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Latest Articles: Immigration

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100,000 rally for immigrants in Chicago
Post Date: 2006-03-11 21:48:35 by Zipporah
Big News Network.com Saturday 11th March, 2006 (UPI) More than 100,000 immigrants and supporters rallied in Chicago in opposition to a federal bill that would put a fence at Mexico's border. The crowd marched from Union Park to Federal Plaza Friday, shutting down the Loop, calling for a wider acceptance of immigrants, specifically Mexican. The bill, H.R. 4437, which already passed in the House, would increase punishment for undocumented immigrants along with other enforcement measures. Protestors mostly support an alternative bill offered by Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. The Chicago Tribune said Friday's events spread by word of mouth and shut down many ...

100,000 Wetbacks March in Chicago!
Post Date: 2006-03-11 16:25:13 by Flintlock
100,000 March in Favor of Immigrant Rights By KAREN HAWKINS & Nathaniel Hernandez Associated Press Writer March 11, 2006, 10:56 AM EST CHICAGO -- Hoisting American flags into the air, tens of thousands of immigrants from the Chicago area marched downtown in a display of support for immigrant rights as a bill to stiffen border enforcement awaits action in the U.S. Senate. Many took up enthusiastic chants like "Si, se puede (Yes, it can be done)" and "La raza unida nunca sera vencida (A people united will never be defeated)." The mostly Latino marchers Friday descended upon the plaza across from the federal courthouse, where they listened to speeches backing ...

Bush Defines Amnesty as 'Automatic' Citizenship
Post Date: 2006-03-10 12:47:20 by Brian S
President Bush has repeatedly said that he is not for providing “amnesty” to illegal aliens in the United States, but he has not always made clear exactly what he means by the word “amnesty.” White House spokesman Scott McClellan defined it this week, however, when I put the question to him at a White House press briefing. Webster’s Dictionary defines “amnesty” as “the act of an authority (as a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals.” McClellan, however, said that the President believes “amnesty” would be anything that “put someone on an automatic path to citizenship.” In other words, ...

McCain and Hillary Rally Illegals
Post Date: 2006-03-10 12:46:04 by Brian S
Posted Mar 10, 2006 Senators John McCain (R.-Ariz.) and Hillary Clinton (D.-N.Y.), the current frontrunners for their parties’ 2008 presidential nominations, joined Senators Teddy Kennedy (D.-Mass.) and Charles Schumer (D.-N.Y,) in rallying a group of illegal aliens who came to Washington, D.C., on March 8 as part of a lobbying effort funded by a foreign government to push for amnesty for illegal aliens. McCain and Clinton both effusively greeted the illegal-alien lobbyists as if they had come to champion some great moral and constitutional cause. “It is so heartening to see you here,” said Clinton. “You are really here on behalf of what America means, America’s ...

Border Security Backfire; Illegal Immigrants Afraid To Visit Hometowns
Post Date: 2006-03-08 21:19:59 by Brian S
Beefed-up efforts to tighten the borders have failed to slow the flow of undocumented immigrants and are even discouraging illegal residents from returning to their home country, the author of a study released Tuesday found. A Pew Hispanic Center study found that undocumented immigrants pour past U.S. borders at a rate of 850,000 a year. As they arrive, they are finding a receptive labor market and staying longer. About one out of seven workers in Los Angeles County is now undocumented, compared with about one in 20 nationwide, the study found. "Once they come in, they are actually reluctant to leave," said Jeffrey Passel, author of the study for the Pew Hispanic Center. ...

Ariz. Governor Orders Troops to Border
Post Date: 2006-03-08 18:35:37 by The 7th MJS2U2
PHOENIX - Gov. Janet Napolitano on Wednesday ordered more National Guardsmen posted at the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigrants and curb related crimes. ADVERTISEMENT National Guard troops have worked at the border since 1988, but Napolitano signed an order authorizing commanders to station an unspecified number of additional soldiers there to help federal agents. Once the funding is approved, the troops will monitor crossing points, assist with cargo inspection and operate surveillance cameras, according to the order. "They are not there to militarize the border," the governor said. "We are not at war with Mexico." About 170 National Guardsmen are already ...

View On Guest Workers Changes; Director of US Citizenship & Immigration Services Ready To Run Program...
Post Date: 2006-03-08 12:02:13 by Brian S
March 8, 2006 The director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services said yesterday that the agency is now ready to run a guest-worker program, just five months after he told a Senate hearing that the agency was not prepared. Emilio Gonzalez said the agency can handle whatever program Congress sets up, in part because much of the workload would be outsourced to contractors. "We have the tools, we have the personnel, and I believe we have the structure to adequately handle a guest-worker program if and when we get one," he said. "Obviously, we'll need some additional tools and some resources, but we're ready." In October, at his confirmation hearing, Mr. Gonzalez ...

Raising a racket against illegal immigrants' hirers
Post Date: 2006-03-08 11:52:53 by The 7th MJS2U2
CALDWELL, Idaho — Like many communities, this fast-growing agricultural pocket of southwestern Idaho is paying a high tab for illegal immigration. When an undocumented worker gave birth to a premature baby, the county wound up with a $174,000 hospital bill. County officials say the jail spent thousands to house another illegal immigrant at a motel to keep him from spreading tuberculosis to fellow inmates. But where others have merely chafed at paying such costs, officials in Canyon County are trying a novel approach: The all-Republican county commission has filed a racketeering lawsuit against four big businesses in the area, charging that they knowingly and deliberately hired ...

Illegal Immigrants Rise To 12M — 5% Of All Workers In U.S.
Post Date: 2006-03-07 16:36:37 by Brian S
WASHINGTON (AP) — The number of illegal immigrants in the United States has grown to as many as 12 million, and they now account for about one in every 20 workers, a new estimate says. Efforts to curb illegal immigration have not slowed the pace, said a report Tuesday by the Pew Hispanic Center. Instead, the report's author said, those efforts are having an unintended consequence: People who illegally enter the United States from Mexico are staying longer because it is harder to move back and forth across the border. "The security has done more to keep people from going back to Mexico than it has to keep them from coming in," said Jeffrey Passel, a senior research ...

TREASONOUS BUSH: Illegal Alien Gold Card
Post Date: 2006-03-07 01:07:17 by Uncle Bill
Does Bush Have The Midas Touch? The Dan Stein Report Dan Stein March 7, 2006 Can he sell the Senate "Tarjetas Dorado" aka "Gold Cards" for Illegal Aliens allowing them to stay in U.S. indefinitely? The Stein Report has learned of an secret briefing for Senate staffers by the Bush administration today. In a move to build support for Bush's guest worker amnesty plan, administration officials talked about how they would actually implement the program. Jaws dropped as the administration reps explained the centerpiece of the program, a "Gold Card" that would enable illegal aliens to enter the U.S. at will, and work at any job with no labor market or other tests ...

US, Mexico End Cement Spat To Boost Post-Katrina Rebuilding
Post Date: 2006-03-06 22:35:24 by Brian S
The United States and Mexico signed an agreement to end a long-running dispute over cement trade, boosting the rebuilding effort for US communities ravaged by hurricanes last summer. US Trade Representative Rob Portman's office said the accord ended all legal action at the World Trade Organisation brought by Mexico in response to anti-dumping duties imposed by Washington on its cement exports. "This agreement will provide a needed increase in the supply of cement in the United States at a time of strong demand, as our Gulf Coast is accelerating its rebuilding following the devastation of hurricanes Katrina and Rita," Portman said in a statement. The deal provides for up to ...

Globalization's many discontents
Post Date: 2006-03-06 16:21:09 by Tauzero
Globalization’s Many Discontents By Paul Craig Roberts Yale University law professor Amy Chua writes in World on Fire that “free market democracy” has an Achilles’ heel: market-dominant minorities. The disproportionate success attained by market-dominant minorities foments ethnic hatreds. Democracy provides the envious and resentful majority the means to strike at the successful minority, making conflict inherent in “free market democracy.” What is to be done? Chua is too realistic to offer pie-in-the-sky alternatives to markets and democracy. After relating examples of how “free market democracy” works against itself in countries with multi-ethnic ...

Arizona Torn on Immigrants
Post Date: 2006-03-05 19:38:50 by Zipporah
In the state that sees half of the unauthorized border crossings in the U.S., residents and officials are unable to reconcile their positions. By Nicholas Riccardi, Times Staff Writer March 5, 2006 MESA, Ariz. — One minute, Glenna Twing talks about the immigrant residents of the apartment buildings she manages with the warmth typical of Arizona's business-friendly conservatives who cherish immigrant labor. Her tenants, Twing says, are in the country legally and "are hardworking business entrepreneurs who are trying to make a living and contribute back to society." Another minute, the 60-year-old Arizonan expresses the frustration that has made the state the epicenter of ...

Chertoff Promotes Guest Worker Program; Says Security Of Nation Depends On It
Post Date: 2006-03-05 16:06:00 by Brian S
Homeland Security secretary says security of nation depends on it The Brownsville Herald March 4, 2006 — Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on Friday stressed the importance of a guest worker program for the security of the nation during a visit to Brownsville. “We are in the midst of a serious discussion about a guest worker program,” Chertoff said Friday at Alice Walker Hope Park, which is on the bank of the Rio Grande with a view of Gateway International Bridge. “Not as amnesty, not a reward, but a constructive mechanism to allow migrants in the U.S. to assume a strong labor demand.” A mandatory identification card and background check ...

Sheriffs testify (in US Senate) that border overtaken by criminals
Post Date: 2006-03-02 23:15:48 by Red Jones
Sheriffs testify that border overtaken by criminals Lilly Rockwell Cox News Service Mar. 1, 2006 04:11 PM WASHINGTON - The number of border patrol officers assaulted has doubled in the past fiscal year. More illegal immigrants are dying in the deserts of Arizona and Texas. And sophisticated smuggling rings are using tunnels and military-style uniforms to bring drugs into this country. That's the dire picture of life along the border between the United States and Mexico painted by border patrol and customs officials, a Texas rancher and sheriffs at a Senate hearing Wednesday on border violence. "The problems along the border will continue unless our federal government does ...

U.S. Will Clamor For Mexican Workers In Coming Years, Fox Says
Post Date: 2006-03-02 14:13:23 by Brian S
ABOARD THE PRESIDENTE JUAREZ - Flying high above the Yucatan peninsula, Mexican President Vicente Fox leaned forward and pointed a finger to make this point: In a few years, he said, the United States may be begging Mexico for the very workers it's now trying to keep out by building a wall along the border. With the looming retirement from the work force of the U.S. baby boom generation, and with Mexico's population growth-rate declining, immigration from Mexico will slow just as demand for workers in the United States will be growing, he told Knight Ridder in an interview aboard his presidential jet. "I am absolutely convinced that by 2010, the United States will have a great ...

Violence On Border At Record High
Post Date: 2006-03-02 13:55:59 by Brian S
March 2, 2006 Violence on the U.S.-Mexico border is at an all-time high because illegal aliens are more willing to attack U.S. authorities, and an increasing number also are convicted criminals, border sheriffs said yesterday. Whereas 10 years ago they would flee back to Mexico if anyone challenged them, now aliens make it clear they will fight, the sheriffs told a Senate Judiciary Committee panel. "They make it known to the deputies: 'We're going through, you're not going to stop us,' " said Sheriff A. D'Wayne Jernigan of Val Verde County in Texas. And Sheriff Larry A. Dever of Cochise County in Arizona said when smugglers are involved, law enforcement now expects the worst. ...

Better Education Urged for Hispanics [One of every seven U.S. residents is Hispanic]
Post Date: 2006-03-01 12:39:50 by Brian S
(03-01) 08:22 PST WASHINGTON (AP) -- One of every seven U.S. residents is Hispanic, and that will eventually increase to nearly one of every four, according to a new study that calls for improved education to integrate the minority group into society. "Failure to close Hispanics' education and language gap risks compromising their ability to both contribute to and share in national prosperity," cautions the study by the National Research Council, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences. Gabriela Lemus, director of policy and legislation at the League of United Latin American Citizens, agreed that graduating from high school is critical. Without that "they are less ...

Judge Rules for Cubans Who Got to Bridge
Post Date: 2006-02-28 22:27:08 by Brian S
(02-28) 18:50 PST MIAMI, (AP) -- A federal judge ruled Tuesday that the U.S. government acted unreasonably when it sent home 15 Cubans who thought they had safely made it to the United States when their boat reached an abandoned bridge in the Florida Keys. Judge Federico Moreno ordered the federal government to make its best effort to help the immigrants return to the United States, said Kendall Coffey, an attorney for the Cubans and their relatives. One of the 15 migrants, Elizabeth Hernandez, 23, was celebrating the decision from her family's home in Matanza, Cuba. "I am so happy," she told The Associated Press by telephone Tuesday evening. "I always had hope I ...

3 Firms Will Compete to Build New Border Network
Post Date: 2006-02-28 21:03:19 by Zipporah
Monday, February 27, 2006; D03 Northrop Grumman Corp., Lockheed Martin Corp. and Raytheon Co. are putting together rival teams to compete for the Homeland Security Department's new contract to set up an integrated network of sensors and cameras along the U.S. northern and southern borders. The Secure Border Initiative, announced by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff in November, is expected to be one of the department's largest contracts, with an estimated value of $2 billion, according to market research firm Input Inc. of Reston. The money would go toward technologies, such as advanced video cameras and heat sensors, that could be mounted on poles and fences or in movable ...

Interesting Bot Thread on Immigration
Post Date: 2006-02-26 20:36:47 by Lod
Check it out - folks are pissed.

Republican Chairman Of The Senate Judiciary Committee Introduces Bill Creating Guest Worker Program
Post Date: 2006-02-25 01:23:33 by Brian S
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 — The Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee unveiled draft legislation on Friday that would create a temporary guest worker program that could allow hundreds of thousands of foreigners to fill vacant jobs in the United States for periods of up to six years. The draft circulated by the lawmaker, Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, would also authorize millions of illegal immigrants who arrived in this country before Jan. 4, 2004 to remain here indefinitely, along with their spouses and children, as long as they registered with the Department of Homeland Security, paid back taxes and remained law-abiding and employed, among other conditions. The ...

McCain touts immigration reform plan in Miami; pushes for reform that would legalize up to 11 million migrants [illegals]
Post Date: 2006-02-24 11:33:46 by Brian S
Pushing for immigration reform that would legalize as many as 11 million undocumented immigrants, Sen. John McCain was preaching to the converted Thursday night at a packed town hall meeting that at times seemed part stump speech for the Arizona Republican who's eyeing a run for the White House. ''Our legislation will be taken up in the United States Senate within the next weeks and you've got to go to work,'' McCain told the more than 1,000 cheering and chanting supporters at a cavernous auditorium at Miami Dade College's Wolfson campus downtown, urging all to garner grass-roots support for the bill he and Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass, have co-sponsored. ``You've got to work not only here in ...

Hal Turner to Chertoff: "get your skinny little jew ass in gear."
Post Date: 2006-02-23 00:15:24 by bluegrass
Note: Turner got a visit from the FBI over the letter. Hal Turner 1906 Paterson Plank Road North Bergen, NJ 07047 February 15, 2006 Michael Chertoff 7010 Beechwood Dr Chevy Chase MD 20815 Mr. Chertoff: I host a talk radio show and decided to write to you at home to make certain you know I’m serious. Yesterday in Philadelphia, PA over 1,000 illegal aliens held a public rally in front of the building which houses The Liberty Bell. They were protesting pending legislation which would make their presence here a federal crime. Not one of these filthy, brown-skinned, third-world slimebags was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a bureau of Homeland Security under ...

Hispanics Rush In To Rebuild New Orleans
Post Date: 2006-02-22 18:19:17 by Brian S
February 22, 2006 NEW ORLEANS -- Pinto Robson has seen a big change in the number of migrant laborers gathering each morning by the Gen. Robert E. Lee statue since he started parking his silver breakfast truck nearby three months ago. "In December, there were about 100 people; now, there are about 600 every morning," he said, gesturing toward the bronze figure of the Confederate icon, which looms over a scene that seems as good an indicator as any of the changes this city faces in its recovery from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. "They come from countries across Latin America," said Mr. Robson, 62, an immigrant from Brazil, who is friendly with many of the laborers as he ...

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