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Eustace Mullins (national treasure) on Rick Adams Show Now on
Post Date: 2006-02-14 21:06:58 by christine
Click the link to listen live!

Iranian Holocaust Cartoon Contest Open to All
Post Date: 2006-02-14 08:18:15 by Zoroaster
Iranian Holocaust Cartoon Contest Open to All Announcement; Posted on: 2006-02-14 06:41:07 Lets make our voices heard! The rules for the widely reported Holocaust cartoon contest being held by the Iranian newspaper Hamshahri have been announced. Here is your chance to help test the limits of 'Western' freedom of speech and have your drawing published in several major international newspapers. In short, this is a chance that we as White Nationalists cannot pass up. Let's do our part for the international anti-Zionist movement and get those entries in! The rules of the contest are as follows: 1. Theme: "what is the limit of Western freedom of expression?" 2. All private ...

Who Owns You?
Post Date: 2006-02-12 15:14:05 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Who Owns You? 1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.) 2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816) 3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654) 4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg.113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288) 5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of operating under bankruptcy its finally over. ...

We Saw Aaron Russo's Movie "America, From Freedom To Fascism" Today! It's a Must See for Every American!!
Post Date: 2006-02-12 00:20:02 by christine
Aaron Russo and Bob Schulz from We The People were here in Austin today previewing Aaron's documentary. It was outstanding and actually brought tears to my eyes several times. Aaron's on tour with it so if he comes to your town, run don't walk to the theater! I've linked above where there's an article about the Denver showing and a preview. Aaron plans to take "America, From Freedom to Fascism" to the Caan Film Festival. Following that he hopes to take it to theaters nationally. I pray that he does because this could be the thing that educates and wakes up the American people.

National Security Whistleblowers Hearing
Post Date: 2006-02-11 10:31:39 by robin
National Security Whistleblowers Hearing Via Sibel Edmonds: February 9, 2006 Greetings, The hearing on National Security Whistleblowers by the House Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats & International Relations (Chairman: Christopher Shays) is set to go. The list of witnesses on three panels includes: Professor William Weaver (NSWBC), POGO, GAP, Mark Zaid (WB Attorney); DOJ-IG, DOD-IG, DOE-IG; Russ Tice (NSWBC member, NSA), Tony Shaffer (DIA), Mike German (FBI), and Major Provance (Army). We are working on getting coverage by C-SPAN; we’ll keep you posted on that. You are strongly encouraged to attend; this is the first hearing dealing exclusively with ...

Numbers (Cindy Sheehan)
Post Date: 2006-02-06 10:41:40 by robin
Numbers by CindySheehan Mon Feb 06, 2006 at 04:01:09 AM PDT The now famous black shirt with white lettering that I was wearing on January 31st to the State of the Union address originally read: 2000 Dead. How many more? That shirt was made by Veterans for Peace on the occasion of the 2000th U.S. soldier killed in Iraq. That tragic number was reached on September 25th, 2005. * CindySheehan's diary :: :: * About four months later, on the morning of January 31st, before my fellow peace activist and partner in patriotic dissent, Ann Wright, and I set out for our day's adventures, Ann put masking tape over the zeroes in the 2000 and wrote: 242. Thus changing the number to 2242, which was ...

Pain in the brain
Post Date: 2006-02-04 12:58:16 by christine
Pain in the brain Footprints of the elephant in our living room By John Kaminski The last four or five attempts I've had to promote my views via radio or television (New York, Tehran, Austin), I haven't been able to get my point across sufficiently to change the establishment nature of the program. It's frustrating. Over and over I keep repeating: It doesn’t matter who gets elected. All that stuff is a waste of time. America will continue to bomb and poison the world no matter who’s in the White House. Most recently on Jack Blood's Genesis news radio program I attempted to talk about what I believe are two key issues — side streets ... and the ...

THE BIG EVENT - LET'S START A BUZZ ACROSS THE USA (Aaron Russo Film - "America: From Freedom To Fascism")
Post Date: 2006-02-03 03:01:20 by Neil McIver
I am only able to send this brief message at this time - more later. I mentioned some months ago that there would be some big events in 2006. One such event is the preliminary screening of a film produced and directed by Aaron Russo entitled America: From Freedom To Fascism. Many of the people in the "Tax Honesty Movement are featured in the film, including yours truly. Two preliminary screenings of this film will occur - one in Denver, Colorado and one in Austin, Texas. The Denver screening will be at the Starz FilmCenter, 900 Auraria Parkway, Denver, Colorado and the Austin screening will be at the Alamo Drafthouse Theater, 409 Colorado Street, Austin, Texas. There will be other ...

Anti-pay raise group offers 81 candidates
Post Date: 2006-01-31 13:21:19 by Dakmar
HARRISBURG - Devon Cade is a bodyguard from University City. David Boyer of East Falls is a former Navy combat medic now studying psychology at Temple. James Babb, a Montgomery County Libertarian, describes himself as an "entrepreneur and musician." His ponytail spills halfway down his back. They have one thing in common: They are still so miffed at last summer's legislative pay raise that they decided they could do a better job. For a number of them, it's their first foray into politics. In all, 81 candidates kicked off campaigns for the House and Senate yesterday under the banner of Operation Clean Sweep, the grassroots group formed last summer during the pay-raise debacle. ...

Hal Lindsey Leaving TBN ... Refuses to Compromise to Stay on Air
Post Date: 2006-01-30 14:25:24 by Architecture - 3000 !
Hal Lindsey Leaving TBN ... Refuses to Compromise to Stay on Air The following is a copy of my letter of resignation to Trinity Broadcasting Network. I want to make it clear that I bear no ill will toward TBN. I am thankful for the opportunities of ministry they gave me. It is just that we have two different beliefs about how to deal with false religion and evangelize those trapped within in it. Here is the letter: January 1, 2006 Dear Paul and Jan, Paul, Jr. relayed your message to me that you are both in agreement on the policy of nothing negative being said on TBN about Muslims. Hearing that you also warned John Haggee, Perry Stone, Jack VanImpe and others of this policy caused me ...

Permission to Speak Freely
Post Date: 2006-01-30 14:05:56 by Architecture - 3000 !
Permission to Speak Freely January 30, 2006 by Taki Back in February 2003, The American Conservative ran an editorial under the heading “Free Taki.” Mind you, it was a shot across the bow of Scotland Yard’s “Diversity Division,” which was investigating me for an article I had written in the Spectator of London about British drug gangs. “The freedom of political speech is one of the bedrock institutions of the West,” we thundered, but it would be stretching it if I now wrote that Scotland Yard got our message and let me go. First of all, I was never arrested, just investigated. I had written that most of the drug gangsters were Afro-Caribbean, ...

How to Defeat Karl Rove's Battle Plan: a Memo
Post Date: 2006-01-23 23:36:39 by robin
Section One: Karl Rove's "Battle Plan" 1. Terror, terror, terror. 2. DIPSO (Damned Illegal Presidential Spying Operation) is vital, and only mimsy Democrats with a 9/10 mindset don't understand that. 3. War in Iraq is a success. 4. Tax cuts are good for everyone. 5. Bush's judicial appointments are strong and mainstream. 6. Corruption is not a Republican problem, it's a Washington problem * * * * * Section Two: How to combat this plan: Click for Full Text!

CPAC 2006
Post Date: 2006-01-22 22:27:54 by robin
Register today for the largest gathering of conservative political activists in the country! At the Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC February 9-11, 2006 JOIN INVITED SPEAKERS & PANELISTS Speaker Dennis Hastert - Senator George Allen - U.N. Ambassador John Bolton - Senator Mitch McConnell - Texas Governor Rick Perry - Newt Gingrich - Ann Coulter - Ken Mehlman - Wayne LaPierre - Bob Novak - Grover Norquist - Congressman Mike Pence - Fox News’ anchor E.D. Hill and many more! Students: Win an all-expense paid trip to CPAC 2006 by entering the “Why I Am a Conservative” Essay Contest! Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Look at that lineup! Feel the nausea.

Bush Crimes Commission
Post Date: 2006-01-22 13:13:25 by robin
Click for Full Text!

Post Date: 2006-01-15 19:55:51 by A K A Stone
The new season of 24 is about to start. Enjoy the show. Will Jack Bauer save mankind from the evil terrorists again. Or will our own government take him out, or maybe the chinese. Stay tuned and find out.

Feature Film About IRS Coming
Post Date: 2006-01-15 12:57:54 by christine
"America...from Freedom to Fascism" Aaron Russo, the accomplished Hollywood producer and director has just completed “America ... from Freedom to Fascism," a feature film about the IRS, the Federal Reserve and the New World Order. Russo’s films, which include "Trading Places" (starring Eddie Murphy) and "The Rose" (starring Bette Midler), have received six academy award nominations. Russo has personally won both an Emmy and a Tony award and his films have also won a number of Golden Globe awards. Mr. Russo, as writer, director and producer, is entering "America …" in the May 2006 Cannes Film Festival. Not unlike the showing of ...

Where's Eustace?!!!!! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-01-12 16:01:39 by christine
Legendary conspiracy historian Mullins mysteriously disappears — worst feared Famous author/researcher says, “Israel actually plans to exterminate the entire Arab Muslim population in the world ...” and now he’s missing! By John Kaminski Friends, associates, and admirers of renowned conspiracy author Eustace Mullins have gone into full panic mode over his mysterious disappearance. Mullins, 82, has been missing for seven days (as of 1/12/06) from his Staunton, Virginia home, where his cars are still parked and his mail and newspapers are piling up on the front porch. Local police say there's nothing they can do and are notoriously vague and ...

We Can Kill with Kindness -- Ourselves, That Is
Post Date: 2006-01-10 11:57:39 by BTP Holdings
We Can Kill with Kindness -- Ourselves, That Is Remarks delivered by NPI founder William H. Regnery, II on August 7, 2005 before a meeting of the American Renaissance Study Group of Chicago In 1940 whites constituted 30% of the world’s population. This number now stands at 15%. If this trend continues our fraction will plummet to 8% at mid-century. This decline will be the combination of an absolute white population loss of 100 million and an absolute population increase of 2 billion by the other races. Consider that within the first and second hand memories of people in this room the white race may go from master of the universe to an anthropological curiosity. This remarkable ...

Two Brits to Go On Trial For Leak to Press
Post Date: 2006-01-10 08:06:56 by Eoghan
Two British men were ordered Tuesday to stand trial later this month on charges of leaking a government memo in which U.S. President George W. Bush reportedly discussed bombing the headquarters of the Arab satellite news channel Al-Jazeera. Civil servant David Keogh, 49, and Leo O'Connor, 42, a legislator's former researcher, were charged in November with breaching the Official Secrets Act. Both men are free on bail as they await trial. Judge Timothy Workman said the men's trial would begin with a preliminary hearing at the Central Criminal Court on Jan. 24. Prosecutors allege that Keogh passed the document to O'Connor between April 16 and May 28, 2004. Details of the alleged document ...

Impeach is the Word: Jan. 8th & 9th
Post Date: 2006-01-08 20:47:34 by BTP Holdings
Impeach is the Word: Jan. 8th & 9th The good people at Daily Kos have decided that January 8th will be the first nationwide action for the guerrilla impeachment drive, so you know what to do: make a sign, put it up where people will see it. You can get together with some likeminded patriots and have a signpainting party over the weekend or you can employ the special, unpatented freewayblogger method: Just Do It.Although I'm all for organizing, I've travelled enough in grassroots circles to know it can also lead to paralysis and death. One of the chief advantages of the freewayblogging medium is that it can be done quickly, easily and effectively by just one person. You.Remember ...

National Day of Out of Iraq Events: January 7th
Post Date: 2006-01-07 10:22:20 by robin
Click for Full Text!

Bloggers have killed Official Secrets Act, claims Murray
Post Date: 2006-01-05 14:47:41 by Eoghan
Ordinarily we'd avoid mentioning the Government's unaccountable failure to gaol Craig Murray, in case we inadvertently reminded them of something they missed from yesterday's 'to do' list. But as the man himself so plainly wants to draw attention to his continuing liberty, we might as well just go ahead. Bloggers, says Murray, have killed off the Official Secrets Act. We wouldn't put it that strongly ourselves, but the Act certainly doesn't look well. Last week Murray, a former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan*, responded to Foreign Office attempts to suppress two confidential documents by publishing them on his web site and encouraging blogs the world over to republish them. Murray now claims ...

You're invited to the Playboy Mansion
Post Date: 2006-01-02 12:07:33 by Neil McIver
Come out and mingle with Playboy Playmates at the Marijuana Policy Project's party at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles on March 30, 2006. Visit to buy your tickets now -- and get a tax-deduction at the same time! Playmates will give tours of the mansion grounds, as partiers enjoy the mansion's pool area, with its lagoon-shaped swimming pool, waterfalls, and the famous grotto -- an underground cavern complete with love seats, flickering candles, and three jacuzzi pools. The night will also include music, comedy, and an open bar. This is an exclusive event with limited capacity -- we are selling only about 200 tickets -- so please visit ...

Nine job openings at the Marijuana Policy Project
Post Date: 2005-12-28 11:52:18 by Neil McIver
The Marijuana Policy Project currently has nine job openings throughout the country. The following positions are available in MPP's office in Washington, D.C.: * Legislative Analyst * Membership Coordinator * Web Administrator * Organizing and Outreach Intern MPP has one position open in Vermont: * Statewide Organizer MPP's Nevada campaign committee, the Committee to Regulate and Control Marijuana, which is campaigning to pass MPP's ballot initiative to tax and regulate marijuana in Nevada, has four positions open in Las Vegas: * Director of Communications * Field Director * Webmaster * Receptionist Additionally, the MPP grants program has issued "Requests for Proposals" ...

AfterDawn adversly impacted by new Finnish copyright laws
Post Date: 2005-12-26 21:11:12 by A K A Stone
Via email today from one Charles Trino, we learn of some horrific news. It seems that the Finnish website AfterDawn, is being dealt a serious blow due to new copyright legislation passed last fall. They are taking steps now to avoid possible litigation that could become possible after the legislation takes effect January 1, 2006. Here is a quote from that news report from the Afterdawn website. As Finland has traditionally enjoyed quite relaxed copyright legislation, the change is dramatic. Previously, copying for own personal use (whether you owned the CD/DVD/book/whatever) was perfectly legal and the authors were compensated by blank media levy. Now, the blank media levy will remain in ...

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