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Outbreak Of Flea-borne diseases Typhus: Los Angeles descends into third world hellscape
Post Date: 2019-02-05 19:00:05 by Horse
Residents and officials in the city of Los Angeles, California are horrified that their city has descended into a third world hellscape of poverty and disease. The typhus outbreak raging through the city is a flea-borne disease often reserved for socialist and poverty-stricken dystopias such as Venezuela.

German activists set up a 200m line of shame outside Angela Merkel's office, built from newspaper articles about robberies, murders and rapes committed by immigrants.
Post Date: 2019-02-05 15:20:26 by Horse
German activists set up a 200m line of shame outside Angela Merkel's office, built from newspaper articles about robberies, murders and rapes committed by immigran Poster Comment:There is a video at the source.

Construction on 33 Miles of Border Wall in Texas is Starting
Post Date: 2019-02-05 12:14:05 by Ada
Obviously many of us have been unhappy with the progress that’s been made on the border wall but there are things that are happening. 33 miles of border wall in Texas is about to get going. This from money that was already approved by Congress last year. AP: The U.S. government is preparing to begin construction of more border walls and fencing in South Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, likely on federally owned land set aside as wildlife refuge property. Heavy construction equipment was expected to arrive starting Monday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said. A photo posted by the nonprofit National Butterfly Center shows an excavator parked next to its property. Congress last ...

Ray Stevens - Come to the USA
Post Date: 2019-02-04 17:59:22 by Horse
Poster Comment:Great Satire.

Yale, MIT study: 22 million, not 11 million, undocumented immigrants in US
Post Date: 2019-02-04 17:56:07 by Horse
The undocumented population in the United States could be twice as large as the most commonly-used estimate, according to a research study published Friday in the scientific journal Plos One. The paper, led by Mohammad M. Fazel-Zarandi, a researcher at Yale and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, estimates there are 22.1 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. Fazel-Zarandi's study compared inflows and outflows of immigrants as well as demographic data. According to the report, the number of undocumented immigrants could be as low as 16.5 million, or as high as 29.1 million. “We combined these data using a demographic model that follows a very simple ...

Second Democrat invites former illegal immigrant who worked for Trump to State of the Union
Post Date: 2019-02-03 14:44:26 by BTP Holdings
Second Democrat invites former illegal immigrant who worked for Trump to State of the Union By Lukas Mikelionis | Fox News February 2, 2019 Watch the latest video at foxnews.com A former illegal immigrant who worked at President Trump’s National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. as a housekeeper will attend the State of the Union address next week following the invitation from a California Democrat. Rep. Jimmy Gomez invited Sandra Diaz, an employee of Trump's businesses between 2010 and 2013. The invitation came just days after a Democrat from New Jersey also invited an illegal immigrant who worked on the golf property for five years before she was fired. “It’s no small ...

WTF is a “Smart Wall?”
Post Date: 2019-02-03 10:49:31 by Ada
Democrat Jim Clyburn and other members of his party are promoting this idea known as a “smart wall.” The thing is, it isn’t a wall and it certainly isn’t smart. The rhetoric from the Democrat Party is getting dumber and dumber by the day. As part of the ongoing political battle that’s raging over border security, they have introduced a new concept called a “smart wall.” McClatchy: Jim Clyburn wants to call his border security plan a wall, even though it’s really not. Clyburn, the third-ranking House Democrat, is proposing what he calls a “smart wall,” a border security strategy that uses technology, not concrete. The South Carolina ...

Russia deports Anchorage man who sailed dinghy across the Bering Sea
Post Date: 2019-01-31 22:25:45 by hondo68
John Martin says he sailed this 8-foot boat across the Bering Sea and hoped to reach China. He was detained in Russia and has been deported to the U.S. (Courtesy of Jerry Lamont) Six months after he washed up on a Siberian beach, John Martin III is back in the United States. In July, Martin, an Anchorage fringe figure and homeless activist, set out from Emmonak in an attempt to sail an 8-foot dinghy across the Bering Sea. He planned to get to China to reunite with his wife and son, he said. Two weeks into the journey, he washed up on a beach on Russia’s Chukotka Peninsula instead. He had no passport, documents or money. He was held for months at a Siberian hospital undergoing legal ...

Mexican Cartels Paid Off Mexican President with $100 Million – Former Democrat Claims Democrat Party Being Paid Millions by Cartels As Well!
Post Date: 2019-01-28 15:24:11 by Horse
The Democrats aggressively block the President’s desire to protect Americans and build a border wall on the southern border with Mexico. Democrat attempts to block the wall in spite of significant evidence that it is needed indicate there is an unknown reason for their defiance. In May of 2016, US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi visited the President of Mexico along with other Congressmen, including little known Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke. Pelosi stated about the meetings – Discussing the delegation’s meetings in Mexico City, Pelosi said [emphasis added]: “We come here as a bipartisan and large delegation to express our respect for the people of Mexico ...

Congress voted 357-22 Thursday to support Pelosi’s trillion dollar slush fund for NATO instead of $5 billion for a Mexico border wall
Post Date: 2019-01-28 15:19:24 by Horse
Poster Comment:Quote from another source. Problems at page.

Can the Koch Network and Jared Kushner Come Up with a Big Immigration Reform Deal?
Post Date: 2019-01-28 08:22:23 by hondo68
Indian Wells, California — This morning, the Koch Seminar Network – more often referred to as “the Koch network” or “the shadowy Koch brothers” by gravely-voiced attack ad announcers – kick off their three-day winter meeting with the government at least temporarily reopened but the landscape in Washington deeply unsettled. Thursday, Daniel Garza, the president of one of the Koch network’s affiliate groups called the Libre Initiative, met at the White House with officials in the administration to discuss a larger deal on immigration reform. Libre Institute president Daniel Garza told HillTv hosts the meeting, which included leaders of other Latino ...

What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right
Post Date: 2019-01-27 13:14:42 by Horse
Three weeks after college, I flew to Senegal, West Africa, to run a community center in a rural town. Life was placid, with no danger, except to your health. That danger was considerable, because it was, in the words of the Peace Corps doctor, "a fecalized environment." In plain English: s--- is everywhere. People defecate on the open ground, and the feces is blown with the dust – onto you, your clothes, your food, the water. He warned us the first day of training: do not even touch water. Human feces carries parasites that bore through your skin and cause organ failure. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that a few decades later, liberals would be pushing ...

Conservatives to Trump: You caved!
Post Date: 2019-01-25 17:17:59 by Ada
Conservatives had a quick message for President Donald Trump after he announced a deal to end the government shutdown without funds for his border wall: You caved! "Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States," tweeted conservative commentator Ann Coulter. "Nancy Pelosi is alpha," tweeted conservative film maker Mike Cernovich. And right wing commentator Michael Malice opined: "Apparently a wall isn't as good as a cave." Conservative outlets, from the Drudge Report to Breitbart News, also blasted headlines in dramatic font declaring Trump caved with "NO ...

We Need to be Pushing for an Absolute Shutdown on All Forms of Immigration
Post Date: 2019-01-24 19:02:56 by Ada
Obviously, no one on the right-wing is interested in any more nonwhite immigration into America. However, for some reason, American white activists have tended to support white immigration, and actually promote it. There are several problems with this. It’s Not Realistic The first and most obvious problem is that it is impossible to promote “white only” immigration. That is just never going to happen, unless we have total control over America again, which is a long way off. So by promoting white immigration, you are simply confusing the dialog about immigration. You are complicating things beyond the level they need to be complicated to. We still have an entire group ...

DREAMer Responsible for Deadly Drunk-Driving Crash Gets Probation
Post Date: 2019-01-23 15:09:39 by Horse
One of President Barack H. Obama’s “DREAMers,” an illegal immigrant brought to the United States as a child and allowed to stay due to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, received probation after killing a man in a 2017 drunk-driving crash. “[Oscar] Guerrero-Olivares and his best friend decided to drive to Colorado Springs for Thanksgiving. Guerrero-Olivares admitted he was behind the wheel when he crashed on I-25 in Fountain. His best friend, and passenger, was killed,” according to a KKTV report.

Pollak: Educating Illegal Aliens and Their Children Costs L.A. Schools Hundreds of Millions Per Year
Post Date: 2019-01-20 17:56:38 by Horse
The ongoing strike by the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) union against the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is about teacher pay, classroom size, support staff, and especially charter schools, which the union says take money away from the district. Left unspoken, however, is the cost of educating illegal aliens, and their children — which could amount to hundreds of millions of dollars per year, if not billions, experts say. Steven A. Camarota, director of research, at the Center for Immigration Studies, told Breitbart News on Friday that “between one-fifth and one-fourth of the students in LAUSD are the children of illegal immigrants — though most of those ...

Democrats Reject Trump's "BRIDGE Act" Deal, Say "Not A Good Faith Effort"
Post Date: 2019-01-19 21:58:29 by Horse
Well that didn't take long. In fact, even before President Trump has issued his "major announcement," Democratic leaders were pre-emptively rejecting his ideas. Trump's BRIDGE Act made two offers to Democrats in exchange for $5.7 billion in funds for a border wall: Extend DACA protections for Dreamers, who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children, and extend the legal status of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders. Half an hour before the speech, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement: "Democrats were hopeful that the President was finally willing to re-open government and proceed with a much-need discussion to protect the border. Unfortunately, ...

“Spain is becoming the Third World,” American tourist almost killed by migrants speaks up
Post Date: 2019-01-18 16:01:19 by Horse
Last Wednesday, a group of african migrants were “surrounding a woman and hitting her”, he explained to the media today. When he saw that nobody was defending her, he tried to save her and was almost killed; he suffered from internal bleeding in the head. He said that they tried to “kill him”. “Now, I have a bad image of Spain, this country is becoming the Third World and that’s the politician’s faults, they are putting the tourists and their people in danger” he explained.

65-year-old Swedish woman sentenced to prison for criticising Islam and migration
Post Date: 2019-01-18 15:12:08 by Horse
In March, the district court acquitted the woman who was prosecuted for hate speech comments made on Facebook. She had criticised Islam and wrote that “the IQ level in Sweden will fall as a result of immigration”. Now, however, she is sentenced to prison by the supreme court. “If this continues, the intelligence in Sweden will be at goldfish level,” said one of her Facebook comments. “Refuse all that is to do with Islam” said another. During the investigation, the woman, whose name is Christina, was subjected to six police interrogations and searches, something she described as a terrible experience. The police demanded she hand over her keys, mobile phone ...

NORTHERN EUROPE30-year-old ‘Mohammed’ arrested for raping 10-year-old girl in Swedish courtyard
Post Date: 2019-01-18 15:10:31 by Horse
As we recently reported, a 10-year-old girl was raped in a courtyard in Malmö last week. A 30-year-old migrant from Libya has now been arrested for the rape. The police didn’t want to reveal the crime classification at first, but later admitted that it was rape of a child. According to the detention order, Mohammed, which is the perpetrator’s first name, was born in 1988. He is a citizen of Libya and was arrested and detained on Tuesday. The prosecutor argues that there is a risk of crime recurrence. According to Kvällsposten, the man has previously been suspected of two other cases of sex offense, including molestation of a 14-year-old girl. In conjunction with one ...

Muslim party leader in the Netherlands tells Dutch to leave their country if they don’t like diversity
Post Date: 2019-01-18 15:08:17 by Horse
Tunahan Kuzu, the political leader of the DENK party in the Netherlands, has caused some serious controversy, Dutch broadcaster NOS reports. “If they don’t like a changing Netherlands in which people with different cultures live… like in the city of Zaandam or the neighbourhood of Poelenburg, they should get lost,” Kuzu says in an interview. Kuzu’s DENK party is a controversial party that is rapidly growing in Dutch urban areas. It especially performs well in areas with high Muslim populations, for example in western Amsterdam (Amsterdam Nieuw-West). In the latest Dutch national election, in March 2017, DENK won three seats grabbing almost 200,000 votes. One ...

Multicultural Swedish town becomes hell on earth: A girl and two women tell their stories
Post Date: 2019-01-18 15:04:22 by Horse
The stories of the people of Staffanstorp went public after investigative journalist Joakim Lamotte visited the town. Previously the town was only known for a horrible knife incident, for which an Afghan migrant was arrested. In front of Lamotte’s camera, Swedes describe the town as dangerous and full of violence, with gangs dominating its public space. One girl tells how she was sexually harassed and punched at her former school every day. “They locked me up in the toilet and hit me with bands. They punched and joked on me. It happened every day,” she says. “Suddenly they came forward and grab my breasts. After I punched the guy, the whole family came and told me ...

White Brits soon a minority in Britain’s second largest city, where 50,000 cannot speak English
Post Date: 2019-01-18 15:01:44 by Horse
A report shows that white Britons will soon be a minority in Birmingham. In the West Midland’s largest city, almost 50,000 of the 1.1 million inhabitants cannot speak English. Birmingham has a diverse population with nearly 200 different nationalities. According to the new report, it “is soon to become a majority-minority city”. In a 2011 census, 42.1% of the city’s inhabitants already classified themselves as ‘non-white British’, an increase of 12% compared to a 2001 survey. With that rate of increase, a new survey in 2021 would show the majority of the city’s inhabitants being non-white Brits.

Gov. Newsom Plans for a California Without Whites
Post Date: 2019-01-18 14:48:57 by Horse
When Newsom started his inauguration speech, he was quick to remind everyone there would be no future for white men, saying, “Every dream depends on the dreamers. It is up to us to renew the California Dream for a new generation. And now more than ever, it is up to us to defend it.” White children are already a minority in California and have been for many years. With white children representing 27% of people under the age of 18, it’s still too large for Newsom to handle. How did he come to think this way some may ask? Newsom reminisces about the time when, “I went to San Diego and met volunteers providing relief to desperate migrants who others treat like ...

Simon Mol has slept with over 300 Polish girls and infected over 40 of them with HIV - Many of them were activists in Poland’s human rights and antifa
Post Date: 2019-01-17 23:56:55 by Horse
Simon picked up many of his women from the “Warsaw Salon” - an artistic, liberal circle. In his writing Simon described these girls as ‘white mice’ - “sensitive, and adoring women who believed they were doing their duty towards political correctness by helping the poor refugee. "Several of the infected women had contracted the virus from Simon during his visit to Gdansk in 2006 to organise the anti-racist “Music against Intolerance and Violence” festival. One girl infected by Simon explained later: “I was fascinated by human rights activist fighting with racial stereotypes. Soon we started to meet, went to bed. I didn’t suspect that he ...

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