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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Thousands Rally for Immigrants in Texas
Post Date: 2006-04-09 17:37:19 by Diana
DALLAS -- Tens of thousands banged drums, waved U.S. flags and shouted "Si Se Puede!" -- Spanish for "Yes, we can!" -- in a protest urging federal lawmakers to pass immigration reform that would legalize an estimated 11 million undocumented workers. Rallies in the capitals of Minnesota and Iowa also drew thousands of protesters. Dozens of demonstrations nationwide were set for Monday, a signal that what began as a string of disparate events -- attracting tens and even hundreds of thousands of people -- has become more coordinated. "We don't have a leader like Martin Luther King or Cesar Chavez, but this is now a national immigrant rights movement," said ...

Post Date: 2006-04-09 17:31:15 by Uncle Bill
HOW DO YOU DEPORT MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS? NewsWithViews.com By Devvy Kidd April 6, 2006 The continued sell out in Washington, DC over the illegal alien invasion continues. One of the biggest reasons illegals smuggle themselves across the border is financial incentives. Illegals are more than happy to risk being caught for free medical care, free education for their children who are also here illegally and for jobs. They have no fear of deportation because we have gutless cowards serving in Congress along with the four border governors. In this "new" bill sitting in the senate is a provision for in-state tuition for illegals! I wish this were an April Fool's joke, but it's no joke ...

The National Day for Immigrant Justice April 10
Post Date: 2006-04-09 16:51:09 by Zipporah
For info on April 10 Marches in your area click here Coordinated by the National Capital Immigrant Coalition in the metro Washington, DC area and hundreds of grassroots organizations around the nation, immigrant communities and allies will come together for the largest mobilization for immigrant justice in our nation's history. The http://www.April10.org website is hosted by FIRM - the Fair Immigration Reform Movement, a project of the Center for Community Change.

Ain’t dat right Mass'r Grassley?
Post Date: 2006-04-09 16:23:35 by eyeswideoopen
New commentary on illegal immigration and GATS http://www.idahoeagleforum.com/News/Grassley_Immigration.htm Ain’t dat right Mass'r Grassley? By Vicky Davis

Immigrants Set to Rally Across the Country; Protests Expected in 93 Cities and 33 States
Post Date: 2006-04-09 13:56:54 by Brian S
April 9, 2006— - Immigrant-rights groups are organizing marches for Monday in 93 cities, and expect hundreds of thousands of people to hit the streets for the "April 10 National Day of Action for Immigrant Justice." Organizers expect 200,000 people to attend the Washington D.C. march alone and 100,000 to march in Phoenix. Among the marchers will be Lalo Nunez of Arizona. He has baked bread at My Florist Café in Phoenix for six years. The café employs about 75 people and the boss, David Lacy, says he's given his workers permission to attend the march, no questions asked. "I'm like so many employers: I think the Hispanic workers have gotten a particularly ...

VIDEO: Still Sitting On The Fence White Man? : Or Is The Mestizo Invasion Protests Not Enough To Motivate You [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-04-09 11:59:52 by Mind_Virus
4/8/2006 Still Sitting On The Fence White Man? Or Is The Mestizo Invasion Protests Not Enough To Motivate You By Chris Quimby There shouldn’t be a single reason why Mondays planned protests, by the Mestizo illegal invaders, isn’t met with opposition by every red blooded white American. But apparently there are those of you who apparently are lacking the motivation to get out there and do your duty for Race and Nation. Well if that is the case, then allow me to present to you this video of a speech given at one of the recent “Immigrant worker rights rally’s.” You can view the video here http://www.idawg.com/aztlan.wmv . This is a must see for anyone still with ...

ASA HUTCHINSON - Responsible For Shutting Down The Largest Drug-Trafficking Investigation In History
Post Date: 2006-04-09 03:38:00 by Uncle Bill
Asa Hutchinson was appointed by George W. Bush. As Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security, Hutchinson leads a directorate of over 110,000 employees and is responsible for coordinating the enforcement activities of our borders, waterways, transportation and immigration systems. "MASSIVE CORRUPTION" AT U.S. IMMIGRATION - "Ours is a system that rewards criminals, facilitates the movement of terrorists, and supports foreign agents" CIA admits drug trafficking, cover-up CIA Linked To Seal's Assassination - George Bush's Personal Phone Number Found in Seal's Trunk"I sat him down one time," recalls Unglesby, talking about his relationship with ...

Are Folks Interested In Spending 6-10 Billion Dollars For A Fence To Stop The Invasion?
Post Date: 2006-04-08 20:41:44 by Uncle Bill
"Estimated cost of $8 billion" The international border between the United States and Mexico extends over 1,952 miles. Israel is building their fence for 1.6 million a mile. So, 1,952 miles X 1.6 million = $3,123,200,000.00 So, if we used Israel's cost estimate we could build the following for 3 Billion dollars: Another Option: Nobody seemed to get upset when we pissed this much money away: Iraq: the missing billions ($4 BILLION MISSING UNDER U.S. OCCUPATION IN IRAQ, AS OF LAST OCTOBER) President Vicente Fox Screams About A Fence, So It Must Be A Good Idea You guys know how tight I am, but I've had it!!

97% of Illegal Aliens Take Jobs That Americans Want and Need
Post Date: 2006-04-08 17:04:23 by robin
3% of Illegal Aliens Do Low-Paid Stoop Agricultural Labor; the Remaining 97% Take Jobs That Americans Want and Need The most recent Pew Hispanic Center 's study indicates that 97% of 12 to 20 million illegal aliens are working in construction, hospitality, manufacturing, restaurant, administrative and service jobs. Are these jobs that Americans will not do? The distinguished Senators Kennedy, McCain, Specter, Brownback, DeWine, Martinez , Hagel and Graham appear to believe that Americans are lazy and unmotivated to do a days work. If this is so, then who did these jobs before unethical employers opted to break the law by hiring a massive number of illegal aliens on the cheap? ...

Do you plan to voice your opinion on the lack of border and port security to your congressmen and senators?
Post Date: 2006-04-08 16:44:17 by Grumble Jones
Vote in Lou's Poll.

Jews oppose immigration bills
Post Date: 2006-04-08 16:34:14 by bluegrass
A consortium of Jewish groups is taking action against two controversial immigration bills. The New York-based Jews for Racial and Economic Justice is gathering signatures for an ad opposing two immigration bills, one passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and one under debate in the Senate. The House bill calls for fining, detaining and deporting illegal immigrants, and for penalizing those who help them. The ad, which will be placed in newspapers across the country next week, calls upon Jews to remember, as they tell the Passover story, the millions of Jewish immigrants who came to America over the past two centuries. The ad reads, in part, “as Jews, we know that immigrants ...

Prevent babies' citizenship, group says Group wants illegal immigrants' `anchor' citizenship removed
Post Date: 2006-04-08 15:16:06 by Zipporah
Prevent babies' citizenship, group says Group wants illegal immigrants' `anchor' citizenship removed Friday, April 07, 2006KELLI HEWETT TAYLORNews staff writer The Alabama Federation of Republican Women wants to take away the citizenship of babies born to illegal immigrants in the United States, and the group is using baby dolls to make the point. The members have dressed the dolls with handmade oil-cloth bibs proclaiming "$118 Billion Anchor Baby." The figure illustrates an estimate of the annual cost to provide government services, such as food, education and health care, to these families, according to the group's research. Any child born on American soil is ...

Hispanic Groups Vow Protests In 60 US Cities
Post Date: 2006-04-08 12:33:22 by Mind_Virus
Hispanic Groups Vow Protests In 60 US Cities GG2.NET NEWS [08/04/2006] US HISPANIC groups demanded an amnesty for illegal immigrants and planned a nation-wide day of protests, as a much-touted compromise immigration bill stalled in the Senate. The groups, which are organizing a wave of protests in 60 US cities on Monday in a bid to halt plans to expel illegal immigrants, reacted after the compromise law that would have allowed millions of undocumented workers to normalize their status in the United States failed to pass in the Senate. But Latino leaders said that even the compromise bill that deadlocked in the Senate was inadequate. "We do not want half measures, we demand an ...

Growing anger among blacks as Latinos 'take over' [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-04-08 08:38:01 by Grumble Jones
NEWARK, N.J. -- The men both stood in a busy hardware store parking lot, but their lives were far apart. On one end, Oscar Bautista of El Salvador said he had been waiting more than three hours for a job. Across the lot, Art Jackson loaded potting soil into his Dodge Durango. He complained that immigrants are making it harder for Americans to keep good jobs, especially blacks. ''You need to take care of home first,'' said Jackson, an African-American phone salesman from northern New Jersey. Blacks and Latinos are often united on social and political issues. But they often differ when it comes to immigration. Newcomers make black progress harder, said Wesley Crawford, who works at Source ...

Post Date: 2006-04-08 06:02:39 by Uncle Bill
Bush Threatens Veto of Spending Bills AP & Washington Post ^ | 4/7/6 | Andrew Taylor Posted on 04/07/2006 7:51:24 PM PDT by Crackingham President Bush said Friday he would use his power to veto spending bills if Congress does not cut the federal budget as he has asked. In over five years in office, Bush has never vetoed any bill. But he said that restraining spending was crucial to cutting the deficit in half by 2009 as he has promised. "If necessary, I will enforce spending restraint through the exercise of the veto," the president said. Bush's brief statement from the White House's Diplomatic Reception Room came a day after feuds among rival Republican factions led ...

Jewish Groups Behind Immigration Invasion
Post Date: 2006-04-08 05:02:09 by Zoroaster
- The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD - http://www.davidduke.com - Jewish Groups Behind Immigration Invasion Posted By site admin On 31st March 2006 @ 03:46 In General | No Comments Jewish groups support immigration invasion The (Jewish) Forward reveals that major Jewish organizations supported the recent pro-illegal alien march in Los Angeles and spearhead amnesty legislation. Commentary by Dr. David Duke Some European Americans suffer under the illusion that organized Jewish power in America is now an ally in our efforts to stop immigration and preserve the heritage and freedom of our American and European homelands. An article in one of the leading Jewish ...

Jewish Groups Take Pro-Immigrant Stand
Post Date: 2006-04-07 20:11:03 by Brian S
You didn’t see many Jews amid the sea of Mexican and American flags during the recent pro-immigrant rallies that filled city streets, but Jews and Jewish groups, in largely liberal Los Angeles, have been advocating on behalf of immigrants, mostly outside the view of television cameras. Among local Jewish organizations, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has been leading the way: Its regional branch has been developing and disseminating a pro-immigrant resolution for roughly six months. The resulting declaration, recently approved by the Pacific Southwest Region of the ADL, calls for humane treatment of illegal immigrants, while also accepting the need for “security precautions ... ...

Senate Vote Shelves Immigration Bill
Post Date: 2006-04-07 16:47:23 by Brian S
(04-07) 13:01 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate sidetracked sweeping immigration legislation Friday amid partisan recriminations, leaving in doubt prospects for passage of a measure that offered the hope of citizenship to millions of men, women and children living in the United States illegally. The bill gained only 38 votes on a key procedural test, far short of the 60 needed to advance. The vote marked a turnabout from Thursday, when the Senate's two leaders had both hailed a last-minute compromise as a breakthrough in the campaign to enact the most far-reaching changes in immigration law in two decades. But Republicans soon accused Democrats of trying to squelch their amendments, ...

"MASSIVE CORRUPTION" AT U.S. IMMIGRATION - "Ours is a system that rewards criminals, facilitates the movement of terrorists, and supports foreign agents"
Post Date: 2006-04-07 03:57:26 by Uncle Bill
Former Immigration Official Alleges Fraud Associated Press By Liz Sidoti April 6, 2006 WASHINGTON U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Corruption plagues the agency that determines the legal status of immigrants, and its employees often don't conduct proper background checks of immigration applicants, a former agency official told lawmakers Thursday. As a result, "the integrity of the United States immigration system has also been corrupted and the system is incapable of ensuring the security of our homeland," Michael Maxwell said. "Ours is a system that rewards criminals, facilitates the movement of terrorists, (and) supports foreign agents," said Maxwell, ...

U.S. urged to apologize for 1930s deportations
Post Date: 2006-04-07 01:00:45 by Tauzero
U.S. urged to apologize for 1930s deportations Updated 4/5/2006 6:57 AM By Wendy Koch, USA TODAY His father and oldest sister were farming sugar beets in the fields of Hamilton, Mont., and his mother was cooking tortillas when 6-year-old Ignacio Piña saw plainclothes authorities burst into his home. "They came in with guns and told us to get out," recalls Piña, 81, a retired railroad worker in Bakersfield, Calif., of the 1931 raid. "They didn't let us take anything," not even a trunk that held birth certificates proving that he and his five siblings were U.S.-born citizens. The family was thrown into a jail for 10 days before being sent by train to ...

Mexico Applauds U.S. Senate's Progress On Immigration Reform
Post Date: 2006-04-07 00:38:07 by Brian S
By E. EDUARDO CASTILLO | Associated Press April 6, 2006 MEXICO CITY (AP) - The Mexican government on Thursday applauded the U.S. Senate's progress on legislation that would help many of the 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States obtain legal status and citizenship. The Senate was reviewing a compromise proposal that would require illegal immigrants who have been in the United States for two to five years to return home briefly and re-enter as temporary workers. They could then begin seeking citizenship. Illegal immigrants who have been in the United States more than five years would not be required to return home. Those in the country less than two years would be required to ...

Senate immigration overhaul in doubt
Post Date: 2006-04-07 00:03:29 by Horse
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate compromise on an overhaul of immigration law appeared to get bogged down late on Thursday in the face of opposition by some Republicans who say it would give amnesty to lawbreakers. It appeared unlikely the Senate would approve before a two-week congressional break on Friday the radical immigration reform that would give millions of illegal immigrants a chance to earn U.S. citizenship. The bill's backers expressed fear that failure to enact the legislation before lawmakers leave for their spring break could hurt its chances in a congressional election year. Senate Republican Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee and Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid of ...

Senate Bill Puts Citizenship Up for Sale For The Modest Price Of $2,000
Post Date: 2006-04-06 19:32:11 by Brian S
Posted Apr 06, 2006 The Senate is currently considering legislation that would, among other things, sell citizenship to illegal immigrants for the modest price of $2,000. All Americans should take offense. The immigration reform bill in question amounts to a massive blanket amnesty which would allow the 12 million illegal aliens currently in the United States to seek citizenship without even returning to their home country. Cautious to avoid the stigma of "amnesty," however, the bill’s defenders have erected an assortment of weak obstacles to absolutely unfettered citizenship. This is simply window dressing. Sen. Teddy Kennedy (D.-Mass.), the architect of the bill's guest ...

American taxpayers will be forced to pay for illegal aliens to replace their own children in the limited seats in college
Post Date: 2006-04-06 14:12:03 by nc_girl_speaks_up
Folks, we have got to stop this! Release: Warning! US Senate Amnesty bill contains in-state tuition for illegals! Posted on Tuesday, April 04 @ 11:25:43 CDT by ALIPAC FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 4/4/2006 Contact: William Gheen, Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC) WilliamG@alipac.us (866) 329-3999 The controversial proposal to give illegal aliens taxpayer subsidized in-state tuition at American universities is included in the immigration "reform" bill that also contains the Guest Worker Amnesty proposals according to the Washington Times! Nine states allow illegal aliens to receive the in-state tuition rates, but the law is under challenge in those states and most slipped the ...

Senate GOP to filibuster alien bill
Post Date: 2006-04-06 12:05:01 by Horse
Senate Republicans will filibuster their own immigration bill today in the face of steadfast refusal by Democrats to allow amendments to the bill that many conservatives view as granting amnesty to illegal aliens. As an alternative, Majority Leader Bill Frist reached an agreement last night with fellow Republicans on a new comprehensive immigration plan that includes increasing border security and a guest-worker plan, but still does not resolve concerns about amnesty. The new plan would allow illegal aliens who have been in the United States for more than five years to remain in the country working while applying for U.S. citizenship. Those who have been here between two and five years ...

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