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Vermonters Planning To Secede From The US
Post Date: 2005-10-26 01:05:31 by valis
THE VERMONT INDEPENDENCE CONVENTION An Impossible Dream or a Vision of the Future? State House Montpelier, Vermont James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency, will be the keynote speaker at The Vermont Convention on Independence to be held in the House Chamber of the State House in Montpelier on Friday October 28th. Sponsored by the Second Vermont Republic, the convention, which will begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 5:00 p.m., is open to the public and free of charge. This historic event will be the first statewide convention on secession in the United States since North Carolina voted to secede from the Union on May 20, 1861. Other speakers will include Professor Frank Bryan, ...

Not one more death. Not one more dollar
Post Date: 2005-10-21 23:46:44 by robin
Co-Sponsored by Gold Star Families for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, and Military Families Speak Out There are currently 241 events planned in 47 states and counting... On the day after the 2,000th reported U.S. military death in Iraq, people will gather in communities across the U.S. to say that the country’s pro-peace majority wants Congress to stop the deaths by stopping the dollars that are funding the war. More about the event Resources Frequently Asked Questions Organize an event Want to help coordinate an event in your community? We have many ideas and resources for you to make your voices heard. Or, be creative and plan a different event that fits your community. ...

Gun-Lock Mail-In Initiative
Post Date: 2005-10-21 15:57:09 by ChareltonHest
Fellow F4'ers, What are your thoughts on a starting a small initiative to those trigger-locks that are now sold with handgun purchases and send them to our reps as a form of protest. Basicaly a protest letter, with a "gift" attached. It would be a good statement. And a way to get rid of those trigger-locks you have lying around...I have 3 I have been trying to figure out what to do with. Please comment on this Thread.

Go Ahead -- Shoot the Dog
Post Date: 2005-10-18 20:10:57 by Enderby
If you're as old as I am -- and, I assure you, there are people, still on the north side of the sod, who are even older -- you may remember what must have been the funniest National Lampoon cover ever. I remember it; and, thanks to the miracle of the internets in general, and Mark's site devoted to the NatLamp in particular, I can even tell you that it was the January 1973 issue, and invite you to admire that fine cover. So much for the innocent happiness of an earlier day -- so long ago that I actually used to think of the GOP as being meaningfully different from the Democrat Party. Ha! What has me remembering this cover is the spin the Republicans have themselves in over the Harriet ...

Email Message From Tessa Rose (help needed)
Post Date: 2005-10-18 19:40:15 by Neil McIver
Dear Friends, Below is a letter I received from Tessa Rose, who was charged along with her husband Larken Rose, with willfully failing to file income tax returns. Tessa has courageously decided to proceed to trial and not accept a government plea bargain. Please pray for her success and please consider helping her shoulder the economic burdens as you have helped me. Despite their own burdens and concerns, Larken & Tessa, their family, and their supporters generously helped me when I needed it most. Tessa's brief email message follows: ***************************************************** Dear Folks, You all heard from Larken a while back that I have decided to go to trial rather ...

Post Date: 2005-10-17 02:50:04 by BTP Holdings
LARGE GROUP AWARENESS TRAINING IN RADICAL THERAPY FOR VICTIMS OF LEGAL AND GOVERNMENT ABUSE A PROPOSAL By David Grossack More people are beginning to realize that in every respect we all live on what can best called a "Global Plantation," based on social systems in which those who control resources and wealth of the world are perpetrators of large scale legal and government abuse that serves to perpetuate rule by elites. Further, what many people do not realize is that aside from the war, pollution, epidemics, and poverty, the social systems imposed upon us by the elites produce emotional sickness. They produce psychological depression, anxiety, substance abuse, sexual ...

Reclaiming the American Legacy of Civil Disobedience
Post Date: 2005-10-15 12:55:39 by robin
What do you think? The t r u t h o u t Town Meeting is in progress. Join the debate! Reclaiming the American Legacy of Civil Disobedience By Sari Gelzer t r u t h o u t | Perspective Tuesday 11 October 2005 What can all Americans do about their desire to see change in America? Practice civil disobedience. This flavor of action is not just for radicals. Civil disobedience is the role of citizens within the political system and has a much broader legacy than one was taught to think. Civil disobedience, practiced by various movements of people, has been responsible for forcing politicians to comply with the demands of its citizens. Civil disobedience is how "slavery was ended, civil ...

Help eliminate the government's marijuana ads
Post Date: 2005-10-12 18:12:10 by Neil McIver
Can you spare one minute to help eliminate the White House drug czar's outrageous marijuana ads? These ads have featured stoned teenagers driving over a little girl on a bicycle, one stoned teenager shooting another in his parents' den, another stoned teenager date-raping another, and a teenager who gets pregnant because she smoked marijuana. Another ad claimed that people who buy marijuana are funding terrorism. You can help end these deceptive ads for good by sending a letter to your three members of Congress. Visit to take action right now. With the ads overwhelmingly criticized as wasteful and ineffective, the Republican Study Committee in the ...

Educate Yourself About Section 6020(b)
Post Date: 2005-10-10 19:07:01 by Neil McIver
Dear Friends, Larry Becraft has sent out this reminder regarding the deadline for public comment regarding proposed changes to "6020(b)" regulations. I believe it is critical for Americans to understand the everyday practices of the IRS to understand how the agency has been deceiving the public for so long. It appears the IRS is trying to cover its tracks regarding its questionable "6020(b)" practices and I encourage you to visit the website mentioned by Larry to increase your understanding of the consequences. ************************************************************************************** From: Larry Becraft - Attorney at Law - Huntsville, Alabama Folks, As ...

Atlanta Freedom Conference In Atlanta November 12-13
Post Date: 2005-10-10 18:58:01 by Neil McIver
Freedom Above Fortune News Dear Friends, I would like to inform you of an event coming up on November 12-13, 2005 in Atlanta, Georgia, called the Atlanta Freedom Conference, which is sponsored by the Freedom Law School, Free Enterprise Society, Patriot Network and American Free Press. These groups, their members, and many of the invited speakers have steadfastly supported me in connection with my efforts to get the IRS to come forward and answer questions about the administration and enforcement of the federal income tax. The following guests have been invited to speak at the Atlanta Freedom Conference: Ted Gunderson, Former head of the FBI at Memphis, Dallas, and Los Angeles offices ...

Don't Buy Into American Slave System; Washington 'Free Man' Shows How To Opt Out
Post Date: 2005-10-10 10:15:36 by christine
Terry Lee of Washington was tired of being a slave. Since the American system is voluntary, he decided to become a sovereign citizen by using the U.S. Constitution, common sense and a lot of legal hard work. Terry Lee is a man with conviction and a sense of dignity, a hard working American who has had it up to his eye-balls with being a slave to the Corporate Republic of America. And make no mistake about it, whether you like the term slave or not, most Americans are exactly that to a system created to benefit the rich while taking advantage of the poor. It’s a system geared at using the labor and talent of many to benefit a select few, a system that Lee, who calls himself a ...

Rachel was bulldozed to death, but her words are a spur to action
Post Date: 2005-10-07 20:01:20 by Eoghan
It is disturbing to see our daughter played on stage, but it drives home the impact she has had since her killing in Gaza When our daughter Rachel Corrie was killed by an Israeli bulldozer in the Gaza strip on March 16 2003, an immediate impulse was to get her words out to the world. She had been working in Rafah with a nonviolent resistance organisation, the International Solidarity Movement, trying to stop the demolition of Palestinian homes and wells. Her emails home had had a powerful impact on our family, making us think about the situation in the Middle East in ways we had never done before. Without a direct connection to Israel and Palestine, we had not understood the devastating ...

Don't Buy Into American Slave System; Washington 'Free Man' Shows How To Opt Out
Post Date: 2005-10-06 19:24:12 by Eoghan
Terry Lee of Washington was tired of being a slave. Since the American system is voluntary, he decided to become a sovereign citizen by using the U.S. Constitution, common sense and a lot of legal hard work. Terry Lee is a man with conviction and a sense of dignity, a hard working American who has had it up to his eye-balls with being a slave to the Corporate Republic of America. And make no mistake about it, whether you like the term slave or not, most Americans are exactly that to a system created to benefit the rich while taking advantage of the poor. It’s a system geared at using the labor and talent of many to benefit a select few, a system that Lee, who calls himself a ...

Peace march coincidences
Post Date: 2005-10-06 15:39:07 by Eoghan
There was a big peace demonstration in Washington on September 24, accompanied by the usual coincidences: A few days before the demonstration, the Pentagon conducted a highly classified 'demonstration' in the Washington metropolitan area called Granite Shadow. William M. Arkin writes (found via Cannonfire "It's impossible NOT to presume conspiracy"): "A spokesman at the Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region (JFHQ-NCR) confirmed the existence of Granite Shadow to me yesterday, but all he would say is that Granite Shadow is the unclassified name for a classified plan. That classified plan, I believe, after extensive research and after making a couple of ...

The Corporation
Post Date: 2005-10-05 08:38:48 by timetobuildaboat
The Corporation I purchased this film based on the recommendation of Amazon and my previous purchases. I watched it tonight and was forced to imbibe a little. So excuse the lack of full lucidity on my part. But..... It was a extremely "on the mark film" for the most part and well within the bounds of a high recommendation on my part. The Corporation is very well done and covers much of what we see as a problem in our current world and goes into detail about the causes and symptoms of where we are headed. Truly well done in many respects. The guests, like Milton Friedman and others is par excellence and very eye opening. It covers things in great and appeasing detail, but yet ...

Former IRS Special Agent On The Radio Oct. 10th
Post Date: 2005-10-03 12:14:19 by Neil McIver
Dear Friends, Please spread the word. I have been invited to be a guest on WRMN 1410 AM (Elgin, Illinois) along with my attorney Robert Bernhoft ( ) on October 10, 2005 at 9:15 am CDT. For those not in the geographical area around Chicago, you can listen by clicking on the "Click here to listen live" link found at . Sincerest thanks to those who have continued to donate to my legal defense fund. I continue to receive many terrific letters of support and I read every one. I apologize for not being able to respond to each person individually but know that I do read your letters and appreciate your ...

Protesters Assaulted
Post Date: 2005-10-01 11:19:56 by robin
I am just glad that there were some cops at Walter Reed Hospital tonight, as a couple of dozen biker thugs descended upon the vigil, pushing and shoving, threatening to kick azzes, singling out some of us for special threats at home and at work. These guys are the future deaths squads that will operate in America if we do not put our shoulders to the wheel to prevent it. Ask anyone from El Salvador or Guatamala what that is like. Click for Full Text!

Civil Resisters Held Until 4:30 a.m.
Post Date: 2005-09-27 10:21:33 by robin
I just spoke to Barbara Cummings of San Diego, who proudly reported that there were seven San Diegans on her bus of arrestees from the White House. She said she was among the last released at 4:30 a.m. A total of 384 people were arrested and released, at a police station in Anacostia, well after the hour when you could get a Metro train or bus or find a cab. Military Families Speak Out shuttled people to a parking lot, where they stood and froze for half an hour, and then to Union Station, where they could wait for a cab. Barbara said the women were treated much better than the men. The men had their cuffs kept on tightly until processing, and were carefully frisked and had their cell ...

Paid for by British Council, claim that UK tested cluster bombs on Iraqi civilians
Post Date: 2005-09-24 20:07:15 by Eoghan
The British Council has been accused of fuelling anti-British extremism by promoting material strongly critical of the war in Iraq. MPs are furious that the council, which receives £180 million a year of taxpayers' money to promote Britain overseas, has gone as far as to commission articles that could damage the country's image abroad. One of the pieces, entitled ''They Got Him!!!'' and published on the council's website, accuses Britain and America of using Iraq as a testing ground for cluster bombs. Another article, "So where are the weapons of mass destruction?", blames Tony Blair and President George W Bush for "killing thousands of innocent people and destroying ...

As antiwar groups grow, so do their differences
Post Date: 2005-09-24 13:09:05 by robin
As antiwar groups grow, so do their differencesBy Charlie Savage The Boston Globe SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2005WASHINGTON Leaders of the anti-Iraq war movement expect 100,000 demonstrators to descend on Washington this weekend. But as it prepares to encircle the White House, the antiwar coalition is quietly divided. Some major groups, including the organizers of the protest, United for Peace and Justice, demand that the United States withdraw immediately from Iraq. Others, including, back resolutions calling for a pullout starting in late 2006. At a moment when the groups say they are steadily gaining support, each faction asserts that the other's message is undermining their ...

Secession from the Empire: The Middlebury Declaration
Post Date: 2005-09-24 11:50:42 by Eoghan
In answer to a growing swell of interest in realistic responses to the excesses of the present American empire, The Middlebury Institute has been launched by a group of activists and professionals to promote the serious study of separatism, secession, self-determination and similar devolutionary trends and developments, on both national and international scales. We believe that, of the options open to those who would dissent from the actions and institutions of a government grown too big and unwieldy and its handmaiden corporate sponsors grown too powerful and corrupt, the only comprehensive and practical one is some form of separatism. Exploring this option is not a step to be taken ...

George Galloway on Bill Maher's "Real Time"
Post Date: 2005-09-23 23:06:59 by robin
On now, from 8 - 9 pm PST. Repeats through the week. Yes, Maher's a flaming liberal, but he really zings some good ones. Tonight George Galloway is his guest.

Post Date: 2005-09-18 20:34:56 by robin
STAND UP! SHUT THE WAR DOWN! MARCH ON WASHINGTON ON SEPTEMBER 24 By Editors Sep 24, 2005, 18:38Email this articlePrinter friendly page From the Editors of Axis of Logic The September 24 Protest Against the U.S. Government could be the tipping point. U.S. citizens are finished with the regime in Washington. 60% of U.S. citizens are adamantly opposed to the war. The mounting casualties and deaths of U.S. soldiers in Iraq, combined with the failing U.S. economy and the abject failure of the Bush Regime to prevent the misery and death of thousands of victims of Hurricane Katrina have the warmongers in Washington on the run. It is imperative that you do everything you possibly can to join us in ...

Post Date: 2005-09-17 22:27:43 by christine
Poster Comment::P

Navy Veteran and Old Conservative Republican From The Heartland Wants Bush Out Now!
Post Date: 2005-09-15 20:13:51 by Eoghan
Founder of the 'Crocodile Council' says America's tank is almost on empty due to the neo-con criminals running Washington. Bob Marshall is the type of crusty, old patriot who speaks his mind and can smell a crooked politician a mile away. He’s the type of headstrong World War II veteran who doesn’t like his rights trampled on, the type who would like to take the Patriot Act and shove it up a politician’s ‘you know what’ where the sun don’t shine. And he’s the type that probably wouldn’t hesitate to take the whole bunch of crooks on Capitol Hill out behind the woodshed for a quick lesson with a leather strap, reminding them what really happens ...

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