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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Let's Treat Taxes Like Immigration
Post Date: 2006-05-26 00:42:34 by Brian S
Remember back to what the immigration issue was about when it began to concern Conservatives. It had nothing to do with racism, guest worker programs, fences along the border, or questions of amnesty. It was about the United States government refusing to enforce the law. We thought it was wrong for people, who came into the country illegally, to be given free college tuition, released back into the general population after they committed a crime, rather than being immediately deported, issued drivers’ licenses, and free medical care. Not because we are cruel and heartless people who do not care about the suffering of others, but because our government had decided to enforce the laws ...

Border Fight Divides G.O.P.
Post Date: 2006-05-25 23:40:42 by Brian S
WASHINGTON, May 25 — The negotiations between the White House and Congress that will follow the Senate's passage on Thursday of an immigration bill could decide not just how the nation confronts illegal immigration but also what strain of conservatism the Republican Party carries into the midterm elections and beyond. Will it be the compassionate brand Mr. Bush considers crucial to the party's future, in this case by signaling support for a provision in the Senate bill that would give most illegal immigrants an opportunity to become legal? Or will it be the more doctrinaire variety embraced by much of Mr. Bush's party in the House, one that shuns anything that smacks of amnesty for ...

US Acts To Allow Illegals To Become Citizens
Post Date: 2006-05-25 23:27:58 by Brian S
THE US Senate voted for a groundbreaking legalisation programme for America’s estimated 12 million illegal immigrants last night. The bill, which would introduce the biggest shakeup in US immigration policy in 20 years, allows for a six-year programme before illegal immigrants can apply for citizenship. The bill would also allow an additional 200,000 guest workers into the US each year. Both Senate leaders and the White House welcomed the passing of the bill, saying it gave a historical opportunity for America to correct its outdated immigration laws. However, Senate leaders must try to match their bill with an anti-illegal immigration bill passed by the House of ...

Post Date: 2006-05-25 22:44:33 by orbiter
After watching the Senate for the past several days I've come to the conclusion that John McCain has made a backroom deal with Bush. In return for his passionate support for amnesty, Cheney will step down after the mid-terms and McCain will replace him as V.P. This would allow him to be assured a place on the ticket. I see the ticket as follows. McCain/gonzales Clinton/menendez I think I'm gonna vote for Leroy Jones, a garbage collector in south Mississippi, then set back and watch how these ass kissing senators start babbling how they've known him for years, what a great president he'll make what great ideas he has and about the great leader he's gonna be. What a bunch of nitwits.

Senate Passes Immigration Bill Overhaul
Post Date: 2006-05-25 19:02:29 by mirage
WASHINGTON (AP) - Legislation to secure U.S. borders and offer millions of illegal immigrants access to the American dream cleared the Senate on Thursday, a rare election-year reach across party lines and a triumph for President Bush. The 62-36 vote cleared the way for arduous summertime compromise talks with the House on its version that focuses on border enforcement - with no guarantee of success. "Why not say to those undocumented workers who are working the jobs that the rest of us refuse, come out from the shadows," said Arizona Republican John McCain, a key architect of the bill. The legislation includes money to better secure the borders, provide a new guest worker ...

Jumping The Fence while Bush being interviewed re immigation and the border patrol
Post Date: 2006-05-25 18:53:05 by Zipporah
While doing an interview with Bush about border patrol, If you look closely in the background, you can see a few jumpers going over the wall.

Arrest of illegals falls off Clinton pace
Post Date: 2006-05-25 17:28:22 by Peetie Wheatstraw
The U.S. Border Patrol increased at a faster rate and apprehended more illegal aliens per year under President Clinton than under President Bush, according to statistics from a new, unpublished congressional research briefing report. Mr. Bush trails his predecessor on a series of measures of border security, says the briefing from the Congressional Research Service to the House Judiciary Committee, which was based on Department of Homeland Security data. Mr. Clinton increased the number of Border Patrol agents and pilots by 126 percent over his eight-year term, or an average of 642 per year, while Mr. Bush has averaged 411 new agents per year through 2005, for a total increase of 22.3 ...

Fragile Senate Coalition Set To Pass Bill on Immigration
Post Date: 2006-05-25 11:10:00 by robin
Fragile Senate Coalition Set To Pass Bill on Immigration By Charles Babington Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, May 25, 2006; A03 The Senate moved to the verge of passing landmark immigration legislation yesterday, scheduling a final vote for today on a bill that would tighten the borders while allowing millions of illegal immigrants to stay in the country and permitting new guest workers to come and go. But the very mixture of get-tough and be-kind measures that have made Senate approval possible could prove the biggest obstacle to reaching an accord with the House, where conservatives are determined to secure the borders before tackling other matters. Senate leaders said their ...

Bill permits 193 million more aliens by 2004
Post Date: 2006-05-25 09:18:13 by Zoroaster
The Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com Bill permits 193 million more aliens by 2026 By Charles Hurt THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published May 16, 2006 Advertisement The Senate immigration reform bill would allow for up to 193 million new legal immigrants -- a number greater than 60 percent of the current U.S. population -- in the next 20 years, according to a study released yesterday. "The magnitude of changes that are entailed in this bill -- and are largely unknown -- rival the impact of the creation of Social Security or the creation of the Medicare program," said Robert Rector, senior policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation who conducted the study. Although the ...

Carter Praises Bush's Immigration Stance... /chuckle
Post Date: 2006-05-25 01:14:25 by Brian S
(05-24) 20:29 PDT ATLANTA (AP) -- Former president Carter, a Democrat and frequent critic of President Bush, sees eye-to-eye with him on immigration. Carter on Wednesday called the Republican president's commitment to immigration reform "quite admirable," saying he agrees with Bush's support of a system that would eventually grant citizenship to some illegals. The Senate is set to vote as early as Thursday on a bill that calls for tougher border security as well as an eventual chance at citizenship for millions of men and women in the country illegally. The law should secure the nation's borders while "at the same time treating those who are here with respect and ...

Dobbs' immigration reporting marked by misinformation, extreme rhetoric, attacks on Mexican president, and data from organization linked to white supremacists (what a load!)
Post Date: 2006-05-24 20:32:01 by Zipporah
Video Clip var myQTObject = new QTObject("http://mediamatters.org/static/video/dobbs-20060523-ccc.jpg", "Media Matters video clip", "320", "256", "http://mediamatters.org/static/video/dobbs-20060523-ccc.mov"); myQTObject.addParam("target", "myself"); myQTObject.addParam("controller", "false"); myQTObject.addParam("scale", "aspect"); myQTObject.write(); Trouble viewing clip? Download: QT | WMV Take Action! Contact information: CNNCNN>http://www.cnn.com/feedback/cnntv/">CNN One CNN Center, Box 105366, Atlanta, GA 30303-5366 Phone: 404-827-1500 Fax: 404-827-1906 Lou ...

Immigration bill awaits Senate approval
Post Date: 2006-05-24 19:58:30 by Zipporah
12 minutes ago In this video frame grab taken from C-SPAN2 television, Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., speaks on the floor of the Senate during debate on an ammendment to the immigration bill, Wednesday May 24, 2006 in Washington. Earlier, the Senate voted overwhelmingly to limit debate on election-year immigration legislation, clearing the way for final passage later this week of a bill that calls for tougher border security as well as an eventual chance at citizenship for millions of men and women in the country illegally. (AP Photo/CSPAN2) Senate supporters of landmark immigration legislation looked ahead Wednesday to passage of a measure along lines set by President Bush, but they also ...

Fridge Fills Up In Arizona Desert Season of Death : Illegal Immigrants Dying of Desert Heat
Post Date: 2006-05-24 19:19:32 by Mind_Virus
Fridge Fills Up In Arizona Desert Season of Death Tue May 23, 2006 3:36pm ET170 By Frank Jack Daniel TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - So many illegal immigrants die of desert heat on the U.S.-Mexico border that an Arizona morgue has had to buy a refrigerated trailer to store its bodies, and it is building room for more. As temperatures begin to soar toward 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius), Bruce Parks, the head of the medical examiner's office in Tucson, worries that tighter security on the border may mean a gruesome toll this summer. The U.S. Senate on Monday backed plans by President Bush to send up to 6,000 National Guard troops to the border, which illegal immigrants say will force ...

The End of the Republic
Post Date: 2006-05-24 01:10:13 by Tauzero
The End of the Republic By Robert Locke Based upon the Senate vote to give amnesty to illegal aliens, I wish to formally and explicitly predict that if this legislation stands, this marks the moment at which the United States is finished as a nation. I am neither kidding nor exaggerating. This is it. The game is over. The USA will not survive as a country; it will go the way of the USSR, the only other nation commonly refered to as an "experiment." There will be no tricentennial. A hundred years from now, it will not appear on maps. A thousand years from now, its existence will only be known to history buffs and graduate students. Like ancient Athens, some will probably ...

Full speech: Top Republican unveils 'no amnesty' immigration bill
Post Date: 2006-05-23 14:14:38 by Zipporah
PENCE UNVEILS NO AMNESTY IMMIGRATION REFORM BILL WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence delivered the following speech entitled "Renewing the American Dream: The Real Rational Middle Ground on Immigration Reform" at the Heritage Foundation this afternoon. Of note: "Therefore, the solution is to setup a system that will encourage illegal aliens to self-deport and come back legally as guest workers. This may sound outside of the box, and it is. It may sound far-fetched and unrealistic, but it isn’t. It is based on sound, proven conservative principles. It places reliance on American enterprise and puts government back into its traditional role of protecting its ...

North American Union to Replace USA?
Post Date: 2006-05-23 09:50:08 by Freedomsnotfree
President Bush is pursuing a globalist agenda to create a North American Union, effectively erasing our borders with both Mexico and Canada. This was the hidden agenda behind the Bush administration's true open borders policy. Secretly, the Bush administration is pursuing a policy to expand NAFTA politically, setting the stage for a North American Union designed to encompass the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. What the Bush administration truly wants is the free, unimpeded movement of people across open borders with Mexico and Canada. President Bush intends to abrogate U.S. sovereignty to the North American Union, a new economic and political entity which the President is quietly forming, much ...

President's Immigration Speech Lacks Credibility
Post Date: 2006-05-22 21:48:18 by Zipporah
President's Immigration Speech Lacks Credibility by Phyllis SchlaflyPosted May 22, 2006 If President George W. Bush had given his May 15 speech calling for immigration reform five years earlier, we would have believed him. Now, after five years of doing nothing to protect our borders, he is not credible.The problems he eloquently expressed didn't just emerge this year. They existed when he took office and throughout the last five years when he did nothing to correct them.These problems include:The pitiful number Border Patrol agents.The millions of illegal immigrants smuggled into the United States across the desert or in crowded 18-wheelers. The dangerous policy called ...

Tancredo warns America 'in mortal danger'
Post Date: 2006-05-22 21:45:59 by Zipporah
Tancredo warns America 'in mortal danger' Immigration-reform leader speaks out in brand new book Posted: May 22, 20061:00 a.m. Eastern http://© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo. WASHINGTON – Two years ago, he was as lonely as the Maytag repairman – an obscure congressman trying desperately to raise the visibility of an issue he believed threatened the very security of the U.S. More recently, he has become a force to be reckoned with, the leader of a powerful House caucus, a Republican who has taken on the president, a man respected for outspoken positions and the political force behind what has become the hottest issue in the nation. ...

Senate bill protects employers of illegal aliens from penalties
Post Date: 2006-05-22 12:23:11 by Brian S
Among those who will be cleared of past crimes under the Senate's proposed immigration-reform bill would be the businesses that have employed the estimated 10 million illegal aliens eligible for citizenship and that provided the very "magnet" that drew them here in the first place. Buried in the more than 600 pages of legislation is a section titled "Employer Protections," which states: "Employers of aliens applying for adjustment of status under this section shall not be subject to civil and criminal tax liability relating directly to the employment of such alien." Supporters of the legislation insist that such provisions do not amount to ...

The Plan To Replace The Dollar With The 'Amero'
Post Date: 2006-05-22 07:03:33 by Mind_Virus
The Plan To Replace The Dollar With The 'Amero' by Jerome R. Corsi Posted May 22, 2006 The idea to form the North American Union as a super-NAFTA knitting together Canada, the United States and Mexico into a super-regional political and economic entity was a key agreement resulting from the March 2005 meeting held at Baylor University in Waco, Tex., between President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin. A joint statement published by the three presidents following their Baylor University summit announced the formation of an initial entity called, “The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” (SPP). The joint statement termed the SPP a “trilateral ...

On immigration, conservatives need to give Bush a break
Post Date: 2006-05-22 00:28:48 by Zipporah
On immigration, conservatives need to give Bush a breakSunday, May 21, 2006 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Jack Kelly is national security writer for the Post-Gazette and The Blade of Toledo, Ohio (jkelly@post-gazette.com, 412-263-1476). Mexico has a presidential election on July 2. The leading candidates are Felipe Calderon, a conservative, and Andres Lopez Obrador, a leftist who has the backing of Venezuelan thug Hugo Chavez and Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. What does this have to do with President Bush's plan for comprehensive immigration reform? Maybe lots. Medicare and Social Security are going broke chiefly because there aren't enough workers paying into the systems to support ...

Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Grows Into Nationwide Hate Crimes
Post Date: 2006-05-21 19:49:42 by Mind_Virus
Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Grows Into Nationwide Hate Crimes By Charlene Muhammad Updated May 16, 2006, 03:32 pm LOS ANGELES http://(FinalCall.com) - As nationwide pro-immigrant conferences, marches and rallies continue alongside the increasing debate over immigration reform legislation, anti-immigrant sentiments are transforming into hate crimes against immigrants, particularly Latinos. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently informed that some Latino officials, including California Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante and L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa have received hateful death threats. The announcement came in the midst of mass, nationwide immigrant rights marches, during which ...

Mexico works to bar non-natives from jobs
Post Date: 2006-05-21 17:09:03 by Zipporah
By MARK STEVENSON Associated Press Writer AP Photo/JENNIFER SZYMASZEK World Video Advertisement MEXICO CITY (AP) -- If Arnold Schwarzenegger had migrated to Mexico instead of the United States, he couldn't be a governor. If Argentina native Sergio Villanueva, firefighter hero of the Sept. 11 attacks, had moved to Tecate instead of New York, he wouldn't have been allowed on the force. Even as Mexico presses the United States to grant unrestricted citizenship to millions of undocumented Mexican migrants, its officials at times calling U.S. policies "xenophobic," Mexico places daunting limitations on anyone born outside its territory. In the United States, only two posts - the ...

"I'm Mexican, really," say Central America migrants
Post Date: 2006-05-21 15:15:51 by Brian S
Sun May 21, 2006 01:14 PM ET By Tim Gaynor NUEVO LAREDO, Mexico (Reuters) - Non-Mexican Hispanics entering the United States illegally are studying up on Mexican history and geography, even learning to whistle the national anthem, to beat U.S. plans to fly them home. As part of a proposal to overhaul immigration laws and tighten border security, President Bush pledged last week to increase deportations of illegal immigrants from countries other than Mexico caught crossing the U.S. border. Mexicans, who make up most of the almost 1.2 million immigrants detained crossing the border illegally in 2005, are given a criminal background check and then sent over the frontier, usually within a ...

Revealed: 'sex-for-asylum' scandal at immigration HQ
Post Date: 2006-05-21 15:00:43 by Zipporah
Revealed: 'sex-for-asylum' scandal at immigration HQ · Rape victim targeted by top official· Home Office launches investigation· Watch the video clip (WMV 1:20) Jamie Doward and Mark TownsendSunday May 21, 2006The Observer James Dawute, chief immigration officer. Source: ObserverA 'sex-for-asylum' scandal at the UK's largest immigration processing centre has been uncovered by an Observer investigation, piling more pressure on a government already reeling from a series of Home Office bungles.Evidence obtained by this newspaper reveals how a chief immigration officer at Lunar House in Croydon, south London, targeted an 18-year-old Zimbabwean rape victim over a ...

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