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Latest Articles: Immigration

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President Trump: Border Security Is Health Security!
Post Date: 2020-03-01 18:18:53 by Horse

Greece Sends 50 Naval Vessels & Commandos To Block Refugee Wave Out Of Turkey
Post Date: 2020-02-28 23:33:05 by Horse
The Greek Prime Minister has vowed "no illegal entries into Greece will be tolerated"... Poster Comment:Finally, take them back. Then sink their boats so someone else can make a trip to European welfare offices.

Georgetown Official: Illegal Immigrants Are "Freedom Fighters"
Post Date: 2020-02-27 22:14:01 by Horse
...they are helping to awaken people to how important it is for our communities to be conscious..." Georgetown University named a new Associate Director for Undocumented Students, who referred to illegal immigrants as "freedom fighters." While not a new position, the role does highlight ongoing efforts by universities across the country to aid illegal immigrants, provide additional benefits and resources, some of which are not even available to American citizens, and even offer free legal assistance to fight deportation. While not a new position, the role does highlight ongoing efforts by universities across the country to aid illegal immigrants, provide additional ...

New York City has a turtle problem
Post Date: 2020-02-27 20:14:29 by StraitGate
Abandoned pets are wreaking havoc on city parks. NEW YORK CITY Bright green and viscous, Morningside Pond looks like a vat of unappealing pea soup. Styrofoam cups and plastic bags cling to the pond’s edge, bound in place by bubbles of green foam. This is, perhaps, what’s to be expected of an artificial pond in the center of a New York City park. ... these abandoned pets are becoming a major nuisance to New York City’s urban ecosystem—crowding out native turtle species... Click for Full Text!

The military just scored one win that had Donald Trump grinning from ear to ear
Post Date: 2020-02-27 14:32:46 by BTP Holdings
The military just scored one win that had Donald Trump grinning from ear to ear Donald Trump’s promise to secure the border and defend America was central to his 2016 election victory. At every turn Democrats tried to thwart the President from fulfilling the promise. But now the military just scored one win that had Donald Trump grinning from ear to ear. Donald Trump’s pledge to build a border wall was his number one campaign promise. After Democrats blocked funding in Congress the President exercised his authority under the 1976 National Emergency Act to declare a state of emergency on the southern border and unlock access to military construction funds. On Thursday the ...

Sanctuary States, City Lose Appeal On Federal Grant Cuts
Post Date: 2020-02-27 14:01:35 by Horse
Reversing a sweeping injunction, the Second Circuit gave the Justice Department a green light Wednesday to withhold funding from New York City and seven states in retaliation for their sanctuary policies on immigration. "The case implicates several of the most divisive issues confronting our country and, consequently, filling daily news headlines: national immigration policy, the enforcement of immigration laws, the status of illegal aliens in this country, and the ability of states and localities to adopt policies on such matters contrary to, or at odds with, those of the federal government," wrote U.S. Circuit Judge Reena Raggi, a George W. Bush appointee, on behalf of a ...

Accused serial killer healthcare worker tied to a THOUSAND unexplained deaths of elderly patients is indicted on additional murder charges
Post Date: 2020-02-27 13:59:08 by Horse
An immigrant healthcare worker has been indicted on two further counts of capital murder in North Texas after previously being charged with smothering almost a dozen elderly women to death. A Dallas County Grand Jury on Tuesday indicted Billy Chemirmir, 47, on murder charges in the deaths of Leah Corken, 83, and Juanita Prudy, 82. Poster Comment:Billy Chemirmir, a man accused of smothering more than a dozen women living in North Texas retirement homes and robbing them of their jewelry, has been indicted on two additional charges of capital murder.

BREAKING, Supreme Court Issues Massive 5-4 Ruling - Dems STUNNED
Post Date: 2020-02-27 07:14:03 by Horse
Poster Comment:Immigration victory for us.

Somali Teen Who 'Beat Woman With Metal Rod' Let Go Without Charges 'Because His IQ is 49'
Post Date: 2020-02-26 08:21:39 by Horse
A 15-year-old Somali refugee in St Louis, Missouri said to be 6 foot tall and 175 pounds allegedly broke into his female neighbor's home and stole her iPhone before savagely beating her with a metal rod when she tried to get her phone back. According to the victim's sister, prosecutor Sakina Ahmad decided not to charge the teen because he has an IQ of 49.

U.K. Home Office Covers Up Huddersfield Child Rapists
Post Date: 2020-02-26 03:18:59 by Horse
According to Sajid Javid’s Home Office, research and findings on the characteristics of grooming gangs across the United Kingdom is not in “public interest”... Poster Comment:Look at the photo. Those men do not look like any of my English relatives. The last two Home Office Ministers (in charge of UK police) have been Asians.

Bernie Sanders: Illegal Immigrants "Entitled" To Same Gov't Benefits As Citizens
Post Date: 2020-02-22 20:29:08 by Horse
Poster Comment:Listen to this clip. He is talking about homelessness and other problems 18 million people spending more than half of their income on rent.BS. He wants to give everything away to illegal aliens. And he wants to let more in. More BS. A child should figure out that the man is operating t a mental deficit. Something is missing.

France: 120 knife attacks reported per day, linked to mass Muslim migration
Post Date: 2020-02-22 15:13:40 by Horse
The National Observatory of Delinquency and Criminal Responses reports that “as violent crime continues to surge across France, it is estimated that as many as 120 knife attacks occur on average per day across the country.” A Paris police official identifies a main source of the violence: “There were many fights in the migrant camps, between Afghans, Eritreans and Somalis in particular, which ended with stabbings, in the north of Paris. The dismantling of these fixing points has been beneficial.”

New Law in Cambridge, MA Instructs Police Not To Arrest Illegals for Unlicensed Driving
Post Date: 2020-02-21 16:16:49 by Horse
Nobody is above the law — unless, of course, you’re an illegal immigrant driving without a license in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The sanctuary city unanimously passed an ordinance Monday that tells police officers they should, whenever possible, avoid arresting drivers for being on the road without a driver’s license. The ordinance is intended to block federal immigration officials from obtaining access to information regarding illegal immigrants, WXFT reported. “We need to protect our community members from a federal government that’s out of control,” Cambridge City Councilor Quinton Zondervan said. “There are no other reasons for the police to arrest ...

WATCH: Los Angeles Democrat Mayor TEACHES Illegal Aliens How To Avoid ICE Officers
Post Date: 2020-02-21 16:05:19 by Horse
Los Angeles Democrat Mayor Eric Garcetti posted a disturbing anti-American video in which he instructed undocumented aliens on how to evade law enforcement and ICE.

ICE Ignores Calif. Sanctuary Law, Arrests Illegals at Courthouse
Post Date: 2020-02-21 08:11:44 by Horse
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested multiple illegal aliens at a California courthouse, ignoring a new law designed to prevent them from executing such apprehensions in the sanctuary state. Agents separately targeted two men facing criminal charges who had both been repeatedly deported from the U.S. in the past, despite interference from lawyers and court officials, the AP reports. “Our officers will not have their hands tied by sanctuary rules when enforcing immigration laws to remove criminal aliens from our communities,” said David Jennings, ICE field office director for San Francisco. He asserted that California’s law “will not govern the conduct ...

New Stats Reveal Nearly Half Of All Criminals In Paris Ghettos Have Migrant Background
Post Date: 2020-02-21 08:05:38 by Horse
According to newly released statistics, in some areas of Paris almost 50 per cent of criminals have a migrant background. French newspaper Le Figaro reports that in certain departments, the number of foreign-born criminals is as high as 47.6 per cent. Figures from the National Observatory of Delinquency and Criminal Responses (ONDRP) reveal that crimes carried out by unaccompanied youth increased by 22.7 per cent. Pickpocketing offenses committed by younger migrants have risen from 15.8 per cent in 2016 to 31.7 percent in 2019. Burglaries in Paris carried out by young migrants rose from 2.1 per cent in 2016 to 13.1 per cent in 2019, while foreign youth involvement in violent robberies ...

Biden: Will Not Deport Illegal Immigrants Who Committed Felony-Like Offenses In Other Countries
Post Date: 2020-02-20 21:27:04 by Horse

UK to Bar Entrance to Non-English Speaking Migrants, Low-Skilled Workers
Post Date: 2020-02-19 10:48:08 by Horse
Johnson administration considering points-based system

Amy Klobuchar Says English Should No Longer Be Official Language Of The U.S.
Post Date: 2020-02-18 10:01:18 by Horse
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who received heaps of praise after her last Democratic primary debate performance, which skyrocketed her to a third place finish in the New Hampshire primary, made a rather bold and controversial statement on Thursday night, saying English should no longer be the primary language of the United States. Interestingly, her new stance is in complete contrast to a bill she voted for in 2007 called the English-language amendment, which undid a Clinton-era executive order that required government papers to be offered in a variety of languages other than English. The 2020 candidate attempted to defend her reversal and argue why English should no longer be the primary language ...

Joy Behar Brings Holocaust Survivor into Border Debate, It Backfires Almost Instantly
Post Date: 2020-02-18 06:07:07 by BTP Holdings
Joy Behar Brings Holocaust Survivor into Border Debate, It Backfires Almost Instantly By Madeleine Grisanzio Published February 17, 2020 at 12:02pm ‘The View” co-host Joy Behar attempted to compare the horrors of the Holocaust to the detention of migrants at America’s southern border, but it didn’t quite go as she hoped. The ABC talk show welcomed Holocaust survivors Millie and Mikhl Baran to honor Holocaust Memorial Day last month. The couple appeared with their two adult daughters to share their experiences and showcase an inspirational video about their lives together. The video, narrated by Whoopi Goldberg, depicts the couple’s journey to America after ...

WATCH: Ramos Grills Biden For Lying About His Record, Biden Snaps
Post Date: 2020-02-17 10:16:52 by Horse
Left-wing journalist Jorge Ramos repeatedly fact-checked Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden during an interview on Friday after Biden repeatedly lied about his record as vice president in the Obama administration

WATCH: Granddaughter Of Immigrant Allegedly Killed By An Illegal Alien Gives Powerful Speech With Trump
Post Date: 2020-02-17 10:11:15 by Horse
The granddaughter of a 92-year-old woman who was allegedly murdered in New York City by an illegal alien gave a powerful speech with President Donald Trump on Friday about how the Democrat-controlled city shielded the illegal alien with its sanctuary policies. “ICE revealed it had filed a detainer for [Reeaz] Khan in November 2019, when he had been arrested on assault and weapons charges,” Fox News reported. “But crucially, that detainer was ignored and Khan was released onto the streets.” Daria Ortiz, granddaughter of Maria Fuentes, spoke alongside the president at the National Border Patrol Council where she pointed out how her grandmother would still be alive if it ...

New trend: Foreigners rob Swedish kids before peeing on them
Post Date: 2020-02-17 10:05:23 by Horse
Robberies against children and young people are becoming more common and more serious in Sweden, according to the police. Many victims also dare not report the crimes because they are afraid of retaliation.

Economic Woes: 1-In-4 Renters Are Now Spending Over Half Their Income On Housing
Post Date: 2020-02-16 13:33:52 by Horse
Because the cost of buying property, maintaining it, and covering property taxes has jumped, so have the costs of renting... even for the middle class. Poster Comment:This is due to legal and illegal immigration increasing the demand for housing. And wage increases discounted for inflation have been less than a tenth of one per cent of the increase in productivity. Might I point out that the population of Mexico was 28 million in 1950. Today it is 132 million and there are 34 million Mexican-Americans. I wrote this: Senator, Why Do You Want to Cut Our Wages and Pensions 50%? https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2019/04/29/senator-why-do-you-want-to-cut-our-wages-and-pensions-50/

Border Patrol Deploys 100 'Elite' Tactical Agents To Sanctuary Cities As Federal Immigration Crackdown Begins
Post Date: 2020-02-15 16:03:53 by Horse
The first major operation will begin this weekend. Poster Comment:This will drown out the Donkey campaigns. All we will hear will be save the illegal aliens. Donald is deporting gangbangers, rapists, murderers, burglars and car thieves back to Mexico

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