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House Conservatives Want End to Birthright Citizenship
Post Date: 2005-12-08 22:16:46 by robin
House Conservatives Want End to Birthright Citizenship by Robert B. BlueyPosted Dec 8, 2005 House conservatives today announced plans to amend a Republican-sponsored immigration reform bill with language calling for the construction of a 2,000-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexico border and a provision that would deny citizenship to children born in the U.S. whose parents aren’t citizens. The legislation, sponsored by House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R.-Wis.), is expected to be voted on by the full House as early as next week. Sensenbrenner has worked closely with the White House to craft the bill (H.R. 4437) -- the reason conservatives cited for the exclusion of key ...

GOP forms deceptive strategy to OK guest worker amnesty!
Post Date: 2005-12-07 20:39:02 by 82Marine89
In a bid to bypass critics, the Senate will pass the plan and then merge it with a House bill, observers say. Washington - Republican leaders will try to pass President Bush's controversial guest-worker proposal without putting it to a direct vote in the House. Subjects, Guest Worker Program, Temprorary Worker Program, Disguised Amnesty, Republican, Democrat, President George Bush, Congress, Senate By Anne C. Mulkern Denver Post Staff Writer http://DenverPost.com Observers say the new GOP strategy that begins today is for the House to deal only with the more politically palatable issue of increasing border security and clamping down on employers. Republican leaders then will let the ...

GOP forms strategy to OK guest workers (Senate will pass the plan and then merge it with a House bill)
Post Date: 2005-12-06 18:55:31 by Zipporah
In a bid to bypass critics, the Senate will pass the plan and then merge it with a House bill, observers say. Washington - Republican leaders will try to pass President Bush's controversial guest-worker proposal without putting it to a direct vote in the House. Observers say the new GOP strategy that begins today is for the House to deal only with the more politically palatable issue of increasing border security and clamping down on employers. Republican leaders then will let the Senate pass some form of a guest-worker plan. After that vote, senators and House members will merge the House's border security bill with the Senate's legislation in closed-door meetings. The House will then ...

Poll: Bush immigration stance unpopular
Post Date: 2005-12-06 18:05:38 by Zipporah
PRINCETON, N.J., Dec. 6 (UPI) -- While most people asked say immigration is good for the United States, a Gallup Poll indicates displeasure with President Bush's handling of the issue. A November poll showed 26 percent of U.S. residents asked approved of the way Bush is handling immigration, while 65 percent disapproved, a Gallup Tuesday Briefing analysis said. The poll was conducted three weeks before Bush traveled to the U.S. Southwest to talk about immigration. A Gallup poll released in June showed strong U.S. support for immigration, with 61 percent of respondents saying it was good for the county and 34 percent saying it wasn't. Forty-six percent said they would like to see ...

The Immigration Hot Potato: Globalists and nativists square off over reform plans.
Post Date: 2005-12-05 16:52:51 by Zipporah
Article created by The Century Foundation. As President Bush tries to use the immigration issue to establish his credibility as a non-lame-duck president, he, like many policy makers before him, feels pressure from two sides, the nativists and the globalists. Will he stake out a position clear enough to establish where he stands? The United States was built, and continues to be built by immigrants. Yet there has almost from the start been a strong streak of populist nativism that wants to limit new immigration. In contrast to this position, many Americans are content with high rates of immigration. These globalists may look to their own family histories, to international human rights ...

Drunk illegal kills my friend's nephew in wreck
Post Date: 2005-12-05 16:23:51 by nc_girl_speaks_up
My friend's nephew was the 16 yr old passenger in this fatal wreck. The driver was drunk and illegal and gave authorities false info including his name. Here's the story and please pray for this family, they are suffering greatly. It's sad that there are so many deaths caused by drunk drivers but when the driver is illegal, has no liscense, and no insurance, it's worse. This makes 4 people that I know of killed by drunk illegals in NC in the last few months! When is our government gonna do something? http://www.newstopic.net/articles/2005/12/05/news/49driverinfaterwreck.txt Driver in fatal wreck arrested Nathan Key, Managing Editor, nathankey@newstopic.net The driver of a vehicle ...

November’s Job Numbers: Good for immigrants; Bad for the Rest of Us
Post Date: 2005-12-04 16:52:36 by robin
VDARE.COM - http://www.vdare.com/rubenstein/051202_nd.htm December 02, 2005National Data, By Edwin S. Rubenstein November’s Job Numbers: Good for immigrants; Bad for the Rest of Us U.S. job market sprang back last month from a hurricane-induced slowdown as nonfarm employers added 215,000 workers, according to the government’s report on business payrolls. But another report—the one based on a survey of households—reported a 52,000 job decline from October. More important, from our perspective, is the composition of that decline: Non-Hispanic employment fell by 183,000; Hispanic employment rose by 131,000. Thus non-Hispanics bore the full brunt of the November job ...

Mexican labs set to pour meth into Ariz.
Post Date: 2005-12-04 16:38:56 by Zipporah
CULIACÁN, SINALOA — The meth lab by the seminary was exceptional, even by narco-trafficker standards. Equipped with cylinders of acetone, ethanol and oxygen tanks, principal ingredients of meth production, the superlab was capable of producing at least 12 pounds of crystal methamphetamine — nearly 18,000 quarter-gram doses — a day, investigators estimate. Its discovery surprised investigtors in Sinaloa, where a dose of crystal sells on the streets for 30 pesos, about $2.50. But across the border, federal and state officials believe a much more lucrative market has opened its doors: Arizona. Arizona has long been a distribution point for Mexican meth into the rest ...

GOP Congress Earmarks $4 Million for Leftist Pro-Illegal Alien Group
Post Date: 2005-12-04 13:41:36 by Zipporah
Thanks to a congressional earmark, an open-borders advocacy group that pushes for driver’s licenses, free in-state tuition and healthcare for illegal aliens and bilingual requirements for state agencies and ballots is slated to get $4 million in new taxpayer money to add to the more than $30 million it has received from various federal agencies since 1996. The National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Spanish for “the race,” will get its latest grant through an appropriations bill passed by Congress on November 18. The Joint Explanatory Statement of HR 3058, available on the House’s Rules Committee website lists 1,100 plus earmarks in the bill, including La Raza’s grant ...

Bush Presses Congress on Immigration Plan
Post Date: 2005-12-04 01:19:10 by Zipporah
WASHINGTON - President Bush is stepping up pressure on Congress to embrace his plan for a guest worker plan for foreigners while talking tough about illegal immigration and a need for secure U.S. borders. "Those who enter the country illegally break the law," Bush said Saturday in his weekly radio address. "In communities near our border, illegal immigration strains the resources of schools, hospitals and law enforcement. And it involves smugglers and gangs that bring crime to our neighborhoods. Faced with this serious challenge our government's responsibility is clear. We're going to protect our borders." This week, the president made appearances in Arizona and Texas ...

Dean: GOP Will Use Immigration to Divide
Post Date: 2005-12-03 18:38:28 by Dakmar
PHOENIX (AP) -- Republicans plan to use the vast problems caused by illegal immigration to try and divide Americans voting in next year's midterm election, Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean said Saturday. "Once again, the Republicans created problems so they think they can come in and solve them," Dean told DNC members meeting in Phoenix. Thousands of illegal immigrants cross America's borders each year to work better-paying jobs. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that 11 million illegal immigrants now live in the United States. Immigration is gaining prominence in politics, especially in Arizona and other states in the West, the busiest illegal entry point ...

Officials Say Phony-Marriage Scheme Recruited in Casinos - (Gamblers in debt bribed for fake nuptials with asians)
Post Date: 2005-12-03 10:51:25 by robin
Officials Say Phony-Marriage Scheme Recruited in CasinosGamblers in debt were sought for fake nuptials with foreign nationals, U.S. agency alleges. By Mai Tran Times Staff Writer December 3, 2005 The organizers of a phony-marriage scheme that targeted Asians seeking U.S. citizenship went after people with large gambling debts in their quest to find men and women willing to fill the role of husband or wife, federal authorities said Friday. Those involved, who allegedly targeted Southern California casinos, would offer to erase gambling debts in exchange for the debtors' willingness to marry Vietnamese and Chinese nationals, authorities said. "They were able to find people who were on a ...

The 'Guest Worker' Program Illusion
Post Date: 2005-12-03 00:35:12 by Coral Snake
The 'Guest Worker' Program Illusion By Frosty Wooldridge 12-2-5 Last week, President Bush finally made a limousine tour of our broken borders. His cosmetic stops at the border presented photo ops much like his Johnny-come-later stops in New Orleans. He didn't see the millions of tons of trash, stay to watch the thousands of illegals crossing nightly, nor did he ask any American citizens about their horror stories. Nevertheless, he did make a few promising speeches on what he was going to do. However, and this is a big HOWEVER, he didn't follow through with his speeches on giving 10,000 more Border Patrol officers and he has not followed through with interior enforcement of our ...

Police could enforce immigration law
Post Date: 2005-12-02 23:51:55 by 82Marine89
Costa Mesa could become the first city to ask its police officers to enforce federal immigration laws if the City Council agrees to a proposal Mayor Allan Mansoor will make Tuesday. A 1996 law allows state and local jurisdictions to enforce federal immigration laws. Under Mansoor's plan, Costa Mesa police would be trained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials to enforce immigration laws in the course of their normal duties. Local police wouldn't be out doing sweeps to find illegal immigrants, said Mansoor, who works as an Orange County Sheriff's Department deputy. But when officers encounter suspected illegal immigrants during, say, a traffic stop, they could investigate ...

Congress Watch: Immigration policy crafted to lure Hispanic voters
Post Date: 2005-12-02 14:00:33 by BTP Holdings
Congress Watch: Immigration policy crafted to lure Hispanic votersBush Considers Mestizos More Important than European-Americans Posted 11/30/05 By Paul Bedard Border patrol agents stop vehicles looking for illegal immigrants at a checkpoint along an Arizona highway. Insiders say President Bush's decision to stick with his controversial guest-worker program for illegal immigrants in his toughened border security proposal is a bow to Hispanic voters worried over other GOP efforts to deal harshly with such immigrants. Officials said the president and his senior staff were concerned that if he turned too far right with his dusted-off proposal it would anger Hispanics ...

Illegal Alien Advocates Exploit Mexican Immigrants
Post Date: 2005-12-01 20:15:29 by Coral Snake
Illegal Alien Advocates Exploit Mexican Immigrants Jim Kouri, CPP The debate over illegal immigration is intensifying with most Americans calling for tighter border security and lots more immigration enforcement. A minority of special interest advocates on the left -- some on the right -- oppose the elimination of a revolving door illegal immigration and in fact want fewer restrictions on illegal immigration. The agenda of some Libertarian Republicans is obvious -- cheap labor. However, what are the motives of members of the Democrat Party? Why does it appear they are exploiting illegal immigrants, most of whom are Mexican nationals? Whenever this hot-button issue is discussed on a ...

Man Stole At Least $308,000 From Michigan Jail Detainees (Man Stole At Least $308,000 From Michigan Jail Detainees)
Post Date: 2005-12-01 18:53:16 by boonie rat
Man Stole At Least $308,000 From Michigan Jail Detainees The Associated Press A former Man Stole At Least $308,000 From Michigan Jail Detainees who faces sentencing this month on embezzlement charges stole money, jewelry and at least $308,000 (euro261,700) in cash from immigration detainees at a jail in Michigan, officials say. Patrick Wynne, 33, of Milan, Michigan, was charged last year and accused of carrying out thefts over four years at the Monroe County jail while he worked for the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement section and its predecessor, the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The Homeland Security Department plans to spend $158,000 ...

Post Date: 2005-12-01 02:56:02 by Tauzero
FRANCE: INTERIOR MINISTER AIMS FOR 25,000 EXPULSIONS IN 2006 Paris, 30 Nov. (AKI) - France's interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy has indicated he intends in 2006 to deport some 25,000 foreigners without proper papers, continuing a policy of increasing the number of such expulsions each year. Addressing the French Senate's commission on illegal immigration, Sarkozy also announced a tightening of rules governing asylum seekers. In 2006, temporary accommodation will no longer automatically be provided to asylum seekers if they turn down the accommodation offered them, Sarkozy announced. And if their application for asylum is rejected, the asylum-seeker will now have 15 days instead of one ...

Bush Amnesty May Be Much Bigger Than Advertised
Post Date: 2005-11-29 21:34:08 by Zipporah
President Bush has returned to his illegal alien amnesty proposal—again. But how many illegals are we talking about? The 2000 Census said 8.7 million. The Pew Hispanic Center, analyzing data from the Census Bureau’s March 2004 population survey, bumped the total up to 10.3 million, adding that it was increasing by about 485,000 persons each year. Homeland Security has put the figure as high as 12 million. [Ridge rapped for immigration views, By Jerry Seper, Washington Times, December 11, 2003.] Fact#1: No one knows how many illegal aliens are living in the U.S. Fact #2: Anecdotal evidence suggests the official estimates are way too low Illegal aliens are (surprise! ...

Le Pen's Revenge
Post Date: 2005-11-29 20:35:53 by Zipporah
During the French presidential election of 2002, Jacques Chirac, the sitting president, refused to debate the finalist challenger, so to speak, Jean-Marie Le Pen, calling him an extremist who did not deserve to have a voice. Here was a man who had democratically beaten all other challengers in the first round of voting, and the “crook at the Elysee,” as Chirac is known, refused to recognize him as an opponent. The establishment agreed. There were only two candidates to vote for, but that didn’t mean there were two equal candidates. It was Le Pen against the whole united establishment, which included the Catholic Church, the trade unions, the French legal profession, the media, and ...

Common Sense On Mass Immigration
Post Date: 2005-11-29 00:03:32 by Coral Snake
Common Sense On Mass Immigration By Frosty Wooldridge 11-27 -5 This little book acquaints all Americans as to the deadly onslaught of illegal aliens invading America. "Common Sense on Mass Immigration" published by http://www.thesocialcontract.com is a must read by every American. This book features top experts on this crisis and gives solutions. "We are a nation of immigrants, but immigrants originally settled every nation in the world," said former Colorado Governor Lamm. "This cliché confuses facts with wisdom. It tells nothing about what we want America to become. We are no longer an empty continent-we are a crowded 296 million people--with problems ...

[BORDER] Patrol uniforms 'made in Mexico'
Post Date: 2005-11-28 19:20:02 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Patrol uniforms 'made in Mexico' By Jerry Seper THE WASHINGTON TIMES New Border Patrol uniforms, ordered in the wake of the agency's transfer last year to the Department of Homeland Security, arrived this month and some agents are not very happy: The new uniforms were "Made in Mexico." "I'm embarrassed, not only as a Border Patrol agent but as an American citizen, that our government has decided to outsource the production of these uniforms with no regard for the safety of the process or the security of our country," said Joseph N. Dassaro, president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) Local 1613 in San Diego. "What system is in place to ensure that ...

The Specter Proposal: Drowning the U.S. Labor Force and Importing Poverty
Post Date: 2005-11-28 17:08:13 by Zipporah
Drowning the U.S. Labor Force and Importing Poverty43; 43;43;43;43;Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) is circulating a draft immigration bill for the purpose, he says, of encouraging discussion. NumbersUSA has prepared the following analysis of this draft. While the Specter proposal has many strong enforcement provisions, including mandatory employment eligibility verification through the Basic Pilot program, the benefits to the American people would be far outweighed by the proposals’ massive increase in immigration and foreign worker importation. This analysis provides an overview only of the parts of the proposal that address amnesty, guest workers, and legal, permanent immigration levels; ...

Bush to Press Immigration Plan in Arizona
Post Date: 2005-11-28 16:07:02 by OKCSubmariner
TUCSON, Ariz. - President Bush is trying to build support for a comprehensive immigration strategy — and mollify conservatives wary of his guest worker plan for foreigners — even though Congress has largely shelved the issue for now. The Senate has postponed its work on immigration proposals until early next year, partly because lawmakers are divided over the scope of such changes and whether foreigners illegally working in the United States should be allowed to stay. The House hopes to tackle some border security measures before adjourning, but little time remains and it has other issues on its plate. The president left his Crawford, Texas, ranch after spending nearly a week ...

Bush to Detail Guest Worker Plan
Post Date: 2005-11-28 13:43:10 by Zipporah
CRAWFORD, Texas — President Bush is spending two days pushing border security and his guest worker program with speeches in Tucson, Ariz., on Monday and El Paso, Texas, on Tuesday. White House aides say the president will make remarks pledging additional resources and the use of technology to secure the border. While in the area, he will also receive briefings from Customs and Border Protection personnel about the ongoing efforts to plug the holes in border control. Over the past dozen years, Arizona has become a hot spot for illegal entries. The border patrol made only 10 percent of its arrests in Arizona in 1990. By 2000, that figure had risen to 37 percent. When he ...

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