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It's Impeachment Day!
Post Date: 2007-04-28 12:54:15 by robin
It's Impeachment Day!Submitted by davidswanson on Sat, 2007-04-28 03:12. Activism | Impeachment Congress has "investigated" and "overseen" and "held accountable" the unitary executive branch of our government for four months. Officials who have testified have been unable to "recall" their crimes and have refused to produce subpoenaed documents. Now Condoleezza Rice says she's "not inclined" to obey a subpoena requiring her to appear and answer questions about forged documents that were used to mislead our nation into war. Congress has no power to compel her to testify. Neither do our courts. Law enforcement power ...

Post Date: 2007-04-23 16:36:21 by wakeup
Howdy, Let us pray for those who suffer a loss in Virginia and, for those who have used this situation for political gain. Many, now take advantage and promote even more tyrannical regulation of our rights. Listen quietly, you can hear the gun controllers' brains working overtime. "Ok, here is what we'll do. Shhhh... We'll make it illegal to have defensive weapons on any campus then, when some nut goes crazy, like in Virginia, we can say... see what happens when a gun gets on campus. Brilliant, I bet it works. I'll bet the dumbed down masses fall for it. But, won't it look like we created a situation where some nut can operate freely. Shhhh... we won't phrase ... there any news anywhere on the *Truck Out* in DC???? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-04-23 13:43:19 by christine
intentionally left blank

Tre Arrow - Extradition Appeal Hearing Update
Post Date: 2007-04-21 18:10:56 by Ferret Mike
Yesterday's Extradition Appeal Hearing went well! The tides (slowly but surely) seem to be turning, as Tre was appropriately referred to by his legal name, *Tre Arrow* the entire day, without issue. Tre's attorney Jim Blazina opened with strong, firm, factual arguments to further the case of Tre's survival of political persecution by the US Government. He stated that prior to 9/11/01, there were approx. 16 people on a "possible terrorist" list in the US. Post 9/11, there are approx. 80,000 on that list. The voluminous documents and obtuse language used and referenced (as Tre's case is complicated) were at times head-spinning, but the overall outcome was that the ...

NH No National ID
Post Date: 2007-04-21 08:09:22 by Itisa1mosttoolate
NH No National ID 7 min 54 sec - Apr 27, 2006 New Hampshirites standing up to the federal government and opposing National ID. New Hampshire bill HR 1582 would keep New Hampshire from ... all » participating in Real ID, the act which mandates a national ID card by 2008

Mohawks block Canadian rail line
Post Date: 2007-04-20 23:50:07 by robin
Mohawks block Canadian rail line The protesters say they are frustrated by slow negotiations A group of Mohawk Indians have cut off a major Canadian rail link in a dispute over land. The protesters parked a bus over tracks on the line between the cities of Toronto and Ottawa. Fire crews and police are at the site, which the Mohawks say they intend to occupy for 48 hours. The national rail company says it has a court order to break up the protest. But in the meantime it has had to use buses to transport its passengers. The demonstrators set up a camp and lit a fire. They say they want the provincial government to close a gravel quarry which they say is on ...

IMPEACH! Spell It Out April 28, 2007
Post Date: 2007-04-15 11:22:36 by robin
IMPEACH! Spell It Out April 28, 2007. George Bush and Dick Cheney have lied the nation into a war of aggression, are spying in open violation of the law, and have sanctioned the use of torture. These are high crimes and misdemeanors that demand accountability through the Constitutional mechanism of impeachment. Since Congress doesn't seem to get it, we're calling on all Americans who stand for truth, freedom, and justice to join us on April 28 and spell it out for them: IMPEACH! Let's put the word IMPEACH! everywhere on April 28. If you're in Miami you'll be able to voice your opinion directly to George Bush himself. If you're in San Diego you can tell Nancy Pelosi ...

Will protests break out in Tigard [Oregon] over advisor's appearance? (Welcome to 'Little Beirut,' Karl)
Post Date: 2007-04-11 21:29:53 by Ferret Mike
Presidential advisor Karl Rove’s speaking engagement in Tigard on Friday has political blogs on the alert and protesters making plans for disruption KING CITY - Posted on the Washington County Republican Party http://( Web site and through a link http://( is a message about an April 13 Meetup that advertises President George W. Bush’s senior advisor, Karl Rove, as the speaker. “The Washington County Republicans Party will be hosting a reception with featured guest KARL ROVE,” the posting reads. The site calls the event a grassroots reception for Rove. The Washington County Republican Party confirmed that Rove was going to make an ...

The Easter Bunny Advocates for 9/11 Truth and Justice and then pays a Surprise Visit at the White House
Post Date: 2007-04-09 17:27:32 by Itisa1mosttoolate
The Easter Bunny Advocates for 9/11 Truth and Justice Surprise Visit at the White House

The Judiciary Under Attack as Never Before
Post Date: 2007-04-09 14:11:56 by BTP Holdings
The Judiciary Under Attack as Never Before By Ron Branson - National J.A.I.L. CIC April 6, 2007 "The former justice [Sandra Day O'Connor] also said she is hearing more criticisms about the judiciary than any other time in her lifetime." As a result of bringing Judicial Accountability to the ballot last year, 2006, in the State of South Dakota, former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has traveled the country taking every opportunity she can to condemn and castigate JAIL4Judges as a great concern to her. Her theme is, and has been, that J.A.I.L. (Judicial Accountability Initiative Law) undermines the independence of the judiciary. As a result, her ravings have appeared in ...

It appears that the same vested interests that call the shots at FreeRepublic and LittleGreenFootballs also do the same with DailyKos and DU. (WMR)
Post Date: 2007-04-09 13:44:25 by robin
April 9, 2007 -- This web site has for some time sensed a certain synergism between so-called left-wing web sites (in reality, gatekeepers) like Daily Kos and Democratic Underground and those on the far right like Little Green Footballs and its grandmaster, FreeRepublic. Our attention has been drawn by our friends at to a concerted campaign by DailyKos and the LittleGreenFootball gremlins to censor writer and cartoonist Ben Heine for his cartoons and writings exposing the Nazi racialist ideology of Israeli politician Avigdor Lieberman. We are happy to provide a link to PI's screen captures of DailyKos that triggered the censorship by the "left" and ...

Do You Know Where You REALLY Live?
Post Date: 2007-04-09 12:59:00 by wakeup
The reason "ignorance is bliss" is such a legitimate adage is that once you know something, you cannot "un-know" it.  Once you learn something, you cannot "un-learn" it.  Once you become aware that something wrong or evil is afoot, your choices are limited to taking corrective action, looking the other way, or simply refusing to believe what you've been shown, even in the face of overwhelming factual evidence.   If you choose to look the other way... Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Great article, if you have the time to sit down and really get into it. I chose it as the foundational philosophy of my little project. Also, ...

Post Date: 2007-04-04 03:18:49 by wakeup
Giving a DVD to others is now inexpensive and one of the most effective methods of sharing the truths from the 911 Truth Movement, the Tax Protest Movement and Freedom Movement in general. You can buy these DVD’s for only one dollar. Each one has two, documentary videos. These are my personal favorites for waking the masses. Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:I just wanted to say hey as I have been overwhelmed by the response and busy burning DVD's. Share my site with all and I will buy another duplicating machine and another printer, please. I want to keep this going and help elect Ron Paul I was working a home show last week-end and gave away some of the "profits," ...

Thousands march to Pentagon to protest Iraq war
Post Date: 2007-03-17 15:28:05 by robin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Thousands of anti-war demonstrators, some carrying yellow and black signs reading "U.S. out of Iraq now!" marched towards the Pentagon on Saturday, one of a number of protests held or planned around the country and the world. The march, on a cold and cloudy St. Patrick's Day, comes just before the fourth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war on Tuesday and 40 years after a similar protest at the Pentagon over the Vietnam Var. The march began near the Vietnam War Memorial, just a few blocks from the White House, and proceeded across the Potomac River towards the Pentagon. One sign near the front read, "The worst tyrants ever: Napoleon, Hitler ...

It's Not Just Talk Radio, It's An Adventure
Post Date: 2007-03-16 12:51:37 by PnbC
It's Not Just Talk Radio, It's An Adventure Dave Gallagher Website: Rescue U.S. Blog: Ron Paul for President - >http://rescue-us.orgDate: 03-04-2007 Subject: Media: Radio Website: Free Talk Live “Don’t you listen to Free Talk Live” she asked. "Um, I don’t think so" I answered. “Isn’t that some pod cast by a couple of kids or something” I offer weakly. I am engaged in a discussion at last weeks New Hampshire Liberty Forum and quickly becoming aware that I am way out of the loop. I am speaking with a woman in her 40's from Tucson AZ. A Real Radio Show Free Talk Live is a syndicated talk radio program. Currently FTL is aired ...

George H. W. Bush to appear in Los Angeles Today, with Madeleine Albright; 7:30PM at Dorothy Chandler Pavillion
Post Date: 2007-03-12 06:02:12 by Artisan
"OPERATION GEPPETTO"- MARCH 12TH (MONDAY) AT 7PM Protest against George H. W. Bush Sr. & Madeleine Albright at Dorothy Chandler Pavilion 135 N. Grand Ave. (Downtown L.A., by Hope & 1st Street) Please arrive between 7 & 7:30 PM and bring 911 Truth & Pro Peace signs "...And Pinnocchio ('G.W. Bush') ... his nose grew longer and longer"... A decentralized evening Dorothy Chandler Pavilion Plaza & sidewalk protest on March 12th at 7PM against George H. W. Bush ('Geppetto') and Madeleine Albright ("Mad Not-So-Bright"). The event is intended to be a build-up protest to the March 17th protest at 12PM (location: Hollywood & ...

The Carnage of Uninsured Motorists
Post Date: 2007-03-11 14:10:06 by Lod
Imagine being 27 years old, beautiful, gainfully employed making good money, and then one day your whole world gets turned upside down because you live in a state that refuses to enforce the law. You lose your job and life changes dramatically. On May 28, 2002, the aforementioned young woman was rear ended on the freeway in LA. Since she was stopped because of another accident right next to her lane, this victim took the entire brunt of the forceful impact. The driver who hit her car turned out to be an uninsured Mexican, possibly an illegal, who attends UCLA and continues to drive the streets. Specialized medical treatment for this victim ran $375.00 per hour - up front. Our victim then ...

Wow! Check Out The FFF Conference: "Restoring The Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties" and the 23 Speakers Scheduled June 1-4 in Reston, VA!
Post Date: 2007-03-10 22:02:34 by christine
Schedule Thursday, May 31, 2007   5:00 pm – 7:00 pm   Registration Friday, June 1, 2007   7:30 am – 3:30 pm   Registration   8:00 am – 8:45 am   Continental Breakfast   8:45 am – 9:00 am   Welcome by Jacob G. Hornberger   9:00 am – 10:00 am   “How Foreign Warring Subverts Freedom at Home”  by James Bovard   10:00 am – 11:00 am   “The Case for an America First Foreign Policy”  by Ralph Raico   11:00 am – 12:00 ...

Post Date: 2007-03-09 17:34:50 by BTP Holdings
RESTORE SELF-GOVERNMENT American Free Press Everyone wants to clean up the corruption and greed plaguing the country. Now there57;s hope for a fresh start. A group of seasoned activists is trying to right the wrong we have been facing for years. In a four-page special insert in this issue, the populist organization Restore Self- Government presents its ambitious plan to bring honesty back to Washington by restoring our constitutional government and putting power back in the hands of the people. VIEW INSERT (PDF Format - Adobe Reader)

Texas Tollroad Protest in Austin - CNN video
Post Date: 2007-03-06 19:33:20 by Lod

Help Keep RBN on the Air, Support Their Advertisers
Post Date: 2007-03-02 09:49:02 by christine
Howard Creek Resort 1-870-431-5371 Wheatgrass 1-512-272-8700 Ken Solar 1-239-677-3073 Headache Stay Gone 1-800-327-0727 HeartDrop (Kardovite) 1-877-928-8822 Lase Med Inc. 1-866-759-2756 Integrity Debt Options 1-888-259-0517 Herbal Healer 1-870-269-2591 Interests Reduction Solutions 1-719-387-8617 Stoves&More Online 1-931-593-3462 JMS Food Storage 1-800-409-5633 ...

Post Date: 2007-03-01 17:51:40 by Eoghan
Last weekend I attended the 911 Accountability Conference in Chandler, Arizona, just south of Phoenix. These are my observations and most likely, they will not be welcomed by the organizers and some of the participants. However, after 17 years in this movement to save this republic from being destroyed by craven poltroons serving in public office both in Washington, DC and throughout the states, I call things as I see them. There are no favorites when it comes to our freedom and liberty. A "press conference" was held on Friday night, February 23, 2007. Instead of reporters and media attendees asking a question and the panel returning with a response, virtually without exception, ...

Post Date: 2007-02-23 14:31:22 by HOUNDDAWG
California ------- HACIENDA HEIGHTS - It's 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, and in 15 minutes the lone medical marijuana dispensary in the area will open for the day. The dispensary, at 15838 Halliburton Road, is next to a string of Chinese bakeries, restaurants and cafes. It would go unnoticed except for a California Medical Caregivers Association sign hanging from the iron door. As one patient waits for the facility to open, he sits in his car and flips through High Times, a magazine that caters to the cannabis culture. Another patient steps into the bakery next door and buys several pastries before he shows an armed guard his prescription and license and enters the dispensary. As of April 30 ...

Woman, 70, injured in peace protest
Post Date: 2007-02-23 09:56:04 by robin
A 70-YEAR-OLD woman was taken to hospital and four people arrested after police moved in on demonstrators protesting against Dick Cheney's visit to Sydney. A group of about 100 protesters yesterday morning met a wall of police as they marched towards the Shangri-la Hotel in The Rocks where the US Vice-President was giving a speech to the Australian-American Leadership Dialogue. The group - smaller than the 350 that clashed with police in the city on Thursday night - carried a banner which read: "Chain up Cheney, free David Hicks." Leading a three-person counter-demonstration was former Young Liberal John Ruddick, who came out to support Mr Cheney with a $1200 banner that ...

Jewish Left, Christian Right Square Off For Hate Bill Battle
Post Date: 2007-02-22 17:30:18 by Brian S
Last November, I sounded the alarm that with Democrats in control of Congress, the Anti-Defamation League could reintroduce its federal “anti-hate” bill any time after January 3 (See, Democrats’ Control Means Hate Bill Will Pass ). They did, January 5. Since November, I have been interviewed on 65 radio and TV national talk shows, warning that Democrat control means almost certain passage of the hate bill—unless America erupts in protest. During the past 3 months, thanks largely to the faithfulness of Jeff Rense to post my warnings to his huge audience, Congress (especially the Judiciary Committee members) has been besieged with calls. Legislative aides have also ...

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