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Guests or gate-crashers Part II
Post Date: 2006-03-29 18:38:40 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Bogus arguments are a tip-off that you wouldn't buy the real reasons for what someone is doing. Phony arguments and phony words are the norm in discussions of immigration policy. It starts with a refusal to call illegal aliens "illegal aliens" and ends with asking for "guest worker" status for people who are not guests but gate crashers. As for the substantive arguments, they are as phony as the verbal evasions. What about all those illegal workers that we "need"? Many of the illegals are working in agriculture, producing crops that have been in chronic surplus for decades. These surplus crops are costing the American taxpayers billions of dollars in ...

Boehner Hints A Back Down On 'Amnesty'
Post Date: 2006-03-29 11:25:48 by Brian S
House Majority Leader John A. Boehner refused yesterday to rule out compromising with the Senate to expand the House border security bill to include a guest-worker program or provisions that opponents call "amnesty." "Let's wait and see what the Senate can produce," he told reporters yesterday when asked whether House Republicans would reject the Senate Judiciary Committee's proposal to allow the estimated 12 million illegal aliens now in the U.S. to seek citizenship after paying a fine. Since Monday's Judiciary vote, the Senate appears headed toward approving immigration legislation that strengthens border security some while creating a new guest-worker program and ...

Lou Dobbs, Anchor-Advocate on Immigration Wins Viewers
Post Date: 2006-03-29 11:01:01 by Brian S
The nation's most prominent opponent of current immigration policy began his day yesterday on the "Today" show on NBC, debating a Hispanic defender of illegal immigrants. He moved on to "American Morning" on CNN to denounce a bill passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday as "an amnesty program." By nightfall he was on a plane headed to Mexico, where he intended to assess critically the planned discussions on the issue between President Bush and President Vicente Fox of Mexico. This central figure in the increasingly fractious debate over future immigration policy was not a senator or congressman, nor even a lobbyist on either side of the issue. It ...

Voice of the White House March 27, 2006
Post Date: 2006-03-29 09:25:37 by Zoroaster
Voice of the White House March 27, 2006 TBR http://News.org – March 27, 2006 “There are two major and overriding crisis now facing the American people. The first one is the utterly disastrous and failed Iraqi campaign and the second is the monumental flood of illegal and totally uncontrolled immigration into the United States. The information on Iraq is easily found and growing but the immigration scandal is not as public. As I have a number of relatives in Arizona, some of whom are state officials, I have decided to take this border state as a microcosm of the growing disaster. Conservative (and politically correct) official estimates (census, INS reports, state and Federal ...

Post Date: 2006-03-28 20:33:36 by Peetie Wheatstraw
WASHINGTON -- A quarter-century ago, in 1981, during a journalistic visit to parts of the American/Mexican border, I found myself talking with veteran border control official Robert Mitton at the San Ysidro "crossing" near San Diego. His revealing words came back to me dramatically this week, as immigration passions are unleashed across the country. "I remember 25 years ago," he reminisced with me then. "I would find a group of Mexicans marching through the desert toward the border. They would be carrying smoked carp in one pocket and a tequila bottle filled with water in the other. Violence was so repugnant to these 'rancheros' that, if somebody got into a fight, ...

Thousands Protest Despite LA School Lockdown : Immigration Reform Demonstrations Continue
Post Date: 2006-03-28 15:49:25 by Mind_Virus
Thousands Protest Despite LA School Lockdown Immigration Reform Demonstrations Continue POSTED: 6:57 am PST March 28, 2006 UPDATED: 11:52 am PST March 28, 2006 LOS ANGELES -- At least 6,000 Los Angeles area students joined street protests Tuesday against possible immigration reforms. Video: Tuesday Protests Police herded students off an access road leading to the Vincent Thomas Bridge in San Pedro on Tuesday. Student marches were also staged Tuesday morning in Bellflower and Compton. NBC4 reported that students from about 20 schools walked out on Tuesday. Despite rain and a lockdown in the Los Angeles Unified School District, a group of about 200 students massed near 223rd Street in ...

Poll Shows Growing Fear Among Immigrants
Post Date: 2006-03-28 11:40:42 by Brian S
(03-28) 08:38 PST LOS ANGELES, (AP) -- A majority of immigrants believe anti-immigration sentiment is growing in this country and are alarmed by the tone of the debate over reform, according to a new poll released Tuesday. Just under one-third of those surveyed, all of whom described themselves as legal immigrants, said Congress and President Bush are doing a good job on the issue. The findings come as the U.S. Senate considers immigration reform proposals, including legislation approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday that would clear the way for 11 million illegal aliens to seek U.S. citizenship. Lawmakers are also considering legislation that would make it a felony to ...

Aztlan Arising: 700,000+ March In Los Angeles : "La Gran Marcha" Surpasses All Expectations
Post Date: 2006-03-28 11:18:45 by Mind_Virus
Aztlan Arising: 700,000+ March In Los Angeles "La Gran Marcha" Surpasses All Expectations by Ernesto Cienfuegos La Voz de Aztlan LA GRAN MARCHA- March 25, 2006 -In foreground is LA City Hall. Los Angeles, Alta California - March 26, 2006 - (ACN) Yesterday's march and rally for immigrant rights in downtown Los Angeles is the largest in the city's history. Never has the "City of Angels" seen so many demonstrators filling the streets of the city's center. The sleeping giant has finally awaken giving rise to a new immigrant civil rights movement of unprecedented proportions. The leadership of the various participating groups demonstrated extraordinary organizational ...

'Dirty Bombs' Crossed U.S. Borders in Test
Post Date: 2006-03-27 22:52:58 by Brian S
Investigators Find Security Lapses at U.S. Ports of Entry, Pass 2 'Dirty Bombs' Across Borders The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Undercover investigators slipped radioactive material enough to make two small "dirty bombs" across U.S. borders in Texas and Washington state in a test last year of security at American points of entry. Radiation alarms at the unidentified sites detected the small amounts of cesium-137, a nuclear material used in industrial gauges. But U.S. customs agents permitted the investigators to enter the United States because they were tricked with counterfeit documents. The Bush administration said Monday that within 45 days it will give U.S. Customs and ...

Clinton chauffeur an illegal immigrant
Post Date: 2006-03-27 22:42:46 by Zipporah
NEWARK, N.J., March 27 (UPI) -- An embarrassing hole in security surrounding former U.S. President Bill Clinton turned up when one of his chauffeurs was found to be a wanted man. Shahzad Qureshi, 42, was in one of three cars awaiting Clinton at Newark Airport last week when a Port Authority policeman happened to check license plate numbers. The computer came back showing the Pakistani national had skipped a residency-status hearing in 2000, and a deportation order had been issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the New York Post reported. Qureshi was still in jail Monday awaiting immigration processing, the report said.

Drug Plan Doesn't Speak Their Language
Post Date: 2006-03-27 22:26:36 by robin
Drug Plan Doesn't Speak Their Language Seniors with limited English skills are having a hard time accessing Medicare's new prescription program. By Rong-Gong Lin II Times Staff Writer March 27, 2006 More than a month had gone by, and 81-year-old Lee Sun Hua still didn't have his medication. In January, a pharmacist had refused to give the Koreatown resident his drugs, erroneously telling Lee he needed his new Medicare drug prescription card. He waited for weeks, and even had a volunteer at a Koreatown nonprofit agency call to request it. But it never came. Bothered by a chronic stomach ailment, Lee called his Medicare drug plan provider, Blue Cross, two weeks ago to inquire again. ...

Senate Panel Approves Immigration Bill; clears the way for millions of undocumented workers to seek U.S. citizenship
Post Date: 2006-03-27 18:29:26 by Brian S
(03-27) 15:25 PST WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate Judiciary Committee approved election-year immigration legislation Monday that clears the way for millions of undocumented workers to seek U.S. citizenship without having to first leave the country. After days of street demonstrations that stretched from California to the gounds of the U.S. Capitol, the committee also voted to strip out proposed criminal penalties for residents found to be in this country illegally. The panel's vote cleared the way for the full Senate to begin debate Tuesday on the emotional immigration issue. "All Americans wanted fairness and they got it this evening," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the ...

Protests Over Immigration Bill Continue; Tens of thousands of students walked out of school in California and other states Monday
Post Date: 2006-03-27 15:48:06 by Brian S
(03-27) 12:46 PST Los Angeles (AP) -- Tens of thousands of students walked out of school in California and other states Monday, waving flags and chanting slogans in a second week of protests against legislation to crack down on illegal immigrants. In Washington, 100 demonstrators wore handcuffs at the Capitol to protest a bill that would make it a felony to be in this country illegally and would make it crime to dispense aid to the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants. Immigrant supporters also object to legislation that would also impose new penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants and would build fences along part of the U.S.-Mexican border. More than 500,000 people ...

Senate Breaks With House on Immigration Bill, Refuses to Criminalize Those Who Help Immigrants
Post Date: 2006-03-27 15:46:11 by Brian S
The Associated Press WASHINGTON - As immigration rights activists rallied outside the Capitol, senators broke Monday from the House's get-tough approach by refusing to make criminals of people who help illegal immigrants. The Senate Judiciary Committee adopted an amendment by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., that would protect church and charitable groups, as well as individuals, from criminal prosecution for providing food, shelter, medical care and counseling to undocumented immigrants. "Charitable organizations, like individuals, should be able to provide humanitarian assistance to immigrants without fearing prosecution," Durbin said. The committee also approved more than ...

Ohio Constitution Party: Sheriff's/Minuteman/FAIR Rally
Post Date: 2006-03-27 13:00:09 by Zipporah
Constitution Party of Ohio 1255 N. Hamilton Rd. Suite 221 Columbus, OH 43230 Phone/Fax: 1-877-220-0398 Email: info@ohiocp.org Greetings Ohio patriots: You have no doubt seen the TV coverage of massive pro-illegal immigration rallies held recently across the nation. Hopefully you'll agree that American patriots need to rise up to counter this nonsense! Here is your chance to participate, right here in Ohio. This meeting is being sponsored by an alliance between FAIR, the Minuteman Project, and the New Frontier Coalition. The purpose of the rally as stated below lines up with the Constitution Party immigration plank: http://ohiocp.org/nationalplatform2004.php#Immigration, and the ...

Specter Seeks Law Allowing [illegal] Workers To Stay
Post Date: 2006-03-27 12:45:05 by Brian S
March 27, 2006 WASHINGTON -- With the fate of more than 11 million illegal immigrants in the balance, the Senate Judiciary Committee is prepared to work into the night tonight to craft a historic immigration bill that would allow the unlawful workers to earn their way to legal status in the United States, committee chairman Arlen R. Specter said yesterday. The move would set up a showdown with conservative senators who oppose guest-worker programs or any plan that would allow illegal immigrants to become citizens. The committee, which has been wrestling for weeks on the legislation, faces a deadline of tonight to come up with a compromise before Senate majority leader Bill Frist, ...

Building a North American community - a report b y the CFR
Post Date: 2006-03-27 08:36:00 by Jethro Tull
Building a North American community, the selling of America Deanna Spingola Deanna Spingola July 15, 2005 While our sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers having been spilling their blood in the sands of Iraq under the guise of restoring the country to the Iraqi citizens, our president is in the process of giving our country to the elite One World Order insiders. While our president is requiring protected borders in Iraq, he is obliterating, not only our southern, but our northern borders. The leaders of three countries met at Baylor University in Waco, Texas on 23 March 2005. This meeting included George W. Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister ...

Tancredo on Illegal Aliens: They Are 'A Scourge That Threatens The Very Future of Our Nation'
Post Date: 2006-03-26 16:34:34 by Brian S
If GOP Presidential Candidates Don't Put Problem a Top Agenda in 2008, He'll Run Himself, Just to Force Front Runners to Talk About it NEW YORK, March 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Republican congressman Tom Tancredo has become the loudest, angriest voice against the estimated 11 million illegal aliens now living in the United States. They are "a scourge that threatens the very future of our nation," he says. He laments "the cult of muliticulturalism," and worries about America's becoming a "Tower of Babel." If Republican presidential candidates don't put the problem atop the agenda in 2008, he says he'll run himself, just to force the front runners to talk about it, ...

Hostile Hispanic Paper Prints Map and Picture of Senators Home
Post Date: 2006-03-26 09:53:40 by nc_girl_speaks_up
Hostile Hispanic Paper Prints Map and Picture of Senators Home Posted on Friday, March 24 @ 07:06:36 PST by admin Senator: Newspaper 'Crossed Line' A controversial measure under the Gold Dome, dealing with illegal workers in Georgia, is causing an huge uproar after a local Hispanic newspaper published a story about the bill’s author on Wednesday. Topics: Georgia, SB 529, State Laws, Illegal Immigration, Illegal Aliens, Legislation, Hispanic News, Senate, House, GA WXIA-TV Atlanta Reported By: Keith Whitney 3/23/2006 Senate Bill 529 has no shortage of angry critics, who feel the measures unfairly targets members of the state’s rapidly growing Hispanic community -- many of whom ...

The Founding Fathers on Immigration
Post Date: 2006-03-26 00:14:30 by Peetie Wheatstraw
· George Washington, in a letter to John Adams, stated that immigrants should be absorbed into American life so that "by an intermixture with our people, they, or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs, measures, laws: in a word soon become one people." · In a 1790 speech to Congress on the naturalization of immigrants, James Madison stated that America should welcome the immigrant who could assimilate, but exclude the immigrant who could not readily "incorporate himself into our society." · Alexander Hamilton wrote in 1802: “The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity ...

LWAN: Return to Ecuador
Post Date: 2006-03-25 23:54:49 by Neil McIver
I had a sufficiently good time on last year's trip so I've returned to Ecuador. I'm in Guayaquil, Ecuador's largest city not far from the Pacific coast. Unlike Quito's 2-mile high mountainous climate, Guayaquil is at sea level. The weather here is a typical June by my native Maryland standards with a bit more humidity added in, but I seem more suited to warmer weather even if short pants are not culturally correct in this part of the Latin world. I'm here for another 3 month tour, but plans beyond June are open ended. Ecuador's immigration rules limit foreigners on a passport to 90 days per calendar year so June will find me either in some other Latin country, back in the USA, or working ...

Bush Uses Radio to Push Guest Worker Plan
Post Date: 2006-03-25 12:31:17 by Brian S
Saturday March 25, 2006 3:16 PM WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush, bracing for more street protests and a Senate showdown on immigration reform, called Saturday for legislation that does not force America to choose between being a welcoming society and a lawful one. ``America is a nation of immigrants, and we're also a nation of laws,'' Bush said in his weekly radio address about the emotional immigration issue that has driven a wedge in his party. Bush sides with business leaders who want legislation to let some immigrants stay in the country and work for a set period of time. Others, including Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, say national security concerns should drive immigration ...

Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide
Post Date: 2006-03-25 12:03:00 by TommyTheMadArtist
Mar 25, 2:15 AM EST Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide By TIM MOLLOY Associated Press Writer AP Photo/ROY DABNER More U.S. Video LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Thousands of people across the country protested Friday against legislation cracking down on illegal immigrants, with demonstrators in such cities as Los Angeles, Phoenix and Atlanta staging school walkouts, marches and work stoppages. Congress is considering bills that would make it a felony to be illegally in the United States, impose new penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants and erect fences along one-third of the U.S.-Mexican border. The proposals have angered many Hispanics. The Los Angeles demonstration led ...

A Jobless Recovery? Immigrant Gains Native Losses
Post Date: 2006-03-25 00:55:19 by Horse
October 2004 The recovery from the recession of 2001 has been described as “jobless.” In fact, an analysis of the latest Census Bureau data shows that between March of 2000 and March of 2004, the number of adults working actually increased, but all of the net change went to immigrant workers. The number of adult immigrants (18 years of age and older) holding a job increased by over two million between 2000 and 2004, while the number of adult natives holding a job is nearly half a million fewer. This Backgrounder also finds that the number of adult natives who are unemployed or who have withdrawn from the labor force is dramatically higher in 2004 than it was in 2000. These ...

GEORGE W. BUSH: Our First Mexican President
Post Date: 2006-03-24 21:14:55 by Uncle Bill
GEORGE W. BUSH, OUR FIRST MEXICAN PRESIDENT American Patrol by H. Millard December 28, 2003 Several years ago I wrote a column calling Bill Clinton our first black president. Then, a few months after my column appeared, black writer Toni Morrison wrote a similar column and it suddenly became big news. It was an idea whose time had come. I may not be the first to call George W. Bush our first Mexican president, but that's what this guy is. Saying it, is an idea whose time has come. I figure he probably has White House meals catered by a roach coach that plays La Cucaracha on it's horn as it lurches up Pennsylvania Avenue. Maybe the presidential portrait will be done on black velvet. With ...

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