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George Galloway MP: Elements Within Government Using Terror Provocation Tactics
Post Date: 2005-09-14 07:11:45 by Eoghan
On Friday 9th September Alex Jones was joined on air by member of Parliament and prominent antiwar activist George Galloway for a riveting one on one interview. Mr Galloway discussed the rising tide of anti-Iraq war protest, the snarling Neo-Cons' plan for world war and the possibility of staged government terror attacks to justify the invasion of more countries. The Emerging Controlled Police State Mr Galloway kicked things off by asserting that the recent purposeful botch job on the part of FEMA in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, and the heavy handed police state like crackdown in New Orleans has backfired on the political elite. "The United States today looks like a country run ...

Sign of the times: dissent on America’s highways
Post Date: 2005-09-10 18:48:53 by Eoghan
With anger over Bush’s government and the war in Iraq, Americans have found a new way to protest. Ros Davidson in California meets the freeway bloggers It’s a new American graffiti – the art of freeway blogging. Americans driving to work or the mall are increasingly being confronted by guerrilla art, or political messages, strung across freeway bridges or staked on verges and embankments. Agitprop for the post 9/11 era, the signs are typically anti-Bush or anti-war and succinct enough to grab the attention of motorists whizzing by. Or cryptic enough to linger annoyingly, like an advertising jingle. As dissent over the war in Iraq and the Bush presidency grows, illicit ...

A Time for Action - Focus on Sept. 24-26 days of protest
Post Date: 2005-09-09 21:35:12 by robin
A Time for Action Focus on Sept. 24-26 days of protest by Justin Raimondo There is a time to talk the talk, and a time to walk the walk – a time for analysis, and a time for action – and now is the time for the latter. We need immediate action to stop the war – before it spreads beyond Iraq, before it bankrupts our country, before all the blood needlessly shed leaves an indelible moral stain that will shame us for generations to come. I read and write about this rotten war practically every day, and I'm beginning to wonder: when will it ever end? We've talked, and written, and discussed among ourselves until we're blue in the face: now it is time to act. Thanks to United ...

Petition to Fire Michael Brown
Post Date: 2005-09-08 22:39:29 by crack monkey
Sign it: Petition to Fire Michael Brown

Support the People of New Orleans: Sept. 7 National Day of Emergency Action
Post Date: 2005-09-06 23:16:23 by robin
Support the People of New Orleans: Sept. 7 National Day of Emergency Action Join a protest on September 7 see below for details of protests in Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle - or organize one in your community or on your campus. List your event on the A.N.S.W.E.R. website! What is taking place today in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama is a crisis rarely seen in this country. It has provoked an outpouring of concern for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Millions of people across the United States and around the world are watching in horror at both the scale of suffering and the lack of response by President Bush and the U.S. ...

SSN Inquiry from Robin
Post Date: 2005-09-01 03:28:39 by Neil McIver
Robin wrote recently asking questions about ditching SSN's. ---- Hi, I am wanting to unload my ssn # and am wondering how you do it - did you sign anything from them saying you are good to go, did they write you saying it had been done away with? Sincerely, Robin ---- Hi Robin, There's no official recognition from the government/SSA on the revocation of the number. The only time I've seen them do that is when they are issued to infants outside of the parent's authority and the parents fight a long administrative battle to make them wipe the number. Once the number has been used they generally keep it on file no matter what. The revocation procedure is not an administrative one. It's ...

In My Life I Loved You More
Post Date: 2005-08-30 23:01:11 by robin
Since I began my vigil in Crawford, an average of 2.69 per day of our nation's brave and noble troops died in Iraq for George's cowardly and ignoble war. 2.69 families per day have been devastated for no reason except that: we have to continue killing American soldiers because so many have been killed already. My heart and soul go out to these families who had a loved one killed so needlessly and avoidably. How many more are we as Americans going to tolerate before we force the reckless commander in chief to bring our kids home? How much more blood are we going to allow congress to wash their hands in before we force them to force George to bring our children home? We are doing ...

Announcements on Craiglist about Organizing Housing and other Practical Help for Hurricane Katrina Victims
Post Date: 2005-08-30 17:43:58 by robin
These are wonderful ideas, and craigslist enables such advertisment and annoucements by area. Red Cross Training Bay Area Artists lets unite to help the Hurricane Katrina effort!!! Craigslist also has local political forums with good stuff like this: Louisiana National Guard Watches Katrina From Iraq Funny how easily Republicans are willing to believe any cover-up, any BS propaganda, anything but the truth. It was announced that Louisiana was in deep shit and had to borrow National Guardsmen from other states because theirs had been deployed to Iraq. The rest following that is the administration tap-dancing to cover up their blundering foreign policy which has made the entire planet, ...

Thousands attend dueling rallies at Crawford
Post Date: 2005-08-28 02:14:01 by robin
Thousands attend dueling rallies at Crawford Bush supporters hold rally to counter Cindy Sheehan's anti-war vigilMSNBC News ServicesUpdated: 1:06 a.m. ET Aug. 28, 2005CRAWFORD, Texas - Thousands of Iraq war supporters and protesters held competing rallies Saturday outside President Bush's Texas ranch as he warned Americans to brace for additional sacrifice in Iraq.With almost 1,900 U.S. troops killed in the Iraq war, Bush's job approval rating has plummeted to new lows. He is under increasing pressure from critics to finish training a new Iraqi security force and bring the soldiers home.But in his weekly radio address, Bush acknowledged there was more work ahead for American soldiers in ...

Pro-Bush Bus canceled; local residents will drive to Crawford for rally
Post Date: 2005-08-27 08:33:00 by Grumble Jones
A caravan of a few vehicles, rather than a chartered bus, will take Brown County residents to a pro-Bush rally in Crawford on Saturday, Brown County Veterans Services Officer Billy Murphey said. Murphey said Thursday that he had decided to cancel the bus because there weren't enough riders to help defray the $1,300 charter fee. Riders would have been asked to donate $25 each toward the cost. Murphey, who is helping organize the trip, had made tentative plans to charter the 55-seat bus, but said Wednesday that only seven riders had signed up. He said he anticipates about a dozen residents will make the trip Saturday in four or five vehicles. Travelers will meet the Brownwood Coliseum ...

John Conner with the "Resistance Manifesto" Faxes the Whitehouse
Post Date: 2005-08-26 23:44:03 by Itisa1mosttoolate
John Conner with the "Resistance Manifesto" Faxes the Whitehouse [3 min 49 sec] - Conner is faxing, calling and emailing the Whitehouse to let them know that 9/11 was an inside job! - - John Conner, "Resistance Manifesto", June 2005 -

Texas Liberty Jamboree, San Antonio, Texas, September 3rd
Post Date: 2005-08-26 10:14:48 by christine
SCHEDULE of EVENTS at The Texas Liberty Jamboree - San Antonio - September 3, 2005 10:00 AM------ Joyce Riley and Dave vonKleist Radio Talk Show Hosts of "The Power Hour" on Genesis, Founders of Gulf War Veterans Organization, and producers of the videos "911 In Plane Site" and "Beyond Treason" http://( 11:00 AM------ Ralph Epperson Historian, Professor, Lecturer, Author, and proponent of "The Conspiratorial View of History" will explore the idea that "Tyranny is http://Constitutional"( 11:30 AM------ Jack Blood Neo-Texan Talk Show Host of the wildly successful "Deadline Live" on the ...

Friday Demonstration Against Pat Robertson's "Christian Broadcasting Company"
Post Date: 2005-08-25 23:22:45 by robin
CHRISTIAN LEADERS AND MEMBERS OF THE FAITH COMMUNITY TO CONDUCT PUBLIC VIGIL AND PRESS CONFERENCE DEMANDING FCC INVESTIGATION OF CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK AND PAT ROBERTSON'S CALL FOR THE ASSASSINATION OF DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED LEADER AND INSIST THAT ROBERTSON AND CBN APOLOGIZE DIRECTLY TO PRESIDENT CHAVEZ AND VENEZUELAN PEOPLE. For more information, please contact Diane Shamis 845-661-3754 Place: CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK News Offices, 1919 M St. N.W. (corner of 20th Street), Washington, D.C. Date: Friday, August 26, 2005 Time: 1:00 P.M. Reverend Yearwood, leader of the Hip Hop Caucus, and other members of the faith community, outraged by the call for the assasination of ...

White House Aides Claiming Bush Has "Flipped-Out" Over Anti-War Protestors
Post Date: 2005-08-25 18:57:35 by Eoghan
D.C. News Service reporting Bush has been using obscenities when Cindy Sheehan's name is mentioned. Doug Thompson of Capitol Hill Blue News Service claims staffers telling him they are concerned about Bush's tirades and short temper regarding anyone disagreeing with his policies. White House aides are leaking reports that President Bush has finally “flipped his lid” over anti-war protestor Cindy Sheehan, screaming obscenities and repeatedly “flipping the bird” at the mention of Sheehan’s name or others disagreeing with his policies. Washington insider Doug Thompson of Capitol Hill Blue news service said aides close to the President are becoming increasingly ...

A Message from Dave Baugh
Post Date: 2005-08-24 13:19:44 by BTP Holdings
August 24, 2005 Friends and Fellow Patriots, Now is not the time to be slack in our efforts to restore our sacred Liberty & Freedom to exercise and enjoy it with responsibility, and with overly abusive, intrusive government restraint inflicted by the humans we allow to run it for us. I have filed a Criminal Complaint against one insolent disobedient public servant, and now I’m following up with Civil Complaint for damages. Your financial assistance is needed, as to file a claim without payment of court filing fee is now equivalent to waste of effort. Justice is for sale, and it you want it without denial or delay, you must pay for it. I have another similar claim to file. My ...

Chavez offers cheap gas to poor in U.S.
Post Date: 2005-08-24 00:42:19 by tom007
Chavez offers cheap gas to poor in U.S. HAVANA, Cuba (Reuters) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, popular with the poor at home, offered on Tuesday to help needy Americans with cheap supplies of gasoline. "We want to sell gasoline and heating fuel directly to poor communities in the United States," the populist leader told reporters at the end of a visit to Communist-run Cuba. Chavez did not say how Venezuela would go about providing gasoline to poor communities. Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA owns Citgo, which has 14,000 gas stations in the United States. The offer may sound attractive to Americans feeling pinched by soaring prices at the pump but not to the U.S. ...

Baez is Back! Takes Camp Casey by Storm [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2005-08-23 15:34:56 by Lod
CRAWFORD — Shortly after Joan Baez arrived Sunday afternoon at Camp Casey II, she gave a press conference with the Gold Star Families, all of whom have lost loved ones in the war. She talked with them, and she cried with them. Ms. Baez returned to the trailer to prepare for her performance, speaking only in whispers when it was necessary to speak at all, saving her voice. She gave a moving performance, peppered with energy, emotion, humor, and humanity. She even showed compassion for President Bush, although she disagrees with him. She said she doesn’t make Bush jokes any more because they often offend more conservative folks, and that isn’t helping anything. At one ...

Salt Lake City Mayor Plans To Lead Demonstration
Post Date: 2005-08-21 18:43:27 by Steppenwolf
"Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson plans to lead a demonstration to protest President Bush's appearance in the Utah capital Monday." Science Daily August 20, 2005 Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson plans to lead a demonstration to protest President Bush's appearance in the Utah capital Monday. Anderson told the Salt Lake Tribune he hoped the demonstration would be "the biggest ... this state has ever seen," to protest Bush's appearance before a gathering of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. "This administration has been disastrous to the country," he said. "If people could organize and speak out in an effective manner from the reddest state in the ...

Police arrest five anti-war protesters, two injured, in march
Post Date: 2005-08-21 11:32:01 by Eoghan
PITTSBURGH - Police charged four people protesting the war in Iraq, two of whom suffered minor injuries from the police response, when 60 people disrupted traffic by marching the wrong way down a busy one-way street toward an Army recruiting station. The Pittsburgh Organizing Group planned the Saturday morning demonstration. A spokesman for that group, David Meieran, accused police of responding with "inappropriate and excessive force." Meieran claimed some protesters were pepper sprayed and Tasered; he said a 68-year-old woman who was not resisting was bitten by a police dog. Police spokeswoman Tammy Ewin initially said no pepper spray was used on protesters, but Sgt. Clint ...

Hypocrites and Liars
Post Date: 2005-08-20 21:58:45 by robin
Sat Aug 20th, 2005 at 08:55:38 PDT The media are wrong. The people who have come out to Camp Casey to help coordinate the press and events with me are not putting words in my mouth, they are taking words out of my mouth. I have been known for sometime as a person who speaks the truth and speaks it strongly. I have always called a liar a liar and a hypocrite a hypocrite. Now I am urged to use softer language to appeal to a wider audience. Why do my friends at Camp Casey think they are there? Why did such a big movement occur from such a small action on August 6, 2005? CindySheehan's diary :: :: I haven't had much time to analyze the Camp Casey phenomena. I just read that I gave 250 ...

There is Such a Thing as 'Too Late'
Post Date: 2005-08-20 18:16:56 by robin
There is Such a Thing as 'Too Late' by Ray McGovern Ray McGovern works for Tell the Word, the publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC, and is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. On Wednesday, he arrived home in Arlington, VA, after five days in Crawford, and shared these remarks with 300 neighbors at the close of a candlelight observance in honor of Cindy Sheehan. President Bush still refuses to meet with Cindy Sheehan, the Rosa Parks of Crawford, Texas, but there is some good news. While Crawford's Camp Casey (named after Cindy's son killed in Iraq on April 4, 2004) continues to be short on amenities, a sympathetic neighbor has ...

Pink Floyd's Waters puts operatic spin on history
Post Date: 2005-08-20 00:00:27 by Eoghan
Back in his days with Pink Floyd, Roger Waters took on the big issues of life. In high-concept projects like "The Dark Side of the Moon" and "The Wall," he grappled with such challenging topics as social oppression, the long shadows of war, the interplay of money and power, and the abuse of authority. Since 1989, Waters wrestled with many of those same concerns in a genre new to him: opera. The result, "Ca Ira," an opera set during the French Revolution, arrives in stores September 27 from Columbia/Sony BMG Masterworks. Spread over two Super Audio CDs and accompanied by a "making of" DVD and a lavish 60-page booklet, the recording features an ...

'Peace Mom' Leaves Camp, Her Mother Ill
Post Date: 2005-08-18 20:51:17 by christine
The grieving woman who started an anti-war demonstration near President Bush's ranch nearly two weeks ago said Thursday she was leaving because her mother had a stroke. Cindy Sheehan told reporters she had just received the phone call and was leaving immediately to be with her 74-year-old mother at a Los Angeles hospital. "I'll be back as soon as possible if it's possible," she said. After hugging some of her supporters, Sheehan and her sister, Deedee Miller, got in a van and left for the Waco airport about 20 miles away. Sheehan, whose 24-year-old son Casey died in Iraq, said the makeshift campsite off the road leading to Bush's ranch would continue. The camp has grown to more ...

Camp Casey, Day 11
Post Date: 2005-08-17 23:48:33 by robin
The right wingers are really having a field day with me. It hurts me really badly, but I am willing to put up with the crap, if it ends the war a minute sooner than it would have. I would like to address some specific concerns that have been raised against me. The first one is about my divorce. I addressed this on my blog the other night. My divorce was in the works way before I came out to Crawford. My husband filed the papers before this all started. It just recorded last Friday. My husband didn't know that it would become public record, and public knowledge. He had told his lawyer not to serve me with the paperwork or even bother me while I was at Camp Casey. He was trying to do the ...

Cindy: We're Moving Off the Road Onto Donated Land!!
Post Date: 2005-08-17 09:32:41 by christine
We're moving!!! Miracles happen all the time here at Camp Casey, and this one in particular is pretty amazing: Crawford resident Fred Mattlage has offered us his land as a new base for our camp! This land is a gift in more than one sense-- it is more private and secure than our current location on Prarie Chapel road; it provides us with more space to set up; and it's a HECK of a lot closer to Bush's ranch. The land is also adjacent to the church Bush attends while in Crawford, so maybe we'll get a glimpse of him this Sunday. And who knows, during his time in God's house he might just be moved to walk over and greet Cindy! But perhaps this is too great a miracle to expect. With this new, ...

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