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Latest Articles: Activism

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Welcome to Conspiracy Con 2009
Post Date: 2009-06-11 06:49:10 by Itistoolate
Welcome to Conspiracy Con 2009 This site has been closed by order of the CIA! 7 of the world's most controversial researchers to convene in the Bay Area May 26 & 27 2001.www.conspiracycon.com/ - Cached - Similar Poster Comment:this is what you get when searching for "conspiracy con".

I don't know who to believe, Glen Beck or Alex Jones. Which one do you believe?
Post Date: 2009-06-09 07:18:22 by Itistoolate

A Sign to take a look at — The Man’s next door neighbor wants to ban all guns
Post Date: 2009-06-06 00:09:41 by TwentyTwelve
The Man’s next door neighbor wants to ban all guns!

Did anyone hear Steve Vaus on Alex's show?
Post Date: 2009-06-03 15:31:46 by Itistoolate
He had a hit with "We must Take America Back" and the radio stations would not play his song

Recruiting Suicidal Teens
Post Date: 2009-06-02 23:02:10 by rack42
http://media1.break.com/dnet/media/2007/11/10nov7-suicidal-teens-welcome.jpg Poster Comment:None.

Glen Beck is stiring up the population
Post Date: 2009-05-29 08:56:03 by Itistoolate
You can watch on the net in Windows Media Player or Real Player, 9:00 est glenbeck.com/ Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:He doesn't talk about the............ well you know who., but neither does Alex or the Power Hour.

RealJewNews changed to http://www.realzionistnews.com/
Post Date: 2009-05-28 20:52:24 by Itistoolate
www.realzionistnews.com/ Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:If Bro Nathanael isn't an "Activist" I don't know who is.

Post Date: 2009-05-26 10:45:22 by christine
“Ironically, 99 years ago this week, a train left Newark, N.J., for Jesup Station, Ga., carrying some of the wealthiest, most powerful people in the world. They met in secret at the Jekyll Island Club and laid the plans to create the Federal Reserve System. “Another group of people took a train this past week from Newark, N.J., for Jesup Station, Ga., en route to the same Jekyll Island Club. The people in this group are not among the wealthiest people in the world, but they are among the most powerful; they are some of the leaders of the growing freedom movement. Nearly a hundred years ago, a meeting at Jekyll Island produced the Federal Reserve, which now controls our economic ...

IT HAS BEGUN - Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-05-25 06:07:23 by Itistoolate
IT HAS BEGUN Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 It has already started.... “Ammunition Accountability Legislation” Remember how Obama said that he wasn't going to take your guns? Well, it seems that his allies in the anti-gun world have no problem with taking your ammo! The bill that is being pushed in 18 states requires ALL AMMUNITION to be encoded by the manufacturer, a data base of all ammunition sales. So, they will know how much you buy and what calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition is coded. Any privately held uncoded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011. (Including hand loaded ammo.) They will ...

Austin cop calls into RuleofLawRadio (audio)--Very interesting
Post Date: 2009-05-24 12:46:21 by christine
http://mp3.ruleoflawradio.com/ROL/64k/ROL_2009-05-22_64k_Hr3&4.mp3---the call begins at 1 hr 40 mins http://mp3.ruleoflawradio.com/ROL/64k/ROL_2009-05-23_64k_After_Midnight.mp3---continuation

Video: Max Keiser – Poverty and Food Shortage is Created by the Banking System
Post Date: 2009-05-20 17:56:45 by Itistoolate
Video: Max Keiser – Poverty and Food Shortage is Created by the Banking System Posted by sakerfa on May 20, 2009 Top Films * #1 – Freedom or Fascism dprogram.net/2009/02/16/f...-icke-freedom-or-fascism/ * #2 – Obama Deception dprogram.net/2009/03/19/film-the-obama-deception/ * #3 – The Corporation dprogram.net/2009/02/16/film-the-corporation/ * #4 – Loose Change Final dprogram.net/2009/02/16/film-loose-change-final-cut/ * #5 – Terrorstorm dprogram.net/2009/02/16/film-terrorstorm-final-cut/ * #6 – Kymatica dprogram.net/2009/02/08/film-kymatica/ * #7 – 9/11 Missing Links dprogram.net/2009/02/16/film-missing-links/ * #8 – Zeitgeist ...

Violence and the Scapegoat
Post Date: 2009-05-19 19:05:45 by Turtle
The gospel, for the first time in history, gave voice to the victim of violence. Its subversive message is the only way society can avoid the endless cycles of revenge currently played out on the world stage by Philip Hunt WHEN SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC’S plan to be the new Tito fell apart into the Balkan wars of the last decade, the West, led by the US, made various attempts at peace. Milosevic was included as a necessary part of the peace-making process. By the time NATO got around to bombing Serbia – and a million Kosovars were running for their lives – Milosevic had become persona non grata. Why the turnaround? After a monumentally bad season, AFL team the Fremantle Dockers ...

Please Support Adam Kokesh
Post Date: 2009-05-18 17:08:13 by Refinersfire
Dear Friends, Adam Kokesh has been a tremendous supporter - of both me AND you! As a leader of Iraqi Veterans Against the War, Adam has spent years traveling the country to spread our message of peace, a strong national defense and limited government. Adam has tremendous credibility because of his service in the United States Marine Corps and I have deep respect for his commitment to principle. And now, Adam Kokesh needs our support. Adam has formed an exploratory committee to run for Congress in his home state of New Mexico. Sending Adam Kokesh to Congress would be a tremendous victory for the Freedom Movement, and if we come together and stand behind him, he has a real chance to win. ...

The Collapse of the Middle Class
Post Date: 2009-05-17 14:44:29 by Turtle
Poster Comment:This is long, but absorbing, and right on the mark. Wages have been flat since 1973, but look as if they're going up because women have gone into the work force, Now they have to be in it, whether or no they want to. People are being crushed by housing and health-care costs.

Brendon O’Connell’s Suppressed Videos
Post Date: 2009-05-16 19:39:01 by sushigirl
Brendon O’Connell’s actions are very straight - forward and effective. In the age of under $200 high definition video cameras, the age of the people’s journalist is here. TPTB are particularly afraid of this approach because it unmasks the Zionist J-w completely. There is no mistaking what you are seeing. If this caught on and people everywhere started confronted the lying Zionists, maybe we can save them from themselves, shame them into maybe waking up. At the least, it is a compelling warning to the “Goyim”. I don’t believe in blaming all J-ws, and O’Connell walks a fine line, but I believe he is in the right. These videos were still up on YouTube ...

Dees Illustrations Slideshow
Post Date: 2009-05-13 14:24:41 by wakeup
Poster Comment:'Just playing around with David Dees' great illustrations and trying to encourage others to spread the project DVDs around. Ron OneDollarDVDProject.com

Alex Jones con Texe Marrs - Agentes desinformadores
Post Date: 2009-05-11 16:20:10 by Itistoolate
Build your own custom video playlist at embedr.com

A fifth of US homes have cell phones, no landlines
Post Date: 2009-05-06 13:33:56 by Jethro Tull
For the first time, the number of U.S. households opting for only cell phones outnumber those with traditional landlines in a high-tech shift accelerated by the recession. In the freshest evidence of the growing appeal of cell phones, 20 percent of households had only cells during the last half of 2008, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey released Wednesday. That was an increase of nearly 3 percentage points over the first half of the year, the largest six-month increase since the government started gathering such data in 2003. The 20 percent of homes with only cell phones compared to 17 percent with landlines but no cells. That ratio has changed starkly in ...

The Patriot
Post Date: 2009-05-04 15:21:10 by Itistoolate
The Patriot

CT 1997
Post Date: 2009-05-04 05:51:23 by Itistoolate
Jerry Fletcher is a cab driver in love with a woman he observes from afar. She works for the government and Fletcher is an outspoken critic of that government. He has conspiracy theories for everything, from aliens to political assassinations. But soon, one of his theories finds itself to be accurate. But which one? Some dangerous people want him dead and the only person he trusts is that woman he loves but does not know. Conspiracy Theory 1997 - Mel Gibson Julia Roberts Poster Comment:Brave Hart The Patriot Conspiracy Theory Thanks Mel

Born Again American
Post Date: 2009-04-22 18:41:19 by Refinersfire
You will be so glad you watch and listen to this one. http://www.bornagainamerican.org/ Don't Forget to Sign The Pledge and put your name on the Declaration of Independence!`

Are You Kidding Me?
Post Date: 2009-04-20 18:32:15 by TwentyTwelve
Are You Kidding Me? by Don Cooper I watched closely all the tea parties all over the country Wednesday. What a showing of national pride and solidarity. What a showing of subservient compliance and casual indifference. What a joke. In Lafayette Park, Washington D.C., of all places to protest, the plan was to dump one million tea bags in the park, but the brave dissidents never did it because they forgot to get the proper permits. Are you kidding me? What is civil disobedience without civil disobedience? They even went so far as to say that they were willing to put down plastic tarps and clean up after themselves. That’s like saying we don’t agree with your oppressive, ...

Is there a "Live Feed" for MSNBC? -Talking about guns and kids now
Post Date: 2009-04-19 18:25:10 by Itistoolate

Tulsa Tea Party Pics - outstanding
Post Date: 2009-04-17 11:18:59 by Lod
Mash the URL to enjoy a great party.

How many of you went to a 'Tea Party"?
Post Date: 2009-04-16 21:50:21 by Itistoolate
The one I went to had about(est)1,500. I thought there would be about 40 or 50 people in a parking lot.

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