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An Open Letter To CNN From Michael Moore
Post Date: 2007-07-16 10:21:14 by robin
An Open Letter To CNN From Michael Moore 7-15-7 Dear CNN,Well, the week is over -- and still no apology, no retraction, no correction of your glaring mistakes. I bet you thought my dust-up with Wolf Blitzer was just a cool ratings coup, that you really wouldn't have to correct the false statements you made about "Sicko." I bet you thought I was just going to go quietly away.Think again. I'm about to become your worst nightmare. 'Cause I ain't ever going away. Not until you set the record straight, and apologize to your viewers. "The Most Trusted Name in News?" I think it's safe to say you can retire that slogan.You have an occasional segment called ...

Post Date: 2007-07-15 15:59:07 by johnny99
TRUTH ATTACK (GOOD!!) NEWS FROM THE FRONT SUPER SPECIAL EDITION July 13, 2007 TOM CRYER ACQUITTED UNANIMOUS VERDICT: NOT GUILTY!! In a time when good news is hard to come by a truck load was delivered this week when a unanimous NOT GUILTY verdict was handed down by a jury following a hotly contested and hard fought trial on Tom Cryer’s case. Hallelujah!! Never again doubt the power of prayer and hard work. Nationally renowned tax defense attorney Larry Becraft was lead counsel backed up by long-time tax honesty advocate attorney George Harp. Larry turned in a flawless performance. Efforts by the government to prevent any testimony and evidence about the law ...

Political dissidents must unite!
Post Date: 2007-07-13 15:51:56 by statusquobuster
Seeking Political Reform Through Solidarity Joel S. Hirschhorn All over the Internet are sincere efforts to reform and improve America’s political-government system. The downside is fragmentation of the subpopulation that has escaped brainwashing, cultural distraction, and self-delusion. Strategy solidarity is missing, but is possible. Millions of discontent, dissident and truly patriotic Americans see our federal government as corrupt and untrustworthy, disrespectful of our Constitution, under the grip of moneyed interests, subservient to corporate and globalization elites, unresponsive to the needs of ordinary people, and very much on the wrong track. But they are not united. ...

(Wisconsin) Pigstock 2007: De la Vega, Miles, Rowley, Wright...
Post Date: 2007-07-11 19:07:56 by robin
Pigstock 2007: De la Vega, Miles, Rowley, Wright... Submitted by danielifearn on Wed, 2007-07-11 19:42. IFPJ Come to Pigstock 2007, the Upper Midwest Veterans for Peace Regional Retreat 8 am - midnight on 14 July 2007 5th Annual PIGSTOCK (July 14, 2007) On July 14 we will hold our annual peace gathering, Pigstock, at Schaefers’ Pig Wisdom Farm* in Hager City, Wisconsin. Sponsored by Veterans for Peace, Chapter 115, everyone welcome. This year’s Pigstock includes: Registration, Introductions and Announcements: 8:30 – 9:45 AM Speakers/Workshops: 10:00 – 11:30 AM and 1:30 – 3:00 PM Elizabeth de la Vega: former Federal Prosecutor, including a stint as ...

Getting Ron Paul Out There
Post Date: 2007-07-10 18:17:48 by Lod
1) Any 'phone conversation can be steered to Ron Paul, especially if you mention doing away with the IRS and ending this insane war - try it, it works. 2) Rubber stamps for your bills, correspondence, whatever - Check him out for President A couple of (almost) freebies that just popped to mind. Let's get it done this time.

Group raises money to fly pro-impeachment banner at All-Star Game
Post Date: 2007-07-09 22:53:17 by robin
Online activists raised enough money in two hours Monday afternoon to fly a banner encouraging the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney over AT&T Park in San Francisco before Tuesday's baseball All Star Game. The effort for an airborne banner began in The Nationwide Movement to Impeach Cheney and Bush group on and has been promoted by pro-impeachment Web site Time is short to raise the necessary money before baseball's All-Star Game Tuesday night in San Francisco. "I'd like to see this Facebook group be empowered by actually making something happen in the world," Jacob Park, the Facebook group's ...

Has CODEX arrived? Action letter on FDA's proposed regs on vitamins
Post Date: 2007-07-09 01:19:59 by Pinguinite
Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305) Food and Drug Administration 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061 Rockville, MD 20852. Re: FDA Dietary Supplements Final Rule Dear FDA: I am responding to your June 22, 2007 news release requesting feedback on the proposed Dietary Supplement Final Rule. The Dietary Supplement Final Rule document and link were not available on the management page for consumer feedback and therefore I am writing you. It is fact that the Dietary Supplement Industry has an established safety record, which exceeds any safety record of the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical drugs are regulated and tested and have injured and killed more ...

Watch the reading of The Declaration Of Independence
Post Date: 2007-07-08 14:08:05 by wakeup
"When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation." Click for the Presentation Poster Comment:What can I say. It speaks for itself.

Post Date: 2007-07-05 18:36:42 by Pinguinite
Dear Friends, My dear friend Sherry Peel Jackson will soon undergo a battle in federal court similar to my own. The passage of time has shown how few IRS agents have had the courage to learn the truth and then speak the truth. More information about Sherry is available at but read below for information as to how you can help her. *************************************** Hi On Friday, April 13th (the last possible day that it could be done to include the year 2000) the government filed criminal charges against me. The charge is from Section 7203 and it is willful failure to file. There are four counts – 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. This ...

Down In Flames
Post Date: 2007-06-29 11:11:18 by JCHarris
Down In Flames By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Thursday, June 28, 2007 4:20 PM PT Immigration: The Senate's 53-46 defeat of the immigration bill Thursday was more than a victory for rule of law over alien amnesty. It was a triumph of citizens' will over politicians' disdain. Real reform must follow. Related Topics: Immigration The Bush-Kennedy immigration reform bill is dead and unlikely to be served up again before a new administration takes office. No wonder. It was a pork-laden spending bill that offered de facto amnesty to illegal immigrants, federal contracts to the usual contractors, spoils for businesses that habitually hire illegals, and new layers of ...

20,000 at massive march and rally in Puerto Rico, with blanket TV coverage, as citizens take to streets over proposed “civil unions” law!
Post Date: 2007-06-29 10:55:57 by JCHarris
2 Comments David Parker addresses 20,000 at massive march and rally in Puerto Rico, with blanket TV coverage, as citizens take to streets over proposed “civil unions” law! "You need a zero tolerance policy," Parker tells crowds. Huge crowds marching toward the Capitol building in Puerto Rico to hear David Parker. [SEE MORE PHOTOS BELOW] SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO (JUNE 10-12, 2007) David Parker addressed a rally on the steps of the Capitol building following a two-mile march through the streets of San Juan by Puerto Ricans from across the island. Police estimated the crowds at over 20,000 people. The event ...

My Afternoon Experience
Post Date: 2007-06-27 22:58:28 by Lod
Answering the front door this afternoon, was a way young hottie there pimping Environment Texas; which is opposing all sorts of things that the HelmetHead is favoring in the lege (and elsewhere.) I supported them, and gave to her all sorts of information about Ron Paul, etc - she was thrilled. She said, "I'm so happy - this will be my first time to vote." People, if we can reach the kids, and the disaffected, we can get this thing done."

Manchester against the War: Demonstration
Post Date: 2007-06-25 21:26:14 by robin
Manchester Sunday June 24th 2007 1000s march with a message for Gordon Brown "Bring the troops home or suffer the same fate as Tony Blair..." Anti-War Protest as Blair Resigns and Brown Takes Over Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Go to source for more info. photos:

Please Impeach Me
Post Date: 2007-06-25 10:07:52 by mrdem78

Virginia’s Revolt, Not a Revolution – Yet
Post Date: 2007-06-25 08:56:09 by JCHarris
Virginia’s Revolt, Not a Revolution – Yet By James Atticus Bowden In Feudal Europe the peasants would rise up, occasionally, against particularly oppressive lords. After a bit of looting, killing and drunken revelry the 'Jacquerie' would be suppressed by all the neighboring lords with a fair measure of atrocities to send the proper message. Keep your place, Peasants. Your pitchforks are no match for our armed, heavy horsemen. In our politically fertile, but as yet, futile Virginia the peasants are rising here and there. It's not clear if their efforts will be as ephemeral as a Jacquerie or more like the 1775 rising for the Rights of Englishmen in America. Enough ...

Returning to Blondie, and Call Me!
Post Date: 2007-06-23 21:53:48 by Lod

Ron Paul Gets the 'Colbert Bump'
Post Date: 2007-06-23 09:45:18 by PnbC
Thursday night Stephen Colbert demonstrated that Ron Paul had gotten an incredible "Colbert Bump." A wonderfully entertaining clip! Poster Comment:What we've all been waiting for. A Comedy Central bit about Ron Paul. And not even at his expense (which would have been next to impossible anyhow)

Ron Paul Blocker Is McCain Senior Advisor
Post Date: 2007-06-20 12:45:10 by Pinguinite
The Chairman of Iowans for Tax Relief, Ed Failor, is a Senior Advisor to the McCain Campaign in Iowa. Everyone calling him should be aware of that. 563-288-3600 or 877-913-3600; Fax 563-264-2413;

Fred Thompson TERRORIZED!
Post Date: 2007-06-18 13:42:28 by TheSilverFox
OMG Fred..thats awwwfulll! How harrowing for you.

Ron Paul arriving at Colbert Report!
Post Date: 2007-06-14 15:24:45 by freepatriot32

Anti War Democrat? Vote for Ron Paul.
Post Date: 2007-06-14 13:09:30 by freepatriot32

Shakespeare for Libertarians
Post Date: 2007-06-12 02:31:40 by freepatriot32

Rachel's Reaction to the NH Dabate(Rachels ticked off)
Post Date: 2007-06-12 02:26:35 by freepatriot32

Ron Paul T-shirts Now Available! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-06-11 15:25:29 by who knows what evil

A Fox, a Wolf, and a Whole Lot of Bull (1 and2)
Post Date: 2007-06-11 03:11:03 by freepatriot32
these videos really blows away the lie that Ron Paul blames america for 9 11 with his own words and the words of his criticts

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