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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Immigration's New Lawless America
Post Date: 2006-05-13 20:34:31 by Coral Snake
Immigration's New Lawless America By Frosty Wooldridge 5-11-6 Is America a lawless nation? Has it displaced its constitutional guarantees? Has it become a renegade nation? Can we survive the growing anarchy within our country? Note - "We have to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if worse comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." And - "You gringos have spilled enough of our blood, now it's your turn to bleed, you [expletive] sub-human beasts." The above two racist hate quotes are by University of Texas Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez in a public speech. Gutierrez is also the founder of 'La Raza' which is exclusively for the Hispanic race. For ...

What Would We Do If All The Illegal Immigrants Left?
Post Date: 2006-05-13 13:48:27 by Mind_Virus
What Would We Do If All The Illegal Immigrants Left? Donna Poisl May 13, 2006 There are several proposals for immigration reform being discussed now. Each one says it will solve the problem of so many illegal immigrants coming to and staying in this country. Some are offering amnesty, others guest worker cards, others temporary cards. Some people are talking about rounding them up and sending them all "back to where ever they came from". How would we do that? First, how would we find all of them? If we were able to find them, who would do the processing and paperwork to organize the deportation? Would we hire planes and buses and buy them tickets to go home? Where would we ...

The War On Immigration Will Fail
Post Date: 2006-05-13 10:54:04 by Mind_Virus
The War On Immigration Will Fail by Wade A. Mitchell [Posted on Wednesday, May 10, 2006] Let's look at the problem of immigration from another angle. There exists a market demand for low-skilled cheap labor. Part of this demand is being met by outsourcing of jobs overseas. The rest is met by vast numbers of immigrants coming to this country. Illegal immigration is the market supplying a demand. A demand is being met and satisfied. When viewed this way, how is this a problem? This triumph of the market is not in itself a problem. This can only be viewed as a problem when the illegal immigrants expect goods and services from the state that existing residents must pay for. These come in ...

Immigration Bullshit vs Reality
Post Date: 2006-05-13 10:44:55 by Mind_Virus
May 12, 2006 Immigration Bullshit vs Reality So I posted a little rant about "immigration" and some people who read it freaked out. What I pointed out in my rant was : 1. There is no such thing as an "illegal immigrant", and borders are not legitimate. 2. There is no such thing as "stealing a job". 3. People who argue for "immigration" are just as racist as those who argue against it, and everyone should just shut the hell up. If you think these three basic premises make me an extremist, then you have a very sad perspective on the world. To go through these again... 1. The construct of "illegal immigrant" is predicated on the ...

There’s No Such Thing As an "Illegal Alien" : It's All A Government Hoax
Post Date: 2006-05-13 10:39:58 by Mind_Virus
There’s No Such Thing As an "Illegal Alien" Written by Marc Stevens There’s an incredible amount of energy expended on the subject of so-called "illegal aliens." These are men, women and children who allegedly are not in the "country" "legally." People who think they’re "citizens" believe physical force may be used against "illegal aliens" to cage them and send them back to their "country." This use of physical violence is called "deportation." One of the biggest complaints about these so-called "illegals" is how much they cost "citizens" and "taxpayers" in welfare ...

Phoenix-Area (Illegal Immigrant) Posse Nets Just 1 Arrest
Post Date: 2006-05-13 10:11:16 by Mind_Virus
May 11, 2006, 3:31PM Phoenix-Area Posse Nets Just 1 Arrest By AMANDA LEE MYERS Associated Press Writer © 2006 The Associated Press Undercover Posse members of the Maricopa County Sheriff's department wait for instructions following a news conference by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which kicked off the beginning of his department's efforts to find illegal immigrants, Wednesday, May 10, 2006, in Avondale, Ariz. Under a new state law, human smuggling is now a felony crime in Arizona.(AP Photo/Roy Dabner) AVONDALE, Ariz. — Following a week of tough talk, a 250-member sheriff's posse that was assembled to catch illegal immigrants made just one arrest in its first desert search early ...

Mr. Fox, Cough Up $300,000
Post Date: 2006-05-13 02:15:35 by robin
Mr. Fox, Cough Up $300,000 John Trumbo, a sheriff in northeastern Oregon, sends Mexico's president a letter asking for funds to help pay for jailed illegal immigrants. By Tomas Alex Tizon Times Staff Writer May 12, 2006 PENDLETON, Ore. — Out of ideas and low on cash one cold morning, the man with the biggest badge in town put his meaty fingers on a keyboard and tapped out a letter to the leader of Mexico. "Dear Precidente [sic] Fox," it began. "My name is John Trumbo. I am Sheriff of Umatilla County in northeastern Oregon, United States of America." Illegal immigrants "from your country" who committed crimes here, the letter said, cost Americans lots ...

Coral Snake's Bites of the Week - Version 666 (Border Insecurity Follies prepare the way for ANTICHRIST rule of America)
Post Date: 2006-05-12 19:38:19 by Coral Snake
Coral Snake's Bites of the Week - Version 666 (Border Insecurity Follies prepare the way for ANTICHRIST rule of America) In the bites for this week we are again looking at illegal Immigration as the main theme in light of JimRob of freeRepublic and Howlin again threatening bannings and thread pulls for attempts to tell the truth about the subject at FreeRepublic. As always Remenber the Bite One -------->George W. Bush (Aka Shrub, Shrubbie, Shrubya) Illegal Immigration is playing an important roll in the Bites this week, Particularly the news that the Shrubco Administration has been "Blabbing the positions of Minuteman volunteer Border watchers. Ever since Border security ...

House Permits Pentagon to Assign U.S. Military Along Mexican Border
Post Date: 2006-05-12 16:55:42 by Horse
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is looking at ways the military can help provide more security along the U.S. southern border, defense officials said Thursday, once again drawing the nation's armed forces into a politically sensitive domestic role. On Capitol Hill on Thursday, the House voted 252-171 to allow Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld to assign military personnel under certain circumstances to help the Homeland Security Department perform border security. The House added the provision to a larger military measure. Paul McHale, the assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense, asked officials this week to come up with options for the use of military resources and troops ...

Car wash can't ask status of workers
Post Date: 2006-05-12 16:15:36 by Peetie Wheatstraw
A federal judge in Chicago has found that a suburban car wash tried to intimidate its mostly Hispanic employees by requiring verification of their immigration status after three workers complained about alleged sexual harassment. U.S. District Judge Ronald Guzman issued a protective order May 5 barring Glenview Car Wash from seeking further information about employees' immigration status until a pending harassment suit concludes. The class-action suit, filed on behalf of the car wash's male employees in September by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, is based on charges filed with that agency by Federico Antimo, Elmer Bethancourt and Diego Perez. The suit alleges the trio ...

Bush plans immigration speech as debate heats up
Post Date: 2006-05-12 15:22:24 by Horse
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush will push for a broad overhaul of U.S. immigration laws in a prime-time address on Monday that comes after weeks of nationwide rallies and a revived Senate effort to pass a bill. The White House announced the Oval office address as a Defense Department official said the Pentagon was considering options for possibly sending troops or equipment to help with security on the U.S.-Mexican border. Bush backs a guest-worker program that would let immigrants work temporarily in the United States, which has cost him support among some conservatives. As part of what he calls a comprehensive approach to immigration, he is also pushing measures to ...

Post Date: 2006-05-12 14:01:56 by Mind_Virus

(northern Kentucky)(Mexican) Consulate to investigate arrests
Post Date: 2006-05-12 12:39:41 by Zipporah
Post staff reporter • Feds: Suspect organized illegals The Mexican Consulate in Indianapolis has launched an investigation into the arrests of 76 Hispanic immigrants by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents Tuesday in Northern Kentucky. Sergio Aguilera, consul of Mexico for Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio and Southern Illinois, confirmed Thursday that the consulate's Protection Division is working with local and federal authorities to ensure that the rights of all those arrested in the early morning sweep in Boone County are protected. Aguilera said the consulate's initial information indicates that all the Hispanics arrested Tuesday are from Mexico, although court documents ...

(Florence KY) New arrest in migrant probe
Post Date: 2006-05-12 12:37:15 by Zipporah
FLORENCE - A two-year investigation into the use of illegal aliens in the Northern Kentucky home-building trade expanded Thursday with the arrest of a Florence contractor. Federal immigration officials charged Robert Pratt with harboring illegal aliens and providing them employment for the purpose of commercial advantage and private financial gain. Pratt, who remained in the custody of U.S. Marshals Thursday, will appear in U.S. District Court in Covington this afternoon. Federal affidavits tie Pratt and his companies - Progressive Builders and Pratt's Quality Construction - to Crestview Hills-based Fischer Homes, one of the region's largest builders. Four Fischer construction site ...

Pentagon Exploring Border Control Patrols
Post Date: 2006-05-11 23:11:25 by Brian S
(05-11) 19:21 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) -- The Pentagon is looking at ways the military can help provide more security along the U.S. southern border, defense officials said Thursday, once again drawing the nation's armed forces into a politically sensitive domestic role. Paul McHale, the assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense, asked officials this week to come up with options for the use of military resources and troops — particularly the National Guard — along the border with Mexico, according to defense officials familiar with the discussions. The officials, who requested anonymity because the matter has not been made public, said there are no details yet on a ...

Immigration Billboards Going Up In North Texas
Post Date: 2006-05-11 20:51:58 by Mind_Virus
Immigration Billboards Going Up In North Texas Stephanie Lucero Reporting (CBS 11 News) DALLAS Conservatives are firing back at those who support amnesty and a guest worker program for illegal immigrants. Their latest weapon is a billboard located on Stemmons Freeway in Dallas. If you work near downtown Dallas it'll be hard to miss one billboard during your commute. Dallas is the first city to get one, but there are plans to put these signs up from California to Florida. "Stop the Invasion" is a reference to the massive influx of immigrants who enter the United States illegally. “We must stop the invasion. We cannot have amnesty because amnesty is in essence a ...

Post Date: 2006-05-11 19:04:33 by rowdee
Last week, in response to having heard that McDonalds--a place I have been known to swing into for a quick burger and coke--was supporting immigration reform, I wrote corporate HQs to get their policy direct from them. Whatever I heard did not provide enough information to know which side of the bread McDonalds butters. Below is the response I received from someone named Nancy from the Customer Response Center, and below that is the email I sent (I just copied her whole email which included my email). Notice how wonderfully my request for specificity of policy is answered. Oh........and con/pee pee, I deleted my name for obvious reasons. Hello _______: Thank you for taking the time ...

Post Date: 2006-05-11 14:07:07 by Peetie Wheatstraw
The Department of Homeland Security is working overtime to quell citizen outrage over the Border Patrol/Mexico/Minutemen story. The contradictory spin doctors are not doing a very good job. I'll have more in a moment. But now is a crucial time to step back and look at this disturbing episode in a larger, informed context-- that is, as part of the longstanding battle between DHS management and rank-and-file employees over strict, tough, and unapologetic immigration enforcement. Supervisors in Washington and in major Border Patrol sectors are cowed by ethnic activists, business lobbyists, and meddling Mexican consulates. Field agents are demoralized by top-down efforts--from the White House ...

RED ALERT! They are trying to give AMNESTY to LAWBREAKERS! Get on the phones now!
Post Date: 2006-05-11 12:49:47 by nc_girl_speaks_up
I have made my calls to Frist and my NC senators. We need to tell these TRAITORS that we will put them out of office if they don't listen to what the American people really want: No AMNESTY and Border SECURITY! RED ALERT! Senators Agree to Revive Immigration Bill Posted on Thursday, May 11 @ 16:25:26 UTC by admin ALIPAC ACTIVISTS. It is time for all of us to get on the phones again immediately and lead the backlash charge that will come from the public when they hear this news. Make your first call to Frist's offices and deliver the message "You can forget about ever being President for your support of amnesty bigboy!" Then we have a simple message for the rest of the Senate. ...

Senate Revives Bill Giving Illegal Immigrants Chance To Become U.S. Citizens
Post Date: 2006-05-11 12:43:53 by Brian S
WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate leaders reached a deal Thursday on reviving a broad immigration bill that could provide millions of illegal immigrants a chance to become American citizens and said they'll try to pass it before the end of May. The agreement, brokered by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) and Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), breaks a political stalemate that has lingered for weeks while immigrants and their supporters held rallies, boycotts and protests to push for action. "We congratulate the Senate on reaching agreement and we look forward to passage of a bill prior to Memorial Day," said Dana Perino, deputy White House press secretary. Key to the ...

Ariz. Posse to Round Up Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2006-05-10 22:35:58 by Zipporah
Unidentified Maricopa County Sheriff's deputies search illegal immigrants detained after a traffic stop May 8, 2006 in Gila Bend, Ariz. The immigrants had hoped to find work at a nearby dairy farm but this sheriff's task force targeting smugglers found they were not U.S. citizens. Beginning May 10, a 100-member posse for the Maricopa sheriff's office will join the task force in patrolling the area for illegal immigrants to arrest. (AP Photo/Amanda Lee Myers) GILA BEND, Ariz. (AP) -- Four Mexican men sit in the dirt with their wrists bound, shoulders hunched and eyes lowered to avoid the glare of the rising sun. The immigrants had been on their way to build a dairy farm in this town about ...

Hepatitis Risk for East Asians in New York (It's a risk for everyone!)
Post Date: 2006-05-10 21:45:49 by robin
Among east Asian immigrants in New York City, one person in seven carries the hepatitis B virus, a new study has found. The condition puts them at far greater risk than other Americans for deadly diseases like liver cancer and cirrhosis. Most of the people tested had no idea that they were infected, a fact that frustrates doctors who know that with proper screening and treatment, the disease can be controlled, if not cured. But three-quarters of the people in the study had no health insurance, and even those who did had trouble getting coverage for screening. The study, led by researchers at New York University School of Medicine, found that 15 percent of east Asians in New York — as ...

Dobbs to President: Do You Take Us for Fools?
Post Date: 2006-05-10 18:58:51 by Peetie Wheatstraw
NEW YORK (CNN)-- Reports this week that the Border Patrol is notifying the Mexican government of the locations of Minutemen volunteers are being denied by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. True or not, the Bush administration continues to follow absurd policies on both issues of border security and illegal immigration. President Bush continues to push his guest worker program and amnesty for anywhere between 11 million and 20 million illegal aliens, and he insists still that nothing less than what he calls comprehensive immigration reform is acceptable. And the lies keep coming from both political parties. This president is not enforcing the immigration laws enacted by Congress, and ...

Is the U.S. Giving Mexico Intelligence about Americans?
Post Date: 2006-05-10 17:58:44 by Peetie Wheatstraw
There is no more explosive issue on the political landscape than illegal immigration. Not only has it sharply divided the American people, who want it stopped and reversed, from the political classes, which want to legitimize and, perforce, encourage more of it. It may be singularly responsible for President Bush’s alarmingly low approval ratings. Those, after all, are not being driven by the Left and the media. They’ve never been fans. The numbers are tanking thanks to flight by the Republican base and Reagan Democrats, who are apoplectic over the administration’s stubborn insouciance in the face of unabashed lawlessness that acutely threatens public safety. It was ...

Cingular pulls offensive ringtone (Hispanic activists called the product racist)
Post Date: 2006-05-10 13:30:07 by Zipporah
BROWNSVILLE, Texas (AP) -- Cingular Wireless LLC pulled a ringtone from its Web site Tuesday after learning that it carried a message the company called "blatantly offensive." The cell phone company became aware of the ringtone, which uses mixed English and Spanish and threatens deportation, after an inquiry from a reporter for The Brownsville Herald. The newspaper reported in its online edition Tuesday that the ringtone started with a siren, followed by a male voice saying in a Southern drawl, "This is la Migra," a slang term for the Border Patrol. "Por favor, put the oranges down and step away from the cell phone. I repeat-o, put the oranges down and step ...

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