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10 Unsolved Mysteries In The Lives Of Great Composers
Post Date: 2016-07-25 09:09:09 by Ada
The composer Edward Elgar enjoyed creating a sense of mystery: One of his most famous compositions is a series known as the Enigma Variations, of which he stated, “The enigma I will not explain—its ‘dark saying’ must be left unguessed.” While not every great composer has played with ambiguity as deliberately as Elgar did, many mysteries can still be found in their actions in the world of baroque and classical music, either in the works they wrote or within the events of their own lives. This list takes a chronological look at certain mysteries surrounding some of the greatest composers of music over the past few centuries. Click for Full Text!

Sacrifice or State Incompetence?
Post Date: 2016-07-25 09:01:06 by Ada
A hundred years ago, British units (alongside a smaller French force) attacked the Germans on an eleven-mile wide front in Picardy, straddling the Somme River. The attack was the attempt to break through on the Western Front, and in accordance with emerging artillery doctrine and practice, the German lines were saturated with shells for a week in advance. But when the artillery stopped to allow the British to attack, the Germans raced out of their deep dugouts, manned their machine guns, and mowed down the British attackers. Nearly 20,000 British soldiers died on this day, July 1, a hundred years ago. Many historians of World War I today argue that this battle was a kind of victory since ...

16,700-Year-Old Tools Found in Texas Change Known History of North America
Post Date: 2016-07-22 09:46:37 by Ada
Archaeologists in Texas have found a set of 16,700-year-old tools which are among the oldest discovered in the West. Until now, it was believed that the culture that represented the continent’s first inhabitants was the Clovis culture. However, the discovery of the ancient tools now challenges that theory, providing evidence that human occupation precedes the arrival of the Clovis people by thousands of years. According to the Western Digs, archeologists discovered the tools about half an hour north of Austin in Texas, at the site called Gault. They were located a meter deep in water-logged silty clay. The site contained more than 90 stone tools and some human remains including ...

Quashing invention, murdering inventors -- it's what governments do
Post Date: 2016-07-21 10:01:23 by NeoconsNailed
5 Lost Technologies That Will Never Be Rediscovered Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:From 2000 years ago to our time, a dismaying pattern. They didn't steal Thomas Brown's anti-gravity work, they just classified it -- which is about like censoring documents and calling them "redacted".

It wasn’t easy, but B-29 Doc takes to Wichita skies
Post Date: 2016-07-20 00:55:58 by X-15
Getting Doc off the ground for the first time in 60 years wasn’t easy, but on Sunday morning the the Boeing B-29 Superfortress finally eased into the air for what turned out to be a brief first flight. The Wichita-built, World War II bomber lifted off from a McConnell Air Force Base runway heading south at about 9 a.m. on Sunday and stayed airborne for about seven minutes before landing on the north end of the same runway. Officials attributed the short flight to an engine information sensor that turned on and prompted the crew to cut short the milestone flight. Still, Doc took off, flew in a sort of half-circle pattern beyond McConnell and landed safely, said Jim Murphy, ...

First farmers had diverse origins, DNA shows
Post Date: 2016-07-17 15:39:09 by Ada
Analysis of DNA from some of the world's first farmers shows that they had surprisingly diverse origins. Researchers compared the genomes of ancient Neolithic skeletons from across the Middle East, where farming began. The results shed light on a debate over whether farming spread out from a single source in the region, or whether multiple farmer groups spread their technology across Eurasia. The findings by an international team appear in the journal Science. The switch from mobile hunting and gathering to the sedentary lifestyle of farming first occurred about 10,000 years ago in south-western Asia. After the last Ice Age, this new way of life spread rapidly across Eurasia, in ...

2016 Is The Year All ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Were Proved True
Post Date: 2016-07-10 09:12:19 by EoghanG
July 9, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry in Conspiracies When we look back at 2016 we will remember it as a year when people started waking up. Countless 'conspiracy theories' have become mainstream facts. When we look back at 2016 we will remember it as a year when people started waking up. Countless ‘conspiracy theories’ have become mainstream facts – and we have only made it halfway through this momentous year. Old people may still be dozing in front of their TV screens and accepting mainstream news on face value. But the younger generations have started waking up and are starting to see things how they really are. The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was coined by the ...

The Nonviolent History of American Independence
Post Date: 2016-07-04 07:44:03 by Ada
Independence Day is commemorated with fireworks and flag-waving, gun salutes and military parades . . . however, one of our nation’s founding fathers, John Adams, wrote, “A history of military operations . . . is not a history of the American Revolution.” Often minimized in our history books, the tactics of nonviolent action played a powerful role in achieving American Independence from British rule. Benjamin Naimark-Rowse wrote, "the lesson we learn of a democracy forged in the crucible of revolutionary war tends to ignore how a decade of nonviolent resistance before the shot-heard-round-the-world shaped the founding of the United States, strengthened our sense of ...

The Unanswered Mystery of 7,000-year-old Ubaid Lizardmen
Post Date: 2016-06-18 08:45:07 by Ada
(Read the article on one page) It is a commonly accepted view in mainstream archaeology that civilization started in Iraq, in ancient Mesopotamia with the great civilization of Sumeria. However, there is an archaeological discovery at the Al Ubaid archaeological site, where many pre-Sumerian 7,000-year-old artefacts were found, depicting humanoid figures with lizard characteristics. The Ubaidian culture is a prehistoric culture in Mesopotamia that dates between 4000 and 5500 BC. As with the Sumerians, the origins of the Ubaidian people is unknown. They lived in large village settlements in mud-brick houses and they had developed architecture, agriculture and farmed the land using ...

240 Years Ago Today in 1776...
Post Date: 2016-06-12 12:55:41 by BTP Holdings
240 Years ago today on June 12th 1776 while the Virginia State Convention was assembled in Williamsburg, it unanimously adopted George Mason's declaration of rights. George Mason, one of our greatest founding fathers and thinkers put forth a 16 section declaration that would later inspire the text of our country's Declaration of Independence (penned less than a month later by T. Jefferson also from Virginia) and our County's Bill of Rights (penned a few years later by James Madison also from Virginia). It is important for American Gun Owners to know about George Mason's declaration even though it was only for Virginia because of what he wrote in section 13... "That ...

Italian paper distributes Hitler’s Mein Kampf for free, sparking outrage
Post Date: 2016-06-12 05:01:25 by Tatarewicz
© Fabrizio Bensch / Reuters A major Italian newspaper has published Adolf Hitler’s political manifesto Mein Kampf and distributed it for free angering the Prime Minister and provoking a wave of public outrage as well as condemnation from the Jewish community. The conservative Milano daily Il Giornale distributed the Hitler’s text as a free supplement to the William Shirer's ‘The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich’. The book is the first in a series of eight history books on the Nazi Third Reich, which are sold alongside editions of the paper. Partly autobiographical, Mein Kampf, which means ‘My Struggle,’ outlines Hitler’s ultranationalist, ...

Text on Antikythera Mechanism Deciphered
Post Date: 2016-06-12 00:30:13 by Tatarewicz
C2C A research project that deciphered text found on pieces of the mysterious Antikythera mechanism has provided a wealth of new insights on the ancient device. Dubbed the 'world's first computer,' the complex system of gears was discovered in 1901 and painstakingly reconstructed after decades of work. The reconstruction revealed that the 2000-year-old machine seemed to serve as an astronomical calculator that tracked major celestial bodies. Having rebuilt the machine, researchers subsequently turned their attention to the tiny text found engraved on pieces of the machine. Using advanced imaging techniques, the Antikythera Mechanism Research Project has managed to decipher ...

A Holocaust imposter? Pa. man lied about Auschwitz imprisonment and escape, historian says
Post Date: 2016-06-10 02:52:27 by X-15
For years, Joseph Hirt has traveled the country telling of his escape from Auschwitz as a wildly emaciated "60-pound skeleton with skin" who slipped beneath an electric fence to freedom and later to a new life in America. The Adamstown, Pa. resident has spoken at schools and libraries, in roundtables and to newspaper reporters, time and time again. But during a recent presentation to a group in upstate New York, a skeptic emerged from within his usual audience of admirers. Now, that skeptic says his research shows that much of the 90-year-old's harrowing story is a lie. That man is Andrew Reid, a local history teacher in Turin, N.Y., who on April 15 attended Hirt's ...

10 Interesting Facts About Slavery In Ancient Rome
Post Date: 2016-06-06 08:43:42 by Ada
From our perspective, slavery is one of the most controversial institutions of the past. We see slavery as an inhumane, immoral, and intolerable business, an unacceptable human flesh for cash type of business that none of us could tolerate. For the ancients, however, slavery was part of the everyday landscape, a completely recognized social institution smoothly integrated into the overall social fabric. What follows is a list of 10 interesting facts about slavery in ancient Rome, including several firsthand accounts so we can hear the voices and views of the ancients on this controversial matter. Click for Full Text!

Keep Hate Alive—It’s An Election Year! the ROOTS Racket Rides Again
Post Date: 2016-06-02 10:03:43 by Ada
The national appetite for stories—books and movies—about white people being beastly to black people is apparently insatiable. A blockbuster of this genre, which I’ve referred to as “Abolitionist Porn”, was the novel and TV movie Roots, back in the 1970s. The book, written by professional black guy Alex Haley, was published in 1976; the TV show aired in 1977. No one uses the expression "as true as a miniseries on a major network."There was great enthusiasm at the time about both book and mini-series. I’ll confess: I was caught up in that enthusiasm. I hadn’t been in the U.S.A. very long. I hadn’t shaken off my youthful naïvete about ...

101 Peculiarities Surrounding the Death of Vincent Foster
Post Date: 2016-05-29 19:07:21 by X-15
101. To my knowledge the following story has never been investigated. Debra von Trapp was a member of George Bush's staff during his presidency. She served as a computer surveillance expert. She worked with a team that has been described as Bush's "plumbers unit." In this capacity, she often worked with an FBI agent. According to von Trapp, [this agent] sounded drunk and extremely excited when he called her California home from Washington, D.C., at 11 p.m., July 20, 1993 (the day of Foster's death). She says she records all phone conversations. This is a partial transcript of her alleged exchange with [the agent]. AGENT: "We did him! We did him!" DT: ...

10 Interestingly Outlandish Conspiracy Theories About The Nazis
Post Date: 2016-05-25 09:27:48 by Ada
To say that the Nazis caught the world off guard when they unleashed their military might at the end of the 1930s would be an understatement. In the 70 years since the fall of the Third Reich, there has been much theorizing and questioning to find out just how the German military became as strong as it did so quickly. Some of those theories venture into an area bordering on absurd. Absurd or not, however, they are possibly some of the more interesting conspiracy theories of their time. Click for Full Text!

The Boarding Houses that Built America
Post Date: 2016-05-24 07:22:18 by Ada
During America’s century-long ascent from sleepy colonial backwater to great industrial giant, the urbanization of the country was funneled through a consistent apparatus: the boarding house. As Alexis de Tocqueville stepped off his boat onto Manhattan Island in 1831, he made his first stop a boarding house on Wall Street, where he found even New York’s governor would take up residence alongside men of considerably lesser influence. America’s democratic character immediately impressed itself upon him, as the French aristocrat marveled at the American, a person “constantly in agitation, as he was continually changing his abode.” A decade later, Walt Whitman would ...

White Slavery Denial
Post Date: 2016-05-22 19:05:35 by Ada
The currently approved conceptual framework for American race relations dictates that whites—all of them, simply by dint of being white—are oppressors. Any deviation from this rigid script, no matter how deeply rooted in fact, must be immediately annihilated like a blood-engorged tick. We are taught that black academic and financial underperformance—as well as black over-performance in crime—are the direct result of slavery’s horrid legacy. There are to be no other possible explanations. To note the hugely embarrassing fact that American blacks live far longer and under vastly superior economic conditions in America than they do in any majority-black nation on ...

The Benefits of Global Warming
Post Date: 2016-05-22 15:04:47 by Ada
No one ever heard of the truth being enforced by law. Whenever the secular arm is called in to sustain an idea, whether new or old, it is always a bad idea, and not infrequently it is downright idiotic. . ~ H.L. Mencken Those with ambitions for power over their fellow humans continue to speak of the threats of “climate change” and “global warming” as though they were expressing revealed truths. Religious dogmas can find their roots in scientific as well as theological thinking. Questioning either the “intelligent design” or “big bang” explanations for the origins of the universe can evoke angry responses from true-believers on either side of the ...

‘You Will Never Know War Until You Fight Germans’
Post Date: 2016-05-20 08:25:24 by Ada
For those, like this writer, who esteem the arts of modern fortification, Metz is the Florence of military architecture. I greet the spring each year in Metz. This imposing city combines the dazzling, art modern architecture of the France’s Maginot Line with the pre-World War I older forts of the great builder, Serré de Rivières. A short drive to the west lies the famed fortress city of Verdun, site of one of the history’s bloodiest battle exactly one hundred years ago this month. But few people know that America’s renowned general George S. Patton and his rampaging 3rd Army met their worst reverse during WWII in the fall of 1944 before Metz. Media ...

Trucker Wages $1.50 Per Mile 40 years ago! BJ & The Bear Pilot Episode Contrasts American Wage Disparity
Post Date: 2016-05-19 12:52:18 by Artisan
My friend Kenny Capell sends along this very interesting gem, about trucking and what trucker's got paid almost 40 years ago! Kenny, an owner-operator who drives with his wife, made the news last year when he was arrested and charged with 'obstruction of justice' in Georgia when he refused to show his ID to a DOT officer who had demanded he wake up out of the sleepr berth and show her his ID for no reason whatsoever. After dragging the case out for a year, costing him time and money, witless prosecutors eventually dropped all charges against Kenny when he demanded a jury trial, and they realized that they had no case. Federal trucking laws are VERY strict, mandating that ...

Ancient Irish musical history found in modern India
Post Date: 2016-05-16 09:27:50 by Ada
An archaeologist studying musical horns from iron-age Ireland has found musical traditions, thought to be long dead, are alive and well in south India. The realisation that modern Indian horns are almost identical to many iron-age European artefacts reveals a rich cultural link between the two regions 2,000 years ago, said PhD student Billy Ó Foghlú, from The Australian National University (ANU). "Archaeology is usually silent. I was astonished to find what I thought to be dead soundscapes alive and living in Kerala today," said the ANU College of Asia-Pacific student. "The musical traditions of south India, with horns such as the kompu, are a great insight ...

10 Recently Deciphered Ancient Writings
Post Date: 2016-05-15 18:24:07 by Ada
The ancients recorded their knowledge on scrolls, artifacts, and even cave walls. In some cases, the passage of time has erases our ability to understand a disused alphabet. In other cases, knowledge is purposely encrypted in complex codes understood by only a select (and long dead) few. There are many such ancient writings, pictographs, and ciphers that still defy understanding. Whenever one is cracked, it almost always yields exciting new information. Here are 10 decoded books, paintings, scrolls, and artifacts that allow us an unprecedented glimpse into the secret societies, lost libraries, beliefs, and rituals of Antiquity. Click for Full Text!

The Untold History of US War Crimes
Post Date: 2016-05-14 19:20:48 by Ada
In this exclusive interview, Prof Peter Kuznick speaks of: the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagazaki; US crimes and lies behind the Vietnam war, and what was really behind that inhumane invasion; why the US engaged a Cold War with the Soviet Union, and how that war and the mainstream media influences the world today; the interests behind the assassinations of President Kennedy; US imperialism towards Latin America, during the Cold War and today, under the false premise of War on Terror and War on Drugs. Edu Montesanti: Professor Peter Kuznick, thank you so very much for granting me this interview. In the book The Untold History of the United States, Oliver Stone and you reveal that ...

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