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Three garbage bags containing human remains from at least two victims were discovered dumped in the western section of Cancun on Wednesday morning.
Post Date: 2018-12-29 09:04:36 by Horse
Breitbart News recently reported that formerly peaceful Cancún continues to experience shocking levels of cartel violence. The previous annual record for murders was smashed in 2018 with 540, as opposed to 2017’s 227. The most recent find of human remains occurred on Supermanzana 206 after citizens reported the discovery of garbage bags on the side the road, according to local reports. One bag was torn open, exposing a decapitated human head and pair of arms. Once the municipal police arrived, they cordoned off the area and later handed over the scene to the ministerial police of the state attorney general’s office. The bags contained what appeared to be the dismembered ...

Acid Attacks Rock London
Post Date: 2018-12-29 08:42:23 by Horse
Two victims were hospitalized in separate acid attacks in London on the same day. A 21-year-old man was brought to hospital after an assault in northeast London that also left him with cuts to his hands, presumably inflicted by a knife, according to police. “Officers attended and found a 21-year-old man who had been assaulted, with a corrosive substance thrown over his face,” Metropolitan police said. “The man has been taken to an east London hospital. His injuries are not being treated as life-threatening or life-changing.” No suspects have been apprehended at the time of this writing. Hours later, a 29-year-old man was rushed to hospital after a burning liquid ...

Massive New Migrant Caravan To Leave Honduras; Overloaded El Paso Faces Imminent "Crisis"
Post Date: 2018-12-28 16:20:15 by Horse
A new, larger migrant caravan is set to leave Honduras on Jan. 15 according to Spanish-language media and migrant rights advocates. "They say they are even bigger and stronger than the last caravan," according to Irma Garrido of migrant advocacy group Reactiva Tijuana Foundation. News of the new caravan comes as thousands of Central American migrants from an October caravan remain stranded at various cities along the US-Mexico border as they face wait times of up to several months for the United States to process their asylum requests. What's more, if migrants cannot justify their asylum claims, they may be denied. Coordinators who helped direct the migrants on the 2,000 ...

SHOCKER: NPR Host Fact Checks MSNBC Host On Trump Immigration Policy
Post Date: 2018-12-28 15:49:40 by Horse

The “Self-Genocide” of the West, Preparing its Populations for War
Post Date: 2018-12-28 15:35:25 by Horse
Stephen Cohen and I are branded “Russian dupes” and “Putin agents,” because we object to the highly orchestrated and false portrayal of Russia as a threat to the West, a portrayal that is leading to war. The purpose of this orchestration is to prevent President Trump or any future president from reducing the dangerous tensions between nuclear powers that have accumulated since the Clinton regime. The military/security complex has resurrected its Cold War enemy so necessary for its outsized budget and power and intends to keep Russia as The Enemy. The Democrats have an interest in the villification of Russia as “Russiagate” explains Hillary’s loss of the 20 ...

Swedish Journo Disillusioned After Witnessing ‘Most Feminist Place On Earth’ Ignore Migrants’ Sex Assaults
Post Date: 2018-12-28 12:17:11 by Horse
Hans was haunted by the memory of “watching packs of predators hunt helpless prey” A female Swedish journalist became disillusioned with her country after witnessing how “in a country that claims to be one of the most feminist places on earth” the media couldn’t care less about reports of Middle Eastern migrants sexually assaulting women en masse at a music festival in 2015. From The Guardian, “Sweden’s Dark Soul by Kajsa Norman review – ‘far from a utopia'”: Sweden is proud of its reputation for being one of the world’s most progressive and egalitarian nations, and for a long time Kajsa Norman thought that its main defect was ...

Gang of African thugs hurl rocks at police as officers arrest six youths over a wild brawl with Vietnamese shop owners - who bravely fought back after they 'tried to rob their stores'
Post Date: 2018-12-28 11:31:27 by Horse
Rocks have been hurled at police in Melbourne, injuring one officer as they arrested six teenagers over a brawl and robbery. Police were called to Sunshine railway station following reports of a large gathering of youths about 10.30pm on Thursday. They identified two males believed to have been involved in an affray on Christmas Eve, and four thought to have been involved in a robbery on December 19 in St Albans, but were attacked by members of the gathering as they carried out the arrests. Vietnamese shops owners in St Albans were filmed fighting off the alleged thieves with chairs. Poster Comment:In Watts the Koreans used 45 caliber automatics.A car full of Negroes pulled up across ...

Post Date: 2018-12-27 19:48:23 by BTP Holdings
All hell just broke loose on dems after this bombshell secret over border got out. President Trump stands firm on demands for border wall. A Democratic source tells that, the latest offer from the White House is $2.1 billion for border which includes new fencing, plus $400 million for other immigration priorities.

About 500 migrants released by ICE Wednesday, over 1,000 released past few days (Trump catch & release sanctuary)
Post Date: 2018-12-27 14:00:22 by hondo68
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14) — About 518 migrants are expected to be released by U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Wednesday, according Annunciation House director Ruben Garcia.That makes more than 1,000 migrants released in the past three days.The migrants will be dropped off at undisclosed shelters across El Paso.Garcia said they need relatives or sponsor families to buy bus or plane tickets for their migrant relatives as soon as possible to free up space at the shelter.He said following the death of the Guatemalan boy in custody, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol is working to release families faster.Shelter locations including various churches have stepped up. All the way from ...

Build The Wall Christmas Special - Featuring Confederate Cat
Post Date: 2018-12-26 14:42:34 by Horse

BREAKING NEWS TRUMP Fox and Friends 12/26/18 | Gov't Will Not Reopen until Wall is Settled
Post Date: 2018-12-26 14:04:02 by Horse

Malkin: Migrant Caravan Organizers “Should Be Prosecuted”
Post Date: 2018-12-26 09:36:05 by Ada
United Nations worst offender of all, she says Activist groups encouraging and organizing illegal mass migration to the United States should be prosecuted, says journalist and author Michelle Malkin. Malkin addressed reports that migrants who participated in recent ‘caravans’ trekking from Central America to the US border are now accusing ‘immigrant rights’ NGOs such as Pueblo Sin Fronteras of recklessly endangering thousands of desperate people. “It’s a deadly journey, and it is a trek that these migrant caravan organizers have been responsible for years now,” Malkin said during an interview on Fox and Friends. “I think that thanks to the ...

London’s Khan Demands Gang Database Overhauled as 4 in 5 Named Are Black
Post Date: 2018-12-25 18:52:54 by Horse
Labour’s London Mayor Sadiq Khan has called for the Metropolitan Police’s gangs matrix to be overhauled because the vast majority named are young, black men. A review for the London mayor found that three-quarters were under the age of 25 and 80 per cent were black, with the authors saying that it was a higher proportion than were likely to be perpetrators or victims of gang violence, reports The Guardian. Alleging potential racial discrimination, the review, published Friday, said, “We must acknowledge the possibility of conscious or unconscious bias against young black males in London – whether the term ‘gang’ is now heavily racially loaded and that this ...

Female Tourist Who Complained About Islamophobia Raped & Murdered by Islamists in Morocco
Post Date: 2018-12-24 15:53:42 by Horse

Swedish Journalist Gets to Keep Job After People Smuggling Conviction
Post Date: 2018-12-24 15:45:44 by Horse
Swedish journalist Fredrik Önnevall, an employee of public broadcaster SVT, has been convicted of human trafficking after bringing a migrant to Sweden but will still get to keep his job. Önnevall, along with members of his crew, was found guilty this week in Sweden’s supreme court of people smuggling, Nyheter Idag reports. While on assignment for the broadcaster in Greece in 2014, he smuggled a 15-year-old Syrian boy across multiple European countries and into Sweden.

Italy’s Salvini Hopes ‘No One Is Offended’ by His Christmas Greetings
Post Date: 2018-12-23 16:02:21 by Horse
Interior minister Matteo Salvini wished all Italians a “happy and holy Christmas” this week, adding that he hopes no one is offended by such language. I wish “all Lombards and Italians a happy and holy Christmas, hoping that no-one is offended, because we are now in strange times,” Salvini said on Thursday, before adding that his government had given Italians “a budget that finally gives back instead of taking away.” Earlier this month, Mr Salvini reacted strongly to attempts by educators to remove manger scenes from schools in order not to “offend the sensitivity of children of other religions.”

Five-member German family receives less in benefits than family of four migrants
Post Date: 2018-12-23 16:00:36 by Horse
Thomas Hetze, a German with his family of five who has paid into the social system for years, was recently told he is only entitled to 900 euros per month by the German government. Currently a migrant family of four is entitled to 1350 euros without ever having paid into the social systems. The UN Social Council found large problems in the application of human rights in Germany. Especially the elderly, who are living in inhumane conditions due to a lack of personnel. The report goes on to talk about a total of about 2.55 million children, who are currently living in poverty. Experts say bureaucracy and a lack of information are keeping parents from receiving the benefits to which they ...

"I want my country back!" Angry Man LOSES IT with BBC Host
Post Date: 2018-12-23 05:03:56 by Horse
Poster Comment:It is worse now. Theresa May was Home Secretary and she gutted the police force or what was left after Labour. Now the current Home Secretary is a Pakistani immigrant and that is is under the so called Conservatives.

Trump: Reagan 'Tried for 8 Years to Build a Border Wall'
Post Date: 2018-12-21 20:28:40 by BTP Holdings
Trump: Reagan 'Tried for 8 Years to Build a Border Wall' (Getty Images) By Jeffrey Rodack | Friday, 21 December 2018 09:08 AM President Donald Trump invoked Ronald Reagan’s name as he vowed to get funding for a wall on the southern border “one way or the other.” His comments came in a Friday morning Twitter posting – part of a presidential tweetstorm that focused on border security and a possible government shutdown. Trump wrote: “Even President Ronald Reagan tried for 8 years to build a Border Wall, or Fence, and was unable to do so. Others also have tried. We will get it done, one way or the other!” Poster Comment:I tried to look for anything ...

California cops are 'frustrated' with sanctuary laws stopping them from working with ICE over twice-deported undocumented immigrant who went on deadly crime spree before killing himself following high-speed chase
Post Date: 2018-12-21 15:24:56 by Horse
A California sheriff has vented his frustration with the state's controversial sanctuary laws after a twice-deported criminal carried out a deadly crime spree, which ended with his suicide at the end of a 100mph police chase. Gustavo Garcia, 36, died in an apparently intentional wrong-way crash in Porterville on Monday, after officials said he shot dead a gas station attendant, wounded two other people, carjacked farmworkers and robbed a convenience store at gunpoint. The US immigration and Customs Enforcement later released a statement saying that Garcia's rampage 'could have been prevented' if the federal agency had been made aware of his release from jail on Friday, ...

Swedish Politician Says It’s “Crucial” For Young Swedes To Learn Arabic if They’re to be Successful
Post Date: 2018-12-19 14:50:32 by Horse
Swedish Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson insists that it’s “crucial” for young Swedes to learn Arabic if they are to be successful in the future. During a speech at Haymarket Hotel in Stockholm, Kristersson said that in order to assure Sweden’s “competitiveness in the increasingly globalised economy,” it’s crucial for the long term success of Swedish students “to master not only English, school-level French and school-level German, but also Arabic and Chinese.” Some may take Kristersson’s remarks as another sign that Sweden, which has accepted large numbers of migrants from the Middle East in recent years, is becoming increasingly ...

Post Date: 2018-12-19 14:24:27 by Horse
Poster Comment:That would be a red line for me. Arrest the Sheriff and send him to Guam for a military trial.

Belgian Government Falls Over UN-Brokered Migration Accord
Post Date: 2018-12-19 13:58:23 by Horse
Belgium is back to doing what it does best: running without a government. Following in the footsteps of the political chaos that has gripped much of Europe, on Tuesday Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel became the latest political figure to fall after he tendered the resignation of his government when his liberal-led coalition lost its parliamentary majority and an appeal to lawmakers in Parliament failed to garner backing for a minority administration. Charles Michel Belgium’s royal palace said in a tweet that the country’s king holds his decision on whether to accept the resignation “in abeyance.” The king could still keep Michel as premier in a caretaker ...

Gilets Jaunes: The End of Dystopia
Post Date: 2018-12-19 08:50:52 by Ada
The French are the best. The men don’t get fat. The women don’t sleep alone. The kids are well-behaved. They have the best architecture, the best way of living, best bread, best wine, best olive oil, best cooking, some of the best writing, films, painting, poetry, perfume – and women. They also excel in revolutions. Each revolution of theirs is a peach, perfect, round and juicy. They open a new epoch for mankind. Just thinking of a French revolution makes me feel young, for I remember the previous one, in May 1968, and it was a beauty, the revolution of Forbidden to Forbid. It ushered us into the short-living paradise of permissible. Believe it or not, we could freely ...

Victims of Illegal Alien Violence Rally for Stronger Border Security
Post Date: 2018-12-18 16:31:55 by Horse

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