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German television crew attacked in French riots
Post Date: 2005-11-08 13:28:21 by Tauzero
German television crew attacked in French riots 8 November 2005 PARIS - In the 12th night of rioting in France, police report 330 arrests and 1,173 burned cars, and a German television crew was attacked in Strasbourg. In a desperate attempt to halt the urban unrest that has swept the country, the French government on Tuesday announced a series of measures intended to restore law and order and address the inequality and exclusion that is fuelling the violence. To restore calm to its cities, the government declared a state of emergency and authorized local officials to impose curfews in tense neighbourhoods after a 12th consecutive night of rioting. President Jacques Chirac said the ...

First fatality as French rioting worsens
Post Date: 2005-11-07 13:05:20 by Tauzero
First fatality as French rioting worsens Mon Nov 7, 2005 5:22 PM GMT By Anna Willard and Franck Prevel GRIGNY, France (Reuters) - Rioters shot at police and torched more than 1,400 cars in the worst violence since unrest erupted in France's poor suburbs 11 days ago, and a man beaten by a youth became the first fatality on Monday. The rioters threw firebombs at two churches and attacked three schools on Sunday night, police said, hours after President Jacques Chirac vowed to defeat the troublemakers. The new violence prompted warnings that the unrest which began on October 27 could damage investment and tourism in France and fuelled calls for the conservative government to take tougher ...

Rioting Spreads to 300 Towns in France [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2005-11-07 09:44:52 by Zipporah
A firefighter extinguishes a truck in Cenon, near Bordeaux, southwestern France, Sunday night, Nov.6, 2005 on the tenth day of unrest. Vehicles and buildings were torched by youths in largely immigrant areas began rampaging after two of their peers were electrocuted last week at a power substation while hiding from police they feared were chasing them. (AP Photo/Bob Edme) PARIS - Rioting by French youths spread to 300 towns overnight and a man hurt in the violence died of his wounds, the first fatality in 11 days of unrest that has shocked the country, police said Monday. As urban unrest spread to neighboring Belgium and possibly Germany, the French government faced growing criticism for ...

Mexican Drug Lords Increasingly Powerful
Post Date: 2005-11-07 09:14:18 by Zipporah
MIGUEL ALEMAN, Mexico - Hit men, pistols tucked in their pants and walkie-talkies strapped to their belts, move freely in this city of sorghum farmers and cattle ranchers, dropping off their ostrich-skin boots with shoeshine boys in the city's plaza and stopping at local bars for a beer. The openness with which they operate — in Miguel Aleman and countless other towns across Mexico — reflects the drug cartels' grip on this nation of nearly 100 million people, and the power they have gained as the top supplier for Americans' $65 billion illegal drug habit. Mexico's drug gangs have been highly successful in the past two decades, gradually replacing Colombian gangs in the United ...

Rioting spreads across France [10th night]
Post Date: 2005-11-05 23:22:42 by Tauzero
Rioting spreads across France From: AAP November 06, 2005 SCHOOLS were burnt down in Paris and hundreds of cars set on fire in cities across France in a tenth night of rioting in poor suburban areas that went into the early hours of Sunday, the Interior Ministry said. The schools were set ablaze in the Paris suburb of Essonne, but no one was reported hurt in the weekend attack. About 68 people had been arrested after the renewed violence as of late on Saturday, the ministry said. Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin summoned eight key ministers and a top Muslim official to his offices on Saturday as he sought to chart an end to the violence. The violence has been seen as the ...

A Pathetic Path For America's Accelerating Destruction
Post Date: 2005-11-05 02:32:08 by Coral Snake
A Pathetic Path For America's Accelerating Destruction By Frosty Wooldridge http://NewsWithViews.com 11-5-5 We suffer unconstitutional abuses perpetrated on Americans through massive allowances for illegal alien migration while our elected officials dump the insidious NAFTA/CAFTA agreements on us-giving law abiding citizens no way out. "NAFTA and CAFTA will make the current immigration problem look like a walk in the park compared to what is coming if we do not stop it now," said Dave Hodges, Wittman, Arizona. Hodges is a spokesperson for the Arizona Coalition to Protect Personal Property Rights. "ACPPR is a grassroots organization of 1,200 citizens who are fighting a ...

GOP mulls ending birthright citizenship
Post Date: 2005-11-04 15:41:29 by Grumble Jones
House Republicans are looking closely at ending birthright citizenship and building a barrier along the entire U.S.-Mexico border as they search for solutions to illegal immigration. A task force of party leaders and members active on immigration has met since the summer to try to figure out where consensus exists, and several participants said those two ideas have floated to the top of the list of possibilities to be included either in an immigration-enforcement bill later this year or in a later comprehensive immigration overhaul. "There is a general agreement about the fact that citizenship in this country should not be bestowed on people who are the children of folks who come into ...

French unrest spreads outside Paris [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2005-11-04 15:05:20 by Tauzero
French unrest spreads outside Paris Staff and agencies Friday November 4, 2005 A disabled person was badly burned in an attack on a city bus and more than four hundred cars were torched during an eighth night of rioting in Paris suburbs. Government officials cited a falling number of direct clashes with police to claim that the situation was becoming calmer, but the violence also spread out of the capital's immediate vicinity. Reports of unrest surfaced in Rouen in Normandy, Dijon in Burgundy and the Mediterranean port of Marseille. A bus depot was set on fire to the west of Paris in the town of Trappes, near Versailles, destroying 27 buses. An amateur video aired on television showed ...

Bush Amnesty smoking gun [Latest Bush Deceit On Immigration Policy, Amnesty, Guest Workers]
Post Date: 2005-11-04 12:16:17 by OKCSubmariner
The smoking illegal alien amnesty gun behind President Bush's recent tough-sounding rhetoric on border security has turned up, buried all the way at the bottom of yesterday's Department of Homeland Security press release, DHS Announces Long-Term Border and Immigration Strategy:SBI will serve as the enforcement complement to the Temporary Worker Program that President Bush proposed last year. The Temporary Worker Program will have the effect of enabling migrants to pursue work in regulated, legal channels – and will increase safety and security by giving us a better idea of who is entering our country and for what purpose.Meet the President's new amnesty, same as his old amnesty:I ...

US vows to stop illegal migrants
Post Date: 2005-11-03 20:43:06 by Zipporah
Mr Chertoff expects the numbers of immigrants to fall The US has vowed to stop every single illegal immigrant entering the country, by recruiting 1,000 extra agents and increasing the use of unmanned drones. "Our goal is to gain control of our borders," said Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. More than a million Mexicans are arrested every year as they try to enter the US to look for work. Experts said the migration trend would continue because of the huge wage gap between the US and Mexico. But Mr Chertoff insisted that once would-be immigrants learnt there was a high likelihood of being caught and sent home, the numbers trying to enter the US would ...

Paris-Area Riots Spread to 20 Towns
Post Date: 2005-11-03 17:32:53 by Tauzero
Paris-Area Riots Spread to 20 Towns Paris-Area Riots Spread to 20 Towns As Police Brace for Eighth Straight Night of Violence By JAMEY KEATEN Associated Press Writer AULNAY-SOUS-BOIS, France Nov 3, 2005 — A week of riots in poor neighborhoods outside Paris gained dangerous new momentum Thursday, with youths shooting at police and firefighters and attacking trains and symbols of the French state. Facing mounting criticism, Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin vowed to restore order as the violence that erupted Oct. 27 spread to at least 20 towns, highlighting the frustration simmering in housing projects that are home to many North African immigrants. Police deployed for a feared ...

French youths open fire on police
Post Date: 2005-11-03 17:25:55 by Tauzero
French youths open fire on police Staff and agencies Thursday November 3, 2005 French youths fired at police and burned over 300 cars last night as towns around Paris experienced their worst night of violence in a week of urban unrest. The French prime minister, Dominique de Villepin, was involved in a series of crisis meetings today following the clashes between police and immigrant groups in at least 10 poor suburbs, during which youths torched car dealerships, public buses and a school. Four shots were fired at police and fire officers in four different towns without causing any injuries, said Jean-Francois Cordet, the senior government official for the troubled Seine-Saint-Denis ...

French youths riot for seventh night running
Post Date: 2005-11-03 13:42:58 by Tauzero
French youths riot for seventh night running PARIS (Reuters) - Violence broke out in Paris suburbs for the seventh night running overnight on Thursday after French youths set fire to dozens of cars. The continuing unrest compounds pressure on Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin's government, which has promised to restore order but is battling to paper over differences between ministers over the best way to tackle the unrest. Youths went on the rampage in a total of nine areas in poor suburbs ringing the French capital to the north and the east, setting alight about 40 cars, two buses, and dustbins, a local authority official said. Hundreds of police were deployed to control the ...

French president calls for calm as violence spreads
Post Date: 2005-11-02 17:54:11 by Tauzero
PARIS, Nov. 2 (Xinhuanet) -- French President Jacques Chirac called for calm Wednesday, warning that lawlessness and further rioting in Paris suburbs would lead to a dangerous situation. "Tempers must calm down. The law must be applied in a spirit ofdialogue and respect," Chirac said after French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy briefed him on the situation in the wake of six nights of riots in the southeast of Paris since last Thursday. "A lack of dialogue and an escalation of disrespectful behavior would lead to a dangerous situation," Chirac was quoted by his spokesman Jean-Francois Cope. The head of state intervened after the ongoing incident unveiled integration ...

Texas Probes 15 Cases for Dengue Fever
Post Date: 2005-11-01 07:39:35 by Zipporah
BROWNSVILLE, Texas - Health officials are investigating 15 cases in Brownsville for dengue fever, one of which they believe was contracted from a mosquito in the United States. The U.S.-based case, a woman believed to be in her 20s or 30s, was diagnosed with dengue hemorrhagic fever. She received medical care and survived. Two other cases also have the more serious dengue hemorrhagic fever, while the others might have dengue fever, said Dr. Brian Smith, director of the Texas Department of State Health Services region that includes South Texas. Dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is more common in Asia, the Pacific and Latin America, has been diagnosed in the United States in the past, but ...

Mexico’s Undiplomatic Diplomats [Actively Helping Illegal Immigrants Enter US]
Post Date: 2005-11-01 00:28:37 by OKCSubmariner
It’s a strain being a Mexican diplomat in the United States these days, as the plaintive expression on Mario Velázquez-Suárez’s dignified features suggests. Diplomacy may be the art of lying for one’s country, but Mexican diplomacy requires taking that art to virtuosic heights. Sitting in his expansive office in Mexico’s Los Angeles consulate, Deputy Consul General Velázquez-Suárez gamely insists that he and his peers observe the diplomatic duty not to interfere in America’s internal affairs, including immigration matters. “Immigration is an internal discussion,” he says. “We have to respect that regardless of whether it ...

Bush INS Nominee Promotes Illegal Alien Terrorists, Chinese Espionage, FTAA, North American Union
Post Date: 2005-10-30 20:39:00 by OKCSubmariner
There are three articles presented below about the current Bush appointee to INS, Julie Myers. Be sure to read and note who she is related to, married to and worked for. Myers is being put in place to carry out Chertoff's and Bush's agendas for a stealth guest worker program, to allow 18 million illegals to remain in the US, to still not stop Mexican illegals from coming in, to protect FBI/CIA terrorist 9/11 provocateurs still in the US illegally such as Saudi AlAttas and Communist Chinese agents, and to faciltiate corrupt L1 and H1 visa programs for Chineese guest worker spies who also take good paying high tech jobs. She will also continue to advance the CFR and Bush world government ...

Gang Uses Deportation to Its Advantage to Flourish in U.S. (MS-13 Deports and Thrives)
Post Date: 2005-10-30 19:32:03 by robin
MS-13: AN INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISEGang Uses Deportation to Its Advantage to Flourish in U.S.Mara Salvatrucha is rooted locally, but it has become a force in Central America and the Washington area. U.S. policy provided unintended aid. By Robert J. Lopez, Rich Connell and Chris Kraul Times Staff Writers October 30, 2005 On a sweltering afternoon, an unmarked white jetliner taxies to a remote terminal at the international airport here and disgorges dozens of criminal deportees from the United States. Marshals release the handcuffed prisoners, who shuffle into a processing room. Of the 70 passengers, at least four are members of Mara ...

Federal cop faces sex charge
Post Date: 2005-10-30 12:02:35 by boonie rat
Federal cop faces sex charge The head of immigration and customs in Tampa is accused of exposing himself to a teenage girl. Henry Pierson Curtis Sentinel Staff Writer October 27, 2005 One of Florida's top federal law-enforcement officers was arrested late Tuesday after he was accused of exposing himself to a 16-year-old girl in the Mall at Millenia, according to Orlando police. Frank Figueroa, head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Tampa office, began fondling himself after catching the teen's eye in the upscale mall's food court, an arrest report states. "The nature of Figueroa's actions do corrupt the public morals and outrage the sense of public decency," the report ...

It's The LAW, Mr. President And Congress - Enforce It!
Post Date: 2005-10-30 00:15:24 by Coral Snake
It's The LAW, Mr. President And Congress - Enforce It! By Frosty Wooldridge http://NewsWithViews.com 10-28-5 "Corruption becomes a mechanism by which Third World societies like Mexico function as a normal aspect of daily life. With millions of them illegally coming to America and operating along with their peers"it's little wonder we face massive fraud of social security cards, green cards and counterfeited driver's licenses. Lawlessness becomes a standard operating procedure throughout American business. In effect, America duplicates Third World behavior and ultimately, becomes a Third World country. That kind, of corruption now operates in the halls of Congress and engulfs ...

Denver - A sanctuary city
Post Date: 2005-10-28 20:23:15 by eyeswideoopen
I guess now we know why Denver is a sanctuary city - Colorado Grant to Establish Direct Flights Between Denver, Mexico City National Governor's Association http://tinyurl.com/c8jzo How wonderful of all you U.S. taxpayers to pay for subsidized, direct flights for Mexicans to the Denver NWO Airport for final destination to the sanctuary city of Denver. I think we ought to station the Minutemen around the airports... what do you think?

Illegal Alien Workers Create Uneasiness for US Military
Post Date: 2005-10-28 12:52:49 by Tauzero
ILLEGAL ALIEN WORKERS CREATE UNEASINESS FOR US MILITARY Jim Kouri, CPP October 28, 2005 http://NewsWithViews.com Hundreds of illegal aliens working as laborers, mechanics, construction workers and language instructors have been nabbed at military installations including naval bases around the country this past year. Government officials are fearful that security and safety for the stateside military has been dramatically compromised. The vast majority of these illegals are not employed directly by the military but by private-sector contractors, as part of a continuing effort by the Pentagon to outsource many routine nonmilitary related functions thereby freeing up the US servicemen ...

Priest's Slaying Shakes Tijuana
Post Date: 2005-10-28 00:19:26 by robin
Priest's Slaying Shakes TijuanaA popular cleric's death, blamed on drug trade, gives the border city a record year for killings. By Richard Marosi Times Staff Writer October 27, 2005 TIJUANA — The execution-style killing of a popular priest in an upscale restaurant district here has touched off an outpouring of grief and pushed the homicide rate to record heights. At a funeral Mass on Wednesday, about 2,000 people mourned the death of Father Luis Velazquez Romero, 52, an outspoken cleric known for his social activism. He was gunned down Monday morning in his 1993 Ford Thunderbird in a parking lot. Police found six bullet wounds in his head and neck, and his wrists handcuffed behind his ...

Richmond (Kentucky) to offer ID cards to immigrants: COULD BE FIRST U.S. CITY TO DO SO
Post Date: 2005-10-25 18:06:47 by Zipporah
The city of Richmond next week will begin offering identification cards to immigrants, regardless of whether they entered the country legally or not. The move could make the Madison County seat the first city in the country to issue such immigrant IDs -- and draw Richmond into the large and sometimes fierce national debate over immigration reform. The cards will be offered as part of a first-ever Latino citizen's police academy at a local church, officials said. Although some states give identification cards to immigrants regardless of whether they entered the United States legally, immigration experts say they are not aware of any other city or municipality in the nation that has gone ...

Six Stabbed at 1-Year-Old's Birthday Party
Post Date: 2005-10-25 14:00:45 by Dakmar
EAST HARTFORD, Conn. - Six people were stabbed early Sunday during a melee at a 1-year-old's birthday party, police said. It apparently started when a downstairs neighbor went upstairs to complain about the noise. The injured were taken to Hartford and St. Francis hospitals, where they were treated for stab wounds to their faces and necks. All were later released. Police said they received several 911 calls around 12:45 a.m. They arrived at a two-family home on Crosby Street to find dozens of people running around in a thunderstorm. Some were screaming and bleeding. Most spoke only Spanish, adding to the chaos. A Spanish-speaking officer from Manchester was eventually brought into ...

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