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We don't say that out of these walls." Bredesen Staff Says He Is Lying About Kavanaugh Vote
Post Date: 2018-10-11 10:35:00 by Horse

KAVANAUGH DELIVERS: Defends Law Saying U.S. Can Deport Criminal Immigrants For Past Crimes
Post Date: 2018-10-11 09:04:53 by Horse
Judge Brett Kavanaugh is already delivering on putting America and Americans first. Judge Neil Gorsuch, on the other hand, appears to be showing weakness on immigration once again. From the LA Times, “Kavanaugh backs Trump administration on jailing and deporting immigrants for crimes committed years earlier”: Newly seated Justice Brett Kavanaugh spoke up Wednesday in defense of the Trump administration’s view that legal immigrants with criminal records must be arrested and held for deportation, even years after they were convicted and completed their sentences. At issue is a federal law that calls for mandatory detention and possible deportation for “criminal ...

Half Of American Renters Struggle With Unaffordable Housing Costs, Study Finds
Post Date: 2018-10-11 02:21:06 by Horse
With economists expecting another frothy core-CPI print north of 2% when the BLS releases its September update on consumer prices later this week, shelters costs - and particularly rent - are expected to be a major contributor to these gains (particularly since the price impact from the Trump administration tariffs hasn't materialized yet). As we pointed out over the weekend, home prices, according to at least one study, have reached peak unaffordability, as a lack of supply (and already exorbitant household debt) inflates prices and constrains consumers' ability to buy. As more members of the middle class have chosen to rent instead of becoming homeowners, the average national ...

Report: Illegal Immigrant Births Cost More Than Border Wall
Post Date: 2018-10-10 16:30:01 by Horse

Ann Coulter: Five People She Would Deport From The U.S. Immediately
Post Date: 2018-10-03 11:43:01 by Horse
Poster Comment:3 minutes. Lots of fun.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Somalis Riot at Minnesota Amusement Park, Forcing Evacuation
Post Date: 2018-09-28 09:10:26 by Horse
On Saturday September 22, 2018 at the ValleyFair amusement park in Shakopee, Minnesota, police and emergency responders had to evacuate all guests after a mob of Somali teenagers and men rushed through security and caused several violent fights to break out inside the park. According to eyewitnesses who were at the park to celebrate Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, a group of nearly 100 Somali men mob rushed past security and amusement park staffers at the front entrance, and proceeded to run through the park and instigate fights among themselves and with guests. As several violent fights broke out, guests began to panic as reports of people being stabbed and shot began to circulate. ...

(Meme) California: Officially The Poorest State In The Union
Post Date: 2018-09-22 17:09:12 by Horse
I live in SC and just had my kitchen remodeled. The floor installer had just moved here from Huntington Beach and he said he was born and raised in California, loved it and was always able to make a decent living as a general contractor out there but simply could not afford it anymore. It’s not the rich elite leaving–they have plenty of money and can’t see a problem. It’s not the dirt poor leaving because they’re dirt poor and can’t. It’s the working middle class that’s leaving because they aren’t stinking rich and don’t want to be dirt poor.

Ivy League Study: Illegal Population is 22 Million, Double Estb. Estimate
Post Date: 2018-09-22 16:48:39 by Ada
The population of illegal migrants is roughly 22 million, or twice the establishment estimate of 11 million, say three professors from Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The shocking estimate will force establishment politicians and pro-migration advocates to recalculate the estimated impact of the huge illegal population on wages and salaries, on crime rates, welfare consumption, rental and real-estate prices, productivity rates, and the distribution of job-creating investment funds to coastal vs. heartland states. The higher illegal population estimate helps explain why Americans’ wages and salaries have risen so little amid apparently record-low ...

Open Borders Are an Assault on Private Property
Post Date: 2018-09-17 09:18:48 by Ada
Whether we’re talking about illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America, or birthright citizenship, or the migrants coming from the Middle East and Africa, the subject of immigration has been in the news and widely discussed for months now. It is an issue fraught with potentially perilous consequences, so it is especially important for libertarians to understand it correctly. This Mises Circle, which is devoted to a consideration of where we ought to go from here, seems like an opportune moment to take up this momentous question. I should note at the outset that in searching for the correct answer to this vexing problem I do not seek to claim originality. To the contrary, I ...

Mom of alleged MS-13 victim killed by SUV at girl's memorial
Post Date: 2018-09-15 19:50:59 by Dakmar
NEW YORK (AP) — A grieving New York mother recognized by President Donald Trump at the State of the Union in his campaign against deadly MS-13 gang violence was struck by an SUV and killed at her slain daughter's memorial site Friday after a heated confrontation with the driver. Evelyn Rodriguez was hit around 4 p.m. in Brentwood, near where her 16-year-old daughter Kayla Cuevas' body was found beaten and slashed two years ago to the day, police said. Cuevas' friend, 15-year-old Nisa Mickens was also killed. The community is the epicenter of the fight against MS-13 violence on Long Island. Rodriguez and the driver, a relative of a person who lives near the memorial, were ...

Taco Bell Refuses Service to Woman Who Doesn’t Speak Spanish Video shows employees deny food to customer who only speaks English
Post Date: 2018-09-15 09:39:06 by Horse
Taco Bell Refuses Service to Woman Who Doesn't Speak Spanish Image Credits: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images. A video of an argument at a Taco Bell is going viral after employees at the restaurant refused to serve a customer because she didn’t speak Spanish. The incident took place Wednesday when Alexandria Montgomery arrived at a Hialeah, Fla. Taco Bell and ordered food in English. The Spanish speaking employee allegedly refused to give Montgomery food because she wouldn’t order in Spanish. In the video, Alexandria can be heard asking the employee, “Do you have a manager here?” Apparently able to understand English this time, the employee responded in Spanish, ...

Pat Buchanan: The "Unpardonable Heresy" Of Tucker Carlson
Post Date: 2018-09-15 09:23:22 by Horse
Our diversity is our greatest strength. After playing clips of Democratic politicians reciting that truth of modern liberalism, Tucker Carlson asked, “How, precisely, is diversity our strength? Since you’ve made this our new national motto, please be specific.” Reaction to Carlson’s question, with some declaring him a racist for having raised it, suggests that what we are dealing with here is not a demonstrable truth but a creed not subject to debate. Yet the question remains valid: Where is the scientific, historic or empirical evidence that the greater the racial, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity of a nation, the stronger it becomes? From recent ...

ICE won’t arrest or detain evacuees in the Carolinas escaping from Hurricane Florence
Post Date: 2018-09-15 05:43:48 by hondo68
Immigrants in North Carolina and South Carolina shouldn’t worry about being arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as they evacuate their homes or at the emergency shelters, an ICE spokesperson said Wednesday. Bryan Cox, spokesperson for ICE in the southern region, said everyone should follow local evacuation orders during Hurricane Florence. “Our highest priority remains the preservation of life and safety,” Cox said in an email. “In consideration of these circumstances, there will be no immigration enforcement initiatives associated with evacuations or sheltering related to Florence, except in the event of a serious public safety threat.” ...

UK Political Party Leader Banned By Twitter After Mentioning Muslim Grooming Gangs Anne Marie Waters censored after saying more attention should be paid to child abuse than ‘offensive tweets’
Post Date: 2018-09-14 11:53:14 by Horse
UK political party leader Anne Marie Waters was permanently banned by Twitter after she questioned why a police force was wasting its time monitoring offensive tweets when it should be prosecuting Muslim grooming gangs. The controversy began when South Yorkshire Police posted a tweet asking people to “report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing.” A police chief then appeared on a radio show during which he doubled down on the issue, claiming that victims of a Muslim woman who ran around Barnsley town center with a machete screaming “kill, kill, kill!” were only equally as traumatized as ...

Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wears $3,500 Outfit For Photo-op With Construction Workers That wealth could have been redistributed better
Post Date: 2018-09-14 11:46:51 by Horse
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s working class credentials are under scrutiny again after she was pictured wearing a $3,500 outfit for a photo-op with construction workers. Ocasio-Cortez wore a $1990 Gabriela Hearst blazer, $890 Gabriela Hearst pants and $625 Monolo Blahnik shoes. The outlay on such an expensive outfit left some wondering if such wealth could have been redistributed better. “This so pisses me off,” responded one Reddit user. “Bugs the shit out of me that she wants to raise taxes, pretending to champion the poor….in a $3k outfit.” “I’ve never met a socialist who had the faintest idea of redistributing a penny of their own ...

Illegal immigrants stole 39 million Social Security numbers: report
Post Date: 2018-09-13 03:29:14 by Horse
Poster Comment:Obama decided to not notify employeers if an illegal alien used a Social Security that was fraudulent.

Migrant to Germany, We grab your women you can't do anything about it.
Post Date: 2018-09-05 12:49:21 by Horse

London Mayor Sadiq Kahn "Has No Plan" To Fight London Crime: Former Top Adviser
Post Date: 2018-09-05 09:59:47 by Horse
UK 2017:A black man pins a female police officer to railings as he repeatedly humps her leg. Apparently acceptable (Image at source) London Mayor Sadiq Kahn has been dressed down in a scathing attack by former Metropolitan Police superintendent Leroy Logan, who says that Kahn has no "coherent strategy" to fight violent crime in London, reports the Evening Standard following a special investigative series. In a scathing attack, former Metropolitan Police superintendent Leroy Logan accused the Mayor of adopting an “enforcement approach” and failing to properly build trust with communities. He said: “The results speak for themselves, he is failing and unfortunately ...

African migrants surge at U.S.-Mexico border; Rio Grande drownings up
Post Date: 2018-09-05 09:29:23 by Ada
MEXICO CITY, Sept. 4 (UPI) -- Piedras Negras, a city across the U.S.-Mexico border from Eagle Pass, Texas, saw the arrival of more than 90 refugees in the past two months from war-ravaged African countries trying to flee to the United States. Eagle Pass has also seen 15 migrants from Latin American countries dying as they tried to enter the United States this year, either drowning while crossing the Rio Grande river or from heat stroke. Many of the African refugees had been travelling for at least three years, the Rev. José Valdés, an advocate for migrants' rights told UPI in a phone interview from Piedras Negras, where the Catholic Church runs a shelter. "After ...

Voice of Europe Import the Third World, become the Third
Post Date: 2018-09-04 22:18:30 by Horse
Poster Comment:Looks almost like Los Angeles though I think California has sunk even lower.

Rare flesh-eating STD is discovered in Lancashire, UK (Immigrant Contribution?)
Post Date: 2018-09-03 10:40:26 by Horse
Poster Comment:Another contribution from immigrants to a First world nation.

Chemnitz Protester: ‘I Can’t Take My Daughter or Wife Into the City Anymore Because of Harassment by Migrants’
Post Date: 2018-09-03 10:27:10 by Horse
German town becomes epicenter of anti-mass migration sentiment Shteve #refollow (again) @stevetweets13 'I worked for 40 years. I can't take my grandchildren into town anymore. My wife and daughter-in-law went into town and, in front of police, Arab citizens said 'Wanna fuck? Wanna fuck? I ask myself, 'is that normal?' Video out of Chemnitz shows a German citizen at an anti-mass immigration protest explaining how he can’t take his wife and daughter in law into town anymore because of harassment by Muslim migrants. Chemnitz has been the epicenter of several clashes between anti-migrant protesters and leftists over the last week following the stabbing of ...

Germany Repeatedly Fails To Deport Migrant Accused Of 542 Crimes
Post Date: 2018-09-03 10:13:35 by Horse
The German government is struggling to contain a wave of violence that has rocked the country since Europe's refugee crisis began just over three years ago, when Chancellor Angela Merkel first announced her "open doors" policy in response to a wave of refugees fleeing Syria, Afghanistan and North Africa. That policy has since been abandoned after it nearly toppled Merkel's government earlier this year, but the sheer incompetence of German authorities as they struggle to deport criminal migrants continues to inspire awe. Migrants One troubling example was recently highlighted by Germany's Bild newspaper. One illegal migrant who arrived in Germany more than 20 years ...

Mollie Tibbetts' father says leave our daughter out of your immigration debate
Post Date: 2018-09-02 14:37:47 by BTP Holdings
Mollie Tibbetts' father says leave our daughter out of your immigration debate Luke Nozicka 6 hrs ago © Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation via AP, File FILE - This undated file photo released by the Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation shows Mollie Tibbetts, a University of Iowa student who was reported missing from her hometown in the eastern Iowa city of Brooklyn on July 18, 2018. Greg Willey, the vice president of Crime Stoppers of Central Iowa, said a body found Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2018, is believed to be Tibbetts. No information has been released about where the body was found. (Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation via AP, File) DES MOINES, Iowa – As ...

Dem Rep to ICE Agents Following Trump's Orders: 'You Will Not Be Safe'
Post Date: 2018-09-01 03:16:58 by Horse
While the media has whipped themselves into hysteria over a random elderly California man threatening some Boston Globe reporters and calling them "the enemy of the people," elected Democrats are busy telling ICE agents that "when the worm turns you will not be safe." From Fox News: A Democratic lawmaker issued a startling warning to government officials involved in “illegal” deportations that they “will not be safe” from future punishment when Donald Trump is no longer president. “If you are a US government official and you are deporting Americans be warned,” Arizona Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego tweeted early Thursday. “When the ...

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