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Daily Anarchist
Post Date: 2011-10-09 02:40:49 by farmfriend
A friend turned me on to this site. Her son, Seth King, contributes to it. Thought some here might find it interesting. http://dailyanarchist.com/

Anonymous : A Message To The Media – On October 10th, NYSE Shall be Erased from the Internet
Post Date: 2011-10-04 11:02:34 by TwentyTwelve
Anonymous : A Message To The Media – On October 10th, NYSE Shall be Erased from the Internet Run time: 02:04 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz0swK0mpMk Posted on YouTube: October 03, 2011 By YouTube Member: TheAnonPress Views on YouTube: 305 Posted on DU: October 03, 2011 By DU Member: stockholmer Views on DU: 2523 A new Anonymous statement to the media regarding a DDOS attack set forth to take place October 10th. DDOS information is annotated. IRC LINK: irc.project-pm.org #invadewallstreet (or for NetTalk users, TRANSCRIPT: _________________ Greetings, Institutions of the Media. We are Anonymous. The events transpiring within Wall Street have caught our ...

Wall Street protest spreading to Canada
Post Date: 2011-10-03 07:22:35 by Tatarewicz
As police clamped down on anti-Wall Street protesters over the weekend, Toronto activists said they are planning similar demonstrations against corporate greed later this month. Organizers from a group called Occupy Toronto plan to descend on the city’s financial district on Oct. 15 at 10 a.m. The event is inspired by Occupy Wall Street, a group of demonstrators which has camped out near New York’s Financial District for two weeks. Similar protests are being planned that day for Calgary, Montreal, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Ottawa, Vancouver and Victoria, according to the website Occupy Together, which bills itself as an unofficial hub for similar demonstrations worldwide. ...

Post Date: 2011-09-30 07:35:40 by Tatarewicz
We are occupying Wall Street. We will not be moved. Without anyone having to set themselves on fire, a group of nonviolent fed-up people, young and old, has sparked something new. In less than two weeks they have gone through all of the stages of public protest: being ignored, mocked, attacked, and beginning to win. People are joining together across race, age, gender, and culture. Labor unions are joining in a movement that was not begun by labor unions. Insider groups that would rather not be seen at protests are promoting this one. Cable television is denouncing police brutality. A conversation has been launched about the damage the wealthiest one percent is doing to the rest of us. ...

We need a REAL radio network
Post Date: 2011-09-29 08:23:27 by Critter
There is no such thing as local radio anymore that I can detect. Albany, NY's local AM station has been taken over by neocon syndicated hosts and has absolutely no local focus at all. It drove me crazy when I tried to find out what the heck was going on around me when Irene went through here, and then a tornado cut a 5 mile path through the area. I scanned the AM dial for a local broadcast and could find nothing at all. The last local talk show host was disposed of last year in favor of Glen Beck. Morning to night it is neocon followed by neocon, followed by neocon, it is sickening. So, I have been thinking, I want a radio station. Prior to this, I had been daydreaming about ways to ...

Anyone else see this coming? "Cops turn Violent, NYPD drag girl across the street"
Post Date: 2011-09-26 00:16:52 by wudidiz
Cops turn Violent, NYPD drag girl across the street. #OccupyWallStreet Poster Comment:From the comments: The cops are following orders, and they are scared. The person/people who ordered this attack should be the ones held accountable. susiewyk 6 hours ago @susiewyk same excuse the nazis gave USAmericansWakeUp 5 hours ago 29

Take this 2A Poll Please
Post Date: 2011-09-20 21:41:38 by abraxas
TAKES 10 SECONDS ......... DO IT AND PASS IT ON Own a Gun? Please Keep This Moving Guess they were not happy with the poll results the first time so USA today is running another one....vote now Attorney General, Eric Holder, has already said this is one of his major issues. He does not believe the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms. This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a few seconds of your time. Then pass the link on to all the pro- gun folks you know. Hopefully these results will be published later this month. This upcoming year will become critical for gun owners with the Supreme ...

John todd
Post Date: 2011-09-19 07:19:34 by Itistoolate
John todd, ex Illuminati, explaining the Illuminati, full video. His name was John Todd, a former member of the Illuminati. He warned us against their plans for world domination before he was framed and effectively discredit by the Illuminati. The words that he left on his audio tapes are still coming to pass which puts lots of credibility on his claim that he was an insider. This audio speaks about the plans of the illuminati to take over the world. Dont be fooled, you think we are living in a civilized world, and on the outside we are, but the truth is, behind closed doors, in secret societies there are people who are doing everything in their power to enslave us. They are using ...

Breasts are a moral ‘threat’: Court rules topless sunbathing violates 'public sensibilities'
Post Date: 2011-09-19 04:18:30 by Tatarewicz
An artist crusading for the right to sunbathe topless in New Jersey beach town has lost her bid after an appeals panel ruled baring breasts violates 'the public's moral sensibilities.' Phoenix Feeley, aka Jill Coccaro, won a settlement for going topless in New York City six years ago, but must keep covered in the Garden State. The two-judge panel - one male and one female - ruled Wednesday against Ms Coccaro's challenge to Spring Lake's public nudity law. The right to bare all: Artist Jill Coccaro, aka Phoenix Feeley, was rejected in her fight to go topless in New Jersey On June 28, 2008, Ms Feeley was sunbathing topless when she was approached by a police officer ...

Chinese take action against solar factory after locals riot over pollution
Post Date: 2011-09-19 02:38:23 by Tatarewicz
JIAXING, Zhejiang - Environmental authorities in Haining, East China's Zhejiang province, announced on Sept 18 the actions that are being taken to prevent further pollution from a solar panel producer, following angry protests by villagers. More than 500 people from the nearby Hongxiao village began gathering outside the Zhejiang Jinko Solar Co Ltd (ZJS) factory on Sept 15 night, demanding an explanation of large-scale fish deaths in a local river last month, according to the Haining people's government. The company, whose parent is a New York-listed firm, produces mono- and multi-crystalline photovoltaic panels, cells and wafers, which are sold around the world, according to its ...

Dumb Americans
Post Date: 2011-09-17 04:46:47 by Tatarewicz
I believe I can, in one fell swoop prove that we have the dumbest country on earth. All I need to do is mention that since 1948, Americans have given Israel over 15 million dollars a day from your salaries, paychecks and various earnings. No other nation on this earth is dumb enough to do that not even the African ones. And to make it worse you people do it gladly and with joy in your hearts. No one complains, except me. Everyone else seems to think it is all right for every American citizen to be robbed in this manner every day of their lives with no end in sight. Can any nation be dumber that this? Most Americans are so enslaved via Zionist propaganda and government pronouncements that ...

October2011 Movement and Egyptian Revolutionaries Unite
Post Date: 2011-09-15 03:29:33 by Tatarewicz
Call for Real Democracy, End of U.S. Empire, Equitable and Sustainable Economies and Human Rights Today, the October 2011 Movement and the Egyptian Revolutionary Movement published “A Statement of Solidarity between Egyptian Revolutionaries and the October2011.org Movement” signed by 21 members of the two movements. The movements recognize that they face many common problems and that their successes are intertwined. The movements united on four issues including (details on each point are contained in the letter below): 1. Both the people of the United States and Egypt require real democracy so that the views of the people are represented. 2. End US foreign policy positions ...

Chinese outrage at behavior of privileged class
Post Date: 2011-09-14 02:11:59 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING (Reuters) - A celebrity army general and his fast-driving son have become the target of Chinese public ire about the privileges of the political elite after the son hit and beat up a couple and then scoffed at bystanders about calling the police. Li Tianyi, the teenage son of People's Liberation Army general Li Shuangjiang, a singer known for belting out patriotic songs for television shows and official events, careened a souped-up BMW into another car in Beijing last week, and since then the outrage has not stopped. The younger Li and a friend driving another high-end car then jumped out and roughed up the couple in the other car, and shouted "Who dares call 110?" ...

(Trailer) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
Post Date: 2011-09-10 20:59:09 by abraxas
What do you all think about this?

Call for Cheney arrest on Canadian book tour
Post Date: 2011-09-09 06:55:52 by Tatarewicz
Lawyer wants Cheney arrested upon entering Canada Argues Canada is obliged to arrest former U.S. vice-president for war crimes A Vancouver lawyer wants former U.S. vice-president Dick Cheney to be arrested and prosecuted for war crimes when he visits the city later this month to promote his new memoir, In My Time. Gail Davidson, the co-founder of an organization called Lawyers Against the War, wants Canada to either bar Cheney s entry into the country or prosecute him for war crimes. It s a bit chilling that they would invite a mass murderer as their guest to Canada, Davidson said to Vancouver s Georgia Straight, criticizing the Bon Mot Book Club that will host Cheney. Davidson is ...

China working on law to curb domestic violence
Post Date: 2011-09-08 01:37:50 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING - Legislators are in the final stages of designing a new law to tackle the scourge of domestic violence, a leading women's rights campaigner said on Wednesday. "It's time to move forward," said Liu Bohong, deputy director of the Women's Studies Institute of China. "The proposed law will make a huge difference in protecting human rights, especially for the victims of domestic violence." Despite the progress, she said she is still unable to predict when the law will actually be passed. Although in the pipeline for years, news that the proposed law is nearing comes at a time when domestic abuse is back on the agenda, due to allegations against Li ...

US rights group complains about addict treatment in Viet Nam
Post Date: 2011-09-07 22:44:18 by Tatarewicz
HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — An international human rights group urged Vietnam to shut down drug rehabilitation centers that it said subject inmates to abuse and forced labor. It also called Wednesday on international donors to check the programs they fund inside the centers for possible ties to human rights violations. New York-based Human Rights Watch accused Vietnam of imprisoning hundreds of thousands of drug addicts over the past decade without due process and forcing them to work long hours for little pay. It also alleged that the U.S. and Australian governments, the United Nations, the World Bank and other international donors may "indirectly facilitate human rights ...

WordPress Suspends ‘Stop NATO’ news site
Post Date: 2011-09-05 08:01:10 by Tatarewicz
From Antiwar.com writer and ally Rick Rozoff: WordPress suspended the Stop NATO site from posting any new material earlier today, with this announcement: “Warning: We have a concern about some of the content on your blog. Please click here to contact us as soon as possible to resolve the issue and re-enable posting.” Repeated efforts to contact them have produced no result. A year ago Military Times threatened the Stop NATO e-mail list with legal action and, after contacting them and assuming the matter resolved, they got Yahoo Groups to threaten to shut down the list and even cancel my personal e-mail account. Material on the WordPress site has been backed up, and ...

Semi-truck crashes into Ohio adult store to steal $800 vagina
Post Date: 2011-08-24 12:02:21 by abraxas
Semi-truck crashes into Ohio adult store to steal $800 vagina Posted on 08.24.11 By David Edwards Categories: Featured, Say What? A “sex-crazed loser” stole a semi-truck and crashed it into the AdultMart in Brownhelm Township, Ohio Monday. The man made off with an $800 vagina that WOIO described as “a life-like masturbator complete with female genitalia with legs and buttocks.” The Post Chronicle (NSFW) reported that the sex toy was this product (NSFW) by Pipedream. Gawker noted that a man crashed his car into the same store in 2009 to steal a less costly model. Watch this video from WOIO, broadcast Aug. 23, 2011 at the link.......

Chinese film comedy no laughing matter for producers
Post Date: 2011-08-20 06:05:34 by Tatarewicz
A runaway hit on Beijing's stage highlights the plight of China's creative industry under the yoke of nonsensical censorship and the hopelessness of its struggle for more breathing room. A comedy writer encounters a military officer who has just returned from the battleground, with one eye covered by a patch. He needs the latter to give the green light to his latest project so that his troupe of stage actors can perform. But he is facing someone who has no love for the genre. "People have no need for laughter during a time of war," argues the censor, who in the next seven days picks apart the script and pushes for hilarious changes. This is the plot of Sorrows of ...

Teen Arrested For Asking Cop About Unwarranted Raids (OFFICER SUSPENDED)
Post Date: 2011-08-19 21:40:34 by Eric Stratton
Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Check the links at the youtube video as well. But honestly, WTF is mentally wrong with these people! What, the put on a badge and seem to instantaneously become assholes.

21 Books The Ruling Elite Doesn't Want You to Read
Post Date: 2011-08-18 01:36:10 by christine
The sole purpose of COINTELPRO was to destroy individuals and groups perceived as threats to the status quo in the United States. COINTELPRO was “officially” ended in 1971—although it never really ended. After the 911 attacks, the government went at it again, but this time with a scared and more dumbed-down complicit public. Exactly forty-six days after the towers came crumbing down Bush signed the USA Patriot Act. This virtually eliminated restrictions on law enforcement agencies' ability to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial, and other records. What we used to consider illegal eavesdropping is now reclassified as something else -- an emergency. ...

Bunny Greenhouse Is Coming to Charlottesville Conference
Post Date: 2011-08-16 07:58:06 by Tatarewicz
Bunny GreenhouseBunnatine (Bunny) H. Greenhouse is a former procurement executive and chief contracting officer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In 2004-2005 she revealed waste and fraud in secret no-bid contracts for Halliburton in Iraq. She was demote d and marginalized in retribution. In 2011 a U.S. District Court awarded her $970,000 in restitution. Greenhouse will be speaking in Charlottesville with over 20 other speakers on the Military Industrial Complex at 50. To attend, you need to register here: MIC50.org Time Magazine broke the Bunny Greenhouse story in 2004: PDF, followed by CBS, the Guardian, NPR, NBC, AP, and everyone else. Here's a transcript of one of ...

Time to "Gun Control" the "Gun Control" States
Post Date: 2011-08-14 03:14:21 by Coral Snake
Time to "Gun Control" the "Gun Control" States (A Behind The Georgia Guidestones Special Article) By Coral Snake The gun control crowd is at it again. This time trying to build a way around the "electoral colledge" system of electing the President so they can have a perpetual lock on the Presidency and candidates for the SCOTUS in hopes of overturning the Washinton DC and Chicago SCOTUS descisions against handgun bans and bringing them bact to the table. Gun grabber governor Jerry (Moon Beam) Brown has recently signed a law in in the People's Republic of Commiefornia that gives its electoral votes not to the presidential candidate that wins the popular ...

Latest NH liberty news 8/11/2011 (Podcast)
Post Date: 2011-08-11 16:18:13 by RidleyReport
ridleyreport.podomatic.co...2011-08-11T12_39_10-07_00 Freeman arrest update / Kanning skips Fed court hearing / Free Staters try to put best face on a political defeat / New convoy to NH ? Do you want this more up-to-date version of the Ridley Report to continue? Contact me via RidleyReport.com and buy ads.

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