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Crime Wave UK: Gang Members Awarded ‘Points’ for Stabbing Different Body Parts
Post Date: 2019-05-27 20:07:32 by Horse
Gang members in London and the wider country are taking part in a deadly game in which they receive varying points for stabbing or shooting victims in different parts of the body. The system of point scoring sees 50 points given for an attack on the head or face, 30 points for the chest, 20 for the stomach, and so on. The gang members often brag about the points they have racked up in rap videos posted to YouTube and other social media. One such victim of this type of crime was Rhyhiem Barton, a 17-year-old boy who was shot in South London last year. Barton had himself been seen in a video rapping about “the scorecard” in a drill music video seen over 300,000 times.

YouTube Deletes Lauren Southern’s “Borderless” Documentary Exposing Europe’s Migrant Crisis
Post Date: 2019-05-25 15:40:28 by Horse
ouTube has deleted commentator Lauren Southern’s much-anticipated documentary Borderless less than 24 hours after it was uploaded to the platform. Before it was removed, Southern reported several difficulties in trying to make Borderless available. “On release day the film wouldn’t play in the back end—so we uploaded another version. This version uploaded and processed, we could watch it and we set it to premiere. Suddenly the movie began to process again and stopped in time for the premiere,” Southern said. “So when the time set for the premiere rolled around we waited and—nothing. Thirty minutes of ‘premiere starting shortly’ we hit publish. ...

President Trump found 23-year-old Clinton era law that requires sponsors of green card holders to pay back WELFARE BENEFITS!
Post Date: 2019-05-25 15:34:03 by Horse
WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump took another step Thursday to crack down on legal immigration, instructing agencies to enforce a 23-year-old law that requires sponsors of green card holders to reimburse the government for welfare benefits. Trump approved a memorandum Thursday to enforce a pair of provisions signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996, the White House said. The move comes as Trump has sought to overhaul legal immigration despite congressional resistance. “To protect benefits for American citizens, immigrants must be financially self-sufficient,” Trump said in an announcement of the plan. Critics have said that such moves unfairly punish low-income ...

Illegal immigrant accused of impregnating 11-year-old girl
Post Date: 2019-05-24 14:04:13 by Horse
An illegal immigrant in Phoenix has been arrested and charged after allegedly impregnating an 11-year old girl, according to KTVK-TV. Police have been investigating 20-year-old Carlos Jacinto Cobos-Perez since November, after evidence surfaced that he was intimately involved with the 11-year-old. The girl reported to her parents and confirmed to police that she was "in a relationship" with Cobos-Perez and that he had kissed her on the lips in the past. Cobos-Perez also admitted the same, and acknowledged that he was aware of the illegality of the relationship. Cobos-Perez told police in December that he would no longer have contact with the girl, following the police ...

MS-13 Gang Member Convicted Of Killing Man Because Of Peyton Manning Jersey
Post Date: 2019-05-24 14:01:27 by Horse
An MS-13 gang member was convicted of murder on Thursday after he "marked for death" a man in a Long Island deli because he was wearing Peyton Manning's No. 18 jersey.The New York Post, which has closely tracked reports on the notoriously brutal MS-13 gang, first reported on the case in March (formatting adjusted): Jose Suarez, an associate of the MS-13 Sailors clique, is accused of being the getaway driver in the cold-blooded Jan. 29 killing of Esteban Alvarado-Bonilla in a Long Island deli. “The only way he could rise up the ranks … was to commit outrageous acts of violence, including murder,” US Assistant Attorney Raymond A. Tierney said during opening ...

Visas for ‘the Brilliant’ Is Kushner Code for Replacing You
Post Date: 2019-05-24 08:58:10 by Ada
“The U.S. government discriminates ‘against genius’ and ‘brilliance’ with its immigration system,” asserted President Trump, as he rolled out Jared Kushner’s immigration plan. The president has insisted that “companies are moving offices to other countries because our immigration rules prevent them from retaining highly skilled and even … totally brilliant people.” While it’s true that U.S. immigration policy selects for low moral character by rewarding unacceptable risk-taking and law-breaking—it’s incorrect to say that it doesn’t “create a clear path for top talent.” Kibitzing about a shortage of ...

CNN Refuses To Report On Illegal Alien Serial Killer Allegedly Murdering 12 Elderly Women In Texas
Post Date: 2019-05-22 19:02:56 by Horse
CNN has refused to write a report about an illegal alien who was charged last week in Dallas, Texas for allegedly murdering 12 elderly women. The story broke last Wednesday when Kenyan national Billy Chemirmir, 46, was charged with the deaths of six women in Dallas County and then was charged on Thursday with the deaths of five women in Collin County. Chemirmir was already in prison from charges he faces from 2018 involving another alleged murder of an elderly woman.

Google Employees Can't Even Afford To Live In A Trailer Park!
Post Date: 2019-05-22 18:18:15 by Horse
Poster Comment:Might I point out that the population of Mexico in 1950 was 28 million. Today there are 34 million Mexican Americans and 132 million people in Mexico. Solving the over population problems of Latin America, Africa, the Mideast and Asia is way beyond our ability. Google, Disney and Microsoft plus others have brought in H1-B workers by the millions so they fire existing workers and cut their wages. The real crunch comes in a couple of years when the Dollar Dies. 60% of US Federal Reserve Notes are overseas. We went to war against Iraq because they wanted to price their oil in euros and not dollars. One day soon foreigners will demand either gold or a commodity other than GMO ...

Bernie Sanders is the Only Candidate Pushing Back on Trump’s Push for War in Iran
Post Date: 2019-05-21 20:28:10 by Ada
Bernie Sanders is the only anti-war candidate other than Tulsi Gabbard, who is polling at 1%. I think Andrew Yang is probably also anti-war, but he’s polling at 1% as well. Bernie, on the other hand, is in the race. It’s just a question of whether he can beat the media and the Democrat machine. He probably can’t. But if he could, he’d be a better president than Trump. Aside from his anti-war stance, his other positions are not nearly as regressive as those of the other Democrats, or Trump. He’s been more anti-immigration than New Trump, and strongly believes that America should at least have a border – a policy that Trump’s handler Jared Kushner has ...

Rotting Trash Piles Sky-High in LA, Attracting Rats and Raising Concerns of a New Epidemic (TYphus)
Post Date: 2019-05-21 15:27:18 by Horse
Rat-infested piles of rotting garbage left uncollected by the city of Los Angeles, even after promises to clean it up, are fueling concerns about a new epidemic after last year's record number of flea-borne typhus cases. Even the city's most notorious trash pile, located between downtown LA's busy Fashion and Produce districts, continues to be a magnet for rats after it was cleaned up months ago. The rodents can carry typhus-infected fleas, which can spread the disease to humans through bacteria rubbed into the eyes or cuts and scrapes on the skin, resulting in severe flu-like symptoms. The NBC4 I-Team first told Mayor Eric Garcetti's office about the piles of filth in the ...

Information slowly emerging about pipe-wielding mob of Somali 'youths' who attacked people waiting for light rail train in Minneapolis last Friday
Post Date: 2019-05-21 12:35:56 by Horse
But now that the old 97%-plus Caucasian city has been made into a multicultural exemplar, the local establishment, including the newspapers and broadcasters, is ultra-protective of its prized diversity-endowing Somali community. That might explain why the news of a horrific attack on people waiting for a light rail train at the University of Minnesota has been so slow to emerge. A mob of "youths" — it now turns out they are juveniles, so their identities are being protected — believed to be of Somali extraction attacked innocent people waiting for a light rail train at the East Bank University of Minnesota station. They were wielding either hammers or pipes.

The Myth of the “Otherwise Law-Abiding” Illegal Alien
Post Date: 2019-05-20 21:25:31 by GreyLmist
Jon Feere is the Legal Policy Analyst at the Center for Immigration Studies. Excerpts: For years advocates of amnesty and high levels of immigration have described the illegal alien population as one made up of "otherwise law-abiding" people who have committed no violation other than the simple act of crossing a border illegally or overstaying a visa.1 Journalists routinely invoke this language when writing about amnesty, conspicuously avoiding any discussion of the various crimes the average working illegal alien commits. Many politicians have also embraced the myth of the otherwise law-abiding illegal alien in an effort to promote amnesty, arguing that illegal aliens are no ...

Gillibrand Says She Wouldn’t Detain Illegals At All, Simply Release Them Into the Community
Post Date: 2019-05-20 15:31:11 by Horse
Kirsten Gillibrand, lagging well behind in every major Democratic presidential poll, decided to charge up her base by offering a wild immigration proposal which would render border laws effectively meaningless. Appearing on ‘Face the Nation,’ Gillibrand announced that she would not detain illegal aliens at all and simply place them into the community. “I wouldn’t use the detention system at all,” Gillibrand bragged. “They don’t need to be incarcerated.” Poster Comment:Senator, Why Do You Want to Cut Our Wages and Pensions 50%? What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say. Ralph Waldo Emerson I think there are 22 Democrat ...

"Undocumented Immigrant" Is a Made-Up Term That Ignores the Law
Post Date: 2019-05-20 15:18:02 by GreyLmist
Intro Summary: Using terms like “undocumented immigrant” is intended to blur and extinguish the line between legal and illegal immigration. 1. “Undocumented immigrant” is a politically correct, made-up term used to obscure the fact that such aliens have violated U.S. immigration law. 2. The Supreme Court, which has decided numerous cases involving federal immigration law, also uses the correct, precise legal term of “illegal alien.” 3. The Justice Department has a constitutional duty to enforce the immigration laws passed by Congress against illegal aliens. Article: The news media is reporting that an internal email at the Justice Department has reminded ...

Hundreds Of "Black Vest" Migrants Seize Paris Airport Terminal: "France Does Not Belong To The French!"
Post Date: 2019-05-20 11:33:58 by Horse
“France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” one person can be heard yelling into a loudspeaker. Sotiri Dimpinoudis ❁‏ @sotiridi · Replying to @sotiridi #Update: Just in - This situation is still ongoing and the 400 undocumented immigrants from Africa are still occupying the terminal 2, of the Charles de Gaulle Airport in #Paris. And are refusing to leave until they speak to prime minister Édouard Philippe. #France Sotiri Dimpinoudis ❁‏ @sotiridi #Update: Just in - Video of the moment these 400 African illegal immigrants stormed in the terminal of the Charles de Gaulle Airport in #Paris. #France ...

White House Spokesperson Hogan Gidley On Insurrection Act: Trump Has ‘Lots Of Tools At His Disposal’
Post Date: 2019-05-19 15:20:34 by BTP Holdings
White House Spokesperson Hogan Gidley On Insurrection Act: Trump Has ‘Lots Of Tools At His Disposal’ 10:22 AM 05/17/2019 | Politics Amber Athey | White House Correspondent The White House is open to the possibility of President Donald Trump invoking the Insurrection Act to remove illegal immigrants from the country. White House deputy principal press secretary Hogan Gidley refused to definitively say whether or not the president intends to use the broad powers afforded by the Act during a Friday interview on Fox News but noted that Trump has “lots of tools at his disposal. “There’s a suggestion — I think I was reading The Washington Post this ...

Loophole in Calif. voting system lets voters cast 2 ballots
Post Date: 2019-05-19 08:24:53 by Horse
Poster Comment:It's not a bug. It's a feature.

No English, No Admission: TrumpÂ’s New Immigration Plan Has the Left Freaking Out
Post Date: 2019-05-18 13:46:24 by Horse
Donald Trump’s new immigration plan is out, and to say that it’s triggering the left is a bit of an understatement. The president’s new plan, which would include a “Build America Visa” in place of a green card, would require both work skills and proficiency in English. “You will get more points for being a younger worker, meaning you will contribute more to our social safety net. You will get more points for having a valuable skill and offer of employment and advanced education or a plan to create jobs,” Trump said during a Thursday Rose Garden media conference. “Priority will also be given to higher wage workers, ensuring we never undercut American ...

DNA Tests Reveal 30% of Suspected Fraudulent Migrant Families Were Unrelated
Post Date: 2019-05-18 12:37:35 by Horse
Smugglers using children to take advantage of asylum loopholes

Trump administration prepares to release Central American migrants 'across the entire nation'
Post Date: 2019-05-17 21:14:11 by BTP Holdings
Trump administration prepares to release Central American migrants 'across the entire nation' Alan Gomez 2 hrs ago Ad 00:01 - up next: "Migrants go under border fence in US agents' video" The Trump administration is preparing to send Central American migrants caught along the southern border to Border Patrol stations "across the entire nation," according to a senior Border Patrol official who confirmed the plans Friday. With more than 4,500 people being caught each day crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, the agency has run out of room at its Border Patrol facilities in the four border states. The agency has started looking at its facilities around the ...

Non-Citizens Commit 42% Of Federal Crimes, Despite Being Only 7% Of US Population
Post Date: 2019-05-17 19:43:50 by Horse
A new federal report shows non-citizens in the United States commit nearly half of all federal crimes, or more than six times their proportion to the American population.

Trump ends churches’ refugee-resettlement gravy train
Post Date: 2019-05-17 13:38:31 by Horse
In Luke 20 is an account of yet another attempt by Jewish rabbis and teachers to trip Jesus. Trying to entrap our Lord by catching Him saying something untoward so that they could then hand Him over to the Roman authorities, they sent “spies” to ask Jesus “Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”. To which, Jesus calmly replied that we are to abide by the government’s laws: “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” (Luke 20:25) In the matter of immigration, St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), whom the Catholic Church honors as a Doctor of the Church and regards as its greatest theologian and philosopher, ...

Apprehensions up 42% on NORTHERN border as Mexicans, Central Americans try to enter US from Canada
Post Date: 2019-05-17 13:22:35 by Horse
The overwhelming surge of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border is drawing agents away from the northern border, where apprehensions are also increasing significantly. Sault Ste. Marie Border Patrol Agent in Charge Henry Laxdal told WJFW apprehensions in the Detroit sector increased 42 percent between 2017 and 2018, though the numbers pale in comparison to the southern border crisis.

Trump sending ‘500 migrants a month’ to Florida Democratic strongholds
Post Date: 2019-05-17 13:10:02 by Horse
President Donald Trump‘s plans to send potentially hundreds of undocumented immigrants each month to the Democratic strongholds of Broward and Palm Beach counties ignited a torrent of criticism from local Florida officials who called the move political. “The blatant politics, sending them to the two most Democratic Counties in the state of Florida, is ridiculous,” said state Sen. Gary Farmer, a Democrat who represents portions of Broward County. “You can’t make this stuff up.” Broward County officials described the plans Thursday in a press release, saying the Trump administration plans to release asylum seekers caught along the southern U.S. border into the ...

Trump Plans To Invoke Insurrection Act To Boot Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2019-05-17 13:07:28 by Horse
President Donald Trump is planning on using the Insurrection Act to remove illegal immigrants from the United States, The Daily Caller has learned. According to multiple senior administration officials, the president intends to invoke the “tremendous powers” of the act to remove illegal immigrants from the country. “We’re doing the Insurrection Act,” one official said. Under the Insurrection Act of 1807, the president has the authority to use the National Guard and military in order to combat “unlawful obstruction or rebellion” within U.S. borders. The act was last invoked in 1992 by George H.W. Bush to quell the Los Angeles riots, and was also used by ...

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