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Racist Israeli Supreme Court Decisions
Post Date: 2012-01-14 03:50:12 by Stephen Lendman
Racist Israeli Supreme Court Decisions - Stephen Lendman Two recent Israeli High Court rulings follow a disturbing trend. On January 11, divided justices ruled 6 - 5 for Israel's Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law. It denies citizenship rights to Palestinians with Israeli spouses. Enacted in 2003 as temporary legislation, it was extended twice after its initial expiration date. The law empowers the interior minister to grant citizenship only if affected Palestinians identify strongly and cooperate with Israel. They must also contribute to national security. As a result, few qualify. In addition, it limits potential eligibility to Palestinian husbands 36 or older and Palestinian ...

why do zionists insist on confirming hitler's description of jewish debate tactics?
Post Date: 2012-01-13 07:15:42 by lead.and.lag
"The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. "First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. "If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. "Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your ...

100 Year Old Prostitute Still Going Strong
Post Date: 2012-01-12 16:58:18 by abraxas
100 Year Old Prostitute Still Going Strong Wednesday, January 11, 2012 11:45 By Tessie Theuma – Happy fluffy story correspondent Sitting on her plastic-covered scarlet arm-chair in the boudoir of her Gzira home, one would be forgiven for thinking Doris Borg is just a regular sweet old granny. But while she is indeed sweet as kannoli, she also has a more illicit side: she is Malta’s oldest working prostitute. The silver-haired “anzjana tat-triq“, as she calls herself, celebrated her birthday on January 2, surrounded by prominent politicians, businessmen, lawyers and members of the clergy, all of whom were in costume to protect their identities. “I so enjoyed ...

Bejeweled in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, slammed for selling swastika look-alike earrings
Post Date: 2012-01-11 18:58:07 by X-15
A Brooklyn jewelry store came under fire from politicians Tuesday for hawking earrings that look like swastikas. The Bejeweled shop in Greenpoint has sold out of all but one pair of the controversial accessory — studs that closely resemble the Nazi symbol. “It’s totally outrageous,” said City Councilman Steve Levin (D-Greenpoint), who called on Bejeweled to stop selling the earrings. “They should be sensitive to what that symbol means to Jews around the world.” The swastika, popularized by the Nazis, is originally a symbol for eternity in Tibetan Buddhism. A Bejeweled manager defended the Manhattan Ave. store’s decision to sell the jewelry, saying ...

Racist Discrimination Against Israeli Arabs
Post Date: 2012-01-10 03:47:34 by Stephen Lendman
Racist Discrimination Against Israeli Arabs - by Stephen Lendman According to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), Arab citizens (below called Israeli Arabs) "are discriminated (against) in almost every aspect of their lives," including: • employment; • education; • healthcare; • housing; • land; • infrastructure; • political representation; • legislation; • personal safety; • socioeconomic status; • family unification; and • virtually all other aspects of their lives. According to ACRI: "One of the most important principles in a democracy is to protect the minority against....tyranny. A ...

Systematic West Bank Settler Violence
Post Date: 2012-01-05 04:17:22 by Stephen Lendman
Systematic West Bank Settler Violence - by Stephen Lendman B'Tselem's been on the story for years. Settler violence is longstanding, troubling, and largely without accountability. Since September 2000 alone (the beginning of the second Intifada), the toll includes 50 Palestinians killed. Since December 1987 (the first Intifada's onset), it's 115, besides many more injured, including children. With few exceptions, settlers initiate unprovoked violence. More recently, those under the "Price Tag" slogan rampage out-of-control. B'Tselem documented numerous incidents, including blocking roads, stoning cars and homes, torching fields, uprooting trees and other ...

Medical Slavery Through Legislation (1893 essay)
Post Date: 2012-01-04 00:02:06 by bluegrass
This isn't a well known essay. It should be. It's a voice of reason from the era of American history when reasonable people were aware of the encroachment of monopoly and corporate power on the legal choices that individuals were being "allowed" to have. As Americans are now well into their fourth or fifth generation of living under the heel of Plutocracy and the "legal" limits on liberty it brings, it's beneficial to revisit what was said of Plutocracy and its consequences before it all took firm hold in the early 20th century.___________MEDICAL SLAVERY THROUGH LEGISLATIONBY HENRY WOODArena Magazine November, 1893 Recognized science! Recognized ignorance! ...

Three Important Assassinations? Joseph Stalin, Leonid Brezhnev, Gus Weiss
Post Date: 2011-12-29 01:36:47 by Original_Intent
  Three Important Assassinations? Joseph Stalin, Leonid Brezhnev, Gus Weiss   The book is At the Abyss: An Insider’s History of the Cold War by Thomas C. Reed (Ballantine Books 2004).  From Reed we learn that the deaths of Joseph Stalin and Leonid Brezhnev, which were officially from natural causes, were, in fact, quite suspicious in nature.  That these two men were important historical figures as longtime leaders of the Soviet Union is not in question.  Gus W. Weiss, we learn from Reed as well, was also very important historically, probably the most important virtually unknown political figure of the late 20th century.  The reasons why Weiss’s ...

Grandpa, Tell Me Bout The Good Ol Days
Post Date: 2011-12-28 20:17:47 by wakeup

One of Bernhard Goetz's muggers kills self on anniversary of subway shoot
Post Date: 2011-12-23 14:14:57 by X-15
Exactly 27 years to the day after Bernhard Goetz — famous in New York lore as the “Subway Vigilante’’ — shot four young men he thought were threatening him on a train, one of them killed himself by swallowing prescription pills in a low-rent Bronx motel, authorities said. James Ramseur, 45, was found dead of an apparent overdose at 11:30 a.m. yesterday at the Paradise Hotel at 2990 Boston Road, law-enforcement sources said last night. He was in bed and fully clothed. Ramseur had gotten out of prison only 17 months ago, after serving 25 years upstate for raping a young woman on a Bronx rooftop. The shooting took place on Dec. 22, 1984, when Ramseur, 18, and ...

Post Date: 2011-12-23 13:02:41 by HOUNDDAWG
Atlantic City hotel apologizes to Bertha Rayner Frank for anti-Jewish discrimination May 21, 1907 In May 1907, Baltimorean Bertha Rayner Frank's vacation turned into a cause célèbre when she was confronted with the reality of anti-Jewish social discrimination. The recently widowed Mrs. Frank had been in residence for a few days at the Marlborough-Blenheim Hotel in Atlantic City where members of her family had stayed earlier in the year. When Frank went to reserve lodgings for two of her nieces, however, she was confronted with a clerk's inquiry as to whether her nieces were "Hebrews," and the accompanying explanation that "We don't entertain ...

1,100-year-old Mayan ruins found in North Georgia
Post Date: 2011-12-23 10:57:45 by Ada
Archaeologists have discovered the ruins of an ancient Mayan city in the mountains of North Georgia believed to be at least 1,100 years old. According to Richard Thornton at, the ruins are reportedly what remains of a city built by Mayans fleeing wars, volcanic eruptions, droughts and famine. In 1999, University of Georgia archeologist Mark Williams led an expedition to investigate the Kenimer Mound, a large, five-sided pyramid built in approximately 900 A.D. in the foothills of Georgia’s tallest mountain, Brasstown Bald. Many local residents has assumed for years that the pyramid was just another wooded hill, but in fact it was a structure built on an existing hill in a ...

Hemp: It's All About The History
Post Date: 2011-12-17 18:51:53 by bluegrass
Hemp: It's All About The History12-17-11 I like plowing through old agricultural entries, books and journals. Hemp is one of my favorite topics to research and not for the reasons that you might assume as obvious. None of us has ever lived in a world where we're "allowed" to even grow the most useful plant on the planet much less use it to its fullest potential, so looking at how hemp used to be cultivated strikes me as a fruitful endeavor. It's also a window into a world that's long gone but could be partially regained if only a critical mass had both knowledge and motivation. There's much knowledge and folklore about hemp that's been forgotten. Hemp ...

Seven Fokker Dr.1 Triplanes of Jasta 11
Post Date: 2011-12-15 19:08:47 by X-15
"The very rare sight of seven full-size WW1 Fokker Dr.1 Triplanes replicas in the air together. Each of these aircraft is painted to represent one of the aircraft/pilots that flew as part of Manfred von Richthofen's Jasta 11 in April 1918. As far as we know this is only the second time since 1918 that seven of these aircraft have been seen in the air together at one time (the first time was in 2007)." "Part One of a First World War battle re-enactment featuring awesome WW1 fighter aircraft, authentic military vehicles from the period and lots of explosions, gunfire and pyrotechnics! The reenactment was held at the Classic Fighters 2003 airshow in Blenheim (New ...

Patricia McAllister Interviewed by AmericanFreePress
Post Date: 2011-12-14 17:24:15 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Patricia McAllister Critical discussion about Zionist control over Banks amongst other things. Please share and educate people .. Remember "The truth is not hate speech!"

The Secrets of Ancient Rome’s Buildings
Post Date: 2011-12-05 14:18:22 by X-15
The Romans started making concrete more than 2,000 years ago, but it wasn’t quite like today’s concrete. They had a different formula, which resulted in a substance that was not as strong as the modern product. Yet structures like the Pantheon and the Colosseum have survived for centuries, often with little to no maintenance. Geologists, archaeologists and engineers are studying the properties of ancient Roman concrete to solve the mystery of its longevity. “Roman concrete is . . . considerably weaker than modern concretes. It’s approximately ten times weaker,” says Renato Perucchio, a mechanical engineer at the University of Rochester in New York. “What this ...

Half a German city evacuated after two-ton 'Blockbuster' RAF bomb is found at the bottom of the Rhine
Post Date: 2011-12-03 13:22:38 by X-15
Almost half the German city of Koblenz is under evacuation orders as experts prepare to defuse a two-ton ‘Blockbuster’ RAF bomb in the Rhine. The 10ft bomb, one of the biggest in the wartime arsenal of Bomber Command, was discovered after 65 years when the river level dropped during the driest November on record. The fuse is badly corroded, and the authorities are evacuating 45,000 of Koblenz’s 120,000 population to leave a security zone of a mile around the bomb - which is capable of destroying an entire city block. The evacuation - the biggest in German postwar history - will involve fleets of buses and 1,000 volunteers helping police and firemen. It is due to take ...

Racial complaints mire New Westminster Christmas parade
Post Date: 2011-11-28 20:08:10 by X-15
Organizers of New Westminster’s Dutch Sinterklaas celebrations will pull “Black Peter” from their traditional parade next weekend after complaints that the black-faced helper carries racist undertones. Members of the African-Canadian community had complained that Zwarte Piet, or Black Peter, a young person in blackface makeup, is offensive and outdated and should not be included in the Dec. 3 event. This will be the first time since 1985 that Black Peter will not accompany Sinterklaas as he heads to New Westminster Quay aboard a paddlewheeler boat. “We will not have Black Peter,” organizer Tako Slump said Friday.”We did all our research and came up with the ...

November 22, 1963
Post Date: 2011-11-21 20:51:54 by Itistoolate
David Howard" "If George Herbert Walker Bush had never been born, JFK would not have been assassinated and the attack on the World Trade Center would never have occurred.";title=APFN

Even Ghandi hated ni... I mean "blacks"
Post Date: 2011-11-19 09:04:17 by PSUSA2
Ghandi was right; penn and teller cry for the niggers.

Historians Claim New Research Shows Oswald Acted Alone in JFK Assassination
Post Date: 2011-11-18 11:28:09 by christine
Few historical events have received more attention or been more carefully reenacted than the assassination of President Kennedy. Yet as the country approaches the 48th anniversary of that tragic day in Dallas, a team of historians and retired Secret Service officers claims to have used new technology on old evidence to solidify the judgment that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. The NatGeo channel will air the new tests as part of a one-hour documentary this Sunday night called "JFK: The Lost Bullet." Historian Max Holland led the team that applied digital technology to a number of home movies taken on Nov. 22, 1963, including the famous Zapruder film. Holland told Fox News this ...

Massive extinction linked to ancient Siberian blast
Post Date: 2011-11-17 23:52:15 by Tatarewicz
Scientists finally know the date — and hence the likely cause — of a massive extinction that wiped out 95 per cent of life in the oceans and 70 per cent of life on land more than 200 million years ago. The end-Permian mass extinction — the most severe mass extinction ever — peaked 252.28 million years ago, reports a new study published Thursday in Science. Most affected species met their demise within 20,000 years — a blink of an eye on the geological timescale. In all, the mass extinction lasted less than 200,000 years, wiping out huge forests of conifer trees, tree ferns, big amphibians, large reptiles such as dimetrodons, mammal ancestors called synapsids and ...

Lincoln’s Assassination
Post Date: 2011-11-15 18:13:52 by X-15
In the single most dramatic moment in American political history, John Wilkes Booth assassinates Abraham Lincoln in Ford’s Theater in Washington. Booth leaps from the presidential box, raises his dagger over his head, and yells “Sic semper tyrannis, The South is Avenged!” Thus always to tyrants is the state motto of Virginia. In his last speech in Washington, “Father Abraham” endorsed the idea of making “African-Americans” citizens and voters. John Wilkes Booth was among the audience. He told a friend, “That means nigger citizenship. Now, by God, I’ll put him through. That is the last speech he will ever make.” Three days later, Booth ...

SNL's Bill Hader as Rick Perry - CNBC - GOP - Debate - November 12, 2011
Post Date: 2011-11-14 03:26:10 by wudidiz

Tesla gave him the nickname, “Curious George"
Post Date: 2011-11-09 07:38:47 by Itistoolate
Tesla gave him the nickname, “Curious George" (GHWB)

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