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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Illegal Immigration Could Be a Felony
Post Date: 2005-12-18 21:31:26 by Red Jones
Illegal Immigration Could Be a Felony By Nicole Gaouette The Los Angeles Times Thursday 15 December 2005 House Republicans push legislation that defies Bush's guest-worker plan, under which criminals are not eligible for legal status. Washington - Under immigration legislation being considered in the House, living illegally in the United States would no longer be a violation of civil immigration law. It would be a federal crime. But making the nation's estimated 11 million illegal immigrants into felons could deal a fatal blow to the proposed guest-worker program that is a cornerstone of President Bush's immigration overhaul, because immigrants who have committed crimes are not ...

All You Need To Know About Immigration
Post Date: 2005-12-18 03:01:24 by Horse
Bangladesh came into existence in 1971 when Bengali East Pakistan seceded from its union with West Pakistan. About a third of this extremely poor country floods annually during the monsoon rainy season, hampering economic development. Area - comparative: slightly smaller than Iowa. Natural hazards: droughts, cyclones; much of the country routinely inundated during the summer monsoon season. Environment - current issues: many people are landless and forced to live on and cultivate flood-prone land; water-borne diseases prevalent in surface water; water pollution, especially of fishing areas, results from the use of commercial pesticides; ground water contaminated by naturally occurring ...

People smuggling network smashed
Post Date: 2005-12-17 22:29:27 by Zipporah
Police said most of the immigrants came from Iraq and Afghanistan Police have smashed an international people smuggling ring in an operation which also saw raids by police in UK, Italy, France, Greece and Turkey. Authorities said the migrants came from the Middle East, with most ending up in Britain and some in France. Police said dozens of people were arrested in the five countries, following a three-year investigation. They said the gang made millions of euros trafficking more than 5,000 people to Italy via Greece. Police said they were mostly trafficked in boats or lorries. The immigrants are said to have paid up to $15,0 ...

End of the Rainbow
Post Date: 2005-12-17 20:56:16 by Tauzero
End of the Rainbow South Central Los Angeles ushers in a new era of racial tension—this time between blacks and Hispanics. by Roger D. McGrath Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition has a ways to go in Los Angeles, where Mexicans and blacks are killing each other at record rates. The action is particularly hot in South Central Los Angeles and in nearby Compton, two areas that have undergone a dramatic shift during the last two decades from virtually all black to half or more Hispanic. Most of the schools in these areas are now majority Latino, something I could not possibly have imagined when I was in high school in the early 1960s. By that time South Central and Compton had made a ...

Mexico Condemns Immigration Bill
Post Date: 2005-12-17 19:42:21 by Zipporah
MEXICO CITY — The Mexican government slammed the U.S. Congress for approving an immigration bill that would tighten border controls and make it harder for undocumented immigrants to get jobs. The House of Representatives voted 239-182 in favor of measures that would enlist military and local law enforcement to help stop illegal entrants and require employers to verify the legal status of their workers. The House also authorized the building of a fence along parts of the U.S.-Mexico border, but did not include any new temporary work program for migrants, something Mexico insists is needed. "The government of Mexico ... believes that a reform which only considers security measures ...

Survey finds 1 in 20 lack basic English skills
Post Date: 2005-12-16 10:06:19 by boonie rat
Survey finds 1 in 20 lack basic English skills By Greg Toppo, USA TODAY Eleven million U.S. adults — about one in 20 — have such poor English skills that they can't read a newspaper, understand the directions on a bottle of pills or, in many cases, carry on a basic conversation, says a new federal survey that offers the first peek in more than a decade at the USA's "non-literate" adult population. Recent immigrants with limited or no English skills account for most of the group, adult education advocates say, but the survey suggests that even the average adult has low skills. Only 13%, for instance, are able to compare viewpoints in two editorials; interpret a table on ...

Public and GOP Outcry as Sensenbrenner inserts Guest Worker amesty into bill!
Post Date: 2005-12-15 13:09:44 by Zipporah
WASHINGTON - The last-minute addition of language that expresses congressional support for a guest worker program into the immigration bill headed for the House floor Thursday has a group of Republican members up in arms. Topics, amnesty, guest worker program, shamnesty, temporary worker,betrayal, illegal immigration, immigrants, laws, congress, GOP 12/14/2005 BY DENA BUNISThe Orange County Register For months, House GOP leaders have said they plan to go to the floor with an immigration bill that deals with border security and doesn't include the kind of temporary guest worker program that many Senate Republicans and the White House have been calling for. But early Wednesday, House ...

(California) Suit Challenges Tuition Break for Illegals
Post Date: 2005-12-15 13:04:38 by Zipporah
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A group of out-of-state college students sued to challenge a law that lets some classmates who are illegal immigrants pay the lower in-state rate if they graduated from California high schools. The class-action lawsuit said the policy violates a federal law barring states from offering benefits to illegal immigrants that are not available to U.S. citizens. The lawsuit filed Wednesday in Yolo County by 42 plaintiffs seeks unspecified damages. The difference in fees can amount to many thousands of dollars a year. For example, out-of-state students pay nearly $24,000 a year to attend the University of California, about $17,000 more than California residents. The 2002 ...

Don't Complicate Immigration Reform
Post Date: 2005-12-15 03:12:43 by Coral Snake
Don't Complicate Immigration Reform Rep. Ron Paul, M.D. Congress is poised to consider an immigration reform bill this week, but as usual the devil will be in the details. A sensible bill would bolster enforcement of existing immigration laws, reject any form of amnesty, and address the underlying welfare state that adds to the problem. I fear, however, that Congress will bow to the president and accept some sort of amnesty. Even worse, I fear Congress may use the immigration bill to create a national employment database that has nothing to do with border control and everything to do with monitoring American citizens and employers. Most Americans understandably want Congress to do ...

Police guard churches as tension rises
Post Date: 2005-12-14 11:20:21 by Tauzero
Police guard churches as tension rises By Samantha Baden December 15, 2005 POLICE will pay "special attention" to religious venues after a spate of attacks on places of worship linked to race-fuelled violence. Religious leaders called for unity and calm as text messages and emails, similar to those which promoted Sydney's violence earlier this week, spread to other states. The NSW parliament will convene today for an emergency session to pass new police laws allowing authorities to lock down trouble spots, seize cars and turn off alcohol. Police in Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia said copycat text messages and emails calling for unrest had been circulating. ...

Immigration population hits new high California top entrance state
Post Date: 2005-12-14 02:30:00 by Horse
WASHINGTON - The number of immigrants in the United States reached a new high this year after the biggest five-year increase in American history, said a study released Monday by the Center for Immigration Studies. Nearly 7.9 million immigrants - about half of them believed to be illegal - settled in the U.S. between January 2000 and 2005, boosting the total number of immigrants in the nation to 35.1 million, the study said. About 1.8 million immigrants during that period entered California, more than any other state, according to the study by the D.C.-based think tank that favors immigration control and analyzed Census Bureau data. "The 35.2 million immigrants living in the country ...

Faces of fear at the beach
Post Date: 2005-12-13 12:42:10 by Tauzero
Faces of fear at the beach Ellen Whinnett 14dec05 THEY are blonde, tanned and wearing designer surfie labels, and they claim the beach as their own. Pictures Sarah, 20, and Melanie, 22, despise the Lebanese Australian community and are happy to say so. They drove from nearby Engadine to wave the Australian flag at North Cronulla and make a statement against the Lebanese community. "This is our beach and we're here to claim it back," Melanie said. "You can't go to the beach without the Lebs yelling stuff out. "Because of that we've come here to take it back." Both young women say they will answer a text-message call to rally at Cronulla on Sunday and ...

Dear President Bush
Post Date: 2005-12-13 02:04:31 by Coral Snake
Dear President Bush By Frosty Wooldridge 12-12-5 This letter, from a regular American citizen, tries to tell Mr. Bush the enormous damage immigration causes the people of Virginia. This letter could be written by an average citizen in every state in the Union. George W. Bush, President of the United States 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500 Re:All Forms Of Immigration Need To Be Stopped Immediately. No New Guest Worker Programs. Impact: Our Federal, State, and Local Spending is Bankrupting Middle Class America. Legal and Illegal Immigration is Bankrupting our hospitals, jail system, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Hospital systems will not pay their nurses. ...

Pew Hispanic Center Report: Unemployment Plays Small Role in Spurring Mexican Migration to U.S.
Post Date: 2005-12-12 22:28:23 by Zipporah
Washington, DC - The vast majority of undocumented migrants from Mexico were gainfully employed before they left for the United States, according to a Pew Hispanic Center report released today. The report suggests that failure to find work at home does not seem to be the primary reason that the estimated 6.3 million undocumented migrants from Mexico have come to the U.S. Subjects, illegal immigrants, immigration, jobs, schools, healt care, aliens, invasion, workers, Americans, Congress Press Release For Immediate Release 12.6.2005 Contact: Angela Luben, 202.419.3606 Once they arrive and pass through a relatively brief period of transition and adjustment, migrants have little trouble ...

William Gheen's (ALIPAC) open letter to the North Carolina Associated Press
Post Date: 2005-12-12 22:24:38 by Zipporah
Most North Carolinians still have no idea how dire the situation has become due to the negligence of the gate keepers at the Associated Press (AP). For reasons unknown, AP has not told the whole state many important events and have certainly not connected the dots for our citizens. Released 12/8/2005 by William Gheen President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC We know that the AP is censoring critical information about illegal immigration, NC Licenses, and crimes committed by illegals for several reasons. One, our statewide volunteer groups monitor local press and two, we monitor how news does and does not travel on the Google news engine. Citizens in the Charlotte area and ...

RETALIATION: Rampage of hate
Post Date: 2005-12-12 20:18:19 by Tauzero
RETALIATION: Rampage of hate By STEVE GEE December 13, 2005 TERRIFIED residents told yesterday how they were bashed, threatened with firearms and forced to cower inside their homes after up to 100 youths of Middle Eastern descent rampaged through Maroubra in apparent retaliation for the Cronulla race riots. As locals counted the cost, more than 60 damaged cars lined two of Maroubra's main streets yesterday. Residents told how they watched in horror - many cowering inside with their children - as youths descended on Maroubra and Malabar Rds, targeting virtually every car in the street. One man, Steve, said he was threatened with a handgun and chased inside his home when he went to ...

Night of retribution
Post Date: 2005-12-12 19:54:14 by Tauzero
Night of retribution By ANGELA KAMPER December 13, 2005 ROCKS were hurled, blood was shed and young men armed with bats and iron bars laid siege to Cronulla as a second wave of racial violence swept Sydney last night. Police ordered scores of trouble makers to the ground at gunpoint in a bid to regain control following a day of rising tension across the city. The first flashpoint was Lakemba, where a small group of Caucasian men began vandalising cars near the mosque. A crowd of about 500 local men quickly gathered, some of them turning on the interlopers while others threw missiles at police. Shortly afterwards carloads of Lakemba men headed for Cronulla and nearby suburbs, bashing ...

Serial Rapist Deported Twice!
Post Date: 2005-12-11 15:48:44 by nc_girl_speaks_up
This is very disturbing!: http://www.alipac.us/article-911-thread-1-0.html NC accused serial rapist Deported twice, had license, mortgage, 44k job! Posted on Sunday, December 11 @ 12:00:23 EST by alipac ALIPAC NOTE: All citizen activists please distribute this news and monitor your local newspapers. As you can see from the report below this article we have a problem with the AP in NC. Help us monitor your local papers as we launch this information across the state and nation to all press points. TRACK NC NEWSPAPER COVERAGE HERE. Man's case shows gaps in security The average North Carolina resident probably assumes that local, state and federal governments are better coordinated to fight ...

William Gheen's Open Letter To NC AP
Post Date: 2005-12-11 00:55:28 by nc_girl_speaks_up
Why is the NC Associated Press Censoring information about illegal immigration? Posted on Thursday, December 08 @ 09:23:49 EST by alipac William Gheen's open letter to the North Carolina Associated Press Most North Carolinians still have no idea how dire the situation has become due to the negligence of the gate keepers at the Associated Press (AP). For reasons unknown, AP has not told the whole state many important events and have certainly not connected the dots for our citizens. Released 12/8/2005 by William Gheen President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC We know that the AP is censoring critical information about illegal immigration, NC Licenses, and crimes committed by ...

GOP Faction Wants to Change 'Birthright Citizenship' Policy
Post Date: 2005-12-10 13:37:57 by robin
GOP Faction Wants to Change 'Birthright Citizenship' Policy By Warren Vieth Times Staff Writer December 10, 2005 WASHINGTON — For nearly 140 years, any child born on U.S. soil, even to an illegal immigrant, has been given American citizenship. Now, some conservatives in Congress are determined to change that. A group of 92 lawmakers in the House will attempt next week to force a vote on legislation that would revoke the principle of "birthright citizenship," part of a broader effort to discourage illegal immigration. The push to change the citizenship policy is backed by some conservative activists and academics. But it could cause problems for the White House and the ...

No Thank You, Members Of Congress
Post Date: 2005-12-10 03:04:56 by Coral Snake
No Thank You, Members Of Congress By Frosty Wooldridge 12-9-5 Ever been offered something you didn't like? Did you say, "No thank you." You might like to stand in that person's face to say it. What if you were face to face with every senator and House member in the United States Congress? What if you didn't like a number of things they had done to you and your family in the past five years? Would you like to tell them to their faces? What would you say? Here is what I'd say if I could speak face to face with my Colorado Senator Allard or Salazar and Representative Mark Udall. You can fill in the names of your senators and representative: No thank you, for so many unanswered ...

Immigration (Spin) Control
Post Date: 2005-12-10 00:16:30 by 82Marine89
"Used with permission from http://OpinionJournal.com, a web site from Dow Jones & Company, Inc." Let's hope Republicans in Congress aren't gulled by the fast and furious spinning of the anti-immigration lobby this week. The restrictionists lost a special Congressional election in California that they'd been promoting for weeks, yet they're still hailing it as a great political victory. Tuesday's Orange County contest to fill the House seat vacated when Chris Cox moved to the Securities and Exchange Commission featured Republican State Senator John Campbell and Jim Gilchrist, a third-party candidate backed by anti-immigrant conservatives. The race was supposed to demonstrate ...

Parents fear for safety of children
Post Date: 2005-12-09 18:53:43 by Tauzero
Parents fear for safety of children By LUKE McILVEEN and STEVE GEE December 09, 2005 PARENTS fear their children could be caught up in a day of violence at North Cronulla beach on Sunday, where hundreds of children will take part in a nippers carnival. Local surfers have been urged to confront Middle Eastern gangs at the beach at midday, but families are worried their children may become innocent victims of the racial tensions sweeping the area. Sutherland Mayor Kevin Schreiber said the junior lifesaving carnival would go ahead but parents were unsure whether they would take the risk of encountering "those looking to settle things themselves". "I can understand the ...

Tancredo's border fight going to House Lawmakers to weigh enforcement plan
Post Date: 2005-12-09 14:29:44 by Zipporah
WASHINGTON - Rep. Tom Tancredo is about to get his big border showdown. For years, Tancredo has had to bat down charges that he's a bigot or a crackpot, all while thumping his seal-the-borders mantra. On Thursday, conservative colleagues were calling him their leader as they gird for what could be a big fight in the House of Representatives next week over a proposed immigration enforcement measure. "For a long, long time, you were the voice crying out in the wilderness, and God bless you for it," Rep. Bob Beauprez, R-Colo., told Tancredo during a Thursday afternoon news conference. "You're not in the woods any longer," added Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Colo. The bill ...

The American Way - What does it mean that your first act on entering a country is breaking its laws?
Post Date: 2005-12-08 22:49:34 by 82Marine89
As Congress considers the Bush administration's guest-worker plan, as Republicans try to figure out what their immigration philosophy is, and as political observers parse the implications of yesterday's California House race, here are some small and human questions on immigration to the United States. I recently found out through one of her daughters that my grandmother spent her first night in America on a park bench in downtown Manhattan. She had made her way from Ireland to Ellis Island, and a cousin was to meet the ship. It was about 1920. The cousin didn't show. So Mary Dorian, age roughly 20, all alone, with no connections and no relatives interested enough to remember her arrival in ...

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