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‘No filter’ in The World According to Jesse, Ventura's new RT America show
Post Date: 2017-02-01 20:43:47 by Tatarewicz
RT... ‘No filter’ in The World According to Jesse, Ventura's new RT America show A new variety news show hosted by Jesse Ventura captures “the feeling of freedom” in confronting government and corporate power run amok. The former Minnesota governor, pro wrestler and New York Times bestselling author invites you to “come along for the ride.” The World According to Jesse, premiering this Spring on RT America, brings a fresh “open road” approach to understanding current events and what the mainstream media won’t cover. “What you will hear from me is opinions, not agendas,” says Ventura. “I look forward to holding our government ...

The most logical, legal mind pulling it ALL together for you
Post Date: 2017-01-13 11:01:17 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Guest Speaker Judge Anna von Reitz on gold, banking, individual sovereignty STARTS @46 www.annavonreitz.com/videos.html Guest Speaker Judge Anna von Reitz speaks on gold, banking, individual sovereignty, and the restoration of the American Republic. Links For this episode: American States and Nations Bank: asanbank.net Brilliance In Commerce Website: brillianceincommerce.com

Rosie O'Donnell calls Trump 'mentally unstable' on Twitter and warns America that there are 'less than three weeks to stop him'
Post Date: 2017-01-02 06:19:13 by noone222
Rosie O'Donnell called Trump 'mentally unstable' in a tweet on Sunday She also warned America that there are 'less than 3 weeks to stop him' The comedian is known for retweeting quotes against the leadership of Trump In November she came under fire for suggesting Barron Trump, 10, was autistic O'Donnell issued apology to Melania Trump for the comments against her son Trump-O'Donnell feud is one that dates to 2006 when she was host on The View Poster Comment:Fat, ugly, stupid, rude, lesbian, communist, narcissist. Who gives a good shit what this lesbo hippo has to say about anything ?????

Post Date: 2016-12-17 07:36:07 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
ADL CONDEMED DONALD TRUMP FOR SAYING "AMERICA FIRST" The Money-Monsters use ‘social engineering’ to degrade civilized societies EVERYONE IN AMERICA HAS BEEN TARGETED BY SOCIAL ENGINEERS SINCE BIRTH! By AL Whitney © copyround 2016 Permission is granted for redistribution if linked to original and AntiCorruption Society is acknowledged. The degradation of our culture has been ongoing for many years. Has everyone noticed the changes in our TV shows and our movies? A good example is the smarmy little sitcom called Two and a Half Men as compared to morally based programs like The Andy Griffith Show or The Mary Tyler Moore Show. The advancement of pornography and ...

One Year Ago Today: Dancing Israelis! Dancing Israelis! Dancing Israelis! Dancing Israelis!!c
Post Date: 2016-12-13 17:49:13 by Artisan
Exactly one year ago I met President Trump for the first time! I had gotten a front row seat at the University of South Carolina. He had a A & A with the state's attorney General. After the discussion, Trump was shaking hands. He shooks my hand, signed my bumper sticker, and then I told him about the undue influence of the Israeli lobby on our government, and asked him if he could do anything to stop it for us. Unfortunately my cellphone was full and it stopped recording at 45 seconds, right after I said "Mr. Trump": as you can see in my first video below, as soon as I said "Mr Trump", my cellphone camera was full and stopped recording so it didn't record ...

China's Huawei to train Ukrainian young talents under "Seeds for the future" program
Post Date: 2016-11-08 03:24:19 by Tatarewicz
KIEV, Nov. 7 (Xinhua) -- China' s technology giant Huawei on Friday has launched its "Seeds for the Future" international educational program in Ukraine, under which 10 Ukrainian students will be trained in China by Huawei specialists. A ceremony to start the project was held in Kiev with the participation of Chinese Ambassador to Ukraine Du Wei and Ukrainian Deputy Education Minister Vladimir Kovtunets. Under the initiative, students of three leading Ukrainian universities will be given an opportunity to travel to China, where they will deepen their knowledge in information and communications technology (ICT) in the Huawei's headquarters in Shenzhen. During the ...

Journalism Startup Newsbud Launches Critical 2nd Crowdfund
Post Date: 2016-10-31 05:15:15 by Tatarewicz
Newsbud does great work, so send them a few bucks if you can. They're the real deal. Here is a message from the founder of Newsbud, Sibel Edmond: We have launched our new Kickstarter campaign, and we need your help again. We have 35 days to raise $130,000, and we know we can do it with your support! We have taken an enormous step forward thanks to your funding of our Phase 1 campaign. Now we need your help to achieve this next step so we can continue building our 100% people-funded independent media outlet. Please help. Make a pledge and put the word out by telling everyone in your social-media networks. Without you, we cannot achieve our dream of a media outlet that is ...

Dining Service Workers Defeat Mighty Harvard
Post Date: 2016-10-27 13:17:39 by Stephen Lendman
Dining Service Workers Defeat Mighty Harvard by Stephen Lendman A previous article discussed strike action by Harvard University Dining Services (HUDS) workers, their only walkout ever during an academic year. I explained my special interest in their struggle. In my junior and senior years, as a member of Harvard’s class of 1956, I worked part-time in my Lowell House dining hall - one of various jobs I had, including summers throughout four years of college, to earn money for tuition, room, board and other expenses. In one of my other jobs before finishing graduate school, I was a card-carrying union member. I stand in solidarity with all working men, women and youths at home and ...

China donates 2 aircraft to Costa Rican security forces China donates 2 aircraft to Costa Rican security forces
Post Date: 2016-10-26 00:49:01 by Tatarewicz
SAN JOSE, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- China on Monday donated two Y12E aircraft to Costa Rica to support its security forces, a move hailed as heralding "a new era of aeronautics" in Coasta Rica by President Luis Guillermo Solis. Solis presided over the aircraft's delivery ceremony at the headquarters of Aerial Surveillance Service (SVA) at the international airport of San Jose. The two planes will help form the SVA's fleet. "The renovation of the country's aerial fleet with these two stupendous planes is the result of the excellent relations maintained by our countries," said Solis. The SVA undertakes a variety of security tasks, including combating drug ...

Coinky Doink
Post Date: 2016-10-24 14:58:14 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. Coinky Doink ffilms.org/the-usual-suspects-1995/ Watch Full movie The Usual Suspects

FBI Asst. Dir. Publicly Calls Out Hillary, Endorses Trump
Post Date: 2016-10-23 23:20:17 by Tatarewicz
PMF... James Kallstrom, the former assistant director of the FBI, made history this week when he became the first person to have held that post to officially endorse a presidential candidate. Kallstrom first came to prominence as the head of the FBI’s investigation into the 1996 crash of TWA Flight 800. In an interview on Fox Business Network, he said that Donald Trump was a good man who deserved a chance to lead the country. He also took a shot at the Democratic nominee, saying, “You’re not going to get change with Hillary Clinton.” Kallstrom began by saying that he has a “low opinion of all politicians, except for a few, particularly the Democrats and the ...

Vladimir Putin’s Third Way: As Seen Through the Nooscope
Post Date: 2016-10-22 07:15:19 by Tatarewicz
RI... Vladimir Putin’s most recent staff change has western experts baffled. According to the BBC, Mr. Putin’s new chief of staff Anton Vaino has reached the top of the Kremlin pecking order “shrouded in mystery”. However cloak & dagger Mr. Vaino’s appointment may seem though, it’s a clear sign Russia is headed off into a far more progressive policy realm than Londoners or Wall Street financiers would have us believe. Here is a candid look at the Putin way ahead. Olga Ivshina and Dmitry Bulin of BBC’s Russian service tell us just how disparate western capitalist ideas are from the “Third Way” Mr. Putin and his Kremlin advisers have set out ...

Impacting US election: Ecuador cut off Assange’s net because Clinton leaks ‘breached impartiality’
Post Date: 2016-10-19 01:17:25 by Tatarewicz
RT... The government of Ecuador says it disconnected the internet connection used by Julian Assange after WikiLeaks "published a wealth of documents, impacting on the US election campaign." Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has been living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since 2012, under granted political asylum. READ MORE: WikiLeaks says Ecuador cut off Assange’s internet after new Clinton emails published "The Government of Ecuador respects the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other states," the official statement reads. "It does not interfere in external electoral processes, nor does it favor any particular candidate." ...

Why The US, UK, EU & Israel Want To Destroy Syria
Post Date: 2016-10-18 00:10:36 by Tatarewicz
September 09, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "RT" - A young, soft-spoken girl living the Syrian tragedy spells it out with far more common sense, truth and honesty than powerful Western governments and their money-controlled mass media puppets. Identifying herself only as “Syrian, Patriot, anti-Neocon, anti-NWO, anti-Zionist”, early last year she set up her own YouTube Channel (YouTube/User/SyrianGirlpartisan). In a short (nine-minute) video she explains “eight reasons why the NWO (New World Order) hates Syria.” We would all do well to listen in… Her ‘Top Eight Reasons Why They Hate Us’ is an excellent wrap-up, applicable to just ...

New Guccifer 2.0 claims: Hacked Clinton Foundation files show 'pay to play', bank ties
Post Date: 2016-10-05 02:04:47 by Tatarewicz
RT... Documents reportedly hacked from the Clinton Foundation servers have identified major Democratic donors and troubling ties between TARP aid given to banks and their political contributions. One folder is outright labeled “Pay to Play.” A Hacker calling himself “Guccifer 2.0,” who claimed responsibility for previous breaches of the Democratic National Committee and the congressional Democrats, published the documents on Tuesday afternoon ahead of the vice-presidential debates. “I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases,” the hacker wrote on his blog. “Clinton and her staff ...

Assange No Show - Sorcha's Take
Post Date: 2016-10-04 07:12:45 by Tatarewicz
Wikileaks Under “Dire Threat” Over Proof Hillary Clinton Destroyed Eye Doctor To Hide Brain Trauma By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that Wikileaks abrupt cancelling of their planned “October Surprise” release of Hillary Clinton emails relating to her currently existing brain trauma was due to their receiving a “dire threat” that should they do so, all top officials of this whistle blowing organization would be charged with major crimes in the United States and be swiftly extradited there by the European Union. [Note: Some words and/or ...

Libertarian nominee Johnson vows to dismantle two-party US system
Post Date: 2016-09-19 04:27:27 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... US Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson says Democratic presidential Hillary Clinton and Republican ticket Donald Trump are political “dinosaurs" and vows to dismantle America’s two-party political system. In an interview with CBS News aired on Sunday night, Johnson said, "I'm not going to lose one minute of sleep ruining this two-party monopoly that is going on.” "I think they are dinosaurs, and I think we're the comet in this whole equation. And I'm glad for it. I'm proud of it," he said. "I do believe this is going to be the demise of the Republican Party," the former New Mexico governor ...

How US Backed NGOs Promote 'Regime Change'
Post Date: 2016-09-09 03:07:10 by Tatarewicz
Russia Insider From Moscow to Myanmar, US-European funded organisations undermine the essential work of genuine NGOs A nongovernmental organisation (NGO) is described as a not-for-profit organisation independent from states and international governments. They are funded by donations and facilitated by volunteers drawn from the communities they serve. Genuine NGOs fitting this description fulfil a vital role within the nations they work regarding issues including education, healthcare, the media, the environment, technology, and economic development. They often perform their work in parallel with government organisations and may even cooperate with their national government. At other ...

Norwegian king’s amazing speech on love and diversity
Post Date: 2016-09-05 02:06:45 by Tatarewicz
Local No At a time when it often feels like we are more and more being split up into ‘us’ and ‘them’, King Harald of Norway is being hailed for a speech that highlights our commonalities and embraces diversity and acceptance. Speaking to some 1,500 guests at a garden party outside the Royal Palace, King Harald delivered a message of tolerance that has struck a nerve amongst Norwegians who have witnessed intense debates about immigration in their country. The king stressed that modern Norway is a place for everyone, regardless of where they come from, their religious beliefs, sexual preferences or even their musical tastes. “Norwegians come from the north of the ...

Student Teachers and Research Assistants Win Right to Organize at Private Universities
Post Date: 2016-08-24 12:16:19 by Stephen Lendman
Student Teachers and Research Assistants Win Right to Organize at US Private Universities by Stephen Lendman They’re workers like all others, their profession teaching and related activities. On Tuesday, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB - a shadow of its New Deal origination under the 1935 Wagner Act) ruled on a case Columbia graduate students initiated. They’ll now have collective bargaining rights like other workers. The decision extends beyond graduate students to the doctoral level. Undergraduate teaching and research assistants are included. They’ll be able to bargain collectively for all rights they consider important. Administrators at my alma mater opposed ...

Banned from the GOP Briefing Room for being "Anti-Semitic" [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2016-08-07 20:23:54 by sneakypete
I thought a few of you might be amused to know I have been banned from posting on the GOP Briefing Room for 5 days for making "Anti-Semitic Posts". I was judged to be an Anti-Semite because I insist on pointing out that you can't be loyal to two different countries at the same time,and that if Israel is more important to you than America,you are a traitor and need to move your ass to Israel. The fundie Christians and the Jews were outraged. www.gopbriefingroom.com BTW,you won't find my posts even if you join that site because they were deleted when I was banned by a moderator,and you can't see ANY of the members posts unless you sign up to be a member.

Jill Stein's Progressive Bill of Rights
Post Date: 2016-08-06 08:59:37 by Stephen Lendman
Jill Stein’s Progressive Bill of Rights by Stephen Lendman The horror of dirty business as usual continuing whether Clinton or Trump succeeds Obama should arouse a groundswell of activism for progressive change. The choice is easy, a no-brainer, as they say - between oligarch rule, endless wars, neoliberal harshness and tyranny v. a nation at peace, renouncing militarism, social justice, and governance serving all its people equitably. Presumptive Green Party presidential nominee has a “Power to the People Plan” deserving universal support. It resembles Franklin Roosevelt’s Economic Bill of Rights - proposed in his last State of the Union address (January 1944), ...

Who's buying extra ammo 'just in case' The Medusa wins in November??
Post Date: 2016-07-30 19:39:50 by X-15
Pistol/rifle/shotgun?? I'm buying all three with no regrets if I'm 'stuck with a stockpile'. ammoseek.com/ www.sgammo.com/ www.ammunitiontogo.com/ powdervalleyinc.com/

Crowdfunded News Start-Up (Newsbud) Nails NBC for Planting CIA Intel During Turkey Coup
Post Date: 2016-07-26 06:25:44 by Tatarewicz
Russia Insider Who is NBC’s Senior Military Official source responsible for Yet-To-Be-Retracted false news? On July 15, 2016, as an attempted coup unfolded in Turkey, a report began to circulate widely that Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had fled the country by air and was requesting asylum in Germany. The apparent origin of this report was NBC News. A tweet has also been cited in many articles from MSNBC Segment Producer, Kyle Griffin. Griffin’s tweet stated, “senior US military source tells NBC News that Erdogan, refused landing rights in Istanbul, is reported to be seeking asylum in Germany.” ads This report was presented as factual, and was ...

Austria sentences Daesh recruiter to 20-year jail term
Post Date: 2016-07-14 07:20:08 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... A court in Austria has sentenced an Austrian national to 20 years in prison for recruiting militants for the Takfiri terrorist group of Daesh. The court, in the southern Austrian city of Graz, on Wednesday found Ebu Tejma guilty of recruiting for Daesh and of inciting acts of terror at the end of a trial that had been running since February. According to prosecutors, the 34-year-old “brainwashed” dozens of people aged between 14 and 30, and recruited a number of them to fight for Daesh in Syria. Tejma had fled from Bosnia to Vienna following the break-up of Yugoslavia and “preached” in various Austrian and southern German cities, becoming a “key ...

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