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Latest Articles: Activism

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The New F***ing Citibank
Post Date: 2009-03-06 18:50:49 by Itistoolate
The New F***ing Citibank After Citibank becomes nationalized, expect to see commercials like this. The New F***ing Citibank - watch more funny videos Click for Full Text!

Armed liberty activists swarm NH state house
Post Date: 2009-03-06 15:33:06 by Itistoolate
RidleyReport March 05, 2009 Armed liberty activists swarm NH state house

IBM, Pentagon To Mass Implant Verichip
Post Date: 2009-03-04 16:29:50 by Itistoolate
Poster Comment:Show this to people. They are making the circuitry in the IBM E. Fiskill plant, around the clock.

Need help, AGAIN damit, posting large size Google videos
Post Date: 2009-02-24 18:10:16 by Itistoolate
Have to get those on LP not corrupted yet to see some good videos. End Game, Eustas Mullins, etc. The "embed video" on Google does not give anything worth while.

Hidden Cameras in DTV Converters? YouTube Hoax Fans Conspiracy Fears. Thank you Alex Jones. What did you say about it?
Post Date: 2009-02-24 12:26:42 by PSUSA
Ever wonder what the government is really up to paying for all those digital TV converter boxes? Last week a Spokane, Washington man claimed he'd discovered the horrifying truth, and he produced a YouTube video to prove it. In a 90-second video that's popping up on tin-foil-hat sites everywhere, 28-year-old software engineer Adam Chronister is seen cracking open his government-subsidized Magnavox converter, and revealing to the world the tiny video camera and microphone hidden inside. "I had a friend who was trying to tell me that they put cameras in these things," Chronister narrates in a deadly-serious monotone. "So what I did was open it up to prove them wrong, ...

You Tube: Alex Jones On Coast To Coast AM - States’ Rights & Martial Law
Post Date: 2009-02-17 10:29:55 by christine
From CoastToCoastAM.com: Alternative media activist Alex Jones and author Jerome Corsi will discuss steps some states are taking to preserve sovereignty and personal freedoms which include gun ownership, gold & silver ownership, & home schooling. http://www.prisonplanet.com/coast-to-coast-am-alex-jones.html<--Click for access to youtubes.

Freedom Is Not Dead, Inc -- Granny Warrior (Linda Hunicutt's new website)
Post Date: 2009-02-15 11:04:30 by christine
Congratulations: We are now a third world country ! Ruled by the very people who wish to destroy the country and all it has stood for over the years since our ancestors fought and died to give us the gift of Freedom, Equality and Prosperity. All we had to do was keep it. We failed. Miserably. Greed and sloth has undone all the great work done before us, the blood of our forefathers spilt on the ground of battle for our spectulacular country is nothing more than a stain on the ground with no meaning to us as a nation. Are you ready to become second (2nd) class citizens now? Go to the back of the Bus. We will have to find a Rosa Parks to lead us back to equality. Christian, Working ...

30 States to Secede? What do You Think? !!!
Post Date: 2009-02-09 19:03:48 by Itistoolate
30 States to Secede? What do You Think? !!! Good information to pass on to the sleeping public. It is preaching to the choir for most of you. Redistribute to the sleepers. sovereignty yonibluestar@yahoo.co.uk [This forwarded post by Marty StompingElk was edited, by Millennium Twain.] groups.yahoo.com/group/Seven-Seven/message/3891 artistry courtesy Amy Sophia: www.oracleofthegrailcode.com/cards.htm (ITEM 1) 10+ States are now encouraging a dialog on State Sovereignty, now add Washington to the list. [20 more States are said to be on the way:www.pyrabang.com/view.php...ost_id=11341&visitor=true ] In case you didn't hear about it on the mainstream media(which you haven't), ...

Ditching Google AdSense
Post Date: 2009-02-08 21:56:38 by Tax Pro Tester 2
Say Goodbye to Google AdSense, Hello PYRABANG! Your Truly Free Press and Media Independence Is Finally Here! User rated information moves YOUR news and information to the top across a vast network of websites, and GROWS your bank account at the same time! For the first time on the Internet you can profit from the spread of news and information with the patented PYRABANG Network. You'll profit a couple of ways in this unique micro-economy. Post information of high value on this network and watch what happens! The news and information doesn't even have to be yours, it can be someone else's! You'll make money by letting thousands of other people know about it ...

Millionaire Patriot Wants YOU Armed and Trained! Offers Up His Own Money So YOU Get a Free Handgun Plus 5 Days of Training and a 30 State Concealed Weapons Permit
Post Date: 2009-02-04 06:13:56 by Itisa1mosttoolate
I'm Dr. Ignatius Piazza, Founder and Director of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute. You are on a secure page. My hundreds of thousands of students call me the "Millionaire Patriot" because for the last 11 years I have continually provided millions of dollars in amazing benefits to encourage every law abiding citizen in America to secure the Comfort of Skill at Arms for the protection of themselves, their families, and their communities. You see, I believe that we can positively change the image of gun ownership in our lifetimes and protect our great country from all enemies-- foreign and domestic-- by training our law abiding citizens to levels that far exceed law ...

Sarah Palin Champions Barbaric Aerial Hunting of Wolves [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-02-03 17:56:11 by FormerLurker
Poster Comment:"Compassionate Conservatism" at it's best...

Born Again American
Post Date: 2009-01-30 02:04:34 by TwentyTwelve
www.bornagainamerican.org/ Click for Full Text!

Is It Time To Bail Out Of The US?/Astonishing Incongruities
Post Date: 2009-01-29 10:48:23 by TwentyTwelve
Is It Time To Bail Out Of The US? Astonishing Incongruities By Paul Craig Roberts 1-29-9 Callifornia State Controller John Chiang announced on January 26 that California's bills exceed its tax revenues and credit line and that the state is going to print its own money known as IOUs. The template is already designed. Instead of receiving their state tax refunds in dollars, California residents will receive IOUs. Student aid and payments to disabled and needy will also come in the form of IOUs. California is negotiating with banks to get them to accept the IOUs as deposits. California is often identified as the world's eighth largest economy, and it is broke. A person might ...

Death by "Gun Control"
Post Date: 2009-01-28 23:03:38 by TwentyTwelve
  Death by "Gun Control" by Aaron Zelman and Richard W. Stevens Introduction by James Bovard It shows the connection between gun control and genocide. See The "DEATH CHART" below! Why must all decent non-violent people fight against "gun control"? Why is the right to keep and bear arms truly a fundamental individual right? You can find the answers in this new book. People frequently ask why we are so dedicated to our cause? This book answers that question by collecting the key facts and arguments in one place. People have asked us to present the whole JPFO argument in one place. We have done it. Available now in an easy-reading format and a ...

The Coming Civil War!
Post Date: 2009-01-28 20:26:57 by TwentyTwelve
The Coming Civil War! January 25, 2009 - If you are a hard-working, responsible, self-reliant and successful American, how do you like billions of your taxes paying for bank, business and ner-do-well homebuyer bailouts, homebuyers that were encouraged by government to buy homes they couldn’t afford. How do you like your government using trillions of your tax dollars for ill advised stimulus packages that won’t and aren’t working? How do you like paying for education, health care, housing and safety-net benefits for illegal aliens that are streaming into America by the millions? How do you like our open border policy and the lack of enforcement of existing laws that have ...

Alex Jones’ The Obama Deception — Coming March 15
Post Date: 2009-01-26 16:38:26 by Disgusted
Alex Jones The Obama Deception will be the first hard-hitting film to expose Obama, his agenda & handlers cutting through all the media hype, side-issues and Left/Right rhetoric. Alex has made several films exposing the Bush agenda and will approach the Obama Administrations plans from the same non-partisan point of view looking past the frontman in the White House to the real owners on Wall Street, in the Bilderberg group and at the Federal Reserve. Please help spread the word about this powerful new film. Make sure everyone you know whether they claim to be a Democrat, Republican, independent or none of the above sees this film before it is too late. The Obama Deception hits DVD on ...

Post Date: 2009-01-24 04:07:39 by noone222
America, we need ya now ... we can't fight alone against the monster. Poster Comment:America, where are ya now ... don't ya care about your sons and daughters ?

Alex Jones’ Audio Blog: January 21, 2009 on Bailout-Banker Criminals
Post Date: 2009-01-21 22:50:25 by TwentyTwelve
Alex Jones’ Audio Blog: January 21, 2009 on Bailout-Banker Criminals Infowars January 21, 2009 In the fifth installment of his new audio blog, Alex Jones goes in-depth about the criminal actions of bankers and Wall Street tycoons who have enacted the so-called “bailout” and looted at least $8.5 trillion. Click the player button below to hear the latest installment. Click for Full Text!

Last chance for Ramos and Compean
Post Date: 2009-01-19 12:18:51 by randge
I know that it's flogging a dead horse, but on the last day, they deserve to be shamed once more. It only takes a minute to send a note to DC. Demand a commutation for Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. comments@whitehouse.gov

One Dollar DVD Project
Post Date: 2009-01-19 02:08:29 by wakeup
Poster Comment:I have a few new titles and a little different Home page. 'Just want ya'll to come see. OneDollarDVDProject.com Ron

9/11 Truth On F/X
Post Date: 2009-01-16 01:07:21 by wakeup

G_d's Chosen [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-01-13 20:30:56 by Itisa1mosttoolate

Post Date: 2009-01-10 11:50:20 by Old Friend
That’s right. This most extraordinary figure of modern time was indeed right! He was right when He raised the banner of Aryan truth against alien corruption and lies. He was right when He proclaimed anew the eternal laws of life to a world which had forgotten. He was right when He opposed the crass materialism of both communism and finance capitalism. He was right when He gave a hungry, humiliated people work and bread and raised it up. He was right when He showed mankind a better way. He was right when He gave the world a vision of a nobler future. He was right when He sought peace among the peoples of Europe and the world. He was right when He fought against overwhelming odds for ...

Buy, Buy, Buy
Post Date: 2009-01-06 17:36:07 by X-15
Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States. A military force, at the command of Congress, can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power, and jealousy will instantly inspire the inclination, to resist the execution of a law which appears to them unjust and oppressive. ~ Noah Webster While we stumble along economically with ...

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