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Talkin' Bout A Revolution - Tracy Chapman
Post Date: 2006-07-21 20:30:31 by christine

Jackson Browne Video -- Lives in the Balance
Post Date: 2006-07-21 12:31:32 by christine
LIVES IN THE BALANCE I've been waiting for something to happen For a week or a month or a year With the blood in the ink of the headlines And the sound of the crowd in my ear You might ask what it takes to remember When you know that you've seen it before Where a government lies to a people And a country is drifting to war And there's a shadow on the faces Of the men who send the guns To the wars that are fought in places Where their business interest runs On the radio talk shows and the T.V. You hear one thing again and again How the U.S.A. stands for freedom And we come to the aid of a friend But who are the ones that we call our friends-- These governments ...

Kevin Barrett's Letter to Fox's Rupert Murdoch
Post Date: 2006-07-19 09:41:12 by christine
July 18, 2006 -- Kevin Barrett responds to Bill O'Reilly's Nazi-like attack: Rupert Murdoch Bull-Goose Loonie & Fascist Billionaire Extraordinaire, Fox News Dear Mr. Murdoch, It has come to my attention that one of your announcers, Bill O’Reilly, has stated on national television that he would like to see me murdered and thrown into Boston Harbor. Since I get so many email death threats I can’t keep track of them (among the 10% of my 9/11-related emails that are negative) this is a pretty inflammatory thing to say. If anything were to happen to me, Fox News would find itself facing the mother of all lawsuits, and my family might very well end up in control of the Murdoch ...

UnLicense.Org Ready to go.
Post Date: 2006-07-18 21:30:19 by Critter
After a brief discussion about creating a site concerning living life unlicensed, I registered the domain name and installed a blog script. I shopped around for a catchy template, but nothing seemed to work as well as one of the stock templates, so I'm going to stick with it. Anyone who has any tried and true info about living life unlicensed, or living without an SS number is welcome to post what they know. Everyone who registers is immediately set up as a contributor and thos who wish to have Author status can email their request to me at The idea is to make the site a clearinghouse for information regarding how to live license free and stay out of jail doing it. :) ...

Kill The Messenger Campaign Continues (Joe Banister, Freedom Above Fortune News)
Post Date: 2006-07-18 15:05:07 by Neil McIver
Dear Friends: It will probably come as no surprise to you that the tentacles of the federal income tax enforcement apparatus continue to reach far and wide to discredit and silence my whistleblowing efforts at every opportunity and using every resource, this time using the resources of two California bureaucracies, the California Board of Accountancy ("CBA") and the California Department of Justice ("CDOJ"). Detailed below is an account of the latest attack against me. I am again asking for you to pray for me and my legal team as we prepare for this next battle and, yes, I am asking you to pray for those who are trying to do me harm. I am also asking for your ...

Post Date: 2006-07-12 10:34:55 by christine
Imagine this scenario: you call your local Pizza Palace planning to order two large pizzas with meat toppings. A female voice identifies you by your 20-digit national ID number. She mentions where you work. You ask how she knows this. “We just got wired into the system,” she says. Whatever. You place your order. Suddenly she slaps you with a $20 surcharge. Aghast, you demand, “Why?” She tells you: “Your medical records show you have high blood pressure and extremely high cholesterol.” Where’d she get my medical records? Oh, yes. The system. She says she can deliver your meat pizzas anyway because Pizza Palace has a deal with your health care provider, but ...

Dr. Kevin Barrett on Hannity & Colmes (video)
Post Date: 2006-07-11 19:29:04 by j.sulli
Here is Dr. Kevin Barrett on Hannity & Colmes from July 10, 2006. For more on Dr. Barrett:Lawmaker Wants UW Lecturer Fired Over 9/11 ViewsUW Lecturer Backed On Talk About 9/11Kevin Barrett: Media hide truth: 9/11 was inside jobLecturer denounces critics of his 9-11 teachings

Post Date: 2006-07-08 22:02:35 by DeaconBenjamin
When I began my run in Maryland for the U.S. Senate, I decided that I could not be comfortable with either of the two old parties. However, I also recognized that any one of the small alternative parties could not successfully challenge them. So, I set out to create a Unity Campaign that would bring together the Libertarian, Populist and Green Parties of Maryland, along with voters registered Republican, Democrat and independent. According to Richard Winger, the editor of Ballot Access News and a top expert on the history of third parties, the Libertarian and Green Parties have never nominated the same candidate. Having worked with both parties over the years, I understood their ...

Disinformationalists Lisa Guliani and Victor Thorne on RBN now
Post Date: 2006-07-05 09:20:05 by Jethro Tull
Two self serving frauds, IMHO. PS: Thorn has claimed the Alabama church fires were started by three Jewish kids. I've emailed him twice asking for verification, and have yet to receive a response.

Scholars for 9/11 Truth Under Attack
Post Date: 2006-07-04 13:01:09 by valis
Scholars for 9/11 Truth Under Attack Member's children threatened by name, teacher's position under assault Duluth, MN (PRWEB) July 4, 2006 --- The author of an article about the attack on the World Trade Center has found himself under attack for having published it in a new on-line publication, Journal of 9/11 Studies. Entitled "The Flying Elephant", the article discusses evidence that a third airplane was captured on video at the time of the WTC attack. He has now received a thinly-veiled threat against his children, who are cited by name, suggesting it would be a good idea if his article were to simply "go away". Scholars for 9/11 Truth is a non-partisan society of ...

US anti-war protesters begin July 4 fast
Post Date: 2006-07-03 22:28:25 by Eoghan
About 150 protesters sat in front of the White House on Monday local time to savour their last meal before starting a hunger strike that some said would continue until American troops return from Iraq. The demonstration marking the Independence Day holiday was organised by CodePink, a women's anti-war group that called on volunteers to abstain from eating for 24 hours from midnight on Monday (4pm Tuesday NZT). Some protesters said their fast would continue beyond July 4th. Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, said she would drink only water throughout the summer, which she said she would spend outside President George W. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. ...

9/11 + The Neo-Con Agenda: A Few Thoughts from the Infowars Team
Post Date: 2006-07-01 12:09:47 by christine
LA Conference Revisited | June 26, 2006 By Kevin Smith It’s been two days since we returned from the City of Angels, I’m still mentally and physically drained from the whole affair, but my heart is flying. First, I have to thank Andrew Olthius and Gabriel Day for supplying us with a fine group of volunteers- Jane, Jason, Joseph, Lindsay, Travis, Morty, Mike and his wife, and everyone else that helped to lesson our load. You guys and gals were fantastic! Next, I must say the attendees were dynamic and so passionate about this event; it was great to see people meeting for the first time after developing friendships over the internet and phone. We learned the ...

Freedom William on Robby Noel's Show Today 4-6 Central Time on RBN
Post Date: 2006-06-29 14:08:07 by christine
Discussion of fiat currency vs money and central bank issuance of credit, etc. Click the link to listen live.

L.A. 9/11 Conference Lays Case For Gov Involvement In 9/11
Post Date: 2006-06-28 18:51:14 by Arator
L.A. 9/11 Conference Lays Case For Gov Involvement In 9/11 By Dr. Joe Hawkins B.Sc., D.C. - Alex Jones's conference in LA was a raging, and life altering success. From the debut of Alex's new "off the charts" film TERROR STORM to initiate this historical conference, to the last words with a JFK quality speech from Dr. Robert Bowman. This conference was non-stop packed with information, inspiration, and clear leadership within the 911-truth movement. As a Canadian it was inspiring to meet many other canuk's who traveled the distance to find out the truth first hand. Equally represented from an international perspective were Australia, Japan, and England. Like wise ...

LA 911 Conference Attendee's Review
Post Date: 2006-06-28 10:02:29 by christine
6-26-06 - Got back from the symposium yesterday! That was an amazing event! over 1200 people were there and about 100 turned away due to lack of seating. I met some of the greatest people I ever met while there! Great minds, patriots, ex-military, radio talk show hosts, scientists, engineers, police and firemen, and most important even the youth was there. The most diverse crowd you can imagine, all there for one reason. To discuss the truth and how to get the truth out to America, how to get the media to stop ignoring the truth. How to get the testimony from those who are important on mainstream media. How to save this country from ruin! The constitution is hanging on a thread and we must ...

AJ Back From LA Live on the Air Now..He'll Be Playing Charlie Sheen's Intro of Him as Well as Excerpts From The Various Speakers...Professor Fetzer Live Too
Post Date: 2006-06-27 12:14:04 by christine
Click the link to listen live!!!

9/11 conspiracy theorists gather at LA conference
Post Date: 2006-06-26 02:49:41 by robin
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - They wore T-shirts asking "What Really Happened?," snapped up DVDs titled "9/11; The Great Illusion," and cheered as physicists, philosophers and terrorism experts decried the official version of the Sept. 11 attacks that shook America to its core. Some 1,200 people gathered at a Los Angeles hotel on the weekend for what organizers billed as the largest conference on the plethora of conspiracy theories that see the 2001 attacks on Washington and New York as, at best, official negligence, and at worst an orchestrated U.S. attempt to incite world war. "There are so many prominent people who are incredibly well-respected who have stated that ...

LA: 911: Neo Con Agenda
Post Date: 2006-06-24 07:59:23 by Kamala
I arrived in LA at 1:00pm and I'm staying right at the hotel where the conferene is located. Met up with Christine and Bill and had dinner and spent the rest of the evening talking with them and meeting lots of new faces. All the activity starts today. This is going to be a huge event. If I told eveyone how I'm posting this, you would not believe it. I have to keep the updates short because its pretty hard to post. Hey, Zip, anything you want me relay to Christine? I"ll update later today and stop in to check messages.. Mark

I Am The Slime
Post Date: 2006-06-22 21:12:01 by christine

Dixie Chicks for President
Post Date: 2006-06-21 09:01:58 by loner
Maybe three times in the last eight and half years I have indulged myself to write something just for fun, just to remind myself that getting light is sometimes the best way to respond to a heavy world. The Dixie Chicks may not save the world. The Dixie Chicks may not stop the war. But the Dixie Chicks have certainly saved my spirits and sense of humor. Long before it became fashionable to dislike the Bush Administration, especially for Southerners from Texas, these magnificent ladies stood up and said “Bullshit!” – in so many words. They took their lumps, they stood their ground, they took the long way around and they’re not ready to make nice. Their new CD ...

They Want Your Soul - Watch this Google Video
Post Date: 2006-06-20 15:12:45 by christine
click Poster Comment:This is similar in style to HaHa America.

June is Gay Pride Month [For AA]
Post Date: 2006-06-19 02:19:54 by IndieTX
June is recognized as Gay Pride month for American and American Eagle's gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered (GLBT) employees. The multi-colored Rainbow Flag, a symbol of GLBT pride, will be displayed in the atrium at HDQ1, HDQ2 and FSU. The flag, designed by [REDACTED], debuted at the 1978 San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Freedom Day parade. It is comprised of six colors, representing life, healing, sun, nature, harmony and spirit. It represents the diversity and the unity of GLBT persons everywhere. Historical Perspective In June of 1969, a group of gays and lesbians resisted harassment and mistreatment, setting in motion a chain of events that would become known as the Stonewall ...

Alex Jones Bullhorns Bilderberg, Urges Them to Step Away From the Edge of an Abyss
Post Date: 2006-06-11 21:59:39 by Arator
Click the link above to watch one incredible video.

911 Neo Con LA Conference: I`M GOING!!
Post Date: 2006-06-11 19:04:48 by Kamala
  I`m booked and ready! Christine and Arator PM me so we can get the details down.    Mark

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