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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Arlen Specter: INCREASE Immigration
Post Date: 2005-11-28 12:19:50 by Zipporah
Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter "calls for a dramatic increase in legal immigration, far beyond any of the other major proposals now before Congress," according to The Washington Times’ Stephen Dinan. This just cannot be. We are already overrun with illegals. Further, we have in this country Muslims who breathe to kill us all, including cowardly Muslims who won’t join in the kill. Any Muslim whosoever appears to be a troublemaker should find exit from the USA immediately. All mosques should be checked out thoroughly to make certain they are not in fact sleeper cells for America’s destruction. Every Muslim web site originating in America should be ...

Bush Seeks Momentum for Immigration Plan
Post Date: 2005-11-28 10:41:13 by robin
Bush Seeks Momentum for Immigration Plan By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer 13 minutes ago President Bush is trying to build support for a comprehensive immigration strategy even though Congress has shelved the issue for now. Republican congressional leaders postponed work on immigration proposals until early next year, partly because lawmakers are divided over the scope of such changes and whether foreigners illegally working in the United States should be allowed to stay. Trying to keep the heat on lawmakers, the president was scheduled to leave his Crawford, Texas, ranch after spending nearly a week there for Thanksgiving, to pitch his plan in Tucson, Ariz., on Monday, and El ...

Border Security an Issue for GOP
Post Date: 2005-11-27 20:56:50 by robin
Border Security an Issue for GOPBush will lay out his plan this week to stem illegal immigration. The divisive subject could reinvigorate or roil his party in 2006 elections. By Janet Hook Times Staff Writer November 27, 2005 WASHINGTON — Illegal immigration has emerged as a major issue in political campaigns around the country, adding an element of emotional intensity that Republicans hope will excite their conservative supporters — but that also threatens to split the party. The issue is most intense in states along the southern border, where President Bush will travel this week to promote his plan to stem illegal immigration. But concerns about the flow of such immigrants into ...

ORDER TO THE BORDER Congress Getting Serious about Illegals
Post Date: 2005-11-27 16:59:09 by BTP Holdings
ORDER TO THE BORDER Congress Getting Serious about Illegals By James P. Tucker Jr. November 28, 2005American Free Press Congress may be getting serious about controlling immigration and protecting the nation’s southern border with a proposal for a 2,000-mile fence in the House and a stern warning to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff from the Senate. The fence legislation by Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) estimates the cost at $2 billion. It would also strengthen workplace enforcement and give local police authority to enforce immigration laws. Rep. John Hostetler (R-Ind.), chairman of the immigration subcommittee, and Republican leaders are attempting to cobble together ...

We can’t hire enough Border Patrol Agents? I’ve got an idea…
Post Date: 2005-11-26 23:14:41 by 82Marine89
Published originally at http://EtherZone.com: republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact. I keep hearing how President Bush was provided plenty of money by Congress to hire more than enough Border Patrol agents to address our needs, but instead of hiring the thousands needed, Bush gives us a couple hundred. What’s up with that? Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff has backed off his earlier comments about aggressively working to deport illegals. Now he says that it’s not practical to deport the millions of illegals that are roaming about our country. Obviously Mr. Chertoff initially spoke without permission and his boss, GWB, has spanked his bottom and ...

John Cornyn: 9/11 Image on Mexican Border
Post Date: 2005-11-25 21:50:30 by randge
Immigration/US Borders See other Immigration/US Borders Articles Title: John Cornyn: 9/11 Image on Mexican Border Source: Newsmax URL Source: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2005/11/25/91253.shtml Published: Nov 25, 2005 Author: None Post Date: 2005-11-25 18:31:37 by supertracpak 3 Comments Arabic belongings have turned up along the Texas-Mexican border - including juice boxes with Arabic writing and a 9/11-like image of a plane hitting a building - according to Sen. John Cornyn. "I will tell you that with my own eyes I have seen [this material in] Border Patrol anecdotal reports," the Texas Republican tells Human Events. Cornyn is chairman of the Judiciary ...

Illegal Aliens Now Offered Protection By US Labor Department
Post Date: 2005-11-24 17:55:58 by Zipporah
I read the following story with utter disbelief and dismay! Mexican, U.S. labor officials vow to protect rights of immigrant workers - legal or not (by Giovanna Dell’orto, Associated Press November 07,2005) “The U.S. Department of Labor and Mexico's Foreign Ministry pledged Monday to protect the rights (especially fair pay and safe working conditions) of immigrant workers, whether they are in the United States legally or not. “‘It's not the policy of the Department of Labor to penalize and expose workers," said Peter Accolla of the department's Office of Trade Agreement Implementation. "We want to protect them regardless their status.’ ...

Man charged in wreck sent back to Mexico 17 times
Post Date: 2005-11-24 15:33:00 by Zipporah
A man charged with killing an 18-year-old UNC Charlotte student in a wreck on Interstate 485 has been sent back to Mexico 17 times, officials said Monday. Jorge Hernandez -- who also goes by Jorge Soto -- has been deported from Tucson, Ariz., twice and from El Paso, Texas, once. The 35-year-old has been voluntarily returned to Mexico 14 times after being caught within miles of the border, said Jeff Jordan, assistant special agent in charge of North Carolina for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. "We have no idea how he's getting back in" the country, Jordan said. The man gave his name as Jorge Hernandez and told the Observer he was from Pamplico, S.C. He said ...

U.S. to end "catch and release" at Mexican border
Post Date: 2005-11-23 13:44:30 by timetobuildaboat
LAREDO, Texas (Reuters) - The United States is closing a legal loophole which has allowed tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to slip into the country and join the estimated 11 million undocumented foreigners already here. Under long-standing procedure along the U.S. border with Mexico, illegal crossers of nationalities other than Mexican -- dubbed OTMs by the Border Patrol -- have been entitled to a hearing before an immigration judge before they could be deported. Because of a severe shortage of space to hold them until the hearing, they were released after being fingerprinted and given a "notice to appear," a document stating they had agreed to show up at court at a ...

America Is A Nation Not A Market
Post Date: 2005-11-23 00:39:52 by Coral Snake
America Is A Nation Not A Market By Frosty Wooldridge 11-22-5 Doug McIntyre, radio host of KABC's "McIntyre in the Morning, in Los Angeles, spoke at the Federation of American Immigration Reform this past fall. His profound speech brings the immigration invasion into sharper focus for all Americans. http://www.kabc.com You may offer all the excuses you want, however, McIntyre's approach cuts like a fish knife without political correctness offered. McIntyre repeated what President Jimmy Carter said in 1977, "In the last several years, millions of undocumented aliens have illegally immigrated to the United States. They have breached our nation's immigration laws, displaced many ...

Market WrapUp (11-22-05)
Post Date: 2005-11-22 20:47:56 by Arete
Financial Sense Online  Market WrapUp with Ike Iossif 11/22/2005 Home  l  Broadcast  l  Market Monitor  l  Top 10  l  Storm Watch  l  Sitemap  l  About Us Today's WrapUp by Ike Iossif 11.22.2005  Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Archive RATIO ANALYSIS One of our favorite types of analysis is ratio analysis because it tends to reveal when the historical numerical  ratio between correlated markets/sectors is at extreme points, and thus, ripe for reversal.We like to buy gold stocks when the gold/XAU ratio is above 5.00, and sell when the ratio dips below 3.75. ...

Al_Queda has crossed our borders!
Post Date: 2005-11-21 17:43:43 by nc_girl_speaks_up
Al-Queda caught on our Mexican border, story here...http://www.alipac.us/article-886-thread-1-0.html Rep. Culbertson: Al-Qaeda caught at border + terrorist training camps in Mexico! Posted on Monday, November 21 @ 07:14:31 EST by alipac ALIPAC NOTE: Newsmax and The Conservative Voice are reporting this news from an interview between Sean Hannity and Rep. John Culbertson. We do not have a transcript. Media sources are encouraged to contact the sources directly for confirmation. Culbertson says: Al-Qaeda caught crossing US Border in last 6 weeks. News NOT reported to Congress or media. Terrorist training camps now in Mexico. Terrorists changing Islamic surnames to Hispanic-sounding names. ...

Armed standoff on Rio Grande Uniformed Mexicans with guns, bulldozer
Post Date: 2005-11-21 14:41:14 by Zipporah
U.S. Border Patrol agents were backed down this week by armed men, dressed in what appeared to be Mexican military uniforms and carrying military weapons, who seized a captured dump truck filled with marijuana from the U.S. agents and dragged it across the border into Mexico with a bulldozer. The border incident occurred Thursday evening when Border Patrol agents attempted to pull over a dump truck on Interstate 10 in Hudspeth County, Texas. The driver fled from the agents, exiting the freeway and driving toward the Rio Grande which runs within 2 miles of the interstate in this portion of West Texas. The driver abandoned the truck after it became stuck in the river bed, escaping into ...

Post Date: 2005-11-20 22:14:14 by Uncle Bill
U.S. SENATE SLITS AMERICAN WORKERS’ THROATS NewsWithViews.com By Frosty Wooldridge November 19, 2005 On November 4, 2005, 85 U.S. senators, voted into office to represent American citizens—instead—pulled out their knives and sliced American workers’ throats. What occurred is unconscionable and brutally obscene. We already suffer nearly one million lost American jobs from H-1B, H-2B and L-1 visas to foreigners and their families. Instead of working, our citizens stand in unemployment lines while we listen to broken English from an outsourced job to an employee from India or “Push two for Spanish” on our phones. Senator Robert Byrd, a democrat from West ...

You have to see this video!
Post Date: 2005-11-20 16:24:12 by nc_girl_speaks_up
This is just unbelievable! I think our president needs to see this video! http://cbs4denver.com/topstories/local_story_321192520.html

125 Illegal Workers Found at Wal-Mart Site
Post Date: 2005-11-18 23:44:01 by Zipporah
SCRANTON, Pa. - An immigration raid at a Wal-Mart distribution center under construction led to the arrests of 125 illegal workers, all of whom will be deported, federal officials said Friday. he workers from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico were detained Thursday at the construction site in eastern Pennsylvania, according to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. Some of the 125 used fake documents to obtain employment with subcontractors, officials said. The arrests came after search warrants were executed for six companies at the site outside Pottsville, about 80 miles northwest of Philadelphia. "Employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens, and those who ...

Lawsuit Challenges Austin's Sanctuary Status (girl murdered by illegal)
Post Date: 2005-11-17 15:21:38 by Zipporah
The family of murdered St. Edwards University freshman Virginia Garcia have filed suit against the city of Austin, claiming Austin's status as a so called 'sanctuary city' led to Garcia's murder, 1200 WOAI news reported today. The 18 year old Garcia, who was known as Jenny, was stabbed to death insider her northwest Austin home, and police arrested an illegal alien, David Diaz Morales, 20, whom they said was 'infatuated' with Garcia. Morales was also charged with burglarizing Garcia's home. Attorney Matt Burns said Austin's very controversial policy of prohibiting police and other local officials from referring cases to federal authorities for immigration law violations and deportation ...

French riots boost far right
Post Date: 2005-11-15 17:46:18 by Zipporah
PARIS, Nov. 15 (UPI) -- It seems a flashback to 2002: The boisterous crowds cheering him on, the media attention, the sense that Jean-Marie Le Pen's French-first, immigrants-go-home message is again resonating in France. Five years after capturing second place in presidential elections, the head of France's far-right National Front is again making waves -- or rather riding them, as he coasts on the backlash of more than two weeks of violence staged by ethnic-immigrant youths that has roiled this country. "Immigration, explosion in the suburbs...Le Pen foretold it," reads a banner on his website, accompanied by alarming video images of the country's gritty housing projects going ...

America's Exploding Education & Job Nightmare
Post Date: 2005-11-13 04:44:35 by Kamala
America's Exploding Education & Job Nightmare   By Frosty Wooldridge http://NewsWithViews.com 11-11-5   Most Americans over 40 witnessed the dumbing down of our schools in the 70s 80s, 90s and into this century. As a teacher, I was 'encouraged' to pass minority students who did not work for excellence nor did they study toward academic success. Students quickly learned they didn't have to study for learning or passing grades. Thus, they coasted from grade school without effort and finished high school with spurious diplomas. Recently, Lou Dobbs of CNN, presented Americans with some disturbing facts on our schools.   What erodes America's foundation?   Fifty ...

French anti-immigration leader feels vindicated by riots
Post Date: 2005-11-11 13:31:24 by Zipporah
WASHINGTON -- Far-right politician Jean-Marie Le Pen insists that the riots rocking French cities have vindicated his anti-immigration views, but opinion polls give a slight boost to Premier Dominique de Villepin for his handling of the crisis. After the government ordered a 12-day state of emergency, National Police Chief Michel Gaudin told reporters in Paris yesterday there was a "very sharp drop" in violent incidents. Car burnings -- the primary vandalism since the nightly protests began -- have been falling, and violent clashes between police and immigrant gangs, mostly from North and West Africa, also declined. But officials said 203 more persons were detained overnight, ...

Post Date: 2005-11-10 23:17:00 by Uncle Bill
U.S. Opposes Wall Along Mexico Border NewsMax.com Wires Friday, Nov. 11, 2005 MEXICO CITY -- U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Tony Garza said Thursday that the Bush administration is against proposals to build a wall along the United States' entire southern border. "The President (George W. Bush) is aware of the concerns of critics who would like to build a wall around the United States," Garza told a small group of foreign correspondents. "As the former Governor of Texas, he knows that such proposals are both unrealistic and undesirable." Some lawmakers have proposed building a wall from California to the Gulf of Mexico to stop the millions of undocumented workers who ...

Living with a ‘white’ lie
Post Date: 2005-11-10 16:20:48 by Tauzero
Living with a ‘white’ lie Man raised as white told he’s black at 26 By JEFF KUNERTH Knight Ridder Newspapers ORLANDO, Fla. — Every family has its secrets. There are things parents never tell children. There are lies that become family legend. There are stories that were never meant to be told. Judith Hartmann’s secret, when she married Bill Myers in 1959, was that she was pregnant by a black man. When the baby born to two white parents came out black, the secret became a lie. Throughout his childhood, David Myers was told that his skin color was a disease called melanism. He was lucky, his mother said, because the skin discoloration was all over his body, ...

She has a dream: the Marseillaise in Arabic
Post Date: 2005-11-10 15:38:09 by Tauzero
She has a dream: the Marseillaise in Arabic Sunday Nov 6 17:12 AEST Farida Verhaeghe-Amiri believes, with missionary zeal, that the Arabic version she has penned and recorded of France's national anthem, La Marseillaise, will be a salve on the open wounds of French society. With dozens of ghetto-like enclaves in Paris' suburbs -- inhabited mainly by immigrants from Muslim north Africa -- literally aflame with ethnic and class tension, the impulse to promote unifying civic values is surely welcome. If for no other reason, the improbable fact that her Algerian grandfather carried to safety a wounded soldier in World War I named Charles de Gaulle -- founder of France's Fifth Republic -- ...

Rapist was twice deported!
Post Date: 2005-11-09 06:43:50 by nc_girl_speaks_up
This story was broken with the help of a dedicated ALIPAC member. This serial rapist was already TWICE deported! Seems the illegals have the upper hand when it comes to our border security problem. Read this story, please. http://alipac.us/ftopict-12258.html Below is the article written by Patrick Wilson for the Winston-Salem Journal about the story ALIPAC broke LAST NIGHT! It can be found at http://www.journalnow.com Man charged with rape was deported twice By Patrick Wilson JOURNAL REPORTER Wednesday, November 9, 2005 A Winston-Salem man charged in connection with a series of rapes in Winston-Salem and Greensboro had been deported to Mexico twice, but he returned to the United States, ...

Please take this poll on illegal immigration!
Post Date: 2005-11-08 16:57:07 by nc_girl_speaks_up
Please take this survey on illegal immigration....http://survey.pollingpoint.com/3929980 Join us at www.alipac.us, fight illegal immigration

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