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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Bush Administration To Extend Protected Status For Central Americans
Post Date: 2006-02-22 18:10:46 by Brian S
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration has decided to extend special temporary U.S. residency for Central Americans for another 12 months, a spokeswoman for Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen said Wednesday. The decision means hundreds of thousands of Central Americans would not have to return home when their Temporary Protected Status ends next month. Alex Cruz, a press aide to Ros-Lehtinen, said the administration plans to officially announce the decision Friday, but Ros-Lehtinen announced it in a news release on Wednesday after she was informed of the decision by the White House. "We are just letting our community people know because there are so many folks who depend on TPS," Cruz ...

Mexico’s Surprising Admission — Emigration Not Necessary
Post Date: 2006-02-21 10:30:50 by Zipporah
Mexico’s Surprising Admission—Emigration Not Necessary Are Mexican illegal aliens such desperately poor people that they will die of starvation unless we let them into the United States? Or is the truth a little more complicated? The pro-open borders government of Mexico recently made a surprising public admission. Not surprising for its content, but surprising that they publicly admitted it. On January 9th, at a press conference in Los Pinos (the Mexican White House), Fox administration spokesman Ruben Aguilar was asked about emigration. Here is part of what he said, “In some cases it [emigration] has to do with real problems of poverty, ...

How To Kill America
Post Date: 2006-02-21 00:20:00 by Coral Snake
How To Kill America By Frosty Wooldridge 2-20-6 Sitting here at this keyboard, sweat runs down my brow after reading the hundreds of emails responding to the "WHY?" piece last week. If you don't think Americans passionately care about the immigration nightmare raging in our country, think again! Most expressed despair, defeat, anger and outrage. Many said, "Keep your powder dry!" In my columns, I'm connecting dots for Americans as to 'how' fast America is being killed and 'why' we're losing our country. Your responses prompted me to share them with the rest of the nation. At the end of these responses, I will make a few suggestions because everyone wants to know what ...

Domenici Introduces Amnesty/Guest Worker Bill That Would Decimate American Workers
Post Date: 2006-02-20 14:43:20 by Brian S
In preparation for a debate in the Senate next month on immigration policy, Senator Pete Domenici (R-New Mexico) has introduced legislation that would grant amnesty to an estimated 12 million people now living illegally in the U.S. and admit an additional 500,000 new guest workers plus dependant family members every year. Under the Domenici legislation, known as the Welcoming Immigrants to a Secure Homeland (WISH) of 2006 bill, all of the "guest workers" would eventually be allowed to become permanent residents. In addition to creating a new guest worker visa, the WISH Act would vastly expand existing guest worker programs. Under the Domenici bill, limits on H-1B high tech ...

Bush Talks About Violence, Border Security With Mexico's Vicente Fox
Post Date: 2006-02-20 14:36:12 by Brian S
MILWAUKEE - President Bush and President Vicente Fox of Mexico exchanged ideas Monday on how to stop violence and improve security along the two countries' mutual border, the White House said. Press secretary Scott McClellan said that Bush telephoned Fox while traveling here to give a speech and said the pair "talked about working together" to improve conditions that have been a source of friction between the two countries. McClellan told reporters that Bush has designated Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff to talk to his counterpart in Mexico about the problem and said that Bush and Fox also talked about pending immigration legislation in Congress. Late last year, ...

Recruiting Hispanics for Kentucky Coal Mines Raises Debate
Post Date: 2006-02-18 22:35:45 by Brian S
COAL RUN, Ky., Feb. 18 (AP) — Charlie Bearse, the president of Sidney Coal, was expressing an opinion that many in these mountains secretly share. The problem was, he put that opinion in writing. "It is common knowledge that the work ethic of the Eastern Kentucky worker has declined from where it once was," Mr. Bearse wrote to the state mining board. Bad attitudes and drug abuse, he argued, were affecting attendance "and, ultimately, productivity." Mr. Bearse's appeal to the board: Relax an English-only policy in the mines so he could bring in Hispanic workers. American companies often say they need migrant workers to do low-paying, menial tasks that many ...

Why? (Illegal Immigration Invasion)
Post Date: 2006-02-18 00:49:09 by Coral Snake
Why? Frosty Wooldridge A reader wrote a letter yesterday that piqued my interest enough to follow up on the biggest question on everyone57;s minds concerning the massive immigration invasion of the United States of America. Why do our leaders not only permit it, but encourage it--even aid it? Rick James of Missouri wrote, 60;I have read your articles and you are great at pointing out what is obvious to those of us who are intelligent. But for some reason, I have never read or heard on talk radio the REASON that Congress and the presidents want to ruin this nation. It cannot possibly be that you and I are much smarter than all of congress or all the presidents, and therefore I must assume ...

Bush Touts Temporary Worker Program, Affordable Housing During Tampa Visit
Post Date: 2006-02-17 20:09:23 by Brian S
There are jobs that most Americans simply won't do. And because of that, the government should work to let immigrants in to do those jobs, even if it's on a temporary basis. President George W. Bush outlined that plan to a crowd of more than 300 people at Cruise Terminal 3 at Channelside in Tampa Friday in an appearance meant to boost his administration's Global War on Terror. "If there's a willing employer and a willing worker on a job an American won't do, then it's OK to fill that job, so long as you're not here permanently," Bush said. "I believe there ought to be a temporary worker program." The president said that a lot of the country's border patrol, especially ...

21st Century Paul Revere Ride Summer 2006
Post Date: 2006-02-16 21:13:27 by Coral Snake
21st Century Paul Revere Ride Summer 2006 Frosty Wooldridge 2-16-6 Major Objective The 21st Century Paul Revere Riders' major objective connects the dots for Americans of all walks of life, in small towns and big cities across America as to the dangers of unending legal and illegal immigration. Three teams of four bicycle riders will reach millions of Americans via 100--200 radio interviews, 200 TV interviews and an estimated 400 to 500 newspaper interviews from small town dailies to big city papers. We expect to reach in excess of 50 million Americans concerning the dangers of continued immigration-driven population growth that exceeds 'carrying capacity' within the United States. ...

The 21st Century Paul Revere Ride
Post Date: 2006-02-16 21:06:09 by Coral Snake
The 21st Century Paul Revere Ride By Frosty Wooldridge 2-2-6 On the night of April 18, 1775, average citizen and silversmith Paul Revere jumped on his horse and galloped from Charleston to Lexington to warn of the British troops advancing from Boston. Later, Longfellow immortalized this gallant American in his epic poem, "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere." Most Americans don't know another fact about Revere: he led the Boston Tea Party. He earned a meager education, yet became a lieutenant-colonel in the army to fight the British. When his country called, he answered! Revere illustrates what an average citizen can accomplish through sheer grit and determination. Call it 'noble ...

NGC to Profile MS-13 Gang Tonight on Special Show
Post Date: 2006-02-12 17:46:41 by nc_girl_speaks_up
I saw the previews of this show and this should very interesting and EYE OPENING. I sure hope our PRO-ILLEGAL SUPPORTERS watch this and see just how BAD these illegal gangs are becoming in the U.S. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/ Sunday, February 12, 2006, at 8P Explorer World's Most Dangerous Gang [TV-14] You've spotted the graffiti, seen their tattoos and read the shocking headlines documenting their brutality. But what is driving the rapid spread of the ultraviolent gang MS-13? Explorer: World's Most Dangerous Gang shows viewers how MS-13 works from those who know it best, detailing its extreme culture and rituals through revealing interviews with active members, those ...

Free trade fuels drug smuggling
Post Date: 2006-02-12 13:17:16 by Zipporah
On average, 4,500 trucks enter Laredo from Mexico every day. They are examined on a 75-acre lot near Laredo's World Trade Bridge. Officers look for contraband using sniffer dogs and X-ray equipment. Mayra Beltran: Chronicle By JAMES PINKERTON Traffickers find a perfect cover in legitimate cargo passing through NUEVO LAREDO, MEXICO - The five bridges spanning the green waters of the Rio Grande bustle with more than 21,000 cars, trucks and buses every day. This border town — and its American sister city across the river — see more than $100 billion in commerce rumble through every year. They're known as "Los Dos Laredos," and few dispute the towns are ...

When The President Won't Protect Our Borders
Post Date: 2006-02-10 22:54:15 by Coral Snake
When The President Won't Protect Our Borders By Frosty Wooldridge 2-10-6 Have you noticed how derelict our president and Congress have been since September 11, 2001? Have you noticed what a line of bullroar we've been told about how safe America is by patting down silver-haired ladies at airports? Aren't you impressed by those stand-up guys in Congress maintaining 37,000 troops on the South Korean border to protect that country from immigration from North Korea? At the same time, they leave our southern border with Mexico as open as a 24 hour shopping mall. Doesn't it excite you when President Bush tells you that he's doing everything possible to keep Americans safe? Do you feel secure? ...

Home-buying program has cash, controversy
Post Date: 2006-02-06 23:31:43 by DeaconBenjamin
A major U.S. bank has funded its first home loans to undocumented Mexican immigrants in San Diego County in a move that targets a lucrative, wide-open market while providing new grist for the debate over illegal immigration. The local program, which uses tax identification numbers instead of Social Security numbers, is similar to programs run by small lenders – and two state agencies – around the country that have distributed millions of dollars to undocumented immigrants over the past few years. “There is a huge untapped market out there, but it is a controversial program,” said Sarah Lumbert, office director of San Diego's ACORN Housing Corp., part of a national ...

Border Patrol agents fired on by gunmen from Mexican side
Post Date: 2006-02-06 08:42:13 by Zoroaster
By CLAY REDDICK LAREDO MORNING TIMES Mirroring a trend across the U.S.-Mexico border, Laredo CBP Border Patrol agents have seen recent jumps in violent encounters. Barely a week ago, Laredo agents on the U.S. side of the river were fired on by gunmen on the Mexican side in three separate incidents over two days. On a Jan. 28 visit to Laredo, Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar said he expected more trouble as the agency beefs up enforcement along stretches of the border traditionally controlled by organized crime. The job of the Border Patrol has always involved some danger, but recently the danger has increased, said Border Patrol spokesman Sal Zamora on Thursday. "The frequency ...

Campaign theme is integrity (and immigration Duke Cunningham)
Post Date: 2006-02-04 22:52:38 by Zipporah
.content>.content> Three join 50th congressional field ESCONDIDO – Integrity. Integrity. Integrity. And immigration. When the 12 candidates vying to replace disgraced former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham got together yesterday for their first forum, nearly all of them touted their integrity as a selling point. DON KOHLBAUER / Union-Tribune Twelve candidates vying to replace former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham answered questions yesterday at a forum sponsored by the Farm Bureau. They also laid out their plans to stop illegal immigration. But audience member Charley Wolk noted with a wry smile afterward, you can't really prove integrity with words. ...

US crops left to rot as Mexicans leave the fields for better-paid jobs
Post Date: 2006-02-04 09:04:10 by Zipporah
Low pay, harsh conditions and security checks force immigrant workers into other sectors Saturday February 4, 2006 The Guardian Standing in the early morning darkness just 50 metres inside the United States, Roberto Camacho is doing his best to ward off the cold. Dressed in a black bomber jacket with a baseball cap pulled low over his brow, he shuffles from foot to foot as he waits for a lift to work. After 15 years working in the fields of California for American farmers, Mr Camacho has found a new life: two months ago he started working at the Golden Acorn Casino. "It pays better," he says. "In the fields you work all hours, it's cold and hard and you don't get more ...

(Labrador) Puppies used as drug mules
Post Date: 2006-02-03 13:34:41 by Zipporah
FIRST there were drug mules. Now there are drug puppies. Police have arrested a Colombian gang that planned to smuggle heroin worth millions of dollars into the United States in labrador puppies. The gang surgically implanted more than 6.5lb (3kg) of liquid heroin into the dogs. Three of the puppies died after their wounds became infected. Seven have been adopted by Colombian families. Investigators from the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) believe that the ring from Medellin would have smuggled the drugs into New York on commercial flights, for distribution along the East Coast of America. Special agent John Gilbride said: “I think it’s outrageous and heinous ...

U.S. Lawmen vs. Mexican Military - Texas Sheriff’s Deputies Face Off Drug Runners
Post Date: 2006-02-02 01:11:28 by BTP Holdings
Mexican Drug Drop Stymied by Deputies Military-Style Operation Thwarted by Local Law Enforcement By Fred Lingel US. lawmen confronted several men in military uniforms and a camouflaged Humvee with .50-caliber machine guns who had crossed into Texas and forced an armed standoff along the Rio Grande. Arvin West, sheriff of Hudspeth County, said the incident occurred about 2:19 p.m. Jan. 24 when his deputies chased three SUVs driving north from a border area of Interstate 10. The pursuit, which began near Sierra Blanca, ended for one of the vehicles when it blew a tire and the driver fled, West said. Deputies seized 1,400 pounds of marijuana from that vehicle. The southbound pursuit ...

Immigration fuels housing battles
Post Date: 2006-01-31 08:16:22 by Zipporah
Overcrowded housing is emerging as a battleground in the national debate over immigration as towns and counties crack down on landlords who permit many unrelated people to occupy single-family homes. This bedroom illustrates the condition of some living quarters in Farmingville, N.Y., where police locked up overcrowded houses last summer. NewsdayLocal officials in New York, Virginia, Massachusetts and Georgia have evicted residents, threatened landlords with fines or jail time or legally narrowed the definition of family to combat a problem they say disrupts neighborhoods. (Related: Overcrowding gaining attention in suburbs)"Our focus is on health and safety," says T. Dana ...

The Decline And Fall Of America
Post Date: 2006-01-31 03:48:57 by Zoroaster
The Decline And Fall Of America By Frosty Wooldridge 1-30-6 By the time the Roman Empire died in 476 AD, few noticed, few cared and few stood up to do anything about it. If you look at America today, exactly the same events that collapsed the Romans accelerate within our borders in the early part of the 21st century. Rome was a Republic that morphed into an Empire. It began in Italy and quickly conquered most of the known world. Its power spread from the Middle East, Africa and most of Europe. Its armies numbered 300,000 soldiers that attacked lesser nations at will. But soon, the most powerful civilization on earth ruptured, bled and died. Does this sound like the nation you live ...

Altering The Political DNA Of America
Post Date: 2006-01-29 22:35:08 by Coral Snake
Altering The Political DNA Of America By Frosty Wooldridge 1-28-6 If the United States Senate approves Bush's guest worker amnesty, America shall suffer 20 million illegal aliens becoming U.S. citizens. That will change the DNA of America to resemble Mexico's failed society. It will become our first step down toward a Third World country. Mexicans will be able to 'chain migrate' entire villages into our country from the poorest, most uneducated peasants Fox can export to America. They do not speak, act nor are they invested as American citizens. They represent the beachhead of an unarmed invading army of Mexicans colonizing America. They're pushing us out of our homes and cities. ...

Are Concentration Camps Coming to U.S.?
Post Date: 2006-01-28 16:38:42 by Zoroaster
Are Concentration Camps Coming to U.S.? By John Newby – Friends of Liberty January 25, 2006 I've heard and seen many reports concerning detention camps that have been built throughout the country. Quite frankly, I viewed them with a bit of skepticism, not that I didn't trust the source or the information, I didn't trust the conclusions. The claims have been many and include information (including pictures (1.)) indicating some of these camps are built to hold as many as a million people if need be. While these types of stories are easy to fabricate and can provide plenty of speculation fodder to spread; the following news release should give cause for concern to even the most ...

Probe Underway After Exit to Border Tunnel Is Found
Post Date: 2006-01-27 00:35:14 by robin
Probe Underway After Exit to Border Tunnel Is Found By Richard Marosi Times Staff Writer January 26, 2006 SAN DIEGO — Federal authorities have launched a criminal investigation after finding a long, cross-border tunnel that began in a warehouse in Tijuana, Mexico, and was apparently used for smuggling drugs or people, authorities said Wednesday. Federal agents discovered the U.S. exit to the tunnel Wednesday in an undisclosed location near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, said Lauren Mack, a spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Mack could not disclose more details, but said the tunnel appears to be longer than most of the 21 cross-border tunnels found in Arizona and ...

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