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Help Get Freedom Watch (Napolitano, Schiff, Paul, Rockwell) on TV
Post Date: 2009-04-16 13:53:21 by Disgusted
This show is one of the best weapons we have in our fight for Freedom! Please help us get this on mainstream tv by watching, rating, favoriting, commenting and sharing this video with everyone you know!! We have the opportunity to get this on Fox News' TV network, but we need your help - we need to overwhelm them with support by showing massive viewcounts & comments on these videos. Also, please leave comments on this article (and if you liked having the opportunity to ask questions via Twitter, make sure you tell them to do it again :) www.youtube.com/v/nT-BvWg...color2=0x54abd6&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ...

Anyone Ever Get Phone Calls Saying Your Auto Warranty Is About To Expire
Post Date: 2009-04-09 00:35:02 by Old Friend
I have been getting these calls for years. The computer calls you. It says your auto insurance is about to expire. It tells you to press 1 to talk to an operator. A couple of years ago I pushed the 1 and told them to quit calling me. They are still calling. Weekly. I am getting tired of it. I recently got a different cellphone number. I don't have caller ID on my home phone but do on the cell. I have noticed that there a couple of different numbers that they call from. When I try to call those numbers back it says they are disconnected. Anyone know how to track these people down so that I can find them and put fire ants in their underwear?

Ontario, CA 'Tent City', One Year After Colored Wristbands
Post Date: 2009-04-06 16:09:30 by Artisan
OK I went to the 'camp'. I found out that that the LA Times article which has been circulating of late all over the web referring to colored wristbands and autos being siezed is actually over a year old: 'Ontario residents only' at Tent City March 18, 2008http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-tents18mar18,0,494522,full.story California Tent City Residents Required to Wear Wristbands April 1, 2009 http://www.prisonplanet.com/california-tent-city-residents-required-to-wear- wristbands.html Ontario, CA, Tent City Residents Required to Wear Wristbands (<---Note this is not an LA Times headline) David Kelly, Los Angeles Times March 30, 2009 ...

REPUBLIC MAGAZINE - Digital Subscriber Download Area
Post Date: 2009-04-04 02:40:26 by Refinersfire
Republic Magazine As a reminder, you may pass this digital version along to friends, family, co-workers, customers, and others that can help us take back America… in fact, we encourage it! Email it, post it in forums, on blogs, link it on your website… JUST GET THE WORD OUT! Enough talk already, click the links below to download the latest issues of Republic Magazine. See PDF Download links at above site link..

Weekend Edition - The Glenn Jacobs (WWE's Kane) Interview Episode #3
Post Date: 2009-04-04 02:37:53 by Refinersfire

Time for a real change - End The Federal Reserve (Video)
Post Date: 2009-04-01 11:43:24 by TwentyTwelve
Time for a real change It's called the Federal Reserve Bank, but it's neither "federal" nor a "reserve" nor a "bank." In actuality it's a privately owned entity that has monopolistic control over the US money supply. Rammed down the throat of Congress during the WW I era (the same period that gave us personal income tax, the draft, and the Pentagon), the reality of the Federal Reserve has been one of the best kept secrets in America. Until now. Thanks to the Internet, and specifically video on the Internet, more Americans understand the reality behind the Fed than at any time since the Fed's creation. Spread the word. A country that ...

One of Henry Kissinger's Homes
Post Date: 2009-03-31 23:26:20 by rack42
Henry's real name: Heinz Alfred Kissinger Henry Kissinger's home 50 Henderson Road Kent, CT 06754 Use Google Maps to find his domicile. Henry has a brother named Walter. A few mentions of Henry: http://www.au.af.mil/au/aul/bibs/yomkw/ykip99.htm http://www.blacktiemagazine.com/society_2008_june/day_of_russia_in_new_york.htm http://www.nps.gov/hstr/historyculture/political-associates.htm http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1973/ http://www.nps.gov/hstr/historyculture/political-associates.htm I have more but I'm sleepy. Goodnight. Poster Comment:Should be an "Other" category.

Aaron Russo MAD AS HELL
Post Date: 2009-03-31 22:13:00 by Itistoolate
Aaron Russo MAD AS HELL 9 Videos In 1994, Russo created a one and half hour, politically themed TV show entitled Aaron Russo's Mad as Hell. The program, part stand-up comedy monologue and part journalist. PlayAll Aaron Russo MAD AS HELL 1 of 9

Post Date: 2009-03-29 14:48:29 by MING THE MERCILESS
BEWARE, It's happening all over the internet and in the law enforcement community. Documents like the one put out by MIAC are spreading across the country to simular organizations and fusion centers. Paid shills and operatives are targeting Alex Jones and people associated with him like Luke Rudowski http://www.jonesreport.com/artic...sted_giuliani_orders.html BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRUST AND WHO YOU LISTEN TO. WE ARE GETTING "CHANGE" ALRIGHT JUST NOT THE KIND THE DUMBED DOWN PUBLIC WORSHIPS OBAMA FOR. BEWARE OF THE LEFT RIGHT PARADIGM For all of you caught up in beleiving that there are democrats and republicans or a left/right platform think again. There are only issues that ...

PBS using Gary Franchi toExpose Federal Reserve
Post Date: 2009-03-28 12:25:33 by Itistoolate

a call to ALL patriots to unite!
Post Date: 2009-03-25 16:59:01 by MING THE MERCILESS
SELF EXPLAINATORY go here and sign up http://www.wethepeoplecongress.org http://www.wethepeoplefoundation.org

(vid) The Other Side. Bill Cooper vs Alex Jones
Post Date: 2009-03-24 17:09:29 by PSUSA
He uses Jones own words during y2k #1 is an intro, not much here until the last minute or so. #2 is more interesting. He's trying to scare the crap out of people by just making up things. But he is helping sell survival preps. The ads are right here... Part 3: More y2k, cooper is back, and actually takes calls from intelligent people! Part 4 More calls, and damn I wish I heard of Cooper when he was still alive. part 5 More cooper exposing jones and his trying to get people to panic. Good phone calls. part 6

I tried to put the "Obama Decption" on Public Access TV but it has an advertisement for Prision Planet TV on it so they won't show it.
Post Date: 2009-03-24 14:54:29 by Itistoolate
what to do?

Post Date: 2009-03-24 10:55:42 by MING THE MERCILESS
It's become quite obvious that there is a smear campaign ongoing to dis-credit AJ. It is happening all over the internet. Isn't it strange to see this happening timed with the release of AJ's new film "The Obama Deception"? It really started to brew right around the time Obama took office. All I can say is if that's all they have on AJ is that his wife is Jewish they are grasping at straws. My wife is from Jewish decent but is a Christian. I'll bet Violet is too. Who blames AJ for wanting to protect his family??? They only thing I see hear is tptb trying desperately to take AJ down along with others that don't like him. All I can say is !!!NO ONE BELEIVES ...

Texas School Board Set to Vote on Challenge to Evolution
Post Date: 2009-03-23 09:47:24 by war
The Texas Board of Education will vote this week on a new science curriculum designed to challenge the guiding principle of evolution, a step that could influence what is taught in biology classes across the nation. The proposed curriculum change would prompt teachers to raise doubts that all life on Earth is descended from common ancestry. Texas is such a huge textbook market that many publishers write to the state's standards, then market those books nationwide. "This is the most specific assault I've seen against evolution and modern science," said Steven Newton, a project director at the National Center for Science Education, which promotes teaching of evolution. ...

Watch Film Trailers: Core of Corruption: In the Shadows, the First Installment of the Five Movies
Post Date: 2009-03-22 11:20:42 by christine

Shoes and words fly as Canadians protest Bush at Calgary speech
Post Date: 2009-03-20 20:49:15 by Itistoolate
Shoes and words fly as Canadians protest Bush at Calgary speech RAW STORY Published: Tuesday March 17, 2009 As a center of Canada's oil industry, Calgary – in the relatively conservative province of Alberta – would seem to be an ideal place for George W. Bush to give his first post-presidential speech. But Bush was greeted by more than the 1,500 business people who paid as much as $315 to hear him speak Tuesday. Plenty of shoes were thrown as at least 100 protesters gathered and chanted "war criminal," angry that Bush chose Calgary for his first speech after leaving the White House in January. At least two demonstrators were hauled away by police after brief ...

Chuck Baldwin Guest on Alex Jones Now!
Post Date: 2009-03-19 12:37:10 by christine

The far right is on the march again: the rise of fascism in Austria
Post Date: 2009-03-17 12:30:20 by X-15
Beneath a leaden sky the solemn, black-clad crowd moves slowly towards a modest grey headstone. At one end of the grave, a flame casts light on the black lettering that is engraved on the marble. At the other end, an elderly soldier bends down to place flowers before standing to salute. From all over Austria, people are here to pay their respects to their fallen hero. But the solemnity of the occasion is cut with tension. Beyond the crowd of about 300, armed police are in attendance. They keep a respectful distance but the rasping bark of Alsatians hidden in vans provides an eerie soundtrack as the crowd congregates in mist and light rain. We’ve been warned that despite a heavy ...

Want something good to put on a DVD and pass out??
Post Date: 2009-03-14 10:02:58 by Itistoolate

Funny Money Update
Post Date: 2009-03-11 23:01:17 by wakeup
Please, come take a look at the funny money and tell me what you think. Try to read the red captions, if you can. http://www.onedollardvdproject.com/DVD-new/Funny_Money.html

Post Date: 2009-03-11 15:49:00 by MING THE MERCILESS
Yes, the regularly scheduled End the Fed national teleconference is ON tonight, Tuesday, March 10th. IT'S TIME TO GEAR UP FOR THE APRIL 25TH END THE FED RALLIES! The economic collapse of the economy is in full force now and we MUST point the finger at the true culprit...the Federal Reserve Bank! We are the only ones who will tell the people the truth! ALSO...we are now integreating support for HR 1207, Ron Paul's bill to AUDIT THE FED! Go to the web site for the new petition form. From 5 PM Pacific, 7 PM Central, 8 PM Eastern, Restore the Republic Radio will be hosting the "End the Fed!" Show with RJ, Ray Powell and Steven Vincent. You can listen live at www.RTRRadio.com. ...

Sneak Peeks from the Obama Deception
Post Date: 2009-03-11 14:25:32 by christine

Not So Funny Money
Post Date: 2009-03-07 23:33:35 by wakeup
I will use these as handouts and they will be included in all DVD shipments. 'Hope Dees and the Deception Dollar folks don't mind. They print up nicely and I put my web address on the back. I needed to come up with something other than the ones with Bush or Cheney. All the bills will have this picture and site plug on the back.

The Federal Quo Warranto Statute Is The Only Constitutional Means of Removing a Sitting President Other Than Impeachment [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-03-06 23:40:06 by bluegrass
The issue of whether the President can be removed from office other than by impeachment is the single most important question presented with regard to challenging the eligibility of a sitting President. This section of the brief contains important new information supporting the conclusions discussed in Part 1 of this legal brief . Please understand that if the Constitution limits Congressional power to remove the President to only cases of impeachment then there is no Constitutional mechanism available to remove a President who is proved to be a usurper. And if that’s true, then the federal quo warranto statute doesn’t have the power to remove a sitting President… even if it ...

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