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Border Agents Have Beef With Smuggled Meat
Post Date: 2005-04-26 12:10:50 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Border Agents Have Beef With Smuggled Meat By LARA JAKES JORDAN Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Homeland Security Department has a major beef with 845 pounds of bologna that a Mexican immigrant tried to smuggle into the country. Border agents found the pork-based meat in suitcases on a bus stopped April 4 at a checkpoint north of Las Cruces, N.M. Though the U.S. Agriculture Department has approved some Mexican bologna imports, the meat nabbed in New Mexico was not refrigerated and was vulnerable to health risks such as Classic Swine Fever, officials said Monday. Agriculture specialists with U.S. Customs and Border Protection destroyed the bologna. The agency is part of ...

Benedict Arnold Bush Leads US To Immigration Suicide
Post Date: 2005-04-25 21:48:10 by Zipporah
Bush Leading Immigation's Benedict Arnold Brigade Can a country commit suicide? Can the leaders of America kill this country? Can President Bush--an avowed globalist who refuses to uphold his oath of office--destroy our Constitution by aiding and abetting this unending illegal alien invasion? Can Bush destroy our sovereignty? "Yes! The Benedict Arnold Brigade destroying our country is led by George Bush," Wes Bramhall, 83 year old WWII veteran said while standing on the line with the Minute Man Project across from Naco, Mexico. "Senator McCain is his field commander and Flake, Kyl and Kolbe are his corporals. The rest of the members of Congress are lynching our country ...

Mexican Woman Protests Minuteman Project
Post Date: 2005-04-25 17:40:27 by 1776
"Outraged" that Americans want to secure the borders, San Pablo woman goes on a dietOn the fourth night of her front yard hunger strike, Diana Ponce (pictured) lay delirious under the carport, fighting off the chill under a fuzzy blanket emblazoned with the Mexican flag. Neighbors sat clustered around her on white plastic lawn chairs. Children smacked at a yellow volleyball in the street. Toddlers tricycled past fence-strung banners that read "Tenemos Que Unirnos" -- We have to unite. Outraged by recent news accounts of vigilante Mexican border hawks, the 32-year-old San Pablo woman took to the streets -- really, her driveway -- on two lawn chairs pushed together. ...

Buck: Minutemen ride again in nation's defense
Post Date: 2005-04-25 01:49:02 by robin
Buck: Minutemen ride again in nation's defense By Jeffrey W.T. Buck / Guest Columnist Sunday, April 24, 2005 We are Minutemen. On April 19, 1775, the originals marched on Lexington and Concord over a different beef with another George. Two hundred forty years later, we 21st century Minutemen have determined to stand vigil on the southwestern border in Arizona for individual commitments of one to 30 days each. A thousand of us have volunteered for the Minuteman Project (MMP), to work under the auspices of Civil Homeland Defense (CHD). Like our predecessors, we have determined that our nation's sovereignty is worth our lives, fortunes and sacred honor. This time, however, there are a whole ...

Agencies Move to Enforce Immigration Laws
Post Date: 2005-04-24 22:30:58 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Agencies Move to Enforce Immigration Laws By BEN FOX Associated Press Writer SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) -- Frustrated by illegal immigrant criminals who slip their grasp, a growing number of state and county police agencies nationwide are moving to join a federal program that enlists local officers to enforce immigration laws. The federal government has already granted that authority in Florida and Alabama, and the program is under consideration in Connecticut, Oklahoma and Arkansas. It's also in the works in Southern California - one of the nation's most ethnically diverse regions - where it would reverse a long-standing local police policy of avoiding questions about immigration status ...

Sousa? Many Students March Instead to Mariachi
Post Date: 2005-04-23 15:51:14 by robin
Jorge Geraldo tunes his guitarrón before an appearance with Mariachi Chula Vista. CHULA VISTA, Calif., April 17 - At home with his family - four brothers and a foster mother - Jorge Geraldo struggles with pimples and shyness, a handsome 18-year-old with deep brown eyes who sleeps on Goofy and Donald Duck sheets that tend to lie in an unmade heap on his bunk bed. But come the weekend, he dons his traje de charro - the suit of the horseman, a glimmering costume with gold buttons slithering up the sides and custom-fitted by a tailor in nearby Tijuana - to become the lead singer in Mariachi Chula Vista, a group of high school mariachi musicians who have forsaken John Philip Sousa ...

Local group to patrol San Diego border
Post Date: 2005-04-23 14:15:13 by robin
While a civilian group in Arizona is watching for illegal immigrants and drug smugglers along the Mexico border, a Chino-based organization is planning to do the same in San Diego. Inspired by the Minuteman Project and the media attention it garnered, Friends of the Border Patrol announced this week it is seeking volunteers to patrol from the main points of entry along the San Diego coastline to east of Imperial Highway. Andy Ramirez, chairman of Friends of the Border Patrol, said he has received hundreds of phone calls from residents wanting to participate in the patrol after announcing his decision Monday. Minuteman organizer Jim Gilchrist has pledged to support Ramirez's "FBP ...

Post Date: 2005-04-22 23:52:37 by Uncle Bill
http://www.americanpatrol.com/POLLS/Polls.html "83% of Americans support mandatory detention and forfeiture of property for illegal immigrants, followed by deportation" BORDER INVASION ABROAD, BORDER BETRAYAL BY BUSH AT HOME COMPASSIONATE SOCIALISM: The Ideology Of George W. Bush "COMPASSIONATE" SOCIALISM: The Ideology of George W. Bush Here's what Bush and Congress think you, the people want, social security for illegal aliens, (har, har): Illegal Aliens: The Last Nail in the Coffin for Social Security Is Bush Going Crazy? His Own Administration Officials/Aides Think So BUSH GOING CRAZY - "President George W. Bush’s increasingly erratic ...

McCain, Kennedy immigration bill would allow illegal aliens chance to stay in U-S
Post Date: 2005-04-22 20:51:10 by robin
CAPITOL HILL An immigration bill being written by senators John McCain and Edward Kennedy would give illegal aliens the chance to stay in the United States -- but would also subject them to fines. It's an alternative to President Bush's guest worker proposal, which would have them return to their countries when their work visas expire. Employers like Bush's plan; many conservatives don't. McCain says the immigration bill he and Kennedy will introduce would allow illegal immigrants to obtain three-year visas that could be renewed once. After that, they'd be able to apply for permanent legal residency, but they'd have to "get in the back of the line." McCain told the Naval Academy ...

Illegal Immigrants: The Last Nail in the Coffin for Social Security
Post Date: 2005-04-22 17:34:20 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Illegal Immigrants: The Last Nail in the Coffin for Social Security By E.F. Winslow April 19, 2005 To privatize or not privatize? That is the question. Well, actually no. Because if the Totalization Treaty currently being negotiated with Mexico to give illegal aliens Social Security benefits goes through, Social Security will be irreparably decimated. The idea behind Totalization Treaties is to help employees sent abroad to still have enough credits to draw Social Security benefits with the contributions paid in total in the countries in which the employee worked. Currently, there are about 20 such agreements that the United States recognizes, and those are with European countries. ...

Activists plan to block border at Douglas [pro-illegals threaten violence]
Post Date: 2005-04-22 12:41:24 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Activists plan to block border at Douglas Susan Carroll Republic Tucson Bureau Apr. 22, 2005 12:00 AM Human rights advocates plan a series of boycotts and blockades from the Valley to the U.S.-Mexican border to protest the Minuteman Project and legislation moving through the Arizona Legislature. Activists from Riverside, Calif., plan to block the border between Douglas and Agua Prieta, Sonora, on May 1 to protest the Minuteman Project, a civilian border patrol that started this month in southeastern Arizona. Despite objections from the mayors of both cities, protest organizer Armando Navarro said he plans to bring 50 to 100 protesters to the border to call attention to the ...

No charges against migrant-holding reservist
Post Date: 2005-04-22 12:29:03 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
No charges against migrant-holding reservist Prosecutor: Action legal Robert Anglen The Arizona Republic Apr. 22, 2005 12:00 AM No criminal charges will be filed against an Army reservist who held seven undocumented immigrants at gunpoint this month at an Arizona rest stop. Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas said Thursday that Sgt. Patrick Haab had the legal right to make a citizen's arrest because the man smuggling the immigrants into the country was committing a felony and the immigrants themselves were conspiring with the "coyote." Arizona law allows a private citizen to make a legal arrest if a felony has been committed and the citizen believes that the person he is ...

Ariz. patrol catches man wanted for PDX murder
Post Date: 2005-04-22 11:14:06 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Ariz. patrol catches man wanted for PDX murder 06:25 PM PDT on Thursday, April 21, 2005 By kgw.com and AP Staff TUCSON, Ariz. -- An illegal immigrant sought on a murder warrant from Portland has been arrested in the Arizona desert by U.S. Border Patrol agents. Authorities said Leopold Hernandez-Mejia was among a group of illegal immigrants apprehended northwest of Tucson by federal agents. When his fingerprints were compared with the FBI fingerprint database, agents learned that he was named in an outstanding felony warrant from Portland. The Multnomah County sheriff's department confirmed the warrant and indicated that Hernandez would be extradited. Hernandez, who is 36, was turned ...

McCain, Kennedy To Propose Fining Illegal Immigrants, But Let Them Stay
Post Date: 2005-04-21 22:12:20 by Brian S
WASHINGTON – Sens. John McCain and Edward M. Kennedy are putting together an immigration bill that would subject illegal immigrants to fines, but allow them to remain in the United States and earn a chance to apply for permanent residency. The measure is an alternative to President Bush's guest worker proposal sought by employers but opposed by many conservatives. Speaking Thursday at the Naval Academy, McCain, R-Ariz., said he and Kennedy, D-Mass., hoped to introduce their legislation next week. Under their proposal, illegal immigrants would get three-year visas that could be renewed once. After completing six years of work, the immigrants would be eligible to "get in the ...

Census: Oregon 10th fastest-growing state
Post Date: 2005-04-21 12:44:24 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Census: Oregon 10th fastest-growing state 08:41 AM PDT on Thursday, April 21, 2005 By CHARLES E. BEGGS, Associated Press Writer SALEM -- Oregon will be the 10th fastest-growing state in the next 25 years as its population increases to 4.8 million by 2030, according to new U.S. Census Bureau estimates. In projections issued Wednesday, the bureau forecast that Oregon's 3.4 million population in the official 2000 Census will rise by 1.4 million by 2030 -- a 41 percent jump. That's less than the 46 percent growth forecast for neighboring Washington, which is projected to have 8.6 million people by 2030 and the ninth-fastest growth rate. The expected pace of growth in both states is well ...

Are People Working Under False Identities at the Defense Department?
Post Date: 2005-04-20 17:34:43 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Are People Working Under False Identities at the Defense Department? by Terence P. Jeffrey Posted Apr 20, 2005 How many people using false identities have been employed by the Defense Department? Are some illegal aliens? As of now, the government does not have definitive answers to these questions. Unfortunately, they need to be asked because on March 29 the inspector general of the Social Security Administration published an audit report revealing that Defense, plus the Coast Guard (which is a component of the Department of Homeland Security), filed nearly 6,400 W-2 forms between 1997-2002 that could not be matched to known taxpayers and thus had to be dumped into what SSA calls the ...

Post Date: 2005-04-20 16:55:32 by Uncle Bill
SACRAMENTO Governor Schwarzenegger has apologized for suggesting the nation's immigration problems can be solved by closing the borders to people entering the country illegally. Schwarzenegger says he misspoke yesterday before a group of newspaper publishers in San Francisco. The governor says his comment to close the borders was a -- quote -- "total screw up." He says he meant to say the United States should secure its borders. The Austrian native says he might need to go back to school to bone up on his English. Democrats seized on the governor's blunder, saying it was an idea from political extremists and showed a narrow-minded approach to immigration. Democratic Assembly ...

Arpaio unit to foil people smugglers
Post Date: 2005-04-20 16:37:38 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Arpaio unit to foil people smugglers Daniel González The Arizona Republic Apr. 20, 2005 12:00 AM Six Maricopa County sheriff's deputies have been assigned full-time to investigate and arrest people who smuggle immigrants into the United States, Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Tuesday. Although deputies have cooperated with federal immigration agents in the past, this is the first time a special unit has been created within the Sheriff's Office to investigate smuggling crimes. The new anti-smuggling unit will target smugglers, not undocumented immigrants, Arpaio said. But Arpaio did not rule out the possibility that deputies will report to federal immigration officials any undocumented ...

Border Patrol rescues 77 immigrants in desert
Post Date: 2005-04-20 16:33:19 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Border Patrol rescues 77 immigrants in desert Associated Press Apr. 20, 2005 07:30 AM TUCSON - U.S. Border Patrol agents rescued nearly 80 undocumented immigrants in the desert after they overtook their smuggler and used his cellphone to call for help. The 77 men, women and children were split into two groups, one of which wrote "HELP" in the sand to aid a search helicopter locate them, authorities said. The immigrants had been traveling for about five days when many of them became sick and could not go on, said Rob Daniels, a Border Patrol spokesman. When their guide was going to abandon them Monday, some of the immigrants ganged up on him and took away a phone they knew ...

[ILLEGAL] Immigrants give differing accounts of capture by reservist
Post Date: 2005-04-20 16:17:40 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Immigrants give differing accounts of capture by reservist Associated Press Apr. 20, 2005 12:10 PM Seven Mexican men who say they were held at gunpoint in southwestern Arizona by an Army reservist gave authorities differing accounts of the incident, according to police records. In a report released by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office on Tuesday, all seven immigrants say they were held at gunpoint and ordered to lie face down on the ground. But their stories differ about what happened before that. "They seem to be all over the place," said David Cantor, defense attorney for Sgt. Patrick Haab, who is charged with seven counts of aggravated assault for the April 10 ...

Controversial cartoon appears in school's newspaper
Post Date: 2005-04-19 22:43:13 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Controversial cartoon appears in school's newspaper April 19, 2005, 10:38 AM OREGON CITY -- Students and parents will discuss a controversial cartoon later today at Oregon City High School. It appeared in the school's newspaper. The student-drawn cartoon shows two men wearing Minutemen volunteer T-shirts... Depicting the recent volunteer border patrol enacted in Arizona. One cartoon says, "let's go get us some Mexicans." The other says, "remember, women and children are only worth two points." Several students took the paper home and complained to their parents. A teacher advisor and two student editors approved the cartoon for the paper. School administrators have ...

A Mexican Invasion
Post Date: 2005-04-19 19:23:55 by Zipporah
At the current rate of invasion (mostly through Mexico, but also through Canada) the United States will be completely over run with illegal aliens by the year 2025. I’m not talking about legal immigrants who follow US law to become citizens. In less than 20 years, if we do not stop the invasion, ILLEGAL aliens and their offspring will be the dominant population in the United States. According to US Border Control (see LINK below). “They will have made such inroads into the political and social systems that they will have more influence than our Constitution over how the U.S. is governed. The ugly consequence of an ignored U.S. Constitution is already taking place.” The ...

Bush's Border Blunder
Post Date: 2005-04-19 19:19:25 by Zipporah
President Bush’s big border blunder was calling a couple of hundred middle-aged citizens ‘vigilantes’. The name-calling will blow up and destroy his presidency and Party if ever the Islamists attack again on his watch. The American People are forgiving and trusting, but ruthless and vindictive when ambushed or betrayed. If it’s found that attacking Islamists came through what used to be our southern border, what happened to President Nixon and the Republicans will look tame. President Bush doesn’t see the irony in telling Israel to control their population within borders – point blank – but being unwilling to demand the same of Mexico. Why are some ...

Plan to speed trucks awaits president's OK [Mexican border]
Post Date: 2005-04-19 13:06:34 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Plan to speed trucks awaits president's OK Jonathan J. Higuera The Arizona Republic Apr. 19, 2005 12:00 AM Arizona's plans to speed up truck traffic from Mexico through the commercial border crossing in Nogales, Ariz., have hit a roadblock, leaving state trade officials fuming. The U.S. State Department has decided the expansion project at the Mariposa Port of Entry must receive a presidential permit, a potentially lengthy process that has delayed the project's start date. Prior to the decision, construction was scheduled to start April 1. For years, produce importers have complained that the delays raise costs, reduce shelf life for fruits and vegetables in U.S. supermarkets and ...

Post Date: 2005-04-18 18:29:32 by 1776
"Who are the Riff?" I asked Homeless Jack, after I saw a reference to it in The Guide. "That's a word that was revealed to Arman as one of the names for our people who coalesce and emerge from out of the valley of extinction. I think it means us when we get past thinking our battle is just about political matters and after we combine everything--spiritual things, politics, genes and more into one cohesive unified whole as a people. I think it also has other meanings, but there are many mysteries in what Arman teaches and this may be one of them. Anyway, let me answer your question is a roundabout manner, if you don't mind. "I keep hearing big GOP shills and ...

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