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Thousands Rally Across The Country For Immigrants' Rights
Post Date: 2006-03-24 20:02:11 by Brian S
LOS ANGELES – Thousands of people across the country protested Friday against legislation cracking down on illegal immigrants, with demonstrators in such cities as Los Angeles, Phoenix and Atlanta staging school walkouts, marches and work stoppages. Congress is considering legislation that would make it a felony to be illegally in the United States, impose new penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants and erect fences along one-third of the U.S.-Mexican border. The proposals have angered many Hispanics. The Los Angeles demonstration led to fights between black and Hispanic students at one high school, but the protests were largely peaceful, authorities said. Chantal Mason, ...

Mexico's War on America: Resultant Collateral Damage
Post Date: 2006-03-24 18:38:58 by Peetie Wheatstraw
“If u dont like that s**t, get the f**k outa here. Go back to europe where there are no mexicans. this is our land and u white devils took it from us and the indians... ya baby we takin ova..... first l.a… now Denver, then the rest of the east coast sucker.... hahaha,” eloquently chortled an illegal Mexican into my inbox. This writer fails to understand that red, brown, yellow, black and white Americans make up the United States. More than 150 countries represent Americans. Unfortunately, in the face of this illegal Mexican invasion, most Americans maintain ‘political correctness’ in the name of ‘silent-assertion’, which, as Mark Twain said, “Is the ...

Bush Urges Congress To Include Worker Program In Immigration Bill
Post Date: 2006-03-23 21:46:47 by Brian S
WASHINGTON - With the Senate kicking off a sure-to-be acrimonious fight over immigration next week, President Bush is reinserting himself into the debate, insisting that increased border security be coupled with temporary work visas for illegal immigrants. Bush also is urging participants to tone down rhetoric that has been white-hot as politicians and the public alike wrestle with the thorniest issue: How to treat the nation's 11 million to 12 million illegal immigrants. "When we conduct this debate, it must be done in a civil way," Bush said Thursday after meeting at the White House with business, religious and community leaders who advocate a guest worker program. "It ...

Mexico Optimistic U.S. Headed Toward Immigration Breakthrough
Post Date: 2006-03-23 12:47:37 by Brian S
MEXICO CITY Mexico said today it's optimistic a major breakthrough could be on the way, granting legal status to some of (m) millions of its undocumented citizens in the United States. Mexican President Vicente Fox's spokesman says "there are a number of positive signs pointing to the possibility" of the kind of bilateral migration deal Mexico's been pushing for since 2001. Ruben Aguilar's comments come as Mexico heads into a pair of high-level meetings with President Bush's administration. That includes a trilateral summit with Canada next week in the Caribbean resort city of Cancun, Mexico. Barring such an accord, Aguilar says Mexico at the very least believes a guest-worker ...

Bush Urges 'Civil Debate' on Immigration [that respects people of all backgrounds]
Post Date: 2006-03-23 11:51:16 by Brian S
(03-23) 08:30 PST WASHINGTON, (AP) -- As Congress prepares for a showdown over immigration policy, President Bush urged lawmakers Thursday to have a "civil debate" that respects people of all backgrounds. "Ours is a nation of law and ours is a nation of immigrants, and we believe that we can have rational, important immigration policy that's based upon law and reflects our deep desire to be a compassionate and decent nation," Bush said. He urged a serious debate on the issues at a time when advocates on both sides have been playing to voters' gut emotions. "When we discuss this debate, it must be done in a civil way," Bush said during a meeting with ...

Reid Threatens Filibuster on Immigration
Post Date: 2006-03-23 02:35:17 by Horse
As the Senate prepares to tackle the most sweeping immigration reforms in years, a top Democrat vowed Wednesday to do everything in his power, including filibuster, to thwart Majority Leader Bill Frist's proposed overhaul. Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he would "use every procedural means at my disposal" to prevent Frist from bypassing the Judiciary Committee. Frist, R-Tenn., has made clear the Senate will take up his proposal next week if the 18-member committee fails to complete a broader bill. "If Leader Frist brings a bill to the floor that does not have the approval of the Judiciary Committee, it will not get out of the Senate," Reid told reporters ...

We Don't Need "Guest Workers"
Post Date: 2006-03-22 21:50:54 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Economist Philip Martin of the University of California likes to tell a story about the state's tomato industry. In the early 1960s, growers relied on seasonal Mexican laborers, brought in under the government's "bracero" program. The Mexicans picked the tomatoes that were then processed into ketchup and other products. In 1964 Congress killed the program despite growers' warnings that its abolition would doom their industry. What happened? Well, plant scientists developed oblong tomatoes that could be harvested by machine. Since then, California's tomato output has risen fivefold. It's a story worth remembering, because we're being warned again that we need huge numbers of ...

Conservatives Spar Over Immigration; Two camps take lead at five-hour forum
Post Date: 2006-03-21 22:25:59 by Brian S
DENVER — A Colorado-based think tank may have united under one roof some of the nation’s greatest conservative thinkers on immigration Monday, but it united them under little else. In a debate-style format, 10 leading conservatives — including politicians, philanthropists and economists — sparred for five hours at an Independence Institute forum called “Invitation or Invasion,” a discussion on the conservative response to illegal immigration. The meeting — which explored how illegal immigration affects growth, economics, culture and national security — drew about 200 people to the Colorado Historical Society building in Denver. Though some speakers ...

Minuteman Project Plans New Border Patrol
Post Date: 2006-03-21 10:32:40 by Brian S
(03-21) 06:30 PST TUCSON, Arizona (AP) -- A controversial civilian border patrol group is planning a return to Arizona in two weeks to again confront the problem of illegal immigration. Some say the original Minuteman Project conducted in April 2005 in Cochise County and a subsequent patrol in October brought increased national attention to the Arizona stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border. "I think we've clearly been the catalyst that has sparked the national debate," said Minuteman president Chris Simcox. "That's been our goal, to bring national attention to the fact that the government has failed miserably to bring control to the southern border." However many ...

Jefferson County Judge Ordering Hispanics To Leave State
Post Date: 2006-03-20 11:56:05 by Mind_Virus
Jefferson County Judge Ordering Hispanics To Leave State Sunday, March 19, 2006 JEFF HANSEN, KELLI HEWETT TAYLOR and DAWN KENT News staff writers Illegal Hispanic immigrants booked on minor offenses in Hoover last year were often put in jail without bond and ordered to leave the country by Jefferson County District Judge Robert Cahill, who is not an immigration judge. Hoover officials call their actions good policing. They and Cahill say they have no arrangement to target Hispanics arrested in Hoover, a city coping with its uneasy role as a hub for Hispanic day labor. But advocates and other legal experts question the practices that elevate misdemeanor cases like jaywalking to include ...

Congressmen get in fight, spew racial epithets
Post Date: 2006-03-17 14:08:50 by Zipporah
Congressmen get in fight, spew racial epithets RAW STORYPublished: Friday March 17, 2006 | </p">Congressional debate about immigration has gotten ugly, according to Thursday's edition of Roll Call. Excerpts from the Roll Call story follow: ### We knew immigration was a contentious issue and all, but wait until you hear the epithets that Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) hurled at Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), Congress’ chief immigration critic, after a live debate they had on CNBC Wednesday. Sneak preview: They include “bigot,” “racist” and “KKK.” After the lunchtime show in the Cannon Rotunda ended, Gutierrez made a joke about how the ...

Illegal immigrants rise to 12 million, 5 percent of all workers
Post Date: 2006-03-17 08:54:41 by Red Jones
Illegal immigrants rise to 12 million, 5 percent of all workers March 11, 2006 - By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON - The number of illegal immigrants in the United States has grown to as many as 12 million, and they now account for about one in every 20 workers, a new estimate says. Efforts to curb illegal immigration have not slowed the pace, said a report Tuesday by the Pew Hispanic Center. Instead, the report's author said, those efforts are having an unintended consequence: People who illegally enter the United States from Mexico are staying longer because it is harder to move back and forth across the border. "The security has done more to keep people ...

Tancredo, 70 Lawmakers Strike Out At Guest-Worker Plan
Post Date: 2006-03-16 19:41:01 by Brian S
Washington - Colorado's Rep. Tom Tancredo and 70 other U.S. representatives sent a letter today to a Senate committee, warning that legislation it's considering allowing illegal immigrants to work legally in the country will hit a roadblock if it comes back to the House. The Senate's Judiciary Committee for the last two weeks has been debating an immigration reform bill that includes what's being called a “guest worker” program, something President Bush said he wants. “We are concerned that some of these proposals are fundamentally incompatible with the desire of the American public for real immigration reform and their clear opposition to reform proposals that amount to ...

Senate Closer on Immigrant Worker Proposal
Post Date: 2006-03-16 12:19:27 by Brian S
The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Senators writing a major immigration law overhaul bill moved Thursday toward accepting an approach under which illegal immigrants could stay in the United States while working toward permanent residence and eventual citizenship. Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., stressed that his plan moving through the Senate Judiciary Committee would not constitute an amnesty, a policy rejected by the Bush administration and most Americans, according to polls. Kennedy said it would not give the estimated 11 million people in the country illegally any advantage over the 3 million living overseas while waiting for a decision on green card applications. Committee Chairman ...

Post Date: 2006-03-16 00:09:45 by Mind_Virus
John McCain SCREAMS AT 9/11 FSA MEMBERS FOR OPPOSING HIS BILL TO GIVE AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS McCain CHALLENGES PETER GADIEL TO DEBATE HIM IN ARIZONA . GADIEL ACCEPTS CHALLENGE Sen. Lindsay Graham admits that cheap labor, especially the cheap greens fees at golf courses, are more important than enforcing the law. 9/11 FSA members Joan Molinaro, Bruce De Cell, Grace Godshalk and Peter Gadiel lobbied the Senate during the week of February 27 to March 3. Part of the time we were accompanied by Bill Buchanan, Bob Shoemaker, Helen Pfalsgraf and Rick Rio of Virginia 's very effective immigration reform group, ANCIR. Our purpose was to oppose bills that would reward illegal aliens by granting them ...

U.S Government Statistics Reveal Stark Realities of Illegal Immigration
Post Date: 2006-03-15 20:17:34 by Itisa1mosttoolate
March 10, 2006From the Desk of Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell: Dear Friends and Supporters: Tom Fitton is out of the office for a few days.  I’m very pleased to have the opportunity this week to give you a brief update on some of our work.  A huge part of our mission is promoting transparency in government and educating the public about the decisions and activities of their “trusted servants.” U.S Government Statistics Reveal Stark Realities of Illegal Immigration Four years after our original request, the Customs and Immigration Service has finally produced a stack of statistical reports painting a vivid and disturbing picture of the ...

Post Date: 2006-03-15 19:29:20 by Uncle Bill
DEATH BLOW TO GUEST WORKER AMNESTY:GAO REPORT EXPOSES MASSIVE MISMANAGEMENT AND CORRUPTION LA Chronicle Tony Dolz March 15, 2006 The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) has dealt the fatal blow to the controversial concept of Guest Worker Amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens now living in the United States in defiance of our laws. The GAO is the investigative arm of Congress charged with examining matters relating to the receipt and payment of public funds. In a devastating report released today, the GAO charges the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) – this is the agency under the Department of Homeland Security that would be in charge of ...

Congress split on immigration policy; panel to debate granting more visas, easing the restrictions on family members
Post Date: 2006-03-15 11:17:34 by Brian S
WASHINGTON - As Congress tries to decide how to control illegal immigration, a pivotal question facing lawmakers is whether they should increase the number of visas. In the emotionally charged immigration debate, the issue has created a deep split between those who say the scarcity of visas compels immigrants to enter the country illegally, and others who argue that too much legal migration has encouraged illegal entries by extended family members. This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee is to consider a proposal that would increase the number of green cards, or permanent visas, for unskilled workers and ease restrictions on visas for immediate family members of citizens. With 500,000 ...

Bush Faces More Trouble Over Imigration Bll; faces another brewing Republican revolt
Post Date: 2006-03-14 14:55:53 by Brian S
Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:33 PM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush, whose administration suffered a stinging setback over a Dubai company's deal to operate some U.S. port terminals, faces another brewing Republican revolt over immigration reform. With the full Senate due to take up the issue before the end of March, Republicans are split over what to do about the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the country. Whichever way they turn, some part of their governing coalition will be furious, analysts said. The issue could also antagonize Hispanic voters -- a swing group Bush has targeted as a source of Republican growth -- before November elections in which Democrats are ...

Farmers Fret Over Losing Immigrant Workers
Post Date: 2006-03-14 13:02:32 by Brian S
OMEGA, Ga. (AP) - Randy Scarbor was counting on the 15 immigrant workers who lived on his farm to harvest his 60-acre sweet-potato crop last fall, but they vanished just as the work got underway. He instead was forced to bring in some less-motivated substitutes for the backbreaking job. "I wound up hiring some locals that weren't worth hauling to the field," he said. "It was the worst harvest labor in my life and I've been in the farming business 35 years. But we got it in." Scarbor believes most of his regular workers were lured away to the Gulf Coast by the promise of higher wages for jobs associated with hurricane recovery. He said he knows a few also switched to ...

Gang members charged in rape allegedly watched by mother of one
Post Date: 2006-03-14 10:35:03 by Horse
Authorities called it one of the worst rape cases they could recall. Seven gang members and three female associates were charged Monday with raping a woman as the mother of one suspect allegedly watched and encouraged the assault, authorities said. The 23-year-old victim was targeted because her boyfriend had angered members of the Anaheim gang, authorities said. She was lured into a hotel room by a female gang associate at a Feb. 23 party then sexually assaulted over a seven-hour period, Anaheim police Chief John Welter said. He called it "one of the worst rapes I've seen in my 35 years experience." Authorities identified the 38-year-old "gang mother" as ...

'I Am Outraged'
Post Date: 2006-03-13 19:43:21 by Coral Snake
'I Am Outraged' By Frosty Wooldridge 3-12-6 "I am outraged!" a reader responded concerning the killings of Americans by illegal aliens; by our schools being overwhelmed; by our language being displaced inside our own country and our laws being ignored by aliens and elected officials all the way to the president. "The question is how long before it reaches a boiling point, and when it does: 1) Will Americans place the blame where it properly belongs and deal effectively with the roving band of robbers in Washington that allowed it to reach this point? 2) Will Americans have the fortitude to see it through and take back their country from the usurpers? At this point, I have ...

Tancredo Foresees Immigration Battle
Post Date: 2006-03-13 19:10:40 by Brian S
Posted Mar 13, 2006 Rep. Tom Tancredo (R.-Colo.), chairman of the 90-member Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, spoke with the editors of HUMAN EVENTS last week about the immigration-reform legislation now beginning to move through the Senate.You supported the House immigration reform bill that passed in December.I did.Now we have a bill starting through the Senate Judiciary Committee under Chairman Arlen Specter (R.-Pa.). What are your concerns there?Number one, the bill would provide amnesty for just about every one of the 13 to 20 million illegal aliens. It has an unlimited guest-worker plan attached to it. The provisions that are designed to actually enhance border security are so ...

Illegal Aliens Are Most Crime-Prone Group
Post Date: 2006-03-12 22:29:58 by BTP Holdings
Illegal Aliens Are Most Crime-Prone Group By James P. Tucker Jr. American Free Press | March 20, 2006 Aday after illegal aliens protested pending immigration legislation, a new report showed they are the most crime-prone segment of society. If the nation’s 24 counties bordering Mexico were a 51st state, they would rank number one in crimes, mainly due to immigration and drug arrests, according to a study released in Washington March 8. “We have many challenges to address, and our problems have a significant impact on the nation as a whole,” said Greg Cox, president of the U.S./Mexican Border Counties Coalition and a San Diego County supervisor. The report, At the ...

Guest Worker Program - Observation On Population
Post Date: 2006-03-12 20:45:22 by Coral Snake
Guest Worker Program - Observation On Population By Frosty Wooldridge 3-12-6 How many kids in your family? Two, maybe three? If you're the average, you've got two kids. If you're big on family, you may have four. How would you like to be forced to adopt 10 more kids? What if someone dumped 20 more kids into your home and you were forced to feed them with your paycheck that doesn't grow with the number of kids 'you' adopted? Hold onto your seatbelts, because your president and Congress force you on a ride you will not survive. Pennsylvania's Senator Arlen Specter along with Arizona's John McCain and Massachusetts' Ted Kennedy propose a guest worker program that will add 60 million people ...

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