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In private, Bush tells senators he favors giving illegal immigrants chance at citizenship
Post Date: 2006-04-26 22:18:45 by Brian S
WASHINGTON -- President Bush generally favors plans to give millions of illegal immigrants a chance at U.S. citizenship without leaving the country, but does not want to be more publicly supportive because of opposition among conservative House Republicans, according to senators who attended a recent White House meeting. Several officials familiar with the meeting also said Democrats protested radio commercials that blamed them for Republican-written legislation that passed the House and would make illegal immigrants vulnerable to felony charges. Bush said he was unfamiliar with the ads, which were financed by the Republican National Committee, according to officials familiar with the ...

Pork Plant to Shut Down for 'El Gran Boicot' May 1st
Post Date: 2006-04-26 20:25:01 by Brian S
Corporate America again slams American workers Seaboard Corporation, a major agribusiness conglomerate and pork and poultry firm, is closing its massive pork plant in Guymon, Oklahoma so that its workers will be able to appear at immigration spectacles planned for May 1, "El Gran Boicot." The nationwide rallies are intended to show the supposed economic benefit of Mestizo workers to the US economy. In fact, while their presence is of extreme benefit to multinational corporations, they represent a net loss to America and heavily tax social resources like schools, prisons, hospitals and other infrastructure while ruining many lower- and middle-income communities. Seaboard's ...

Mexican Officials Line Their Pockets While Demanding U.S. Help
Post Date: 2006-04-26 20:22:44 by Zipporah
WASHINGTON (April 2006) -- Mexican politicians continuously demand increased immigrant visas for their citizens, an expanded guest-worker program, and amnesty for their illegal aliens living north of the Rio Grande. But while Mexico expects the United States to solve its social problems by allowing the border to serve as a safety-valve for job seekers, its government officials enjoy princely lifestyles and spend little of the nation's wealth on education and health care, which are crucial elements in promoting social mobility. In a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies, ''Mexican Officials Feather Their Nests While Decrying U.S. Immigration Policy,'' William and Mary government ...

Hispanic Leaders Call for Censure of CNN Host Lou Dobbs
Post Date: 2006-04-26 19:52:41 by Brian S
Wednesday April 26, 2:09 pm ET WASHINGTON, April 26, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Hispanic Institute, a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., called upon CNN Worldwide President Jim Walton to censure CNN News Anchor Lou Dobbs for what the organization describes as outrageous and incendiary language in his reporting on immigration policy and the debate on that issue in congress. Gus West, a member of the Board of Directors of The Hispanic Institute said, ``We are specifically calling upon the management of CNN to censure Mr. Dobbs because it is obvious CNN is allowing him to sacrifice the notion of objective and balanced reporting for sensationalism and ...

Mexicans in US leave towns half-empty but richer
Post Date: 2006-04-26 17:53:30 by Zipporah
Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:48 PM ET An agent with Mexico's state-run migrant welfare agency Grupo Beta talks to a group of undocumented migrants seeking to cross over into the U.S. via Nogales, Mexico in this September 4, 2004 file photo. Mexicans in the United States sent more than $20 billion home to their families last year, making remittances the country's second most important source of foreign currency after oil exports. REUTERS/Tim Gaynor/Files CHURINTZIO, Mexico (Reuters) - This sun-baked central Mexican town has lost almost all its farm jobs, seven out of ten local houses lie empty and the majority of the residents have quit town, but life here has never been better. Far from feeling ...

Slavery, Big Business, Rico Act, and Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2006-04-26 15:55:59 by Zipporah
The Largest floorcovering business in the country is facing the Rico Act ( made to combat gangsters ),for using Headhunters to find Illegals to replace Union workers. In 1996, Congress expanded the anti-racketeering law's reach to include violations of immigration law, such as the hiring of illegal workers. The high court's decision could be significant because it likely would affect both criminal and civil uses of the anti-racketeering law, particularly by the Justice Department. Federal prosecutors have long used the law to seek prison terms for corrupt union officers and money damages from crooked unions and pension funds. http://news.yahoo.com/... Cargill has announced it will give ...

Bush, Senators Agree On Alien Citizenship, Shut Out Critics
Post Date: 2006-04-26 12:02:25 by Brian S
April 26, 2006 President Bush and a group of senators yesterday reached general agreement on an immigration bill that includes a pathway to citizenship for many illegal aliens. But left out of the closed-door White House meeting were senators who oppose a path to citizenship. The meeting even snubbed two men who had been considered allies of Mr. Bush on immigration -- Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican and chairman of the immigration subcommittee, and Sen. Jon Kyl, Arizona Republican. Mr. Bush in brief remarks to the press said there was agreement to get "a bill that does not grant automatic amnesty to people, but a bill that says, somebody who is working here on a legal basis has ...

Advocates Try to Boost Immigrant Turnout
Post Date: 2006-04-25 20:00:40 by Zipporah
1 hour, 54 minutes ago "Today we march! Tomorrow we vote!" It's been a popular slogan at recent immigration rights rallies, and now organizers are trying to make it reality. Advocates nationwide are aiming to boost low voter turnout among foreign-born citizens and to file naturalization papers for the millions who qualify for citizenship. "How do we translate grass roots power into political power?" said Chung-Wha Hong, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition. "We've always done voter work, but now we're turbocharged." Many are focusing on next Monday, when dozens of planned rallies will include speeches, banners and fliers urging ...

Feds Arrest 183 Illegal Immigrants in Fla.
Post Date: 2006-04-24 19:51:52 by Zipporah
MIAMI (AP) -- Federal immigration authorities arrested 183 fugitives and other illegal immigrants in Florida alone last week, the state's largest roundup in a single week, officials said Monday. The arrests included people convicted of sex offenses, child abuse, cocaine trafficking and weapons violations. They were originally from 26 countries and most eventually will be deported. "Anybody who is a fugitive from justice is a danger to the community," said Michael Rozos, the field director in Miami of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's "Operation Phoenix" effort to find and deport fugitive illegal immigrants. "These operations have been going on for ...

Bush: Massive Deportation Is Unrealistic
Post Date: 2006-04-24 19:05:35 by Zipporah
52 minutes ago President Bush had a blunt message Monday for fellow Republicans focusing only on get-tough immigration policies: He said sending all the nation's estimated 11 million illegal immigrants back to their home countries is not the answer. "Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic — it's just not going to work," Bush said. "You know, you can hear people out there hollering it's going to work. It's not going to work." With Congress coming back from a two-week spring recess to a long election-year to-do list and tensions flaring nationwide over immigration, Bush urged lawmakers to adopt a middle-ground policy. He called a Senate bill, which ...

Immigration Forum Gets Intense
Post Date: 2006-04-24 17:07:08 by Tauzero
Immigration Forum Gets Intense A discussion at L.A.'s Leimert Park about illegal migrants and their impact on blacks escalates into a shouting match over jobs, housing and schools. By Teresa Watanabe, Times Staff Writer April 24, 2006 Reflecting intense passions over illegal immigration, a Los Angeles outdoor forum about its impact on blacks quickly became a screaming match Sunday between those urging a crackdown on undocumented migrants and others counseling tolerance. The gathering at Leimert Park in South Los Angeles, which eventually involved about 100 people, was aimed at publicizing what some blacks believe has been illegal immigration's negative effect on their neighborhoods, ...

Bush Says Massive Deportation Is Not Realistic; we are talking about human beings that need to be treated with respect
Post Date: 2006-04-24 16:49:29 by Brian S
April 24, 2006, 3:35 PM EDT President Bush in Irvine today called for a rational, temporary guest worker program and said that attempting to deport as many as 12 million undocumented workers illegally in the United States was a policy that was not going to work. Bush capped a four-day trip to California with a visit to the Orange County Business Council, made up of 300 businesses, where he gave his most detailed comments on immigration since a bipartisan compromise in the Senate fell apart more than two weeks ago. Congress returned to Washington today from its holiday recess with immigration policy one of the key unresolved issues on its agenda. "We cannot lose sight of that we are ...

Bush Tries to Refocus Immigration Debate
Post Date: 2006-04-24 13:10:59 by Zipporah
President Bush makes remarks at a Republican National Committee reception at the Toscana Country Club in Palm Springs, Calif. Saturday April 22, 2006. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert) PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (AP) -- As Congress headed back Monday from a two-week recess, President Bush was in the country's most immigrant-rich state to push a stalled bill that would allow more foreigners to work legally in the United States. Lawmakers, with an eye on Election Day in just over six months, remain far apart on whether to crack down on illegal immigrants or embrace them as vital contributors to the U.S. economy. Bush planned to call for middle ground during a speech in Irvine, Calif., according to ...

Bush Takes Pitch for Guest Worker Program to Immigrant-Rich California
Post Date: 2006-04-24 11:27:48 by Brian S
PALM SPRINGS, Calif. - As Congress headed back Monday from a two-week recess, President Bush was in the country's most immigrant-rich state to push a stalled bill that would allow more foreigners to work legally in the United States. Lawmakers, with an eye on Election Day in just over six months, remain far apart on whether to crack down on illegal immigrants or embrace them as vital contributors to the U.S. economy. Bush planned to call for middle ground during a speech in Irvine, Calif., according to aides. He planned remarks stressing that the United States cannot allow people to break the law, but also cannot send all the nation's estimated 11 million illegal immigrants back. The ...

Post Date: 2006-04-23 17:01:42 by Kamala
THE CONTINUED SACKING OF THE PEOPLE'S PURSE PART 1 of 2     By: Devvy Kidd April 17, 2006 http://NewsWithViews.com On April 12, 2006, Lou Dobbs had another enlightening segment on the illegals invasion. A short film clip is available for viewing at: [Click Here] On this video clip, you will listen to Nativo Lopez, a spokes mouth for the militant sedition organization, Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana, proclaim that on May 1, 2006, illegals will shut down the ports in LA and rail lines. This anti-American militant spewed that nothing less than "full amnesty and dignity" for millions of criminals who have smuggled themselves into our country will be acceptable. ...

Minutemen Say Volunteer Calls Pouring In Over Border Fence Proposal
Post Date: 2006-04-23 08:45:41 by Mind_Virus
Minutemen Say Volunteer Calls Pouring In Over Border Fence Proposal By Associated Press Apr 22, 2006 - 12:27:18 am PDT TUCSON, Ariz. -- Volunteer offers are flooding in to a border watch group that said it will build a fence on the Mexican border unless President Bush militarizes the border and adds new security fencing, group spokesmen said Friday. "We've certainly struck a chord and a nerve with the American people on this one," said Chris Simcox, national leader of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, which is conducting monthlong border watch operations in Arizona and more than a half-dozen other states on the Mexican and Canadian borders. Group members are watching for ...

Murder Shocks Brussels While PM and Cardinal Blame Victims
Post Date: 2006-04-22 11:41:15 by Tauzero
Murder Shocks Brussels While PM and Cardinal Blame Victims From the desk of Paul Belien on Wed, 2006-04-19 15:37 Last Wednesday Joe Van Holsbeeck, 17 years of age, was murdered in Brussels Central Station. He was stabbed five times in the heart by North African youths. They demanded that he give them his MP3 player. When Joe refused he was savagely murdered. The atrocity happened during the evening rush hour on a crowded platform. Though there were hundreds of people on the platform, no-one interfered – perhaps because many people do not notice what is happening around them on a crowded, noisy and busy platform where passengers are rushing to catch their trains. Joe’s murderers ...

Private university planned for illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2006-04-21 13:21:15 by Grumble Jones
A charter school in South Phoenix is starting a university for Hispanics and undocumented immigrants as emotions and legal maneuvering over illegal immigration reach new heights. Esperanza Montessori Academy quietly is working with Catholic University of Trujillo in Peru to build a school in South Phoenix for Hispanic students who can't afford to go to a traditional college. While the school will be open to anyone, it was designed with undocumented immigrants in mind. Plans also call for building an online university and beefing up the Catholic university's Peru campus, said Fernando Ruiz, president of Espiritu Development Corp., which operates Esperanza Montessori Academy for ...

Company's success was 'curious' to competitors
Post Date: 2006-04-21 12:41:45 by Ken Shabby
Feds think illegal labor key to Houston division's record profits When Houston-based IFCO Systems North America Inc. reported record profits last year, others in the unglamorous business of recycling wooden pallets couldn't help but wonder how the company did it. "We were all very curious about this," said Chaille Brindley, assistant publisher of the trade magazine Pallet Enterprise. "They were able to do things that other companies just couldn't do." Federal investigators think a significant portion of those profits came on the backs of illegal immigrant workers recruited in Houston and bused to at least 26 plants across the country, where they reassembled worn pallets ...

GOP uses Spanish-radio ads in immigration counterattack
Post Date: 2006-04-21 12:41:05 by Tauzero
GOP uses Spanish-radio ads in immigration counterattack By Lourdes Medrano Arizona Daily Star Tucson, Arizona | Published: 04.18.2006 On the heels of massive pro-immigrant demonstrations, Republicans on Monday launched a Spanish-language advertising campaign accusing Democrats of foiling an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws. In Tucson, the 60-second spots will air through today on La Caliente KCMT (102.1-FM), said Terry Bakos, the station's national sales coordinator. The ads say in part: "Terrorists coming across our borders. Drugs smuggled to America's shores. But just last week, there was hope. Congress was working on immigration reform to secure our borders and protect ...

U.S. Crackdown Set Over Hiring of Immigrants
Post Date: 2006-04-20 23:13:16 by Brian S
WASHINGTON, April 20 — The apprehension on Wednesday of more than 1,100 illegal immigrants employed by a pallet supply company based in Houston, as well as the arrest of seven of its managers, represented the start of a more aggressive federal crackdown on employers, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Thursday. Describing the hiring of millions of illegal workers, in some cases, as a form of organized crime, Mr. Chertoff said the government would try to combat the practice with techniques similar to those used to shut down the mob. "We target those organizations, we use intelligence to define the scope of the organization, and then we use all of the tools we have ...

Mexican 'Coyotes' Operate in Plain Sight
Post Date: 2006-04-20 15:27:20 by Zipporah
1 hour, 4 minutes ago Carrying their belongings and gallons of water, people wait for darkness before trying to cross illegally into the U.S. through the Arizona desert near the town of Sasabe, Mexico on Tuesday April 4, 2006. Before 1994, helping migrants sneak into the United States was considered almost a community service in Mexican villages but growing security along the border has made the business even more ruthless as smugglers chase growing profits and now see their clients as merchandise.(AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills) Sidling up to migrants who arrive at the Tijuana airport and cruising the streets in border towns, "coyotes" in gold chains and dark sunglasses openly find ...

Minutemen to Bush: Build Fence or We Will
Post Date: 2006-04-20 09:52:39 by Zipporah
A trainee of the civilian patrol group Civil Homeland Defense waves from the U.S. side of the border with Mexico, right, as a jeep carrying Mexican Army soldiers passes on the Mexican side of the border, in this Jan. 12, 2003, file photo taken outside of Palominas, Arizona. Chris Simcox, lower right in yellow jacket, the founder of the group, looks on with another supporter and three reporters. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull) TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -- Minuteman border watch leader Chris Simcox has a message for President Bush: Build new security fencing along the border with Mexico or private citizens will. Simcox said Wednesday that he's sending an ultimatum to the president, through the ...

Minutemen Threaten To Build Fence; sending Bush an ultimatum...
Post Date: 2006-04-19 20:38:53 by Brian S
PHOENIX The Minutemen are telling the government to deal with immigration, or they will. The border watch group is proposing a new fence along the U-S-Mexico border. Minutemen leader Chris Simcox says they're sending President Bush an ultimatum -- either deploy the National Guard and military reserves to the border by May 25th or beginning Memorial Day weekend, they'll break ground and begin building a border security fence. Simcox says six Arizona land owners, as well as land owners in California, New Mexico and Texas, have promised to allow the fence to be built on their land. If it's built, the Minutemen say it'll be a double-layer fence with trenches on the Mexican side, facing ...

Hundreds nabbed in immigration raid Executives, workers arrested in nationwide move against pallet maker
Post Date: 2006-04-19 19:52:41 by Zipporah
Updated: 7:40 p.m. ET April 19, 2006 WASHINGTON - Immigration agents arrested seven executives and hundreds of employees of a manufacturer of crates and pallets Wednesday as part of a crackdown on employers of illegal workers. Authorities raided offices and plants of IFCO Systems in at least eight states, the culmination of a yearlong criminal investigation, law enforcement officials said. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested seven current and former IFCO Systems managers on charges they conspired to transport, harbor and encourage illegal workers to reside in the United States for commercial advantage and private financial gain, said Glenn T. Suddaby, the chief ...

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