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Latest Articles: Activism

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American activists: Israel has occupied both US and Palestine
Post Date: 2014-07-14 01:31:05 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... A US rights activist says the American and Palestinian nations have something in common: both are occupied by Israel. Paul Larudee, the co-founder of Free Palestine Movement, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV as 15 cities across the United States witnessed anti-Israeli protests. The demonstrators denounced Tel Aviv for carrying out deadly attacks against the residents of the besieged Gaza Strip. “First of all the voice of the people in the United States makes very little difference. The people of the United States and the people of Palestine have something in common but that does not mean that they can act together,” Larudee said. “What they have ...

Wake Up Everybody
Post Date: 2014-07-13 12:14:00 by Lod

Taliban debate merits of Islamic State's caliphate announcement
Post Date: 2014-07-12 03:17:10 by Tatarewicz
WAZIRISTAN Pakistan (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban have urged Muslims to avoid extremism and remain united, a message apparently aimed at the Islamic State (ISIL), which recently declared an Islamic caliphate in territory it controls in Iraq and Syria. The Arabic message, posted on the Afghan Taliban's website on Thursday and translated by SITE intelligence group, addressed fighters in Iraq and Syria whose announcement of a caliphate last month poses a direct challenge to al Qaeda's dominance of global Islamist militancy. "It is worthy for a shurah (consultation) council to be formed from the leaders of all the jihadi factions and the distinguished people among the experts ...

Which Head Line is the Truth?
Post Date: 2014-06-30 10:15:11 by Itistoolate
DID YOU KNOW?: Two Secretive Israeli Companies Reportedly Bugged The US Telecommunications Grid For The NSA Israeli ministers demand US stop spying following revelations that NSA intercepted emailsPoster Comment:Is one "Propaganda" ie a LIE?

Great news! IRS commissioner says you can now use the Lois Lerner excuse if audited
Post Date: 2014-06-28 10:59:50 by Itistoolate
Great news! IRS commissioner says you can now use the Lois Lerner excuse if audited In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday evening, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen revealed that a number of taxpayers are confused by his agency’s conduct. Like the IRS, they would also like to claim that corrupted or lost data prevents them from complying with the tax collection agency’s requests with for several-year-old documents. Koskinen told Blitzer that what may come to be known as “The Lerner Defense” is and has been acceptable to the IRS. During Thursday’s interview, an eager Twitter user submitted a question to Blitzer which he helpfully read on the air. ...

what if I told you the Chinese are taking over
Post Date: 2014-06-26 00:42:31 by Itistoolate

George Orwill 1984 'Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present, controls rhe past.'
Post Date: 2014-06-22 21:07:48 by Itistoolate
Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told

If you can't learn 'a lesson' from this it is not worth me committing any more time here.
Post Date: 2014-06-19 10:21:18 by Itistoolate
The Rothschilds This is how he took over not only the British Stock Market but the whole economy of England. Today: BREAKING NEWS: Experts Reveal Economic Collapse Imminent This will be, in my opinion, the event to bring on the NWO, One World Government.

The Realist Report with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Post Date: 2014-06-18 05:30:37 by Itistoolate
The Realist Report with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock. Andrew and I will be discussing his books The Synagogue of Satan and In the Name of Yahweh. Calls are welcomed! Listen To History Internet Radio Stations with AFP Radio Network on BlogTalkRadio

This pretty much sums it up ALSO
Post Date: 2014-06-17 04:03:35 by Itistoolate

Hey here is a "Conspiro-Nut" who won a Court Case Against the BBC
Post Date: 2014-06-13 12:00:30 by Itistoolate
UK Man Wins Court Case Against BBC For 9-11 WTC 7 Cover Up Tony Rooke refused to pay a TV license fee because the BBC intentionally misrepresented facts about the 9/11 attacks, he alleged. It is widely known that the BBC reported the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 over 20 minutes before it occurred. WTC 7 was a 47-story skyscraper that was not hit by a plane on 9/11 but collapsed at free-fall speed later that day. So Rooke said the BBC had to have had prior knowledge to a terror attack making them complicit in the attack. He presented the BBC footage to the judge along with a slew of other evidence, and the judge agreed that Rooke had a reasonable case to protest. Rooke was ...

Deprogramming the Collective - The Rediscovery of the Self
Post Date: 2014-06-12 07:50:34 by Itistoolate
Max Igan - Deprogramming the Collective - The Rediscovery of the Self

Xi calls for unity, greater contribution of overseas Chinese
Post Date: 2014-06-07 01:05:49 by Tatarewicz
Chinese President Xi Jinping (R), also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, meets with representatives attending the seventh Conference of Friendship of Overseas Chinese Associations in Beijing, capital of China, June 6, 2014. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang) BEIJING, June 6 (Xinhua) -- President Xi Jinping on Friday called for unity and a greater contribution from Chinese nationals overseas to realize national rejuvenation. Xi made the remarks at the 7th Conference for Friendship of Overseas Chinese Associations attended by more than 500 representatives from 119 countries and regions. As long as the overseas Chinese are united, they can play an ...

Rick Adams And Scott Smith - Patrick Henry and Paul Revere mp3
Post Date: 2014-06-04 08:08:01 by Itistoolate
Rick Adams And Scott Smith - Patrick Henry and Paul Revere mp3 www.fateor.com/media/clips/adams_and_smith.mp3

Post Date: 2014-05-31 08:19:10 by Itistoolate
William Cooper - CNN Interview 1992

"CONSPIRACY THEORY" Mel Gibson Julia Roberts
Post Date: 2014-05-29 19:22:59 by Itistoolate
Conspiracy Theory-Teoria Conspiratiei

Save Lives & Deter Criminals--Help John Lott start the CPRC
Post Date: 2014-05-27 00:03:14 by christine
With major funding and Obama’s support, flawed studies supporting gun control will soon reach Americans everywhere. The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) needs your support to conduct academic quality research to find the truth and accurately measure the extent to which guns protect citizens, reduce crime, and save lives. Gun Control advocates are pouring money into research that will be skewed to show that guns are dangerous and should be restricted. Mayor Michael Bloomberg donated $250 million to Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health to hire new professors, many whose primary objective is to do expanding research on gun violence. President Obama has also been ...

Former CIA Agent Makes a Shocking Statement that Will ROCK the Whole World…
Post Date: 2014-05-23 13:53:47 by Itistoolate
Former CIA and NSA director Michael Hayden admitted at a debate concerning National Security Agency’s bulk surveillance program that the government is using metadata as a basis for killing people. Metadata is data that is collected via phone on persons in the USA. It tracks how long you were on a phone call, who it was to, how often you call that number, and when you call. Although they claim they do not listen in on the phone calls, which we all know is a BIG FAT LIE, they do openly admit to tracking your phone calls. Meaning they know who your closest friends are, your family members, where you hang out, and what you do. Furthermore they track us via the internet on email, ...

Justina Pelletier Turns 16 on Saturday and Her Parents Still Don’t Have Custody
Post Date: 2014-05-22 01:23:53 by Lorie Meacham
On Saturday, Justina Pelletier turns 16 years old. I wonder what special plans the Massachusetts’ Department of Children and Families (DCF) have for Justina on her special day, her “sweet sixteen”, a day that comes along just once in a young woman’s life. As a court-ordered ward of the state, Justina is being “parented” and “cared for” by the DCF. justinapelletier6After DCF’s kidnapping of Justina over 15 months ago through a malicious “parent-ectomy,” Justina’s horrific care has been referred to as both “barbaric” and “life-threatening.” This young woman, who was competing in ice skating events just a year ...

Beagle Freedom Project Viva Las Vegas Rescue
Post Date: 2014-05-21 14:58:54 by X-15
Poster Comment:On May 6, 2014, Beagle Freedom Project rescued nine beagles from a laboratory in Nevada. Until this day, these beagles had never known a kind touch, been loved or felt safe. Their lives are about to change forever.

Hollywood celebrities caught on hidden camera accepting money from "Middle Eastern oil interests"
Post Date: 2014-05-21 12:21:17 by X-15
James O'Keefe Premieres "Expose: Hollywood's War on US Energy" at Cannes Hollywood celebrities caught on hidden camera accepting money from "Middle Eastern oil interests" CANNES -- In a blockbuster new video, Project Veritas has exposed the truth about the dark funding behind Hollywood's anti-fracking messaging machine. New York Times Bestselling Author and Project Veritas founder and president James O'Keefe debuted the latest investigation at a "premiere" in Cannes, France on Wednesday. In the investigation, an undercover journalist from Project Veritas posed as a member of a Middle Eastern oil dynasty and offered $9 million in funding to ...

United States of Secrets FRONTLINE PBS
Post Date: 2014-05-20 23:26:16 by Itistoolate
United States of Secrets FRONTLINE PBS Poster Comment:I looked for this for a long time. I can't find pt 3

Christians sin by putting kids in public school
Post Date: 2014-05-18 17:44:09 by X-15
Christian parents, do you wish to obey God and reclaim America from a godless culture? Then remove your children from the nation’s public schools. That’s the plea from E. Ray Moore, who has been taking his message public during his campaign for lieutenant governor in South Carolina. “If the evangelical community would step up and obey God in educating their own children, we could collapse the state model,” Moore told WND. “We’re feeding the monster by keeping our children there.” Moore, who has served as a pastor, an Army chaplain and director of a Christian ministry for more than 35 years, co-founded Frontline Ministries Inc., a Christian ministry, ...

Glenn Greenwald "The Finance Industry Has Captured Our Government"
Post Date: 2014-05-17 09:20:37 by Itistoolate
Glenn Greenwald "The Finance Industry Has Captured Our Government"

4 O.A.S. Live Stream Links: Operation American Spring Live Stream Right Here, Right Now!
Post Date: 2014-05-17 06:18:57 by Itistoolate
4 O.A.S. Live Stream Links: Operation American Spring Live Stream Right Here, Right Now! Video streaming by Ustream

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