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‘Social problem’? Sexual assaults shut down Sweden’s largest music festival for good
Post Date: 2018-06-22 21:53:25 by Horse
Once Sweden’s largest four-day musical event, the Bravalla Music Festival was not held this year, after dozens of women and girls reported that they had been sexually assaulted at last year’s event. Kajsa Apelqvist, who heads public relations for FKP Scorpio, the festival’s organizer, said there was no plans to bring the event back in 2019. “It’s a very disappointing decision to take, but the overall picture we have is that we cannot develop the festival in the way we want to be relevant to our visitors in the future,” Apelqvist told Sweden’s Norrköpings Tidningar. When asked about the sex attacks reported at the 2017 event, Apelqvist said: “We ...

Watch Democrats change their tune on immigration! Hilarious.
Post Date: 2018-06-22 21:32:50 by Horse

Jogger Crosses U.S.-Canada Border, Is Held for 2 Weeks
Post Date: 2018-06-22 21:02:51 by BTP Holdings
Jogger Crosses U.S.-Canada Border, Is Held for 2 Weeks Daniel Moritz-Rabson 2 hrs ago © Provided by IBT Media A French citizen was detained for two weeks in a U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) facility after accidentally jogging from Canada into Blaine, Washington. On May 21, Cedella Roman was running along a beach in British Columbia when the tide started to rise, causing her to alter her path. As she turned to head back to visit her mother, who lives in British Columbia, two U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents appeared. “An officer stopped me and started telling me I had crossed the border illegally. I told him I had not done it on purpose and that I ...

Camp of the Squatemalans
Post Date: 2018-06-21 19:43:42 by X-15
Most of the 2012 invaders were "unaccompanied minors". Most female invaders, including children, coming through Mexico are sexually assaulted along the way. Many of the adults with the children aren't the real parents of the children. Incarceration requires family separation. Concern for Tommy Robinson's children? For the carcasses of raped and mutilated Afrikaner toddlers? http://www.google.com/search?q=s..._AUICigB&biw=1600&bih=767 No novel observations there. Using the opposition's principles against it is standard operating procedure, literally right out of the Alinsky playbook. In a generation or two, if we're still around, we'll be whispering to ...

Chuck Schumer Won’t Address Border Separation Legislation Because The Public Debate Is Damaging To Trump
Post Date: 2018-06-21 07:38:21 by BTP Holdings
Chuck Schumer Won’t Address Border Separation Legislation Because The Public Debate Is Damaging To Trump chuck Schumer is giddy that a public policy issue is damaging to President Trump. So even though liberals are crying for something to be done about border separation of families, Schumer is willing to do nothing in order to hurt President Trump’s image. Now that’s playing politics at its worst but it’s something we should be used to from Schumer. Schumer said, “There’s no need for legislation, there’s no need for anything else. You can do it, Mr. President. You started it, you can stop it, plain and simple. So, again, if the president’s ashamed ...

Hungary approves ‘Stop Soros’ law criminalizing aid to illegal migrants
Post Date: 2018-06-20 18:04:29 by Horse
Hungary’s parliament has passed a law that could see anyone helping illegal immigrants claim asylum in the country imprisoned. The ‘Stop Soros’ law is named after Hungarian-born billionaire and open-borders advocate, George Soros. The law was voted on in the Hungarian parliament on Wednesday, where Viktor Orban’s right-wing Fidesz party holds a two-thirds majority. Under the law, individuals who aid migrants, informing them about the asylum procedure or “providing financial or property benefit” will be liable for a 12-month prison sentence. NGOs working with migrants will need to seek licenses and will see the scope of their work severely restricted. Read ...

Fewer Births Than Deaths Among Whites in Majority of U.S. States
Post Date: 2018-06-20 09:21:36 by Horse
WASHINGTON — Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country, demographers have found, signaling what could be a faster-than-expected transition to a future in which whites are no longer a majority of the American population. The Census Bureau has projected that whites could drop below 50 percent of the population around 2045, a relatively slow-moving change that has been years in the making. But a new report this week found that whites are dying faster than they are being born now in 26 states, up from 17 just two years earlier, and demographers say that shift might come even sooner. “It’s happening a lot faster than we ...

Democrats’ Border Separation Bill Would Let Nearly All Parents Who Commit Federal Crimes Get Off Scot-Free
Post Date: 2018-06-19 18:49:34 by Horse
Democrats’ proposed legislation to prohibit so-called border separations would actually prevent federal law enforcement agencies almost anywhere inside the United States from arresting and detaining criminals who are parents having nothing to do with unlawfully crossing the border and seeking asylum. Every Senate Democrat has now signed on to cosponsor a bill written so carelessly that it does not distinguish between migrant children at the border and U.S. citizen children already within the United States. The bill further does not distinguish between federal officers handling the border crisis and federal law enforcement pursuing the ordinary course of their duties. Let’s ...

Home price insanity: $2.6 million for 900 square feet
Post Date: 2018-06-19 09:13:48 by Horse
If you're looking for homes in Palo Alto, Calif., our sympathies to your bank account. In the most recent example of home prices gone bonkers, a two-bedroom, one-bathroom cottage has been listed for $2.6 million. At 900 square feet, that means you'd be paying more than $2,800 per square foot -- an eye-popping number more typical of a luxury penthouse in Manhattan than a suburban neighborhood. The cottage has a detached garage, but only outside basement access for the laundry room. There have not been any offers yet, though realtor Laura McCarthy says she had a number of showings. "If you look globally, London has remained strong. New York has remained strong. We have a lot ...

Airstrikes Hit East Syria Military Site, 52 Killed
Post Date: 2018-06-18 20:31:08 by Ada
Syrian troops, Iraqi militiamen killed in attack A series of airstrikes from as-yet-unknown origins pounded a Syrian military site near al-Bukamal on the Iraqi border, on Sunday night. At least 52 fighters were killed in the attacks, including a number of Syrian troops. The strike hit just half a mile from the Iraqi border, and near the main border crossing. Al-Bukamal was recently contested by ISIS, which is why more Syrian forces and allied militias are in the area. Most of the dead were, according to the Syrian Observatory, Iraqi Shi’ite militia fighters. But who was behind the airstrikes? That’s less certain. Syrian state media initially attributed the attack to US ...

Republicucks Now Doing Boomerposting Against Trump Administation’s “Family Separations”
Post Date: 2018-06-18 20:11:40 by Ada
I would like to think of “family separations” as “punitive child abuse.” However, as we learned yesterday, it is not actually child abuse, it is just family separation. When you go to jail for a crime, your children do not go with you. If you have children when you are given a jail sentence, you are not allowed to stay at home because of your children. People do not use the term “child abuse” or even “family separation” when someone’s parents go to jail in any other situation. This is really a non-issue. Fake news. Trump is sending illegal immigrants to jail, and if they come illegally with their children, they are in the same situation as ...

Border Patrol Chief Backs Child Separation Policy
Post Date: 2018-06-18 13:10:01 by Ada
Manuel Padilla Jr., Border Patrol chief for the Rio Grande Valley, defended separating children from parents who cross into the U.S. illegally. Padilla was interviewed Monday on TV’s "CBS This Morning." A video excerpt of the interview was posted on the show’s Twitter account. "We created this situation by not doing anything," he said. But Padilla cautioned many of the reports concerning separations are totally false. "There’s a story of a child being removed from a breast-feeding mother," he said. "Absolutely not true." Asked about a claim that some parents were told their children were being taken away just for a bath and never ...

BREAKING: 12 Illegal Immigrants Ejected, 5+ Dead After High Speed Chase With Authorities, Reports Say
Post Date: 2018-06-17 21:08:13 by BTP Holdings
BREAKING: 12 Illegal Immigrants Ejected, 5+ Dead After High Speed Chase With Authorities, Reports Say Screenshot: ABC 3 News By Ryan Saavedra @RealSaavedra June 17, 2018 Law enforcement officials in Big Wells, Texas are investigating the scene of a car accident where a vehicle full of illegal immigrants crashed on Sunday after being chased by U.S. officials. Local news affiliates reported that the vehicle was traveling at speeds of over 100 mph when the driver, who is believed to be a U.S. citizen, lost control of the vehicle, which was carrying 14 people. News 4 San Antonio reports that 12 people were ejected from the vehicle, an action which resulted in at least four deaths. Five ...

‘Zero-Tolerance’ In Full-Effect: ICE Arrests 16 Illegals in Montana
Post Date: 2018-06-17 18:11:11 by BTP Holdings
‘Zero-Tolerance’ In Full-Effect: ICE Arrests 16 Illegals in Montana ‘Eye-popping’ Number Of Children Abducted By Illegals, Used To Pose As Families By Jack Davis June 17, 2018 at 9:19am The Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” net is catching illegal immigrants, both near the once-porous Southern Border and far from it. Over the past month, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested at least 16 people in western and central Montana, with nine charged with being in the country illegally. Ten arrests came at a mushroom harvesting camp in Mineral County, while other arrests came at various locations around the state, The Helena ...

Child Border Crossers Have Higher Standard of Living than 13M Impoverished American Children
Post Date: 2018-06-17 07:40:47 by Ada
Migrant children who cross into the United States either alone or with adults have a higher standard of living once they are put into federal care than the more than 13 million American children who are living in poverty across the country. In Fiscal Year 2017, the federal government referred nearly 41,000 unaccompanied minor border crossers to the Unaccompanied Alien Children program which is facilitated by the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Data provided to Breitbart News reveals that each unaccompanied minor costs the federal government about $34,660 annually. This is a higher standard of living per child than the roughly 13 million American children who continue to live below the ...

Bus Driver Tells Passengers Only U.S. Citizens Can Ride As Border Patrol Agent Looks On
Post Date: 2018-06-17 00:09:52 by Dakmar
Bus Driver Tells Passengers Only U.S. Citizens Can Ride As Border Patrol Agent Looks On Sebastian Murdock,HuffPost 4 hours ago Reactions Reblog on Tumblr Share Tweet Email A bus driver in Maine told passengers they needed to be U.S. citizens to ride A bus driver in Maine told passengers they needed to be U.S. citizens to ride on a bus while an immigration official questioned passengers’ citizenship. The incident happened in the city of Bangor over Memorial Day weekend, the ACLU of New Hampshire said in a video statement. The footage shows passengers being confronted by a U.S. Customs and Border Protection ...

Emergency rooms often the only dialysis option for undocumented immigrants
Post Date: 2018-06-16 19:12:03 by Dakmar
Juan's black tennis shoes sit at the end of his bed, a baseball cap is pulled low on his head and tubes snake out from under a blanket to a machine humming beside him that is taking blood from his arm, cleaning it and pumping it back into his body. Juan, 43, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico who asked that his identity be concealed due to fears of deportation, is receiving dialysis for kidney failure at OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital. He's one of approximately 6,500 undocumented immigrants who need dialysis in the United States, according to a 2018 study in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Undocumented immigrants such as Juan, who don't have a Social Security number ...

Post Date: 2018-06-15 22:31:22 by Horse
Poster Comment:83% of students in Pomona do not speak English as their first language. Only 11% of city residents are white. Pomona is the 2nd most dangerous city at night in SoCal. 83 arrested after 6 year FBI investigation.

New Normal? Paris Puts Massive Bulletproof Walls Around Eiffel Tower To Combat Potential Terrorist Attacks (What if your caught on the wrong side?)
Post Date: 2018-06-15 22:10:12 by Horse
Paris is putting bulletproof walls around the Eiffel Tower to combat potential terrorist attacks as part of a project unveiled by city officials Thursday. A barrier will be placed around the famous Parisian attraction in order to shield it from possible terror threats, according to the New York Post. The 10- foot panels are 2.36 inches thick, and there will be 450 in total on the northern and southern parts of the Eiffel Tower. The panels will replace the metal barriers so tourists can get a better view of the famous attraction. The project is expected to be primarily finished in July and fully completed in September. “The work did not diminish the number of visitors,” said ...

Arizona Legislator: 'There Aren't Enough White Kids to Go Around' in State Schools
Post Date: 2018-06-15 11:07:04 by Horse
Update, June 14: After the publication of this story, Governor Doug Ducey, Arizona Republican Party Chairman Jonathan Lines, and Arizona Chamber of Commerce CEO Glenn Hamer released statements calling on Representative David Stringer to resign, calling his comments unacceptable. In a post on his official Facebook page, Stringer declined to apologize, saying instead that his remarks had been taken out of context by political opponents. "I am not afraid of conservative bigwigs and I'm not afraid of liberal bullies either," he wrote. Arizona Representative David Stringer, speaking at the Yavapai County Republican Men's Forum on Monday, called immigration an ...

Hungarian PM: ‘Population Replacement Underway in Europe, Speculators Like Soros Hope to Profit from Its Ruination’
Post Date: 2018-06-14 14:01:08 by Ada
Hungary’s Viktor Orbán has warned that another “high tide” of mass migration is approaching, and that financial speculators like George Soros hope to profit from the “ruination of Europe” via that mass migration. In a Kossuth Radio discussion on the growing flood of illegal migrants into Balkan countries just outside the European Union — Bosnia has seen arrivals surge by 600 to 700 per cent in recent months — Prime Minister Orbán warned Europe was “seeing signs of a new migration wave, of a rising tide following a low tide; it’s rising now, and this poses a challenge.” “We’ve managed to ensure that now every migrant ...

Angriest We’ve Ever Seen Tucker… Tells Activist for Illegals ‘You’re Stupid, Pathetic’
Post Date: 2018-06-14 05:49:40 by BTP Holdings
Angriest We’ve Ever Seen Tucker… Tells Activist for Illegals ‘You’re Stupid, Pathetic’ By Benjamin Arie June 13, 2018 at 9:51am Fox News host Tucker Carlson has a reputation for being level-headed and logical, especially when dealing with controversial topics. The usually calm pundit lost his cool Tuesday evening, however, after a politically motivated Hispanic advocate openly suggested that Carlson was a racist. Carlson’s topic was MS-13, a violent Salvadorian gang that became even more infamous after President Donald Trump referred to its members as “animals.” “Less than 10 miles from the White House, a middle school is being terrorized ...

Family of immigrant pizza deliveryman Pablo Villavicencio celebrates legal win
Post Date: 2018-06-10 15:31:46 by BTP Holdings
Family of immigrant pizza deliveryman Pablo Villavicencio celebrates legal win New York Daily News 1 hr ago Next Slide 1/3 SLIDES © AP The two young daughters of a pizza deliveryman facing deportation are overjoyed their father was given a last-minute reprieve. “They look different today and I’m happy for that,” Sandra Chica, the wife of Pablo Villavicencio, said Sunday. Her husband was taken into federal custody on June 1 by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents as he delivered a pizza to Fort Hamilton Army Base in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Villavicencio, 35, an Ecuadorian native, was arrested after a military staffer on the base discovered a 2009 deportation ...

Watch: Fox Host Gives Up as Unstoppable Army Col. Skewers Immigrant Activist
Post Date: 2018-06-09 22:00:49 by BTP Holdings
Watch: Fox Host Gives Up as Unstoppable Army Col. Skewers Immigrant Activist 02:20 02:19 By Cillian Zeal June 8, 2018 at 3:36pm Former Army Col. Kurt Schlichter is going viral after a testy confrontation with an immigration activist on Fox News Thursday night — one that had the host throwing up her arms in defeat. Schlichter, now a senior columnist at Townhall.com, has long been critical of illegal immigration and the lax policies that cause it. Now, he was appearing on “Fox News @Night with Shannon Bream” along with Izac Wright, a Forward Solution Strategy partner. During the interview, he responded to a report that roughly half of the 57,000 federal ...

2018 Voter Data Reveals DNC Downfall Will Be Over Immigration – New YouGov Poll Most Americans think ‘It’s Making American Life WORSE’
Post Date: 2018-06-07 20:19:29 by Horse
The majority of likely voters in 2018 midterm swing districts across the United States say immigration to the U.S. has made American life worse, a new poll reveals. In the latest CBS News/YouGov Poll, which surveyed likely voters in 2018 midterm battleground districts, Americans by a majority say overall immigration to the country is making their life worse off. About 56 percent of likely voters said immigration is making their area “worse” while only 17 percent say their area has been made “better” because of immigration. Nearly 60 percent of male likely voters and 53 percent of female likely voters in the swing districts say immigration is having a negative impact ...

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