
Latest Articles: Activism

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Alabama Activist Strikes a Blow for Freedom
Post Date: 2005-07-07 08:59:08 by 1776
Lawmakers, police to receive educational CDsby Stephen J. Speece In view of the activities by the Anti-Defamation League and its new, tougher hate bill, "The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005," HR 2662, I have taken it upon myself to try to educate Alabama's U.S. Senators and Representatives. To accomplish this I have mailed a copy of the CD containing the two programs, "The Dark Side of the ADL" and "What Famous Men Said About the Jews" to each of the men allegedly representing this area in the Federal Government. This, of course, amounted to only a small number of CDs. To further enlighten our benighted society I also mailed an ...

Rebels ready to face prison over ID cards Refuseniks will copy Australian tactics to foil scheme
Post Date: 2005-07-03 23:01:36 by Coral Snake
Rebels ready to face prison over ID cards Refuseniks will copy Australian tactics to foil scheme Jamie Doward and Ned Temko Sunday July 3, 2005 The Observer Hundreds of thousands of people are set to defy the government by refusing to carry ID cards, despite the risk of imprisonment. Campaigners say that a network of anti-ID card groups, ranging from hackers to anarchists, plans a series of assaults in the coming months to try to block the scheme. A £1 million fund is being raised to help pay legal fees if, as expected, prosecutions are brought once the cards become compulsory, probably in 2010. 'We have to show these [people] that we did not vote for them and that we will bring ...

Controlled Media Impaled on Horns of a 'Racist' Dilemma
Post Date: 2005-07-01 23:17:05 by 1776
...the poet like an acrobat climbs on rime.... For he's the super realist who must perforce perceive taut truth before the taking of each stance or step in his supposed advance toward that still higher perch where Beauty stands and waits.... -- excerpt from the Lawrence Ferlinghetti poem, "Constantly Risking Absurdity"LAWRENCE Ferlinghetti is no hero; he's not even a very remarkable poet. His associations with Jewish drug-addicts and homosexuals during the "beat" era marks him as questionable. But even scoundrels like Ferlinghetti can hit on a good idea or two. His comparison of the poet to a tight-rope-walking acrobat resonates in a sense with the way our corporate ...

Tampa: When Whites Gather
Post Date: 2005-06-30 11:46:02 by 1776
Tampa: When Whites Gather Report; Posted on: 2005-06-29 02:53:16 A day of beauty, of music, of White life and higher awareness... by David Daugherty and National Vanguard staff LAST WEEK, on the Saturday before the official first day of summer, the Tampa Unit of National Vanguard held its Summer Solstice Festival. Though the Tampa Unit has hosted small, informal Yulefests near the Winter solstice for several years, this was our first summer event. This celebration was also much larger and more elaborate than our Yulefest, but it was still very informal -- and a great deal of fun. The event was held on a very nice private three-acre lot near Spring Hill, Florida. A large Life Rune ...

"Lost Liberty Hotel" proposed on Justice Souter's land
Post Date: 2005-06-28 10:39:36 by rack42
On Monday June 27, Freestar Media, LLC informed the Towne of Weare, New Hampshire that it wants to begin the permit process to build a hotel on the land owned by Justice David H. Souter. Justice Souter's vote in the "Kelo vs. City of New London" decision allows city governments to take land from one private owner and give it to another if the government will generate greater tax revenue or other economic benefits when the land is developed by the new owner. Read Freestar's fax to the City of Weare here. Read Freestar's press release here. To learn more about the problem of eminent domain abuse see the video "Grand Theft BUILDING" below. Click for Full Text!

ACTIVISM ALERT: Contact Colorado's GOP in OPPOSITION to Illegal Amnesty
Post Date: 2005-06-26 07:35:40 by toddbrendanfahey

A "DO NOT CLICK" (friendly message)
Post Date: 2005-06-25 14:50:53 by toddbrendanfahey

Forty-Eight Hours To Stop The Broadcast Flag
Post Date: 2005-06-22 23:27:06 by rack42
The Broadcast Flag was Hollywood's plan to point its remote control at your digital TV. It was a set of bits in the DTV standard that let broadcasters meddle with what could be done with publicly available broadcast video - even if those restrictions stomped on your fair use rights. The courts struck down the original FCC proposal. Now, the lobbyists have turned to Congress. Rumor has it that a senator will introduce a Broadcast Flag amendment to the Senate Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill. On Thursday, the text of that bill is decided in a full meeting of the Senate Appropriations committee. If your state is listed below, then your senator is on the Senate ...

Ending Tyranny Without Violence
Post Date: 2005-06-20 22:24:46 by rack42
Étienne de La Boétie has been best remembered as the great and close friend of the eminent essayist Michel de Montaigne, in one of history's most notable friendships. But he would be better remembered, as some historians have come to recognize, as one of the seminal political philosophers, not only as a founder of modern political philosophy in France but also for the timeless relevance of many of his theoretical insights. Click for Full Text!

MEDIA RELEASE: Joe Banister's Trial Day 1 and 2
Post Date: 2005-06-17 17:40:54 by christine
MEDIA RELEASE: Joe Banister's Trial Day 1 Joseph Banister Trial Day 1, Tuesday June 14, 2005 This trial update is from Sherry Jackson of Georgia, Ken Guthery of Florida, Peymon Mottahedeh and K. Ross Johnston from California. Today the jury was selected. There was a pool of 60 jurists, but they almost ran out because many were excused due to preplanned/prepaid vacations. A few others had other type hardships, but finally 12 jurors and 2 alternates were selected. The charges laid against Joseph Banister are: - Conspiracy to defraud the government. This is based on Joe's relationship with Northern California businessman Al Thompson. Joe met with Al and his workers and told his story ...

One More Hate Letter [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2005-06-16 12:43:15 by Zoroaster
6/14/2005 One More Hate Letter Posted under: General— @ 8:51 am Hate Letters Department The following is an excerpt from another Hate Letter from one of my obviously not-so-enamored admirers. I thought you might enjoy my response so I will share it with you. Dear Mr. Duke: I commend to you the article by Paul Johnson, the prominent historian, in the June issue of Commentary magazine concerning Anti-Semitism being a persistent mental disease. This confirms what I wrote you several years ago, concerning getting help from a psychiatrist. Incidentally,while you are in the Ukraine, I suggest you visit Babi Yar. I am sure you are making a lot of money from your skinhead and ...

Antiwar protesters face federal conspiracy charges
Post Date: 2005-06-16 12:13:17 by Eoghan
The U.S. federal government is prosecuting four Catholic peace activists from Ithaca, N.Y., after a state court jury refused to convict them last year for their antiwar protest at a local U.S. military recruiting station. The federal charges made against the activists include “conspiracy to impede an officer of the United States,” a crime punishable by up to six years in prison and a fine of $250,000. “The federal government is clearly trying to make an example of these people and to intimidate future nonviolent protestors by charging these folks with conspiracy,” said Bill Quigley, a law professor at Loyola University, New Orleans, and an advising attorney for the ...

Thursday June 16th, 2005
Post Date: 2005-06-11 13:27:10 by noone222
Thursday June 16th, 2005 Host George Noory Guests Jerry Corsi, Alex Jones, Peter Lance, David Ray Griffin Upcoming 9-11 Roundtable Jerry Corsi Peter Lance David Ray Griffin Alex Jones Jerry Corsi and Peter Lance will team up against David Ray Griffin and Alex Jones to discuss whether Muslims acted alone on 9-11, or not.

Folsom Shooting Club Suspends Calif. DOJ Range Usage
Post Date: 2005-06-10 17:34:38 by boonie rat
Bill Lockyer Attorney General Suite 1740 1300 ‘I’ Street Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 RE: Department of Justice Range Use Suspension Attorney General Lockyer: The Board of Directors of the Folsom Shooting Club (FSC) has directed me to advise you, in writing, that Department of Justice staff, while acting in their official capacity, are suspended from using the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center (SVSC). The FSC is concerned that your staff will further your efforts regarding AB 352 and SB 357 while using our facility. The FSC is a non-profit corporation that owns and operates the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center (SVSC) located in Sloughhouse, California. Founded in 1952, the FSC ...

URGENT: Medical marijuana vote in Congress next week!
Post Date: 2005-06-10 02:48:00 by Neil McIver
Would you please take one minute to visit the Marijuana Policy Project's easy online system -- -- to ask your Congressperson to vote for the medical marijuana amendment that the U.S. House of Representatives will be voting on next week? If you have already contacted your representative, please visit to send an alert to five or more of your friends who want to see medical marijuana patients freed from the fear of arrest and imprisonment. Please tell them to act now! In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court's historic ruling on Monday, it's more important than ever that we push Congress to protect patients from arrest and jail. ...

Back to where we belong
Post Date: 2005-06-04 23:44:29 by rack42
Well, how will we defend our freedom? I've held the belief that at least 90% of the US population is terminally stupid. Anyone got a plan to get us back to the founder's vision?

Congress is about to expand the drug war
Post Date: 2005-06-03 16:32:29 by Neil McIver
FROM: Rob Kampia, executive director, Marijuana Policy Project The Marijuana Policy Project is forwarding you the message below on behalf of New legislation currently making its way through the House of Representatives poses a grave threat. If passed, H.R. 1528 will force Americans to inform on their friends, family members, or neighbors within 24 hours of acquiring any knowledge about their involvement in drug-related activity, including marijuana. Please visit to stop this bill in its tracks. As is often the case with new federal violations of civil liberties, this bill is constructed to appear as though it is designed to ...

Post Date: 2005-05-31 12:51:51 by christine

'White Voices of America' flier has residents concerned
Post Date: 2005-05-29 18:09:19 by 1776
Spring Lake Village resident Donna Smith is confused by a flier that's been circulated recently throughout Spring Lake and Grand Haven. The flier broadcasts an upcoming "White Voices of America Family Picnic and Political Discussion," although no date, time or location is mentioned. "It's very disturbing," said Smith, whose brother found a copy of the promotion taped to a tree in Spring Lake's Central Park. "It's basically saying White Voices of America want to have a meeting to figure out what they need to do. My husband is black. In Spring Lake there are probably eight or nine people who are black. It's upsetting. "I'm surprised more people aren't ...

Bilderberg Targeting American Patriots (AJ interview of Daniel Estulin)
Post Date: 2005-05-28 12:45:12 by christine
Daniel Estulin is award-winning investigative journalist who has been researching the Bilderbergers for over 13 years. Estulin was one of only two journalists in the world who witnessed and reported (from beyond the heavily guarded perimeter) the super secret meeting at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel in Rottach-Egern, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, on May 5–8, 2005. According to Estulin's sources, Bilderberg are very angry at the alternative truth movement and its opposition and exposure of Bilderberg's agenda. More specifically, the Christian Patriot movement in America was highlighted as a nuisance that will have to be dealt with. Listen

confirmed from John DeCamp's mouth: Suing Barbara Hartwell for libel
Post Date: 2005-05-27 14:23:17 by toddbrendanfahey

Sponsor a patient to use marijuana
Post Date: 2005-05-27 12:41:49 by Neil McIver
The Marijuana Policy Project's patient sponsorship program in Montana has been so successful that now we have a problem ... We cannot afford to help the rush of patients who are contacting our office because they want to use and grow medical marijuana legally in Montana - but cannot pay the $200 fee that would enable them to do so. Would you please keep a patient out of jail in Montana - or in Vermont - by making a tax-deductible donation at today? Last year, Vermont and Montana became the ninth and tenth states to make medical marijuana legal, thanks to MPP's intensive lobbying and public education campaigns (and despite heavy opposition from the White ...

Babylon Today
Post Date: 2005-05-26 17:54:03 by Lod
This looks like a most interesting site - I just found it thanks to the bots. Check it out.

ClownPosse working overtime...
Post Date: 2005-05-25 22:10:25 by toddbrendanfahey

FBI has secret docs - OKC
Post Date: 2005-05-25 20:15:13 by Lod
The FBI says it has located 340 documents related to the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995, documents that could reveal damaging information about what the agency and its informants knew about the mass murder plot, reports the McCurtain Daily Gazette. According to the report in the McCurtain County, Okla., paper, the documents address the monitoring of the bombing by FBI informants, Alabama attorney Morris Dees and Dees' organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center. Writes reporter J.D. Cash in the Gazette: "If proven true, the ramifications of such disclosures would be far-reaching. Not only could the discovery of these documents lead to additional arrests and ...

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