
Latest Articles: Activism

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Still Seeking the Truth, Ten Years Late
Post Date: 2006-05-05 17:46:44 by christine
A press conference will be held Monday, May 8, 2006 from 1:30 to 2:30 PM across the street from the Oklahoma City Police Department Headquarters located at 701 Colcord Street - just west of downtown Oklahoma City. The purpose of this press conference is to commemorate the seven years of service of Sgt. Yeakey offered to his fellow officers and the citizens of Oklahoma City. And, Monday - May 8, 2006 will mark the ten year anniversary of the day he was murdered and found abandoned in a U.S. Bureau of Prison farm field twenty-three miles west of downtown Oklahoma City and less than two miles from the front gate of the El Reno Federal Prison. Furthermore, Sgt. Yeakey's death was NEVER ...

911 + The NeoCon Agenda National Education and Research Conference : Los Angeles, CA June 24-25 Presented by Alex Jones
Post Date: 2006-05-05 17:43:23 by christine
In June 2006 researchers, scholars, journalists, media personalites, and average folks will come together from all over the USA to gather in Los Angeles to invite the rest of the world to examine the facts of 9/11. Through powerful & insightful presentations from prominent guest speakers & riveting documentary screenings we will examine the Neo-Con Agenda and 9/11 as the pretext for the brutal on-going war in Iraq as well as the establishment's future plans. This is guaranteed to be unlike any other conference of its kind - the first one ever presented by Alex Jones, a progenitor of the 9/11 Truth Movement who was the first speak out and challenge the government's official story of ...

American Scholars Symposium conference in June 2006.
Post Date: 2006-05-05 15:50:02 by Kamala
In June 2006 researchers, scholars, journalists, media personalites, and average folks will come together from all over the USA to gather in Los Angeles to invite the rest of the world to examine the facts of 9/11. Through powerful & insightful presentations from prominent guest speakers & riveting documentary screenings we will examine the Neo-Con Agenda and 9/11 as the pretext for the brutal on-going war in Iraq as well as the establishment's future plans. This is guaranteed to be unlike any other conference of its kind - the first one ever presented by Alex Jones, a progenitor of the 9/11 Truth Movement who was the first speak out and challenge the government's official story ...

Thank You, Stephen Colbert!
Post Date: 2006-05-01 22:18:52 by Arator
You can personally thank Stephan Colbert for his courageous comedic evisceration of Bush (and a host of accomplices in the District of Criminals) at I did.

Universal's Flight 93 'Hijacked' By Truth Seekers
Post Date: 2006-04-28 22:49:08 by Eoghan
Forum moderators deleting entire threads in real time Universal Studio's Flight 93 movie online forum has been completely infiltrated by people opposing the official government 9/11 fable and its moderators are having to delete entire threads in real time deeming them, "inappropriate." A cursory visit to the forum confirms that the entire website has been turned into a battle ground for countering the government apologist propaganda being regurgitated in an impetuous lunge to give credibility to a tale about as reality-based as Humpty Dumpty. The establishment press is spewing forth hit pieces as fast as its antiquated 'one column per columnist per week' ratio can muster. USA ...

Conspiracy film rewrites Sept. 11
Post Date: 2006-04-28 18:04:40 by Eoghan
Gypsy Taub, a mother of three from Oakland, does not believe that 9/11 happened. At least not the way the government said it did. A Russian émigré, Taub is one of a growing number of people in the USA who are using the Internet, college campuses and pamphleteering to get the word out. "Oh yeah, absolutely. On the day it happened, I thought it was the government that did it," she said. Taub is promoting one of the latest presentations of revisionist theories on the 2001 attacks by al-Qaeda terrorists, a film that says, among other things, that the Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile fired by the military as an excuse to go to war. Called Loose Change, it is being ...

Help America See "America" [Aaron Russo's Film]
Post Date: 2006-04-21 15:43:25 by Neil McIver
Dear Friends: As you know from recent newsletters I have sent to you, Aaron Russo's film "America: From Freedom To Fascism" ("AFFTF"), has been pre-screened in various cities across the country and received standing ovations everywhere it has been shown, most recently in San Francisco and Las Vegas. You undoubtedly understand that these free pre-screenings are precursors to a planned commercial release this summer, but what you may not yet grasp is the magnitude of the obstacles Aaron will face in getting this movie into theaters. Just as I could not have survived the onslaught of IRS attacks against me without the prayers, counsel, and financial support of fellow Americans, Aaron will ...

Message from Larken Rose
Post Date: 2006-04-20 20:28:09 by christine
Breaking the Silence Dear Subscriber, Greetings from the federal prison camp in Waymart, PA. Since the verdict in my trial, and throughout my wife's trial, and during my incarceration to date, one of the most frustrating things for me has been remaining silent. Not a day has gone by in which I didn't want to say a thing or two (or ten) to all of you on this list. But being at the mercy of the court, and to a lesser degree our own lawyers, Tessa and I have had to pretty much bite our lips until both of our sentencings had occurred. As of today, we're done being quiet. I am writing this prior to Tessa's sentencing, so I can't comment on how it went. But I have a lot of other things I've ...

My husband, Dr. Bill Veith, aka Freedom William, guest on Alex Jones today
Post Date: 2006-04-20 12:16:30 by christine
Topic of discussion central banking--"money" vs paper currency. LISTEN LIVE

Charlie Sheen on Jimmy Kimmel Show... NOW
Post Date: 2006-04-15 00:34:58 by wakeup
Poster Comment:FYI

Upcoming International Conference sponsored by and the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, Chicago, Illinois June 2-4, 2006 Embassy Suites Hotel Chicago-O'Hare Rosemont
Post Date: 2006-04-14 07:01:44 by Kamala
Upcoming International Conference sponsored by and the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth   Chicago, Illinois June 2-4, 2006 Embassy Suites Hotel Chicago-O'Hare Rosemont The 9/11 truth movement has gained enormous credibility and momentum in 2006. Help us build that momentum into a political force that will carry us to success. Let us reveal to all that 9/11 truth offers the greatest opportunity in modern history for courageous, ethical people to positively influence the future of humanity. We hope to achieve no less than a return to Constitutional rule with the re-establishment of our precious civil liberties, the end of ...

Post Date: 2006-04-08 12:07:40 by Itisa1mosttoolate
MOURNING IN AMERICA Click for Full Text!

Post Date: 2006-04-06 15:58:27 by SKYDRIFTER
With obvious prejudice, here's another 9-11 site worth exploring and sharing. GO HERE -

LWAN: US Navy defeated in Federal Court on SSN Requirement
Post Date: 2006-04-05 14:19:31 by Neil McIver
I've previously written of David Carmichael's legal efforts fighting the Navy over an illegal discharge 3 years shy of 20 years of service. David became convinced that continued use of an SSN violated Biblical prohibitions against identifying with a universal identifier, and he requested the Navy use a substitute identifying number as a religious accommodation. The Navy refused to even process his request. As a result, David was forced out of the Navy losing not only his paycheck but a full retirement pension he would have received had he completed his 20 year tour. David first filed civil suit pro se (by himself, without a lawyer) against the Navy in federal court. The judge clearly ...

Go Gandhi with these shirts
Post Date: 2006-04-04 00:00:07 by robin
Go Gandhi with these shirtsSubmitted by MikeHersh on Tue, 2006-04-04 02:13. ActivismTwo young free-thinking boys, Travis (13) & younger brother Conor(11) have become quite the young activists in San Diego, CA. The boys are travelling with mom & dad (Dayna & Manny) & to raise funds for the Camp Casey trip & further peace activities the family runs a t-shirt/sticker company at their website Check it out, tell your friends and check it for the Blog-o-matic, which will be updated daily from Camp Casey The boys also hope to shoot a documentary. They want to show the kids' perspective on the whole thing. They recently met, talked ...

LWAN: SSN Victory in Pennsylvania
Post Date: 2006-03-31 03:20:07 by Neil McIver
SSN Victory in Pennsylvania March, 29, 2006 Longtime LWAN subscriber Michael Stollenwerk has won a significant court victory in Pennsylvania recently related to PA's SSN requirement for the purchase of a handgun and the application of a concealed carry permit. The federal court ruled in his favor, agreeing that PA's requirements for an SSN failed to comply with the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, which limits the ability of state and local governments to require Social Security Numbers for various purposes. Michael stresses that this was not a gun issue but a privacy issue. Michael is separately asking for groups to sign on to a letter urging members of Congress to support for the ...

Listen to David Ray Griffen's Latest 9-11 Speech -- NOW LIVE!
Post Date: 2006-03-30 22:34:05 by Arator
To listen, click the link above.

A day without Americans - April 17, 2006!
Post Date: 2006-03-29 22:27:25 by robin
A day without Americans - April 17, 2006! In response to the recent mass national rallies fearlessly staged by the illegal alien lobby, The Dustin Inman Society is suggesting that Americans nationwide stay home from work and not spend any money on April 17. 2006 - income tax day. The country and its government needs to witness a day without Americans. It is not an overstatement to observe that the federal government has abandoned the American people and we teeter on the brink of national suicide. The well-funded illegal alien lobby has been successful in galvanizing the millions of illegal aliens in the nation to march in American streets demanding no less than open borders, continued ...

News Flash: The Dam is Breaking in the 9/11 Cover-Up Ed Asner To Go Public with Demands for 9/11 Investigation, Others to Follow [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-03-28 15:20:49 by Kamala
News Flash: The Dam is Breaking in the 9/11 Cover-Up More Stars Go Public with Demands for 9/11 Investigation, Others to Follow Infowars | March 28, 2006 Award winning actor, director, producer, and pioneering anti-Iraq war activist Ed Asner is scheduled to appear live on the CNN Headline News program Showbiz Tonight (6pm CST). Asner is reportedly going on to support Charlie Sheen's bold and brave stance calling for a real investigation of the events on September 11th, 2001 as well as to raise his own questions. Also on Showbiz Tonight on March 27, actress Sharon Stone defended Sheen and his First Amendment right to speak out saying that he is brave and that it is important to confront ...

New Yorkers to Gather at CNN Studios 'Demonstration of Gratitude' Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Post Date: 2006-03-28 08:33:22 by Arator
New Yorkers to Gather at CNN Studios 'Demonstration of Gratitude' Wednesday, March 29, 2006 New York friends of 9/11 truth and justice call for "Demonstration of Gratitude" at Time-Warner Center in NYC on 3/29/06, thanking CNN for coverage of Charlie Sheen's bold comments questioning the 'official line' on 9/11. "Showbiz Tonight" aired three nights of coverage of the issue, marking the first time mass media has looked into the myriad questions surrounding 9/11/01 in a reasonable manner. A series of events are held in NYC, featuring researchers and authors presenting information about this issue. New York, NY (PRWEB) March 28, 2006 -- 9/11 Truth Seekers To Stage ...

The Next Wave of 9/11 Activism Begins
Post Date: 2006-03-26 15:37:20 by valis
Money - Money -Money "Buy your gas 3 gallons or so at a time so that the total always comes to $9.11. Use your credit or debit card so that amount is printed up and down your statements and your attitude gets into the "know your customer" database." As an internet poster recently said here at "911 is a naked con any Girl Scout with a web connection could bust wide open over a weekend and still have time for a bake off. " Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Thanx for the pic christine. :-) FYI - I'm compiling more stuff here if anyone's got something to add.

"$9.11 in Pump #2, please"
Post Date: 2006-03-26 02:32:15 by valis
Let them know you know: GNN’s GWHunta has begun protesting the 2001 false-flag cover-up at the gas station: ” Buy your gas 3 gallons or so at a time so that the total always comes to $9.11. Use your credit or debit card so that amount is printed up and down your statements and your attitude gets into the “know your customer” database. ” If you’d rather use cash, try writing ” Investigate 9/11 ” or ” What about World Trade Center Building 7 ” on the backside of the bill. That might do the trick. Any other ideas? cheers - v

Post Date: 2006-03-25 11:30:01 by christine
The thought police are now turning into the music police, if a recent incident at Rutgers University in New Jersey is any indication. One of America’s brightest young entertainers was recently barred from performing on the Rutgers campus, not because of any “controversial” lyrics in his music, but simply because his Internet web site contained political commentary that some people deemed to be “offensive.” Paul Topete and his rock band, Poker Face, have been entertaining audiences—young and old and of all races and creeds—at concerts and gatherings up and down the East Coast for over a decade. But Topete and the band have also carved out a particular ...

ALEX JONES ON CNN Alex will appear again on CNN Headline News this evening (March 24, 2006) during the program Showbiz Tonight at 6pm CST. [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-03-24 15:33:37 by Kamala

Email ShowBiz Tonite
Post Date: 2006-03-24 07:11:05 by Kamala
  The door has been open, let CNN know we are ready to debate. The 911 movement must kick the door down, be agressive and frame the debate and not let the PNAC/NEO-CONS have not let the government shills get a word or breath in.

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