaving a Los Angeles charter school, a station official said. Video The Los Angeles School District and Los Angeles Police Department are investigating the allegations. The reporter, Sandy Wells of KABC radio, was not hurt, said station spokesman Steve Sheldon. Wells was leaving the campus of Academia Semillas Del Pueblo, 4736 Huntington Drive, after interviewing the principal when a car came around the corner, jumped the curb and the driver tried to run him down, Sheldon said. Wells dodged the ...

1 million sex crimes by illegals - Researcher estimates more than 100 offenders crossing border daily
Post Date: 2006-06-02 14:15:22 by Jethro Tull
INVASION USA Study: 1 million sex crimes by illegals Researcher estimates more than 100 offenders crossing border daily Posted: May 31, 2006 1:00 a.m. Eastern Based on a one-year in-depth study, a researcher estimates there are about 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders in the United States who have had an average of four victims each. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin of the Violent Crimes Institute in Atlanta analyzed 1,500 cases from January 1999 through April 2006 that included serial rapes, serial murders, sexual homicides and child molestation committed by illegal immigrants - Snip She arrives at the figure of 240,000 offenders – a conservative estimate, she says ...

Lawyer: Border Patrol should be investigated for racial profiling
Post Date: 2006-06-02 01:54:45 by Tauzero
Lawyer: Border Patrol should be investigated for racial profiling By Andrew Glazer ASSOCIATED PRESS 5:08 p.m. May 31, 2006 LOS ANGELES – A civil rights lawyer on Wednesday demanded authorities investigate a roundup of hundreds of undocumented immigrants in what he called a desert dragnet based on racial profiling. In a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, attorney Luis Carrillo claimed U.S. Border Patrol agents only pulled over people with brown skin in the five-day operation known as “Operation Desert Denial.” More than 600 undocumented immigrants were detained from May 19 to May 24 along Interstate 40 near Barstow. No light-skinned people were detained, ...

Jewish groups welcomed a U.S. immigration bill that includes paths for undocumented immigrants to legalize their status
Post Date: 2006-06-01 19:03:14 by Brian S
The Reform movement and the American Jewish Committee each welcomed the bill passed last week in the Senate. The bill was an improvement over a U.S. House of Representatives version, both groups said, because the House version emphasized enforcement at the expense of amnesty. The Senate bill “offers a comprehensive solution incorporating a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and a sensible temporary worker system,” AJCommittee said.

Stepping Over the Line (What Happens to Illegal Immigrants in Mexico)
Post Date: 2006-06-01 19:01:25 by tom007
Stepping Over the Line Don't try sneaking north across Mexico's other border. By Joseph Contreras Newsweek June 5, 2006 issue - Ever since he crossed into Mexico, José Moisés has had nothing but trouble. Now the 30-year-old Honduran mechanic is hunkered down with other young illegal migrants in a rail yard just north of Mexico City, waiting for nightfall to hop a northbound freight. He displays a pale line encircling his finger. He used to have a ring there, he says—until Mexican cops slammed him against a squad car in the southern border state of Chiapas and grabbed it. "They took everything," says Moisés. "Here the Central American has no value." Story continues below [5; ...

Fresh clashes in Paris raise fears of summer of discontent
Post Date: 2006-06-01 00:31:09 by Tauzero
Fresh clashes in Paris raise fears of summer of discontent By Jenny Booth and agencies Rioters hurling rocks clashed with police in the suburbs of Paris for a second night, as authorities arrested a youth whose injury - along with the death of two friends - last year sparked a wave of brutal unrest. Muhittin Altun, who survived being electrocuted in October when he hid from police in an electricity sub-station, was detained late last night in Clichy-sous-Bois, a poor neighbourhood northeast of Paris that was the centre of last year’s violence. Police said the 18-year-old had been throwing stones at a police car. His lawyer denied the charge. Altun was alleged to have joined in the ...

Is the U.S. Senate Incompetent or Deceitful?
Post Date: 2006-05-31 21:12:11 by 82Marine89
The so-called “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act” (“CIRA”) being debated in the United States Senate is quite possibly one of the most far-reaching and dangerous pieces of legislation to be proposed in many years. It is unfortunate that it bears the names of two Republican Senators, Senator Hagel and Senator Martinez as sponsors and authors of a compromise supposed to improve it, but perhaps the publicity the bill is getting will cause the constituents of those Senators to reassess their support. Are these Senators and others in the Senate who are backing this bill unaware of the provisions of the bill or are they trying to dupe us with their politically correct ...

Alabama Dem Candidate Larry Darby: Would Treat Illegal Immigrants As POWs
Post Date: 2006-05-31 19:24:28 by Mind_Virus
Darby Would Treat Illegal Immigrants As POWs Tuesday, May 30, 2006 LIZ ELLABY News staff writer In all but one respect, Evergreen native Larry Darby is the prototype Southern politician. He was reared a Southern Baptist, the son of a row-crop farmer, and grew up in the backwoods learning early lessons about independence, he says. Darby, 49, acknowledges he broke the mold when as a teenager he rejected the concept of God. The Montgomery lawyer, founder of the Atheist Law Center to promote separation of church and state, faces Mobile County District Attorney John Tyson in the Democratic primary for state attorney general. Darby is running on a nine-point platform to restore state ...

Verifying GWB's signature on amnesty invations
Post Date: 2006-05-31 19:03:23 by 82Marine89
Well, I spent my first weekend with the border group I have just joined. I had been a member of Friends of the Border Patrol, but didn't quite agree with some of the politics. I would mention the name of this new group, but they do not want media attention at this point. They will be announcing their existence next month at an open house, but right now they are only interested in locating major illegal alien crossing points and gathering intelligence to find out where they lay up until vehicles come to get them.When I got there Friday, everyone had already gone to the field, so I just helped at the operations center installing a radio in a vehicle, monitoring radios, sweeping ...

Is Population Transfer the Solution to the Palestinian Problem—And Some Others?
Post Date: 2006-05-31 16:23:24 by Tauzero
Is Population Transfer the Solution to the Palestinian Problem—And Some Others? By Robert Locke Let me lay my cards on the table: I am an American supporter of Israel, non-Jewish but a philo-semite. Perhaps not all VDARE.COM readers will agree with me. [VDARE.COM comment: In which case they should email Robert Locke, not us!] But the ideologies governing all Western nations are closely interlinked. What happens in one nation is likely to happen in the others. Nationalism as such is under systematic attack by globalist ideology. We can no longer afford to fall into the classic trap that has always bedeviled nationalists: instinctive difficulty in cooperating with the nationalists of ...

Rousing The Zealots : Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists And Militiamen Are Revivified By The Furor Over Illegal Immigration
Post Date: 2006-05-31 10:30:46 by Mind_Virus
Monday, May 29, 2006 Rousing The Zealots Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists And Militiamen Are Revivified By The Furor Over Illegal Immigration By JEFFREY RESSNER Pugnacious anthems and racist diatribes have never been in short supply at Nordic Fest, an annual white-power Woodstock held over the Memorial Day break near the former mining town of Dawson Springs, Ky. And this past weekend was no exception. On the agenda were a Triumph of the Will--themed running event and a cross "lighting" sponsored by the Imperial Klans of America. But something new did arise at Nordic Fest this year: bellicose talk and plans of action against illegal immigrants. Among the scheduled guest speakers ...

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