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Latest Articles: Activism

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Straight Talk and Reflections
Post Date: 2014-12-01 16:37:57 by Stephen Lendman
Straight Talk and Reflections by Stephen Lendman I generally restrict personal comments to one-on-one emails. Or discussions with friends, family and others. This article an exception. Why not at age 80. Still working at trying to regain my full health and vigor. A daily struggle. So much more I want to do. Feeling rushed to do all I can while I can. Taking things a day at a time. Hoping for the best. Aging isn't for sissies. For sure not getting sick. At age 70, I discovered my passion. What I love best. In retirement. What I never could have imagined earlier. Polar opposite my formal working life. Writing on major world and national issues. Media work as host and guest. ...

Eugene Rosen (of Sandy Hook) - A FEMA Reresentative - Proven.
Post Date: 2014-11-26 04:14:46 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Eugene Rosen was among the most prolific and dramatic public faces of the Sandy Hook Massacre. But there's one thing the government controlled news agencies failed to mention about Gene - he's an actor. And given the hyperboly and impossibilities of his well-rehearsed story, one is left wondering just how much of Gene Rosen's (and by extension the rest of the Sandy Hook) story is true. In this shocking video, you will see that Eugene Rosen, prior to the Sandy Hook shooting, was an agent of FEMA, tasked with getting children to go along with FEMA's intentions during disasters. Add to this the proven FEMA / DHS staging of terror drills at the Sandy Hook fire station (on ...

Dennis Kucinich: “The US Must Work to Reestablish Friendly Relations With Russia”
Post Date: 2014-11-08 02:12:30 by Tatarewicz
Interviews Rossiya Segodnya sat down recently with Dennis Kucinich, Former US Representative from Ohio and two-time candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. He spoke about the recent elections, the situation in Ukriane, and the need for America to shift its foreign policy away from the notion of perpetual war, to perpetual peace. Hello Dennis, one of your most recent political drives has been “Redefining National Security From Terror to Peace”. What does the Republicans' victory in midterm elections mean for US national security? Dennis Kucinich: American people define national security as human security, as a security of a job, decent wages, healthcare that is ...

DUMB people
Post Date: 2014-11-01 11:16:47 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou

Khodorkovsky expecting large-scale civil war in Russia
Post Date: 2014-10-18 00:44:53 by Tatarewicz
Pravda.Ru Mikhail Khodorkovsky said in an interview with the BBC that he was expecting a large-scale civil war in Russia in the future. "What is happening in Ukraine, is undoubtedly bad for Russia, as it strengthens the authoritarian regime in Russia and ruins the hopes of the progressive part of the society for the technological development of the country. But these events will strengthen the regime by uniting a considerable part of the population, although for other reasons, it was supposed to lose popularity. "I believe that prospects for a democratic change of regime in Russia no longer exist, and the regime will fall with more or less blood. The situation will get worse ...

Proof Bill Gates is Linked to Ebola as it Hits Dallas, Texas! Global Depopulation
Post Date: 2014-10-16 13:30:33 by Itistoolate
Proof Bill Gates is Linked to Ebola as it Hits Dallas, Texas! Global Depopulation Now in the Thrust as Funerals Homes and Hospitals Prepare for the Masses!

Illegal Spying Below: Activists Fly Anti-Surveillance Airship over NSA's Utah Data Center
Post Date: 2014-10-14 10:58:26 by Itistoolate

10 Things You Don't Know About : The Almighty Dollar [Alternative Currency segment]
Post Date: 2014-10-09 22:47:33 by GreyLmist
10 Things You Don't Know About: The Almighty Dollar [Season 3 Episode 8, Alternative Currency segment] History Channel H2 Premiere Date: [Saturday] October 11, 2014 - 10:00-11:00PM ET Other upcoming airings: October 12, 2014 - 02:00-03:00AM ET October 14, 2014 - 09:00-10:00PM ET October 15, 2014 - 01:00-02:00AM ET October 18, 2014 - 01:00-02:00PM ET Poster Comment:Berk Shares of Berkshire County, Massachusetts featured as an Alternative Currency example. Preview promo sounds informative.

The SILVER Price Beat Down, the CHARADE of the Chicago CME & PAPER HFT: It COSTS Around $24 To Pull PHYSICAL SILVER Out of the Ground — V The Guerrilla Economist
Post Date: 2014-10-08 00:11:25 by christine
sgtreport.com/2014/10/v-t...gmann-and-hagmann-report/Poster Comment:Please listen to 2 hr 4 mins to 2 hrs 17 mins. V is getting out of Dodge. Panama. Listen to what he says is coming by 2017.

James Corbett: When False Flags Don't Fly
Post Date: 2014-10-04 20:35:34 by christine

WWIII IS A PLANNED EVENT as was WW I and II whos behind it
Post Date: 2014-09-30 07:23:09 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou

The Covert Origins of ISIS
Post Date: 2014-09-27 23:00:03 by christine

James Traficant Exposes the Truth
Post Date: 2014-09-27 21:03:17 by Itistoolate

How are you going to fight EBOLA with guns?
Post Date: 2014-09-18 23:04:06 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Operational Details of Ebola Quarantine Zones & Martial Law Enforcement If one thinks that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) are merely tax-supported guardians at the gate protecting the public’s health and welfare, then one is seriously deluded and naive. These two rogue organizations are proving to be as greedy, cunning and evil as Goldman Sachs and they, as well as Bill Gates, are preparing to usher in . The CDC, NIH & Bill Gates Own the Patents On Existing Ebola & Related Vaccines: Mandatory Vaccinations Are Near I have previously reported that Monsanto, or Monsatan as many call them, has partnered with the Department of ...

Everything I Neeeded To Know In Life, I Learned By Watching The Wizard Of Oz
Post Date: 2014-09-13 12:48:29 by Itistoolate
Mark Passio - Everything I Neeeded To Know In Life, I Learned By Watching The Wizard Of Oz

The Geopolitics of World War III
Post Date: 2014-09-12 17:55:57 by christine

Epic Ferguson Rant
Post Date: 2014-08-30 11:48:59 by Lod

Post Date: 2014-08-23 16:35:29 by Ada
Feds also use provocateurs to "justify" the militarization of local law enforcement A retired Philadelphia, Penn., police captain recently said the federal government routinely uses provocateurs against demonstrators to discredit them in the eyes of the public. Capt. Ray Lewis, who retired from the Philadelphia Police Department in 2004 after serving 24 years and was present during the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests, said undercover provocateurs “infiltrated Occupy Wall Street like crazy” as a way to influence public opinion against the protestors, a strategy which is also used against other movements critical of the establishment. “That’s the easiest way ...

A Boycot of the Catholic Church
Post Date: 2014-08-19 14:29:45 by Americans 1st
As we know the Catholic Church is a major antagonist to Americans against mass immigration. It's important not to distinguish between 'legal' and 'illegal' immigration. The results are the same with respect to unemployment, housing, small business, crime, schools.. The Church claims they are doing the "Humane" thing. It needs to be pointed out that millions of Americans losing their jobs, businesses, homes and health care is hardly "humane". There are of course other reasons but the fore mentioned is the most emotional. And we know, emotion trumps reason in 2014. I could do this with freeway banners and local signage in front of the churches. The ...

I downloaded this and converted it to .wmv
Post Date: 2014-08-18 14:56:27 by Itistoolate
(Windows Media) and it came out to 666megs Satan,Angels,Women,Demons,SonsOfGod,Illuminati,Nephilim

Zen Gardner: Keeping it Together in an Insane World
Post Date: 2014-08-08 09:07:59 by Itistoolate

Tactical Survival Knowledge & Habits From Retired Policeman
Post Date: 2014-08-04 17:31:56 by BTP Holdings
These foot patrolling and tactical techniques are being used by the FBI, SWAT, and even the military. Check out today's article, find out how these guys are trained to: •search and secure an area •do a quick entry and room to room search •communicate and coordinate actions within a group (+ standard verbal commands and replies)... ... add these techniques to your survival wisdom and use them to stay safe and avoid trouble. Tactical Survival Knowledge & Habits From a Good Policeman email.backyardliberty.com...gJaPF-2FE-2BalLhhXw-3D-3D

Your Last Chance to Reduce the NSA's Spying Power
Post Date: 2014-08-04 16:45:48 by BTP Holdings
The Senate's (NOT the House's) version of the USA Freedom Act is a good start ACTION ITEM Sen. Leahy reintroduced the USA FREEDOM Act on July 29. This new version is a much better bill than what passed the House. That bill was so bad, those who originally co-sponsored it, voted against it. Security-state fetishists who originally opposed it, loved the water-down changes and voted for it. But we cannot get the Leahy bill across the finish line without a lot of help. Please tell Congress to support it using DownsizeDC.org's Obey the Constitution campaign. You may borrow from or copy this letter... Obeying the Constitution means respecting the Fourth Amendment. ...

We Are a Barbarian Nation and the Whole World Knows It
Post Date: 2014-07-27 09:40:37 by Itistoolate
We Are a Barbarian Nation and the Whole World Knows It • The Behavior of Barbarians • Netanyahu—The Global Conductor of Genocide

Something Huge Is Coming! Are You Prepared?
Post Date: 2014-07-20 21:42:18 by Itistoolate
By Susan Duclos In this brand new compilation video below from videographer Ananiasshow https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz-hL4cQNsYfoTwEoL3We-Q, titled “They are getting ready for something,” we see multiple clips that should raise red flags all over the place that something huge is coming and our local, state, and federal government is preparing for it UN trucks, military vehicles, weapons being amassed by local police, and more… all recent within the last couple of months, and in conjunction with the warnings we are being given from multiple sources, it reminds us clearly that we too should be preparing for what is coming.

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