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I Am Just One Man
Post Date: 2005-12-24 22:16:42 by christine
What can I do, for I'm just one man? And I know injustice abounds in our land, And just because I can do only little, I'll keep down my voice and stay in the middle. I am just one man, and I have been told, That government agents attack all the bold, They infiltrate meetings and join all the groups, So don't expect me to stand up to their troops. For I am just one man and liberty fails, The best of our leaders are rotting in jails, So who is the one who will show me the way, Since I am no leader, and its not my day? What can I do, for I'm only me? And I know that no matter what I may see, I can feel justified here in my woods, Hiding myself and stashed away ...

Scott Horton fired from RBN
Post Date: 2005-12-20 13:59:30 by PnbC
I’ve been fired from RBN, where I’ve done the Weekend Interview Show since August of 2004. They want all the hosts to pay $50 an hour to be on the shortwave, and though I probably could’ve gotten some sponsors, I didn’t want to be on shortwave and so I’ve been replaced. This is all for the better, because now I’ll have to figure out how to do the next project bigger and better… My best to everyone at RBN. Posted by Scott Horton Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Click the link to read comments on the blog entry. 10 years ago it might have been worth it to fork the money to have your show on shortwave. But today? Besides that, domestic shortwave ...

Post Date: 2005-12-19 00:34:38 by BTP Holdings
ALERT: U.S. PROPOSES DOUSING WILDERNESS AREAS WITH HERBICIDES Click Here to Sign Petition (your info will not be shared - privacy policy) Note: Public comment period ends Jan.9,2006 The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has proposed to apply massive amounts of herbicides to public lands in 17 Western states. The BLM claims these pesticides need to be applied to forests, rangelands and aquatic areas in order to reduce the risk of fire and slow the spread of invasive weeds. Under the proposal 932,000 acres would undergo chemical application in 17 western states, including National Monuments and National Conservation areas. An integral part of this proposal involves aerial spraying of toxic ...

John Kaminski Guest on Greg Szymanki's Show Yesterday (Very Good--Listen to Archive)
Post Date: 2005-12-17 13:56:29 by christine
Fri., December 16, 2005: Playlists: M3U | RAM (Individual MP3s: Hr1 Hr2 ) 1st Hour Guests: Cothilde Mack, Wendy Owens, Julie Harol, and Molly Carp with, come together in an attempt to get Mrs. Mack home before Christmas. 2nd Hour Guest:John Kaminiski,author, journalist,and prolific writer whose works can be found at:, for profound insight into 9/11, Iraq and the current administration.

Another Interesting Website
Post Date: 2005-12-14 14:32:29 by Lod
One lady's awakening after 9.11 - good site.

Michael Badnarik for Congress (He told me he's going to be a Ron Paul with attitude!) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2005-12-10 21:21:05 by christine
Dear Friends and Acquaintences, 2005 has been an extremely hectic year. From January through June my time was dedicated to attending LP state conventions across the nation, and teaching my Constitution class anytime I could find people who would sit still for it. In July my focus shifted to organizing a highly dedicated campaign staff for my current congressional campaign. Much of the groundwork for 2006 is in place, and by January we will have six full-time staff members working out of our Austin office. Just this afternoon we were discussing a plan to establish as many as six satellite offices across the district, so that volunteers and constituents would have nearby access to campaign ...

Unavoidable and Unpopular Truths that are a Key to our Freedom
Post Date: 2005-12-10 16:50:13 by christine
We Hold These Truths has always tried to be an evidence builder, rather than a maker of unsupported declarations. We like to see each read what we have to say and decide what conclusions they should draw. But time is getting shorter for both of us, so we offer some blunt statements that we find to be self-evident. Our forefathers, in writing the Declaration of Independence, were forced to draw some conclusions they did not have time or space to prove. They called these unsupported claims "self evident truths," meaning they are so obviously true that they do not need to be proved, and cannot be proved anyway. Without a faith in God, their truths were meaningless statements of ...

How planespotters turned into the scourge of the CIA
Post Date: 2005-12-10 13:46:54 by Eoghan
Paul last saw the Gulfstream V about 18 months ago. He comes down to Glasgow airport's planespotters' club most days. He had not seen the plane before so he marked the serial number down in his book. At the time, he did not think there was anything unusual about the Gulfstream being ushered to a stand away from public view, one that could not be seen from the airport terminal or the club's prime view. But that flight this week was at the centre of a transatlantic row that saw the prime minister being put on the spot on the floor of the House of Commons and the US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, forced on the defensive during a visit to Europe. The Gulfstream V has been identified as ...

Post Date: 2005-12-06 10:40:05 by robin
NATIONAL CALL-IN DAY, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6: TELL CONGRESS TO END THE WAR Type in your street address and zip code to find your Congress Member's phone and fax numbers. Or call the Capitol switchboard tollfree at 888-818-6641. Click here to Email to Ask Congress to End the War Friday Night Congress: What Was That? Click any of the following graphics for more information. Ask Congress to End the War You can also... Ask Congress to Impeach Bush and Cheney. Ask the Senate to investgate the war lies. Post your letters to Congress. Post responses from Congress. Check your Congress Member's voting record on Iraq Current roster of Progressive Caucus members. Lobby Kit Flyers Tell the Media! ...

Times A Changin' in San Diego (antiwar protest)
Post Date: 2005-11-26 12:32:37 by robin
Times A Changin' in San DiegoSubmitted by davidswanson on Sat, 2005-11-26 10:05. Media By Barbara Cummings, A Proud San Diegan San Diego, Calif., is a well known, conservative military town. People who live here enjoy sun, surf, and year around good times. On Friday afternoon people dressed all in black started to gather along the coast in Carlsbad, Ca, just north of San Diego. They came in two and threes. They came in wheelchairs. They came with dogs and baby joggers. They rode bikes. They walked. The coaster was full of people dressed in balck. They were singles and couples and families. One family had four generations. Many came with teen and pre-teen children. There were baby boomers ...

War protesters arrested near Bush ranch
Post Date: 2005-11-25 01:31:50 by NOLAJBS
CRAWFORD, Texas -- About a dozen war protesters, including Daniel Ellsberg and the sister of Cindy Sheehan, were arrested yesterday morning while camping on a roadside near President Bush's ranch in violation of a new county ordinance. The group returned to Texas this week as Bush arrived at his Texas home to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family. They came in hopes of reigniting the international attention they attracted in August, when hundreds came to join Sheehan as she camped outside Bush's ranch for 26 days. Sheehan's son, a soldier, was killed in Iraq. Since August, however, the antiwar movement has expanded beyond Sheehan and her protesters, focusing in recent weeks on Washington ...

Post Date: 2005-11-24 02:02:00 by A K A Stone
Fire is one of the most basic skills to have, yet it is quite amazing how many people can't start a fire without dry wood and fuel at hand. I won't go into minute detail on this subject, as there are plenty of sites out there that already do. This site is made primarily for those who already have some modicum of outdoor skills. Fire is a skill that should be practiced by anyone who spends time away from civilization. Anyone can practice making fire in their backyard. Fire is the means to warmth, water purification, cooking food, and a general sense of well being. The following tips will help you to start fires in less than ideal conditions with limited tools (I practice with flint and ...

Message From Larken
Post Date: 2005-11-23 14:57:47 by christine
As you may have heard, yesterday I was sentenced to 15 months in federal prison, and I have to turn myself in Monday to begin the sentence. We of course had hoped for better, but it could have been a lot worse. (Tessa's sentencing won't happen until February 15th.) I will be turning over this e-mail list to Tom Clayton. I hope to be able to mail him messages for him to e-mail to this list while I'm "inside." To try to minimize the harm to my family, I went back and filed returns for 1997 through 2004. In addition, the people who maintain the,, and web sites have taken them down, in the hopes of improving ...

Painful Questions
Post Date: 2005-11-20 15:26:58 by Steppenwolf
0 Comments Painful Questions Here are lots of details on how and why Painful Questions came to be Part 1; My Ignorance. September 2001 to January 2002 My initial reaction to the 9-11 attack was "What do you expect?" America has been meddling in other nations' affairs, especially the Mideast, for decades. I was not surprised that the Arabs decided to retaliate. On September 14th I posted an article on the Internet essentially complaining about our Mideast policy and how we are fools for letting ourselves get dragged into Israel's fight with the Arabs. On Sunday, September 16th, I was at somebody's house who has a TV (I don't have a ...

New RBN show tonight hosted by Karen Kwiatkowski
Post Date: 2005-11-19 20:05:51 by PnbC
A new show on Republic Broadcasting Network "American Forum" hosted by Karen Kwiatkowski premieres shortly tonight at 9pm EST (8pm CST, 6pm PST). On her first show tonight she will be interviewing a fellow contributer to the book (actually 2 books): "Neo-CONNED!" Go here to LISTEN LIVE. No archives yet of course, but check this page for archives when they become available (for those who missed the live show).

Great Slide Show Presentation of the Truth of 9-11 -- Send the Link to Everyone You Know!
Post Date: 2005-11-19 15:26:12 by Arator
Here's the link: Simplifying 9/11 Poster Comment:Now, get busy!

Join Bill O'Reilly's Blacklist:
Post Date: 2005-11-18 18:53:28 by Dakmar
Join Bill O'Reilly's Blacklist: Bill O'Reilly recently put the city of San Francisco on notice (click here to hear the clip): "If Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it." O'Reilly insisted that this statement was "not controversial" and blamed the uproar on "far left Internet smear sites." Then O'Reilly promised to publish a blacklist to publicly intimidate his "enemies": "I'm glad the smear sites made a big deal out of it. Now we can all know who was with the anti-military Internet crowd. We'll post the names of all who support the smear merchants on" In this case, being on ...

Coral Snake's Guns, Linux and Liberty Blog
Post Date: 2005-11-14 23:56:52 by Coral Snake
The Issue that can Defeat Hillary at Start. Many of us in the Conservative/Libertarian orbit of politics believe that Hillary Rhodam Clinton is an invulnerable candidate in 1998. There are several reasons for this. 1. She is the wife of a supposedly popular president. 2. The MSM (Main Stream Media usually meaning CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS and CNN) are promoting here heavily. 3. She is actively being promoted by Femanists as the possible first woman President. 4. The Republicans and President Bush are currently undergoing an "approval rating" crisis that is heavily promoted by the MSM (This is actually happening but as usual the MSM they are only telling HALF the story. The other ...

driver's license search BLOCK YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE
Post Date: 2005-11-13 17:54:38 by Itisa1mosttoolate
This is upsetting, thought I should pass it along. Check your drivers license... Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including your own! I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all! Thanks Homeland Security! Privacy, where Is our right to it? I definitely removed mine, I suggest you all do the same..... Go to the web site and check it out. Just enter your name, City and state to see if yours is on file. After your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please Remove". This will remove it from public viewing, but Not from law enforcement.

I hope that everyone's listening to rbn right now
Post Date: 2005-11-12 20:44:01 by Lod
Amazing stuff - please, tune in.

The Burton S. Blumert Conference on Gold, Freedom, and Peace (what a lineup of speakers!)
Post Date: 2005-10-31 18:58:48 by christine
="" content="" name="keywords">‘Gold, Freedom, and War’ // Open new window function openWindow(url, name, rs, w, h) { var resize = ""; if (rs) { resize = "resizable,"; } popupWin =, name, 'scrollbars,' + resize + 'width=' + w + ',height=' + h); = 'opener'; } bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> Home | About | Columnists | Blog | Subscribe | Donate  The Burton S. Blumert Conference onGold, Freedom, and PeaceA Benefit for > Friday and Saturday, November 18–19, 2005 The Radisson Villa Hotel 4000 El Camino Real San Mateo, California Register!FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 20051:00pm: Registration1:30 ...

Kinky, a good ol' cigar-chomping, Jewish cowboy, might soon be running Texas
Post Date: 2005-10-29 21:10:33 by Dakmar
Some people run for high political office because it appeals to their vanity. Some run because they believe they can really win. When Kinky Friedman, hitherto known as an eccentric Jewish cowboy singer turned mystery novelist, is asked why he is campaigning as an independent in next year's Texas governor's race, he likes to respond with a question: "How hard can it be?" If that sounds like a wisecrack, Friedman has plenty more where it came from. His campaign is littered with Jewish jokes, politician jokes, gay marriage jokes ("they have every right to be just as miserable as the rest of us"), even jokes about the current governor, Rick Perry, and his famously perfect ...

Barry Chamish on Alex Jones Today
Post Date: 2005-10-27 12:49:07 by christine
Alex speaks with Israeli investigative journalist, Barry Chamish, about the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and the US-backed Israeli government's deliberate mass radiation program which killed thousands of innocent youths, known as the Ringworm Children.

Make A Phone Call
Post Date: 2005-10-27 12:40:21 by eyeswideoopen
I was watching the debate on the floor of the House regarding a resolution to stop the BRAC closings. I followed the BRAC hearings and I know that the BRAC process is disarming our country. If an enemy was designing your military capability, what more could they ask for than centralization of your forces? I got so disgusted listening to this debate, I nearly blew my cork. I decided to call my Senator's (Larry Craig, R-ID) office to ask a question. When they answered the phone, I got a bright shiny new intern so I asked to speak to somebody who has been in Washington DC for a while - someone who has more experience. She said ok and she found someone with more experience. I laid everything ...

Pro-Family Leaders Challenge Walgreens on 'Gay Games' Sponsorship
Post Date: 2005-10-26 13:39:41 by BTP Holdings
Pro-Family Leaders Challenge Walgreens on 'Gay Games' SponsorshipBy Ed ThomasOctober 21, 2005(AgapePress) - A leading national pharmacy and good retailer is saying its participation as a sponsor in the upcoming "Gay Games" in Chicago next year is primarily for engaging in AIDS awareness education and distributing treatment drugs. But the logic of that statement is being refuted by a pro-family organization based in Illinois.The Illinois Family Institute (IFI) continues to spearhead petition campaigns, encouraging the state's citizens to voice their displeasure with major corporations that are sponsoring the 2006 Gay Games. IFI executive director Peter LaBarbera says if Walgreens ...

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