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Lennon FBI Files Put California Professor on Long, Winding Road
Post Date: 2006-09-04 14:51:01 by Eoghan
Jon Wiener's 25-year magical mystery tour of the Nixon administration's worries about the late John Lennon boils down to 10 pages. That's all that remains secret in a 281-page report compiled by the FBI in the early 1970s, when President Richard Nixon feared that the former Beatle might galvanize the youth vote and thwart his re-election, Wiener said. The journey by Wiener, a history professor at the University of California, Irvine, has taken him through the courts and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. The story he unearthed will be told in a documentary, ``The U.S. vs. John Lennon,'' that is scheduled to be shown in theaters this month. While a lawyer for the American Civil ...

Carol for Congress
Post Date: 2006-09-02 19:07:07 by Lod
Check out the candidacy of the founder of DeceptionDollar in her run for Congress.

Kinky for Texas Governor
Post Date: 2006-09-01 14:13:08 by Lod
Listening to the Kinkster on AJ's show today, I thought I'd give him a plug here. He swore that he secure our border and stop the toll-roads, among other things. Why the hell not?

Two boards down
Post Date: 2006-08-31 04:55:04 by bluegrass
Hi all- As some of you may know, two forums/boards that were quite critical of Israel have mysteriously gone off line recently. One is NOLAJBS and the other is Original Dissent. No one's heard from the board owner of NOLAJBS (No Longer Affiliated With the John Birch Society) and it seems OD went away within the past 24 hours. There's still a few places left, F4um for one. Thank God there's this little space to kick a little info into. More info as I find it. best, BG

TerrorStorm Texas Premiere a Huge Success!
Post Date: 2006-08-28 12:16:43 by christine
Around 800 of Alex Jones and Jim Marrs' closest friends filled the Dallas Lakewood Theater to near capacity on the evening of August 26, 2006, for the Texas Premiere of "TerrorStorm" and to hear Jim Marrs speak. The crowd was diverse; many races, many different political stripes, and people of all ages were in attendance. Jones opened up the evening with a stirring 30 minute speech, putting the "elite" on notice; people are educating themselves about the existence of state sponsored terror as a political tool, and they're not going to take it anymore. Despite the serious nature of TerrorStorm, the crowd was positive, receptive to Jones' message, and the audience gave the ...

C-Span "Book TV" Airs The Case for Impeachment
Post Date: 2006-08-27 06:22:31 by Itisa1mosttoolate
C-Span "Book TV" Airs The Case for Impeachment Dear Center for Constitutional Rights Supporter, We would like to alert you to a provocative and timely discussion covering Impeachment this weekend on CSpan's Book TV. This Saturday, C-Span will premiere an exciting 75-minute program featuring the Center for Constitutional Rights' Deputy Legal Director Barbara Olshansky and journalist Dave Lindorff discussing their book "The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office." The show was taped by C-Span at Robin's Books in Philadelphia in July. It will begin airing nationally on C-Span2's "Book TV" program this ...

Google Inc. VP tells television makers not to fear the Internet
Post Date: 2006-08-26 20:46:49 by Eoghan
EDINBURGH, Scotland - The rise of the Internet is as revolutionary as the invention of the printing press, a senior Google Inc. executive said on Saturday - but old media like television should not fear it. Marissa Mayer, Google’s vice president of search products and user experience, told an audience at the Edinburgh International Television Festival that the Internet innovator was television’s friend, not its rival. “We’re computer scientists,” she said. “We’re not brilliant storytellers or content creators.” Many in the television industry fear the inexorable growth of Google, and the Internet in general, will spell the end of traditional media ...

The government doesn't want you to hear this ad [MPP]
Post Date: 2006-08-24 13:01:26 by Neil McIver
The Marijuana Policy Project is about to release an ad on radio stations across the country that begins this way: "Warning! The government doesn't want you to hear this ad ... Because they're embarrassed they funded research indicating marijuana doesn't cause lung cancer, and might even prevent cancer. Government research also found medical uses for marijuana, and no one has ever died of a marijuana overdose. The more research the government conducts, the more they undermine their own war on marijuana users." The ad -- which you can hear at http://www.mpp.org/psas -- will begin airing on 141 stations nationwide on September 5. But we need your help to keep it on the air. As the ...

Goldi-Lox bans honway [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-08-17 04:49:04 by FormerLurker
Here's a link to the post that "Goldi-Lox" posted banning honway Goldi bans honway Looks like LP had a bit too much exposure and truth on it for the elite, who apparently are now calling the shots in a ploy to destroy it.

Photostory: The Irish Intifada - is Israel's latest war the tipping point?
Post Date: 2006-08-16 17:47:48 by Eoghan
All across Ireland people are out on the streets, cultural institutions are refusing to take sponsorship from the hafrada (apartheid) state and senior members of the Oireachtas (Irish parliament) are calling for sanctions against Israel. The Irish Intifada has finally arrived. Since the attack by Israel on a beach in the Gaza Strip which killed 7 members of one family the conflict in the Middle East has spiralled out of all control. Hamas responded to the Gaza beach bombing by announcing an end to its unilateral fifteen month ceasefire and carrying out a legitimate military operation (in terms of international law) against a Military Watchtower of the occupying power, inside the Gaza ...

Mexican police gas leftist lawmakers, protesters
Post Date: 2006-08-14 21:14:47 by Eoghan
Mexican riot police used tear gas and clubs to drive back leftist legislators and supporters protesting outside Congress on Monday in the first violent clash over a fiercely contested presidential election. Several lawmakers from the left-wing party whose presidential candidate narrowly lost the July 2 election were slightly injured when police swept through their protest camp. Demonstrators threw rocks back at the federal police lines. It was the first time the government has deployed police to break up protests that began days after the election and have until now been peaceful. "They hit us all, they fired gas at us. I still haven't recovered from the tear gas," Elias ...

Casa D'Ice Billboards
Post Date: 2006-08-13 11:30:15 by Lod
Hit the URL to view more of one man's efforts.

Hundreds March in L.A. to Protest Lebanon and Iraq Wars
Post Date: 2006-08-13 09:01:13 by Eoghan
Some participants are former Lebanese angered by the Israeli invasion Omar Abdallah, a 38-year-old North Hollywood convenience store owner who emigrated from Lebanon as a young man, was one of more than a thousand people who marched through downtown Los Angeles on Saturday to protest Israel's bombing of his native land, its treatment of Palestinians and the U.S. war in Iraq. Abdallah, who marched up Broadway and through the Civic Center holding a Lebanese flag, said he was drawn to the event because he is "against all war" and, in the case of Israel's war against Hezbollah, he has had family members in harm's way. He said he spoke by telephone Saturday with a sibling who said ...

The Tripwire and other advice
Post Date: 2006-08-12 19:19:10 by wakeup
"How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive?" -- Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Gulag Archipelago Click for Full Text! Also: Shooting Them Finally Comes Into Play http://www.lizmichael.com/shooting.htm Shoot 'em 2: The Bird Is The Word http://www.lizmichael.com/birdword.htm

LIQUID TERROR: Training People To Act Like Subservient Slaves -Terrorists planned to mix liquids so why are they all being poured into airport bins?
Post Date: 2006-08-12 15:04:04 by christine
The latest terror plot facade is nothing more than an exercise to assess how subservient the general population has become and a primer to making permanent the panicked and ridiculous freedom crushing security measures we are seeing being rushed into implementation at the moment. Whilst the government is saying there is no going back on these measures and that they will become permanent, the media is bleating about rushing in biometric retina scanners and Orwellian behaviour sensing technology. This is the only way they can do these things without backlash and protest, just have a major terror alert and rush them through. How is it that people can still deny that our governments are ...

Letter from Tessa (Larken's Wife) Rose
Post Date: 2006-08-11 23:43:32 by christine
August 11, 2006: Dear Friends: I am sorry it has been so long since I wrote. I know that many of you have waited anxiously to know the outcome of my sentencing and to know how we are doing. There were two reasons for delay. One was that, although my sentencing actually took place on April 19 (after being delayed twice), the judgment was not entered until June 16, for unknown reasons. So the time for appeal ran until July 16. The outcome of the sentencing was 30 days in prison followed by 5 months home confinement, to begin shortly after Larken's release date in January. Judge Baylson clearly did not want to put me in prison at all, but when it looked like he was going for six months home ...

A war resister’s invisible fence
Post Date: 2006-08-08 23:52:02 by robin
A war resister’s invisible fenceBy Mike FernerOnline Journal Contributing Writer Aug 8, 2006, 00:46 Sitting at the computer, wearing my official Electronic Monitoring Ankle Bracelet is certainly better than sitting in jail . . . but it still does a pretty good job of reminding you you're now in the criminal class.On August 4, Lucas County Common Pleas Judge Charles Wittenberg sentenced me for two felony convictions I got for spray painting “Troops Out Now!” on a highway overpass on January 1 of this year. Part of the sentence includes 60 days under house arrest, tethered to the 1,050 sq. ft. of my home in Toledo like it has one of those “invisible fences” for dogs ...

Aaron Russo on John Stadtmiller's Show Just Now: "I am NOT for the fair tax. I'm for getting rid of the Federal Reserve System." [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-08-08 18:16:06 by christine
"I don't want to feed the beast and the beast to me is the Federal Reserve System." Seems he's in agreement with Eustace Mullins and G. Edward Griffin, among notable others, on this issue. Poster Comment:Another out of the park interview. I recommend listening to the archive.

The Fudge Report
Post Date: 2006-08-06 22:08:16 by robin
Exposing the GOP. Click for Full Text!

Venezuela: The agrarian revolution, Revolutionary realism versus reformist utopia
Post Date: 2006-08-05 19:58:32 by peteatomic
The Bolivarian Movement is a mass movement that originated as a movement for the national-democratic revolution – that is, a revolution that stood for a programme of advanced democracy, but which stopped short of challenging the foundations of capitalism. However, the progress of the Revolution has inevitably brought it into conflict with the vested interests of the oligarchy. At every step the demands of the masses in both town and village clash with the so-called sacred right of property. Upon the resolution of this contradiction the future of the Revolution depends. The Marxists naturally supported the national democratic revolution and applauded Hugo Chavez’s courageous fight ...

9/11 Comes in August This Year
Post Date: 2006-08-01 05:36:59 by noone222
My name is Edgar J. Steele. This is a Nickel Rant. The massacre of over 50 civilians in Qana, Lebanon, more than half of them little children, may prove to have been the tipping point for international indulgence of Israel's genocide and certifiable war crimes. The outrage now flooding international media outlets and the Internet is of a palpably different quality from that prompted by the scenes of mayhem inflicted against the residents of Palestine and Lebanon during this most recent bout of Israeli excess. The simultaneous disclosure that Israel has been hurling US-made munitions containing depleted uranium at the Lebanese doesn't help, either. Nor does it help that people have not ...

Families bristle at word of tour extension
Post Date: 2006-07-30 09:11:44 by Eoghan
For some families of soldiers in the 172nd Stryker Brigade, the July 27 announcement of the extension of their tour in Iraq was just too much. Some of them are joining the ranks of the anti-war group Military Families Speak Out. “We’ve had a whole group of people who have joined since the announcement,” said Nancy Lessin, co-founder of the group. She was working to get an exact count at press time, and said e-mails are still coming in to the organization. “They are having meetings at families’ homes,” she said. “Many family members hold their breath until their loved one gets home,” and then speak out, she said. “But something like this puts ...

C-SPAN to Air Historic 9/11 Exposé, 9/11 + The Neo-Con Agenda Panel Discussion to Run on Saturday, July 29th at 8PM (EST)
Post Date: 2006-07-29 18:54:15 by christine
C-SPAN has confirmed that their coverage of the 9/11 + The Neo-Con Agenda Panel Discussion will air on C-SPAN 1 on July 29th at 8PM (EST). The panel features incredible presentations by 9/11 Scholars for Truth founder James Fetzer, BYU Physics Professor Steven Jones, President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret., Filmmaker and Radio Broadcaster Alex Jones, and Terrorism Expert Webster Tarpley. The appearance of this discussion on the nation’s premiere public affairs cable network is an incredible boon to the 9/11 Truth Movement. None of the 9/11 Truth events that C-SPAN has covered in the past are as hard-hitting as the 9/11 + The ...

Funders of La Raza (Time to Boycott these outfits)
Post Date: 2006-07-26 22:17:55 by BTP Holdings
Funders Aetna Foundation AFL-CIO AFSCME Alcoa Foundation The Allstate Foundation American Airlines American Express Foundation America’s Charter School Finance Corporation Anheuser-Busch Companies Annie E. Casey Foundation Bank of America Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund The California Endowment Carnegie Corporation of New York Caterpillar Foundation Charles Stewart Mott Foundation ChevronTexaco Citigroup Coors Brewing Company Corporation for National and Community Service The Cummins Foundation DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund The David and Lucile Packard Foundation E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company Eastman Kodak ...

The Alex Jones Show Sunday 4-6pm 590KLBJam [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-07-23 08:02:56 by Kamala
The Alex Jones Show Sunday 4:00pm-6:00pm http://www.infowars.com Veteran broadcaster Alex Jones brings his unique perspective to the KLBJ team with a brand new, hard-hitting news and information program unlike any other on the air. Jones is a seasoned investigative journalist who has broken hundreds of national stories during his career. He is an aggressive Constitutionalist who digs deeply into the facts to defend property rights, our nation’s borders, and the Second Amendment while he sends out a rallying call to the American people to resist foreign entanglements and wars for corporate interests. Jones eschews the bogus political labels of “left and right” and instead ...

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