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COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS plan to integrate the U.S.-Mexico & Canada
Post Date: 2005-07-25 10:38:33 by Itisa1mosttoolate
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS /CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada. By Phyllis Schlafly, EagleForum, July 13, 2005 http://www.eagleforum.org/column/2005/july05/05-07-13.html The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has just let the cat out of the bag about what's really behind our trade agreements and security partnerships with the other North American countries. A 59-page CFR document spells out a five-year plan for the "establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community" with a common "outer security perimeter." "Community" means integrating the United States with the corruption, socialism, poverty and population of ...

Hispanics fearful of federal gang investigation
Post Date: 2005-07-22 20:30:10 by Zipporah
Fear" this="this" thursday.="Thursday." to="to" week="week"> Apprehension has been mounting for more than a month, said Isabel Rubio, executive director of The Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama. Her office received calls about intensifying scrutiny long before federal authorities detained 30 people this week, she said. "We understand there are concerns in Hoover, Pelham and Alabaster about the growing Latino community," Rubio said. "But it is our concern that Latino members of the community are being unfairly picked on, possibly victims of racial profiling. We have heard incidents where people are being asked to take off their shirts during routine traffic stops so ...

Money Scarce, Indian Reservation Struggles Amid Wave of Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2005-07-22 15:52:32 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Money Scarce, Indian Reservation Struggles Amid Wave of Illegal Immigrants By Angie Wagner Associated Press Writer Published: Jul 22, 2005 TOHONO O'ODHAM NATION, Ariz. (AP) - When the scorching daylight fades and dusk drifts into this Indian reservation, the Sonoran Desert begins to rustle. Mesquite trees become hide-outs and the deep washes turn into human freeways filled with illegal immigrants winding their way over worn trails that will carry them into America. They move at night, when it's cooler and the moon's glow can guide them from Mexico onto an Indian nation so vast that many easily slip through a flimsy barbed wire fence unnoticed. "It's like the desert doesn't ...

Initiative 343 assailed as attack on immigrants
Post Date: 2005-07-22 11:33:35 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Initiative 343 assailed as attack on immigrantsIssue is fairness, backers say By JOHN IWASAKI SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTER An initiative aimed at halting voting rights and other benefits to illegal aliens in Washington was derided last night as an "anti-immigrant" movement that threatens the "soul of America." Initiative 343 is part of a national effort to make immigrants a scapegoat by those uncomfortable with diversity, said Eric Ward, a field director of the Center for New Communities in Chicago, a faith-based organization that seeks social and economic justice. He spoke at a briefing sponsored by more than 40 immigrant, ethnic, human rights, social service ...

Judge Throws Out Case of Four Who Were Brought Into Country Illegally as Toddlers
Post Date: 2005-07-21 18:27:51 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Judge Throws Out Case of Four Who Were Brought Into Country Illegally as Toddlers By Jacques Billeaud Associated Press Writer Published: Jul 21, 2005 PHOENIX (AP) - A judge on Thursday threw out the deportation case against four young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally when they were toddlers and had their immigration status discovered during a trip to a high school science competition along the Canadian border. U.S. Immigration Judge John Richardson granted a request from the four to exclude key evidence in the case, ruling that border agents questioned the students based on their Hispanic appearance. The government is expected to appeal the case. Jaime Damian, 20, ...

Feds bust tunnel under U.S.-Canadian border
Post Date: 2005-07-21 16:34:29 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Feds bust tunnel under U.S.-Canadian border By GENE JOHNSON ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER SEATTLE -- Federal agents have shut down a drug-smuggling tunnel built under the U.S.-Canadian border north of Lynden, Wash., federal officials said Thursday. Authorities had been monitoring construction of the tunnel for eight months and sealed it shortly after it opened Wednesday, making three to five arrests in the process, a government employee who had been briefed by local law enforcement officials told The Associated Press. The source spoke Wednesday on the condition of anonymity because the news had not been made public. A news release Thursday morning from U.S. Attorney John McKay confirmed the ...

Gov't Considers Using Border Patrol Volunteers
Post Date: 2005-07-21 16:20:30 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Gov't Considers Using Border Patrol Volunteers POSTED: 4:32 pm PDT July 20, 2005 UPDATED: 4:40 pm PDT July 20, 2005 LOS ANGELES -- The federal government is thinking of training volunteer border patrol groups such as the Minuteman Project and organizing them into a kind of Border Patrol auxiliary. Robert Bonner, head of Customs and Border Protection, said the idea's in a very preliminary stage. He said auxiliaries are common among police and fire agencies, even the military, so why not for the Border Patrol? Bonner said his agency "welcomes the eyes and ears" of citizens, as long as they help "in a responsible way." Until now, Border Patrol officials have generally ...

Police shot dead in Mexican city (BBC reporting on Nuevo Laredo)
Post Date: 2005-07-21 00:28:48 by robin
Police shot dead in Mexican city Two police officers have been shot dead in a northern Mexican border city which is the focus of a major crackdown on drug trafficking. It raises to five the number of officers murdered this week in Nuevo Laredo, an important transit point for drugs entering the US. The Mexican army and federal agents have been sent in to restore order and investigate police corruption. The operation has resulted in 1,000 arrests but few cocaine seizures. Turf war Ricardo Uvalle Escobedo and Jose de Jesus Morin Salinas were killed by gunmen in separate incidents on their way to work on Wednesday. On Tuesday night, two other officers, Daniel ...

Minuteman Supporters ejected from La Raza Event. Illegals run out the back door
Post Date: 2005-07-20 22:30:49 by Zipporah
ALIPAC NOTE: Rumor has it that La Raza coordinators noticed the Minuteman supporters when almost one third of their La Raza attendees ran out the back door in a hurry! Three Pennsylvania Minutemen accompanied by that coast-to-coast activist VigilAnnie1 and the Chairman of the New American Independent Party were escorted from the La Raza convention this afternoon by Philadelphia Police for wearing clothes that supported the United States Border Patrol. Only VigilAnnie1 and I were wearing obvious Border Patrol gear. VigilAnnie1 had her undocumented BPA shirt on and I was wearing USBP hat. A third Pennsylvania Minuteman was wearing a hat she picked up on MMP that had a US flag and 'I support ...

GOP bill would force illegal aliens to leave [another amnesty plan] [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2005-07-20 16:21:49 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
GOP bill would force illegal aliens to leave By PATRINA A. BOSTIC COX NEWS SERVICE WASHINGTON -- Two border-state Republican senators proposed legislation yesterday that would require every illegal immigrant -- estimated at 10 million -- to leave the United States and return to the nation they came from within five years. The bill, by Sens. John Cornyn of Texas and Jon Kyl of Arizona, would establish temporary work permits renewable for up to six years and would require employers to provide health insurance to workers. It also calls for tougher border security and law enforcement measures. Undocumented immigrants would be required to depart the United States voluntarily and re-enter ...

MS-13 racketeering trial begins in Hempstead
Post Date: 2005-07-19 22:10:15 by Zipporah
The white van rolled up next to him as he and his friends stood outside a Hempstead laundry on a hot summer evening two years ago, Douglas Sorto, then 16, recalled Tuesday. Someone screamed "La Mara," short for the Hispanic gang MS-13, uttered an insult in Spanish and opened fire, Sorto said. The shot passed through his left leg, Sorto testified in U.S. District Court in Central Islip. Federal prosecutors Richard Donoghue and Wayne Baker said the shooting was the first of three in Hempstead and Freeport that night by two members of MS-13 as they sought to target members of rival gangs. None of the shootings were fatal. David Vasquez, 26, and Ledwin Castro, 23, both of Freeport, ...

Suspect in Three Ariz. Killings Arrested
Post Date: 2005-07-19 12:02:04 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Suspect in Three Ariz. Killings Arrested [in Mexico] By JACQUES BILLEAUD Associated Press Writer PHOENIX (AP) -- A man suspected in the abduction of his two children in Arizona and the killings of the youngsters' grandparents and an uncle has been arrested in Mexico, authorities said. The children, 18-month-old Bryan Cervantes and 3-year-old Jennifer Cervantes, appeared to be unharmed and were in the custody of Mexican authorities, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said. Deputies planned to fly to Mexico on Tuesday to return the children, both of whom are U.S. citizens, to Arizona to be reunited with their mother, the sheriff said. Their father, Rodrigo Cervantes Zavala, was arrested ...

Post Date: 2005-07-18 20:33:18 by Zipporah
“California, essentially lost its sovereignty," said Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca. "There are 40,000 illegal aliens in the state prison system here. Twenty-three percent of the jail population in Los Angeles County is illegal aliens." Those words from the top cop in California illustrate the loss of the rule-of-law in America. Over three million illegal aliens operate in the Golden State. With an estimated 20 million free roaming illegal aliens and 10,000 ‘making it’ over our borders 24/7, this country is in trouble. When Border Patrol agents catch illegal aliens, they let them go. In January, 2004, agents caught 96,000 border jumpers. After arresting them, ...

Chinese labor for oil drilling eyed in Colo.
Post Date: 2005-07-18 12:58:27 by Zipporah
Canadian oil giant EnCana is considering bringing in Chinese companies to construct and operate drilling rigs in the Colorado Rockies, as the region struggles to keep up with demand and rising energy prices. EnCana, a major player in the Piceance Basin of western Colorado, said Chinese labor is cheap and the workers are well-educated. The move would be scrutinized in Washington, where politicians are uneasy about allowing Chinese workers to acquire access to U.S.-based oil and gas facilities. "I am totally against the Chinese government running the jobs in our country," said Rep. John Salazar, Colorado Democrat, whose district is most affected by drilling. "With the ...

Anti-[illegal]Immigration Groups Head to Interior
Post Date: 2005-07-18 11:57:30 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Anti-Immigration Groups Head to Interior July 17, 2005 6:39 PM EDT MORRISTOWN, Tenn. - A volunteer movement that vows to guard America from a wave of illegal immigration has spread from the dusty U.S.-Mexican border to the verdant hollows of Appalachia. At least 40 anti-immigration groups have popped up nationally, inspired by the Minuteman Project that rallied hundreds this year to patrol the Mexican border in Arizona. "It's like O'Leary's cow has kicked over the lantern. The fire has just started now," said Carl "Two Feathers" Whitaker, an American Indian activist and perennial gubernatorial candidate who runs the Tennessee Volunteer Minutemen, aimed at exposing ...

Anti-Immigration Groups Head to Interior
Post Date: 2005-07-17 20:11:18 by Zipporah
A volunteer movement that vows to guard America from a wave of illegal immigration has spread from the dusty U.S.-Mexican border to the verdant hollows of Appalachia. At least 40 anti-immigration groups have popped up nationally, inspired by the Minuteman Project that rallied hundreds this year to patrol the Mexican border in Arizona. "It's like O'Leary's cow has kicked over the lantern. The fire has just started now," said Carl "Two Feathers" Whitaker, an American Indian activist and perennial gubernatorial candidate who runs the Tennessee Volunteer Minutemen, aimed at exposing those who employ illegals. Critics call the movement vigilantism, and some hear in the ...

Illegals' squalid housing transforms cities
Post Date: 2005-07-17 18:53:40 by robin
Sewage flows in streets as landlords cram up to 64 in single-family homes The impact of uncontrolled immigration is coming home for residents of many Long Island, New York, communities as landlords turn single-family homes into filthy, overcrowded tenements holding as many as 64 renters – causing health and fire dangers and transforming neighborhoods. Illegal rooming houses, serving both documented and undocumented immigrants, are increasingly appearing across Long Island, as landlords fill a niche created by the demand for and availability of cheap foreign labor. "It's definitely spreading," Brookhaven Councilman James Tullo, who heads a task force investigating 300 illegal ...

Civilian Group Patrols Mexico Border
Post Date: 2005-07-17 09:35:49 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Civilian Group Patrols Mexico Border CAMPO, Calif. (AP) -- Volunteers began patrolling remote mountains outside San Diego on Saturday, watching for illegal immigrants and drug smugglers as part of a campaign to draw attention to the nation's porous border with Mexico. About 30 volunteers joined the first patrol of a 26-mile stretch of rolling hills from Jacumba to Tecate. The patrols, called California Border Watch, are modeled on a similar effort in the Arizona desert earlier this year. Jim Chase, a former Arizona Minuteman volunteer who cut ties with that group, is leading the California patrols, which will continue through Aug. 7. He said volunteers will call the Border Patrol if they ...

Man Who Used Daughter as Shield in Gun Battle Was Illegal Alien
Post Date: 2005-07-16 16:48:22 by Zipporah
The man shot by LAPD SWAT officers in a gun battle in which his 19-month-old daughter was also killed was in the United States illegally and had an extensive criminal record, reports KFI-Radio. According to the Department of Homeland Security Jose Raul Pena had never been in the US legally and was actually deported to El Salvador in 1995 after being arrested for sales of cocaine. Pena snuck back into the US in 1996 and has had at least four run-ins with police since then, including two convictions. Each time he could have been convicted and deported but court records show Pena was instead given probation and allowed to stay. A videotape released Friday shows Jose Raul Pena holding ...

Hospitals 'Mugged' by Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2005-07-16 16:01:18 by Grumble Jones
"A peaceful mass of people, hardworking, carries out slowly and patiently an unstoppable [illegal alien] invasion, the most important in [Mexico's] human history. You cannot give me a similar example of such a large migratory wave by an ant-like, stubborn, unarmed, [illegal aliens] and carried on in the face of the most powerful and best-armed nation on earth [America]."(1) "But neither barbed-wire fences, nor aggressive border guards, nor campaigns, nor [un-enforced American Immigration] laws nor police raids [not unless you commit ANOTHER crime] against the undocumented [illegal aliens], have stopped this movement of the masses that is unprecedented in any part of ...

Idaho County Sues Over Immigrant Workers
Post Date: 2005-07-16 15:57:08 by robin
11:47 AM PDT, July 16, 2005 BOISE, Idaho — Faced with the costs of coping with illegal immigrants, one county is looking to the courts for help -- by filing a racketeering lawsuit against the businesses that hire these workers. The legal theory: that a pattern of immigration violations by employers is costing Canyon County millions for law enforcement, education and social services. "Their presence lowers the labor wage for American citizens and removes employment opportunities," county Commissioner Robert Vasquez, an ambitious politician who just started a bid for Congress, said of the illegal workers. "Certainly it uses tax dollars to provide them with educational ...

Rape Spurs Anti-Hispanic Backlash in Ohio
Post Date: 2005-07-16 15:54:56 by robin
10:43 AM PDT, July 16, 2005 HAMILTON, Ohio — It started with the spray-painted, misspelled "Rapest" on the house of a Hispanic man accused of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old white girl. Then the house went up in flames in a suspected arson. Confrontations, name-calling and threats against Hispanics followed. Men roamed the streets wearing pillowcases with eye holes, and Ku Klux Klansmen in hoods and robes showed up to pass out pamphlets. There were rumors of assaults and beatings. Now this small Ohio river city's booming Hispanic population is cowed, the streets in their neighborhoods nearly deserted. Outside the office of the Living Water Ministry, which two months ago ...

Business owners in Mesa discuss day-laborer issue
Post Date: 2005-07-14 11:28:33 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Business owners in Mesa discuss day-laborer issue Justin Juozapavicius The Arizona Republic Jul. 14, 2005 12:00 AM MESA - If the day-labor explosion here had a ground zero, this would be it. Business owners and landlords at Broadway and Gilbert roads met this week to figure out a new solution to an old problem: suspected undocumented immigrants congregating on street corners waiting for work. But it doesn't stop there. Owners in a recent survey said they also do battle daily with panhandlers and transients in the area, often coming across plastic bags that appear to have had drugs in them and finding people going to the bathroom by trash bins. "It's like they come out of the ...

Judge rules U.S. government not liable for migrant deaths
Post Date: 2005-07-14 11:23:59 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Judge rules U.S. government not liable for migrant deaths Michael Kiefer The Arizona Republic Jul. 14, 2005 12:00 AM A federal judge in Tucson refused Wednesday to hold the U.S. government responsible for the 2001 dehydration deaths of 11 undocumented immigrants just because two of its agencies refused to allow a humanitarian group to leave water drums on a national wildlife refuge bordering Mexico. U.S. District Judge John M. Roll ruled that he had no jurisdiction in the wrongful death lawsuit because the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the administrators of the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge acted within their discretion when they denied an application by the group Humane ...

Missing kids' dad dodged deportation
Post Date: 2005-07-14 11:10:54 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Missing kids' dad dodged deportation Josh Kelley The Arizona Republic Jul. 14, 2005 12:00 AM Getting released from jail shortly after being arrested last year probably prevented the undocumented immigrant linked to Sunday's triple murder and kidnapping near Queen Creek from being deported. Rodrigo Cervantes Zavala, 34, was arrested March 31, 2004, by Phoenix police after stealing $3,298 worth of materials from a former employer and was released from custody the same day, according to court records. Federal immigration officials apparently did not have enough time to retain him for deportation, said Russell Ahr, a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, in ...

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