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Mexico Claims GI's Aid Pot Smugglers
Post Date: 2006-01-26 18:01:33 by Zipporah
This handout photo provided by the Hudspeth County Sheriff's Office shows people on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande River, Monday, Jan. 23, 2006, removing bundles of what appeared to be drugs from an SUV that got stuck in the river after a chase by U.S. law enforcement agents along the U.S./Mexico border. (AP Photo/Hudspech County Sheriff's Office/Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition,HO) 2 hours, 49 minutes ago MEXICO CITY - Mexico's top diplomat suggested Thursday that American soldiers disguised as Mexican troops may have been in the military-style Humvee filmed earlier this week protecting a marijuana shipment on the border. ADVERTISEMENT Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez also ...

Official Details Texas-Mexico Standoff
Post Date: 2006-01-25 23:21:33 by Red Jones
Official Details Texas-Mexico Standoff By ALICIA A. CALDWELL ASSOCIATED PRESS SIERRA BLANCA, Texas (AP) - Texas law enforcement officers faced off with men dressed as Mexican Army soldiers and apparent drug suspects near the U.S.-Mexican border Tuesday, after three SUVs attempted to flee state authorities, officials said. Andrea Simmons, an agency spokeswoman in El Paso, told The Associated Press that Texas Department of Public Safety troopers chased three SUVs, believing they were carrying drugs, to the banks of the Rio Grande during Monday's incident. Men dressed in Mexican military uniforms or camouflage were on the U.S. side of the border in Texas, she said. Simmons said the FBI ...

French crackdown on 'racist soup'
Post Date: 2006-01-25 18:31:09 by Tauzero
French crackdown on 'racist soup'Charity groups with far-right links serving pork soup to homeless people face a crackdown by French officials. Protesters have accused the groups of deliberate discrimination against Jews and Muslims, who do not eat the meat. Strasbourg officials have banned the hand-outs and police in Paris have closed soup kitchens in an effort to avert racial tension. The charities have defended offering what they call traditional cuisine to French and European homeless people. The groups, operating in cities across France and neighbouring Belgium, are not formally linked but are associated with a small far-right organisation called Bloc Identitaire. 'Racial ...

Lessons learned (and not learned) from the French riots
Post Date: 2006-01-23 09:06:28 by Phaedrus
PARIS — The French have had two months to sort out the lessons of last fall's riots in predominately Muslim neighborhoods. Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin says the rioting was caused by racial bias, lack of business opportunity and insufficient education for immigrant children. He vows tax breaks for business, better education for immigrant children and tougher enforcement of anti-bias laws. For this conclusion, the French media, which is more left wing than the American press, praised him. The founder and leader of France's Front National (FN) party, 77-year-old Jean-Marie Le Pen, has reached the opposite conclusion, as might be expected of a man who has warned for decades about ...

Mexican Campaign Focuses on Migration
Post Date: 2006-01-18 16:55:18 by Zipporah
MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexico's presidential campaign is focusing on the millions who leave for better-paying jobs in the United States, with candidates promising to create better opportunities at home while railing against American immigration policies. Illegal migration should again seize the spotlight Thursday, when the three major presidential hopefuls begin official campaigning after a Christmas break mandated by the country's electoral body. Although they disagree on almost everything else, the top candidates for the July 2 election have all pledged to bolster the economy and attract international investment to make Mexican jobs attractive enough to keep people from heading north. ...

Border Agents Discover U.S.-Mexico Tunnel
Post Date: 2006-01-11 13:57:09 by Zipporah
SAN DIEGO (AP) - Border Patrol agents discovered a 35-foot-long tunnel beneath the U.S.-Mexico border after it caved in and the asphalt roadway above it collapsed, officials said. The tunnel ended in a patch of vacant land near the San Ysidro port of entry, said Lauren Mack, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. She said it was about 3 feet by 3 feet and appeared to have been used recently. It wasn't immediately clear when the tunnel was built or whether it might have been used for smuggling drugs or people. Authorities sealed off the U.S. side with sandbags and metal after discovering it on Monday, Mack said. The tunnel is across the border from an area that is ...

[Alberto Gonzales (Bush) Tells] Courts told to be nicer to immigrants [Calls Judges Abusive]
Post Date: 2006-01-11 02:45:36 by OKCSubmariner
Gonzales calls some immigration judges 'abusive,' orders review WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Saying judges have been "intemperate or even abusive," Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on Tuesday ordered a review of immigration courts and insisted that they improve their treatment of immigrants. Gonzales did not say what prompted his sharply worded memo. However, aides said internal information and media reports prompted the unusual admonition of employees. "I have watched with concern the reports of immigration judges who fail to treat aliens appearing before them with appropriate respect and consideration, and who fail to produce the quality of work that I expect from employees of ...

Video: Viva Saddam Hussein? Go back to Germany? This is Mexico?
Post Date: 2006-01-10 14:48:01 by nc_girl_speaks_up
Video: Viva Saddam Hussein? Go back to Germany? This is Mexico? Posted on Monday, January 09 @ 20:52:28 EST by alipac This past Saturday, January 7th, immigration reform groups protested in 20 states to draw attention to America's illegal immigration crisis. In several locations, the protesters were met by large, hostile crowds promoting vitriolic messages under the guise of "immigrant rights" . For those that observed the pro-illegal alien protests in 2005, it should not come as a surprise that several radical organizations were represented in the ranks of the counter-protesters alongside signs held aloft advocating separatism, anti-American slogans, and racism against Anglo and ...

National Flyer Campaign Targets Employers that Hire illegal aliens!
Post Date: 2006-01-10 14:41:47 by nc_girl_speaks_up
National Flyer Campaign Targets Employers that Hire illegal aliens! Posted on Tuesday, January 10 @ 12:06:55 EST by alipac For Immediate Release: January 11, 2006 Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee (ALIPAC) WilliamG@alipac.us www.alipac.us Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 329-3999 Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), Latino Americans for Immigration Reform (LAIR), and http://www.WeHireAliens.com released a new flyer to the nation today that tells employers how to only hire legal labor and tells employees how to report employers that hire illegal aliens to the authorities. The new flyer campaign is already generating media interest and is ...

Morocco, Spain Get Tough on Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2006-01-10 12:55:55 by Zipporah
CASABLANCA, Jan 2 (IPS) - Illegal immigrants seeking to start a new life in Europe will now find it impossible to jump the border after Moroccan and Spanish armies have erected a barbed wire between their common frontier. Between 14 and 16 Africans were shot dead in October 2005 after they attempted to enter the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, which are both claimed by Morocco. Following the incident, Moroccan government embarked on a programme to deport the migrants. While others were turned back, some, abandoned in the middle of the desert without food or water, were expelled. The Moroccan media recently reported the deaths of another dozen migrants. For years, Europe did not ...

Mexico Demands U.S. Allow More Immigration
Post Date: 2006-01-10 03:26:17 by TommyTheMadArtist
Mexico Demands U.S. Allow More Immigration Jan 10 2:09 AM US/Eastern Email this story By MARK STEVENSON Associated Press Writer MEXICO CITY Diplomats from Mexico and Central America on Monday demanded guest worker programs and the legalization of undocumented migrants in the United States, while criticizing a U.S. proposal for tougher border enforcement. Meeting in Mexico's capital, the regional officials pledged to do more to fight migrant trafficking, but indirectly condemned a U.S. bill that would make illegal entry a felony and extend border walls. "Migrants, regardless of their migratory status, should not be treated like criminals," they said. The countries ...

Post Date: 2006-01-08 12:01:14 by SKYDRIFTER
Bill 5 of 5 - Final version (Enrolled Bill) as passed by both Houses. There are 4 other versions of this bill. Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 (Enrolled as Agreed to or Passed by Both House and Senate) H.J.Res.114 One Hundred Seventh Congress of the United States of America AT THE SECOND SESSION Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday, the twenty-third day of January, two thousand and two Joint Resolution To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq. Whereas in 1990 in response to Iraq's war of aggression against and illegal occupation of Kuwait, the United States forged a coalition of nations to liberate Kuwait and ...

Gang terrorizes train in France
Post Date: 2006-01-06 15:28:58 by Tauzero
Gang terrorizes train in France By Marc Burleigh AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Published January 5, 2006 PARIS -- A gang of more than 20 youths -- thought to be North African immigrants -- terrorized hundreds of train passengers in a rampage of violence, robbery and sexual assault on New Year's Day, French officials said yesterday. The five-hour-long criminal frenzy was "totally unacceptable," French President Jacques Chirac told reporters. "Those guilty will be found and punished, as they deserve." The gang of between 20 and 30 youths boarded the train, heading from Nice on the French Riviera to Lyon, in eastern France, early on Jan. 1, as it carried 600 passengers home from ...

Mexican Lawmakers to Lobby Congress
Post Date: 2006-01-06 10:36:54 by eyeswideoopen
Wire services El Universal January 05, 2006 Mexican lawmakers will ask their U.S. counterparts to move up a scheduled meeting on immigration to February from March, Mexico´s speaker of the lower house of Congress said. Congressman Heliodoro Díaz said Mexican senators and representatives will form a joint committee to lobby the U.S. Senate to reject a bill, approved by the U.S. House on Dec. 16, that calls for adding 700 miles of fence on the U.S.-Mexico border. "One of the first tasks would be to move up the date, to not wait until March for the inter-parliamentary meeting," Díaz said in a telephone interview in Mexico City. Mexican congressmen will seek ...

Lawsuit Settled -
Post Date: 2006-01-03 17:47:59 by eyeswideoopen
We finally won one - This is the best news I've had all day.... I especially like this: "The result: blood in the water that will attract the attention of America's shark-like plaintiff bar to the employers of illegal aliens. The Zirkle case is small, but the precedent it sets is huge." http://p220.ezboard.com/f631politicsfrm16.showMessage?topicID=1295.topic

The Great Alien Invasion What's Happening Now
Post Date: 2006-01-02 18:21:58 by Coral Snake
The Great Alien Invasion What's Happening Now By Frosty Wooldridge 1-2-6 As we start off the New Year, I'm heartened at the millions of readers that have answered writers' calls to action concerning the greatest threat ever to our nation. Many times in the past 20 years, I felt like a dog barking into the wind in the middle of the night on some lonely island. This national legal and illegal immigration crisis, no matter how dire, seems to have eluded most Americans' radar screens. They've been too busy with family, kids, schools and working. We thought our presidents and Congress represented our best interests. As we now know, that isn't what's happening! The past five or six presidents ...

Columnist Hal Rothman: On how the Las Vegas Valley will inevitably become a predominantly Spanish-speaking community
Post Date: 2005-12-29 16:24:23 by robin
December 25, 2005 Columnist Hal Rothman: On how the Las Vegas Valley will inevitably become a predominantly Spanish-speaking community Hal Rothman is a professor of History at UNLV. His column appears Sunday. ••• Feliz Navidad. If you don't know what that means, you had better find out. The most significant demographic change in Las Vegas in the past 15 years is neither the emergence of a retirement community nor the growth of a transplanted upper-middle-class. It is, wholeheartedly and without a doubt, the remarkable growth of the Spanish-surnamed population. No group of people has become more visible in recent years in Las Vegas than Latinos. They have come from ...

A Nightmare For Colorado Taxpayers
Post Date: 2005-12-29 01:24:57 by Coral Snake
A Nightmare For Colorado Taxpayers By Frosty Wooldridge http://ColoradoDaily.com 12-29-5 The Dream Act Jared Polis shoves down Colorado taxpayers' throats (CD "Your Take" Dec. 21) costs millions more than he acknowledges. It may be a "dream" for illegal alien students, but a nightmare for Coloradans. It's been shown that from one-third to one-half of illegal aliens work off the books. Their activity in the United States represents the second largest underground economy in the world. Billions of dollars are not paid in IRS income taxes annually because employers defraud the federal government. American taxpayers make up the difference. Additionally, illegal aliens ...

Hispanic Activists Invade Home to threaten Elected Official
Post Date: 2005-12-28 16:41:41 by nc_girl_speaks_up
Hispanic Activists Invade Home to threaten Elected Official! Posted on Wednesday, December 28 @ 11:10:29 EST by alipac Activists "storm the home" of state Sen. Cathy Stepp. Stepp Will Pursue Charges Leaders of a Hispanic activist group known as Voces de la Frontera believe that in America, it is better to storm the home of an elected official and yell in their windows after dark to intimidate someone rather than to run for office to change policy. Subjects, Home Invasion, crimes, Senator Cathy Stepp, Hispanic Activists, Open Borders Lobby, illegal immigration, aliens, Security, intimidation 12/19/2005 Release by Senator Cathy Stepp On the evening of Friday, December 16th, a ...

Bitter Debate Over 'Birthright Citizenship'
Post Date: 2005-12-26 18:28:47 by Zipporah
NEW YORK - A proposal to change long-standing federal policy and deny citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants on U.S. soil ran aground this month in Congress, but it is sure to resurface — kindling bitter debate even if it fails to become law. At issue is "birthright citizenship" — provided for since the Constitution's 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868. Section 1 of that amendment, drafted with freed slaves in mind, says: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States." Some conservatives in Congress, as well as advocacy groups seeking to crack down on illegal ...

Mexico Retaliates for Border Wall Plan
Post Date: 2005-12-21 21:20:32 by DeaconBenjamin
MEXICO CITY — The Mexican government, angered by a U.S. proposal to extend a wall along the border to keep out migrants, has struck back with radio ads urging Mexican workers to denounce rights violations in the United States. Facing a growing tide of anti-immigrant sentiment north of the border, the Mexican government is also hiring an American public relations firm to improve its image. Mexican President Vicente Fox denounced the U.S. measures, passed by the House of Representatives on Friday, as "shameful" and his foreign secretary, Luis Ernesto Derbez, said Monday the wall was "stupid." It's hard to underestimate the ill-feeling the proposal has generated in ...

Walker's World: Europe's migrant elephant
Post Date: 2005-12-21 06:11:03 by Tauzero
Walker's World: Europe's migrant elephant By MARTIN WALKER UPI Editor WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 (UPI) -- The vast sense of relief and even the outbreaks of modest euphoria among European leaders at finally settling their battle of the budget in Brussels will be reinforced by the latest news from the world trade talks in Hong Kong. It seems that there will be enough of a deal to save face all round, and the Europeans will escape the massive blame they deserve for clinging to their indefensible farm subsidy system for another eight years. Whew! Lucky old Europe dodged two bullets. Maybe now the Europeans can start facing up the elephant that has taken up residence in their collective drawing ...

Provision to add high-tech visas gets dropped from budget bill
Post Date: 2005-12-20 19:05:45 by Tauzero
Provision to add high-tech visas gets dropped from budget bill By Erica Werner The Associated Press WASHINGTON — A Senate-passed measure to add more visas for foreign workers in high-tech and specialty fields was dropped from a budget bill that passed the House early Monday, disappointing high-tech and manufacturing firms in search of skilled workers. The Senate plan would have allowed 30,000 more of the popular H1-B visas each year and would have increased fees for those visas to help trim the budget deficit. Congress capped the six-year H-1B visas at 65,000 per year in 2004, and that cap has already been reached for the 2006 fiscal year that began Oct. 1. The Senate language ...

An Unending Flood of Immigrants
Post Date: 2005-12-19 13:45:43 by Tauzero
AN UNENDING FLOOD OF IMMIGRANTS By Frosty Wooldridge December 16, 2005>http://NewsWithViews.com On December 6, 2005, former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan wrote a brilliant essay published around the country. His column rocked readers back on their heels. Buchanan spelled out how grossly out of touch George Bush is as the cheer leader on the sidelines that can’t get into the game because of his inability to play with the big boys. “No Amnesty, No Deal, Mr. President,” by Pat Buchanan stands as one of those essays that needs to be a national treasure. You’re invited to send this rendition of it to every friend, grandma, grandpa and parent across the USA. We ...

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