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Senate GOP to filibuster alien bill
Post Date: 2006-04-06 12:05:01 by Horse
Senate Republicans will filibuster their own immigration bill today in the face of steadfast refusal by Democrats to allow amendments to the bill that many conservatives view as granting amnesty to illegal aliens. As an alternative, Majority Leader Bill Frist reached an agreement last night with fellow Republicans on a new comprehensive immigration plan that includes increasing border security and a guest-worker plan, but still does not resolve concerns about amnesty. The new plan would allow illegal aliens who have been in the United States for more than five years to remain in the country working while applying for U.S. citizenship. Those who have been here between two and five years ...

Senate Republicans Reach Compromise on Undocumented Immigrants
Post Date: 2006-04-06 11:34:19 by Brian S
April 6 (Bloomberg) -- Senate Republicans reached an agreement on procedures for allowing undocumented aliens to apply for citizenship, clearing an obstacle that stalled legislation overhauling U.S. immigration laws. ``It moves the debate forward,'' Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee told reporters last night. The compromise splits the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants into three groups, based on how long they have been in the U.S., for the purpose of setting rules on their eligibility to apply for legal status. Under the plan hammered out by Republicans last night, the more than 1 million undocumented immigrants who entered the U.S. after Jan. 7, 2004, would have ...

Pregnant woman beaten at baby shower (Beating pregnant women that Americans won't beat)
Post Date: 2006-04-06 09:18:22 by Grumble Jones
SPRINGFIELD, Massachusetts (AP) -- An argument at a baby shower escalated into a brawl in which one man was shot and the pregnant guest of honor was beaten with a stick, police said. Three people were arrested after the fight, described by police as a "baby shower gone bad." Authorities said the shooting victim, Aristotle Garcia, got into a fight with a man who is dating his ex-girlfriend. The argument, over whether the woman let their 5-year-old daughter drink beer, escalated and drew in two other people -- Jazz Rivas and Juan Velazquez, said Police Lt. Cheryl C. Claprood. When the baby shower's hostess tried to intervene, Rivas began hitting some of the guests, including the ...

Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America : Will The U.S. Survive?
Post Date: 2006-04-06 07:34:14 by Mind_Virus
4/5/2006 The Coming Breakup of America Will The U.S. Survive? Everyone in America, whether he wishes this country well or ill, should read a dire warning of the consequences of mass immigration and ethnic separatism called Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America. Its author, Thomas Chittum, fought as a mercenary in Rhodesia and Croatia, which has obviously colored his perception; but one man who’s lived through history-in-the-making deserves more consideration than all the pundits in the liberal echo-chamber called the Mass Media. Chittum extrapolates from present demographic and political trends to predict that the U.S. will (probably, with all the appropriate provisos) break ...

GOP Unveils Revised Immigration Legislation Clearing Way For Legal Status/Citizenship For An Estimated 11 Million
Post Date: 2006-04-05 23:25:54 by Brian S
(04-05) 20:18 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) -- Senate Republicans unveiled revised immigration legislation Wednesday night clearing the way for legal status and eventual citizenship for many of the estimated 11 million men, women and children living in the United States unlawfully. Majority Leader Bill Frist outlined the proposal after efforts at a bipartisan compromise faltered earlier in the day and the Senate teetered between accomplishment and gridlock on the most sweeping immigration bill in two decades. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid pledged to review the GOP proposal overnight to see whether "it could be something we could all support." The prospects appeared uncertain, ...

FINA - Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii) - Bush Harboring Illegal Aliens - When Does Bush Go To Prison?
Post Date: 2006-04-05 22:39:34 by Uncle Bill
Federal Immigration and Nationality ActSection 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)"Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . . . fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A): A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he: * assists an alien s/he should reasonably know ...

Three Arrested, Man Shot in 'Baby Shower Gone Bad' (Family values dont stop at the border)
Post Date: 2006-04-05 20:37:04 by Zipporah
Three Arrested, Man Shot in 'Baby Shower Gone Bad' Wednesday, April 05, 2006 SPRINGFIELD, Mass. — A baby shower erupted into a fight among guests in which one man was shot and several other people, including the seven-months-pregnant guest of honor, were beaten with a stick, police say. Three people were arrested after the brawl, described by police as a "baby shower gone bad." Police said the shooting victim, Aristotle Garcia, got into a fight with a man who is dating his ex-girlfriend. The argument, over whether the woman let their 5-year-old daughter drink beer, escalated and drew in two other people — Jazz Rivas and Juan Velazquez, said Police Lt. Cheryl C. ...

Post Date: 2006-04-05 10:12:12 by Jethro Tull
April 5, 2006 -- A push to give Big Apple residents who aren't citizens the right to vote kicks off today, with throngs of immigrants flocking to City Hall to back legislation giving them access to the ballot box. The Voting Rights Restoration Act would allow permanent residents, or "green card" holders, who have lived in the city for more than six months to vote in local elections. "We have a large number of people who are documented and pay taxes, but can't vote," said Councilman Kendall Stewart (D-Manhattan), chairman of the council's Immigration Committee and a prime sponsor of the bill. But Councilman James Oddo (R-S.I), who opposes the bill, called it ...

Voice of the White House April 2, 2006
Post Date: 2006-04-05 05:41:41 by Zoroaster
Voice of the White House April 2, 2006 TBR http://News.org – April 2, 2006 There would be considerable political and business oriented consequences of rounding up and deporting over 12 million people. Those consequences - for U.S. businesses and consumers and the illegal workers who provide a consistent source of cheap, dependable labor - are impossible to deny. That point has been largely overlooked as congressional lawmakers clash over proposals to step up enforcement and legalize foreign workers. But, regardless of the measures they devise, the economic forces underpinning illegal immigration will be exceedingly difficult to alter, experts say. ‘If we enact a law that ...

Nationwide Boycott Set To Support Illegals On May 1st
Post Date: 2006-04-04 15:54:59 by Brian S
April 4, 2006 Immigration rights organizers today will call for a nationwide boycott of work, school and shopping on May 1 to protest congressional efforts to clamp down on illegal aliens as part of pending immigration-reform legislation. The "Great American Boycott of 2006" is only one in a series of large-scale events the protesters hope will sway lawmakers to put millions of illegal aliens on track toward permanent residency and U.S. citizenship. "The massive March 25 march and rally in Los Angeles of well over one million immigrant workers and their supporters -- along with protests and student walkouts throughout the United States -- is irrefutable evidence that a ...

McCain Says He Doesn't Have Enough Votes in Senate for Guest-Worker Provision to Overcome Tactics
Post Date: 2006-04-04 12:59:16 by Brian S
WASHINGTON - Supporters of a guest worker program that would let illegal immigrants stay in the United States said Tuesday they don't have enough Senate votes to overcome objections from conservatives who oppose the measure on grounds it amounts to amnesty. As negotiators worked on a compromise to let those who have been here longest remain, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said a majority in the 100-member Senate support his and Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's proposal to provide green cards to illegal immigrants after they've worked in the U.S. for six years. But it takes 60 senators to overcome opponents' parliamentary tactics, and McCain said he doesn't have that many. ...

GOP Senators Seek Deal on Immigration Bill
Post Date: 2006-04-04 11:21:00 by Brian S
Tuesday, April 4, 2006; A09 Senate Republicans important to passing a wholesale revision of the nation's immigration laws focused yesterday on a compromise that would get tough on illegal immigrants new to the United States while offering those who have been here at least five years a path to citizenship. The talks, led by Sens. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) and Mel Martinez (R-Fla.), are aimed at finding a formula that would persuade a majority of Republicans to support an immigration bill now backed largely by Democrats. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) plans to push for a final vote on immigration legislation this week, but it is not clear whether any measure can muster the 60 ...

Post Date: 2006-04-04 09:35:24 by Peetie Wheatstraw
WASHINGTON -- Behind the illegal immigrants waving Mexican and Salvadoran flags in Los Angeles last week; behind the Mexican girl in Arlington, Va., who was quoted as saying on radio, "Citizens -- what are they for? We do all the work"; behind the antiquated calls for taking back the Southwest in the name of a Mexican Aztlan -- there is a plan. I am not saying that this plan, propagated by Mexico City, could challenge the lies, secrecy and Machiavellian scheming of American war plans in the Middle East. I am not saying that the Mexican Foreign Ministry, with its offshoot the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, is directing an "invasion" of the United States. But what is ...

Police brought in as teachers lose control at Berlin school
Post Date: 2006-04-03 20:01:02 by Tauzero
Police brought in as teachers lose control at Berlin school 31 March 2006 BERLIN - Violence at a Berlin school dominated by Arab and Turkish youths and the nearby slaying of police officer, shot in the head while trying to arrest muggers, has fuelled alarm that troubled parts of the German capital are lurching out of control. Police have now been brought in to help control the situation at the Ruetli school in the immigrant-dominated Neukoelln district, with six officers checking students for weapons. Teachers at the school published a letter this week widely interpreted as saying conditions at their school had become so bad that it should be closed down. The letter said teachers had ...

Immigration Bill Proposes In-State Tuition For Illegals
Post Date: 2006-04-03 13:22:06 by Brian S
April 3, 2006 The immigration bill now under consideration in the Senate would grant even a broader amnesty to illegal aliens than similar legislation did in 1986, conservatives say, and would make hundreds of thousands of illegal residents eligible for in-state tuition at public colleges and universities. "It should be called 'No Illegal Alien Left Behind,' " said Sen. Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican. In 1986, Congress granted amnesty to 2.7 million illegal aliens. Current legislation would allow an estimated 11 million illegal aliens to continue working in the U.S. while applying for full citizenship. Backers of the current legislation say it's not amnesty because the ...

Post Date: 2006-04-03 12:46:47 by christine
One reason we're supposed to rejoice at the pitter-patter of illegal feet is that foreigners are only coming here to "do jobs Americans won't do." It's one of those basic assumptions upon which the argument in favor of forgetting we have borders, a culture and laws rests, and even President Bush mentioned this "truth" while speaking about immigration reform recently. And, undoubtedly, there are certain immutable laws of economics. Only, this isn't one of them. The next time someone mindlessly parrots this mantra, just ask, "What jobs would those be?" As you'll soon learn, the answer doesn't really matter, but sometimes we're shamed by didacts who ...

Immigration Debate
Post Date: 2006-04-02 20:16:23 by mirage
Consider the oxymoron. Hundreds of thousands of law-breaking aliens march in America's streets demanding that their right to live and work in the U.S. illegally be respected. Fearful of backlash at the polls from millions of aliens who, in theory, have no right to vote, the U.S. Congress is preparing to reward those who have broken our laws with the most precious treasure on Earth -- the opportunity to become United States citizens. The politically correct call these people immigrants, but what kind of immigrant enters illegally, works illegally, identifies himself illegally and sends every extra dime he makes back to his former home? The $15 billion to $20 billion sent back to Mexico ...

Skull and Bones ‘Link’ is the Money Behind Immigration Marchers
Post Date: 2006-04-02 16:49:34 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Skull and Bones ‘Link’ is the Money Behind Immigration Marchers Saturday, April 1st, 2006 By Peter Herberg 02/04/06 (RINF) — The strength, size and geographical breadth of recent pro-immigrant marches has stunned many across the United States and the World. This did not happen by coincidence. The marches are anything but spontaneous. They require resources , organization and money. This is the story about the money. The face behind the money is skeletal. It is a primary ally of the Yale University based Society of Skull and Bones. Vicente Fox hired Republican Rob Allyn as an Immigration Lobbyist a few months ago. Rob Allyn is not just a lobbyist- his firm got Vicente Fox ...

Civil rights? How about lawlessness?
Post Date: 2006-04-02 13:54:25 by robin
Civil rights? How about lawlessness? The protesters seem intent on ending border restraints, not improving immigrants' lives. By Joe R. Hicks, JOE R. HICKS is vice president of the L.A.-based human relations organization Community Advocates, Inc. April 1, 2006 THE DEBATE over illegal immigration has reached a vigorous boil, with contrasting bills in the House and Senate and hundreds of thousands of protesters demonstrating nationwide. The complexities of this debate seem lost on many of the protesters. Many claim that what lies beneath reform efforts is raw racism, leading to the view that the recent protests signal a new civil rights movement. It's simply not true. This nation's civil ...

Immigrant Issues Are Personal for Bush
Post Date: 2006-04-02 11:32:53 by Sam Houston
Immigrant Issues Are Personal for Bush Associates say he has long had a comfort level with Mexicans and their culture. In a 2004 campaign video, he waved a Mexican flag. By Peter Wallsten, Times Staff Writer April 2, 2006 MIDLAND, Texas — Cecilia Ochoa Levine was a Mexican trying to make it in America. But when she hit upon a promising business opportunity, to make knapsacks south of the border to sell in the United States, she could not get the trade permits she needed. And so Levine asked for help from a longtime friend in Texas, where she had been a legal resident for many years. George W. Bush. Within a week, Levine was on a plane to Washington for a meeting with trade ...

Bloomberg: Illegal Immigrants Help Golfers; golf fairways would suffer if illegal immigrants were deported...
Post Date: 2006-04-02 01:05:33 by Brian S
NEW YORK, April 1 (UPI) -- New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says golf fairways would suffer if illegal immigrants were returned to their native country. "You and I are beneficiaries of these jobs," Bloomberg told his WABC-AM radio co-host, John Gambling. "You and I both play golf; who takes care of the greens and the fairways in your golf course?" However, Robert Heaney, general manager of Deepdale Golf Club -- a Long Island course where Bloomberg often plays -- told The New York Daily News that no illegal immigrants work at the club. "Deepdale Golf Club has always been in 100 percent compliance with all immigration laws, and it is absolutely our policy to remain ...

Minutemen Kick Off Return Engagement In Arizona, Other States
Post Date: 2006-04-01 18:43:51 by Brian S
THREE POINTS, Ariz. – Minuteman volunteers concerned over the continued flow of illegal immigrants across the border from Mexico gathered Saturday with lawn chairs, binoculars and cell phones for a new monthlong campaign aimed at raising public awareness of the issue. A year after their first watch-and-report operation along the border in southeastern Arizona, members of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps embarked on a much larger effort in the busy migrant-smuggling corridor. “I'm concerned about what's not being done by the government – hasn't been done, apparently,” said J. Glenn Sorensen, a retired school administrator now living in Flagstaff. Sorensen, who was not ...

Thousands in NYC Protest Immigration Bill
Post Date: 2006-04-01 18:41:38 by Brian S
(04-01) 15:11 PST NEW YORK, (AP) -- Thousands of immigrants formed a line stretching more than a mile long Saturday as they marched across the Brooklyn Bridge, waving flags from more than a dozen countries as they demonstrated against possible immigration reform in Congress. Heralded by a cacophony of trumpets, whistles and drums, the crowd of mostly Latin Americans gathered in downtown Brooklyn and trudged a path laden with symbols of the city's immigrant strength on their way to a plaza in lower Manhattan. The marchers mustered in a neighborhood settled by the Dutch, crossed a bridge designed by a German, and finished in a square at the edge of Chinatown in an area that once held ...

OPERATION WETBACK (1954) - 1,300,000 Illegal Aliens Rounded Up And Deported
Post Date: 2006-04-01 16:53:53 by Uncle Bill
OPERATION WETBACK The Texas State Historical AssociationFred L. Koestler June 1, 2001 Operation Wetback was a repatriation project of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service to remove illegal Mexican immigrants ("wetbacks") from the Southwest. During the first decades of the twentieth century, the majority of migrant workers who crossed the border illegally did not have adequate protection against exploitation by American farmers. As a result of the Good Neighbor Policy, Mexico and the United States began negotiating an accord to protect the rights of Mexican agricultural workers. Continuing discussions and modifications of the agreement were so successful that ...

How Talk Radio Spurred Immigrant Demonstrations
Post Date: 2006-04-01 12:17:58 by Eoghan
Word traveled fast over the airwaves helping to pump up turn out at protests across the country For Los Angeles radio producer Luis Garibay, the crusade began with a question, put to Angelica Salas, executive director of the city’s Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights. Was the recently passed House bill making felons of undocumented immigrants and those who help them a serious enough threat, he asked her, that Latino deejays should do something to promote opposition to it? “The anti-immigration forces have their echo chambers through FOX News, CNN and talk radio,” she told him. “You guys have to be ours.” And so it was. For the next two weeks, Garibay's ...

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