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Post Date: 2005-05-25 19:17:08 by Coral Snake
REVOLUTION FROM WITHIN FROM WHENCE A NEW CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT By: Red Phillips In the April 25 issue of The American Conservative, there is an excellent article by Marcus Epstein on the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). In it he details the sorry state of modern conservatism, at least to the degree that CPAC accurately represents it. I am not convinced that the true-believing spear carriers at CPAC are identical to the average grassroots, conservative, Red State, voter, but they certainly are the visible public face of conservatism. When I lived near Washington DC, I attended the CPAC two years in a row. I attended partially because I am a glutton for punishment, ...

Neither Party
Post Date: 2005-05-23 15:18:36 by Lod
We are a new internet-based political party representing a new paradigm of political activism. We represent the virtual voice of the reality based community. What we are building is the next logical step, after first admitting the present two-party system is dangerously flawed, and needs fixing. Now. Yesterday. We intend to be the catalyst required to mobilize those who are discouraged, dissatisfied, outraged or terrified at the direction our two party system is leading us, or those who feel that the political process is simply not worth their time or efforts. What could possibly be more important than the future of humanity and our planet? We will bring together many of the existing third ...'s Wikipedia Entry
Post Date: 2005-05-20 18:32:46 by toddbrendanfahey

Post Date: 2005-05-19 21:47:48 by NOLAJBS
Please see Border vigil planned for California to begin the discussion. The trail of money is telling ...

Victory -- marijuana will remain legal in Alaska!
Post Date: 2005-05-19 17:00:24 by toddbrendanfahey

Chris Simcox Is Editor, Publisher, Reporter -- and Minuteman
Post Date: 2005-05-19 08:21:46 by Eoghan
When a California schoolteacher got concerned about border security after Sept. 11, he did what any red-blooded American would do: He bought a local newspaper. He also started his own border patrol to, as he said, "challenge our federal government to do its job by threatening to do it for them." Chris Simcox edits a weekly with a wonderful name, the Tombstone Tumbleweed, in Tombstone, Ariz., but he best known as a co-founder of the Minuteman Project, a band of volunteers -- heroes to some, vigilantes to others -- who supplement the U.S. Border Patrol's staff by keeping watch on the border with Mexico. Some have labeled the group anti-Hispanic and anti-immigrant. For his part, ...

Alex Jones Airing Galloway Speech and Will Interview Jeff Rense at the same time
Post Date: 2005-05-18 12:57:58 by christine
Click the Listen Live link at the top right. Reading his words is one thing, but actually hearing them is quite another. Very powerful.

Minutemen return to the border
Post Date: 2005-05-17 07:12:17 by Eoghan
HEREFORD - They're back. Without public notice, about 64 Minutemen volunteers suddenly reappeared Friday afternoon along state Highway 92, between Miller and Ash canyons. The familiar sight of retirees in lawn chairs scanning the Huachuca Mountains through binoculars brought honks and thumbs-up gestures from passing motorists until the vigil ended Sunday afternoon. "I'm fully dedicated to this thing, to save America," explained Freddy Puckett, a retiree from Cochise. Standing in the shade outside his small RV Sunday morning, Puckett said he spent 28 days along the Naco line during April's Minuteman Project in an attempt to squelch illegal immigration from Mexico. So when ...

Newsweek Says It Is Retracting Koran Report
Post Date: 2005-05-17 06:19:11 by crack monkey
Newsweek Says It Is Retracting Koran Report By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE and NEIL A. LEWIS After a drumbeat of criticism from the Bush administration and others, Newsweek magazine yesterday went beyond an apology it issued Sunday and retracted an article published May 1 that stated that American interrogators at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, had tried to rattle Muslim detainees by flushing a Koran down a toilet. The original article was blamed for inciting widespread protests and riots in the Muslim world, where desecration of the Koran is viewed as an incendiary act, and where at least 17 people were killed in the ensuing violence. "Based on what we know now, we are retracting our original ...

Why You Need to Know the Scots-Irish
Post Date: 2005-05-15 19:56:53 by robin
PARADE Magazine Articles October 3, 2004 One of the most powerful cultural forces shaping America, they've produced great Presidents, soldiers, inventors, actors and writers. But, as a group, they've remained invisible. The time has come to change that, says the author. Going South on I-81, the mountains are beautiful-smoky from the haze that the sun makes when it burns into the pine. You may see cars and Burger Kings on that highway, but I am watching my own ghosts: tough, resilient women on buckboard wagons, hard men with rifles walking alongside, and kids tending cattle as they make their way down the mud trail called The Wilderness Road. It is here in the Appalachian Mountains ...

RimJob relents on the Minuteman Project, et al.
Post Date: 2005-05-14 10:05:03 by toddbrendanfahey

Post Date: 2005-05-13 16:18:38 by christine
Passage of the so-called Real ID Act has triggered a flood of emails and Internet editorials claiming that this is the end of the line. The battle for freedom is lost. We are now living in a police state. So give up. The New World Order is here. Yesterday, we even received a resignation from a member who said that there is no use in continuing the fight. Well, I have news for everyone with this point of view. The battle is not lost. It has just begun! Where have these people been for the past twenty years? National ID cards are not the end of the line. They are merely one more step in an ongoing process toward totalitarianism. The New World Order became a reality when the UN was created. ...

Health Freedom
Post Date: 2005-05-13 10:23:43 by Lod
The Natural Solutions Foundation is committed to preserve, protect and defend the rights of all Americans to make health choices based on their own best judgment. CODEX ALIMENTARIUS and legislation to take away America's health freedoms are threatening all of us. Natural, non-toxic and innovative treatments and health choices are under dangerous legislative and propaganda attack. The forces arrayed against our health choices have nearly unlimited resources. We do not, but we do have some things that the opposition lacks: WE ARE RIGHT!: Natural supplements, herbs, hormones, etc., are good for people and Americans know this. They do not want to lose the substances they rely upon to stay ...

The film US TV networks dare not show
Post Date: 2005-05-12 19:20:29 by Eoghan
Adam Curtis has recut his explosive war on terror documentary The Power of Nightmares into a feature film - and is taking it to the festival. But he's no Michael Moore, he tells Stuart Jeffries Power of Nightmares Theatre of confrontation ... Tony Blair, George Bush and Osama bin Laden There will be no red carpet for Adam Curtis when his film The Power of Nightmares receives its gala screening at the Cannes Film Festival on Saturday. There would be no point: his film has no leading ladies who could disport themselves in backless numbers or lantern-jawed himbos to vogue fatuously before the snappers. Unless, of course, two of his chief protagonists, Osama bin Laden and Paul Wolfowitz, ...

What Smells
Post Date: 2005-05-11 13:20:58 by Lod
Mash the URL for another good site. Has anyone here been able to connect to the Marshall Law site that was just mentioned on Alex Jones' program?

Did anyone hear Frosty Wooldridge on Coast to Coast last night?
Post Date: 2005-05-10 08:52:57 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Well did ya?

Where Babs Hartwell likes to Post
Post Date: 2005-05-09 22:28:31 by toddbrendanfahey

Blogger conference teaches the tools of reporting online
Post Date: 2005-05-08 13:34:04 by Eoghan
Bloggers -- those Internet-based writers without rules -- are fighting back against criticism that their work is unreliable, libelous or just poorly done. More than 300 bloggers are taking part in a two-day conference that's heavy on teaching techniques used by journalists in what bloggers term "the mainstream media." One class taught students how to access and analyze government statistics. `Citizen journalism' Conference organizer Bill Hobbs called blogging a kind of "citizen journalism." "If freedom of the press belongs to those who have the press, then blogging expands ownership of the press," Hobbs said. Right now, more than 8 million people write ...

Deport Illegals Activism Report
Post Date: 2005-05-08 01:10:17 by 1776
On Friday I stood for an hour in rush hour traffic holding a sign that said simply "DEPORT ILLEGALS" and "NATALL.COM" on the corner of Coffee and Rosedale Highway in Bakersfield, California. I got a lot of thumbs-up signs and 'I support you!' honks from middle-aged and young White males. This activism was in response to the thousands of local Mexicans who boycotted businesses and schools in this county alone to protest governor Arnold taking their illegal driver's licenses away. My response is "Take their licenses away? Instead let's just deport them!" I had some brave Mestizo lads yell and throw things at me from their car as they drove by -- but they didn't ...

Geldof planning second Live Aid
Post Date: 2005-05-07 13:44:58 by Eoghan
Singer and campaigner Bob Geldof is planning to stage a Live Aid-style concert to coincide with the UK hosting July's G8 summit of world leaders. Called Live 8, the event is expected to take place in London's Hyde Park but no firm date has yet been set. It comes 20 years after the first Live Aid was held at London's Wembley Stadium and JFK Stadium in the US. Live 8 will focus attention on poverty and disease in Africa but it is not yet known if it will also raise funds. Geldof's spokeswoman confirmed that the Live Aid Trust had been "discussing the plans to hold an event around the time of the G8 summit". Prime Minister Tony Blair will be joined by the leaders of the other G8 ...

Pro-Pollard activists hit schools
Post Date: 2005-05-05 16:25:35 by Eoghan
Dozens of activists sneak into 100 high schools, post signs titled “Pollard prevented second Holocaust” TEL AVIV - Dozens of activists from the Movement for the Release of Jonathan Pollard snuck into about 100 high schools across the country Thursday and posted signs titled, “Pollard prevented a second Holocaust.” Israeli Spy The signs note that Pollard, a former American naval intelligence officer who spied for Israel, relayed information regarding plans by Israel’s enemies to use non-conventional weapons against the Jewish state. “The United States kept this information from us in violation of agreements, thus betraying us,” the signs said. ...

Over 10,000 demonstrate against 'Israel'
Post Date: 2005-05-05 13:50:03 by christine
Over 10,000 Orthodox Jews protesting the existence of the state of Israel, and the recent beating of Orthodox Jews who protested in Israel against the uprooting of Jewish cemeteries of antiquity which was done in order to enable the construction of a highway #6, near Haifa, Israel – protest in front of the Israeli consulate New York City, Thursday, April 28, 2005 ******* It would appear that the Jewish people are as much victims of Zionism and the Israeli government as the American people are of Zionism and the U.S. government, proving again that it's not the people who make wars. It's the political leaders who use people as mortar ...

When the President Talks to God
Post Date: 2005-05-04 22:14:17 by Mekons4
From Jay Leno the other night, the most searing slam at Smirk in ages. Connor performed this at the very end of Leno on Monday night. The place went crazy. "When The President Talks To God" When the president talks to God Are the conversations brief or long? Does he ask to rape our women’s' rights And send poor farm kids off to die? Does God suggest an oil hike When the president talks to God? When the president talks to God Are the consonants all hard or soft? Is he resolute all down the line? Is every issue black or white? Does what God say ever change his mind When the president talks to God? When the president talks to God Does he fake that drawl or merely nod? Agree ...

$5 Parking Ticket Causes Chaos For All Pa. Meters
Post Date: 2005-05-04 22:03:25 by Jethro Tull
This guy is a wonderful example of tying the system up in knots. I realize it's impossible for everyone to go to this extreme, but whoever can, should. The system relies on compliance and if even 10% of us take summons, etc to the wall, they will lose money. *** ********** Towns Find Meters Not Certified POSTED: 10:55 am EST April 29, 2005 PITTSBURGH -- All Chuck Pascal wanted to do was challenge a $5 parking ticket. But his victory in a Butler, Pa., court has sent shock waves through the state and led some towns to suspend writing tickets. Pascal showed that Butler was in violation of a state law that requires parking meters to be certified as accurate every three years. Now, cities ...

Billy Jack's Crusade
Post Date: 2005-05-04 16:14:49 by Lod
Delores Taylor and Tom Laughlin have decided to take an enormous risk -- Why? “We disdain both political Parties. We believe that both the cowardly Democrats and the rapacious Republicans have become so systemically corrupt, that, as Senator Warren Rudman said when he resigned from the Senate, ‘This place has become so corrupt it cannot function anymore.’ It is no longer capable of representing the people, but only the special interests, the wealthy, and the corporations, especially the multi-national corporations. “We intend for our new film and this website to be a strong intelligent voice that brings consciousness, new ideas and real power back to the people.” ...

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